• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

in alphabetical order...(need more! see babombs post at end)


That's Latin for "cool"

A gnome alchemist learns that gorgon's blood might have properties that prevent scrying. She asks that the players capture one alive and present her with 10hp (one flask) of gorgon's blood.

She has a stone shed which the gorgon is supposed to stay in. A Knowledge (archeticture) or craft(stone) check of DC15 will reveal that it isn't well made and the gorgon will break out in matter of days. Wheater they decide to tell the gnome or not is their decision.

edit: next gray render!
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Inventor of Super-Toast
The party druid, on a brief sabbatical from the adventuring life. finds himself recieving small presents of meat every day he is in the wilderness. After a few weeks of these unusual gifts, a grey render helps him when he is ambushed by a pack of savage girillions. The druid accepts his new ally and returns to the party, but there is a problem; the render keeps trying to eat his companions. What's a druid to do?

Next: grick

Demiurge out.


First Post
an aquatic grick has holed up under a dock where poled boats are frequently launched. smugglers have been counting on the gricks daylight activity and using the dock to sneak in and out at night, but the smell of rotting boatmen is begining to bother them. they will attempt to gather help from someone who they think can kill it, or at least try, and are paying a suspiciously large sum for someon to "gaurd their boat until they can rturn at night"

griffon is next-


That's Latin for "cool"
Sooner or later any party has to travel from one part of the world to another very quickly. Teleports and gates are fine if one already knows where one is going, but that option isn't always available. If such a situation arises the party hears of a griffon trainer down the road. He is willing to loan out griffons for the party to ride that are somewhat slow (fly 70') but easier to handle (ride DC checks are made with a +5 circumstance bonus).

The catch is that he can't break a new, mature griffon he caputred from the wild. The griffon is muzzled and is tethered with a rather long rope, but it is very mean. Someone has to try to "break" the beast. This can be accomplished by a Handle Animal check (DC 30) or a Ride (griffon) check (DC 15). The players can try as many times as they like. Each attempt represents one minute of effort. Failure at Handle Animal results in d6 damage from getting knocked down. Failure at Ride results in d12 damage from a nasty fall. Remember that the Ride check can be made at DC 20 if the characters only have Ride (horse) as a skill.

edit: next Grimlock smash!
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Silver Moon

"Grimlock Smash! Puny human am no threat to grimlock, grimlock is the strongest one there is!" "Yes Grimmy, we know," the gnome says, and then asks the elvan companion "Why is it that we're dragging this thing along with us?" "Well, I didn't want to have to kill the silly thing, besides, its eyesight is much better adapted to these caves than ours is. They are also immune to a vast number of spells, inlcuding phatasmal force, darkeness, invisibility, mirror image, and so on. And we've already encountered a number of creatures that can throw a number of those spells, better safe than sorry."

"Grimlock no like puny humans. Grimlock smash puny humans to bits." "Yes, but he is so annoying the gnome states. Why couldn't we have run into more intelligent leader Grimlock, instead of this...this...." "Grimmy!" the gray skinned creature states, adding "Grimmy like little man. Grimmy think little man funny." "This is hell," the gnome mutters.

Next up: the Grippli
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First Post
The local leader has a problem the tapastry that contains his linage is being brought into question as is his leadership rights because of it. The history of his right to lead reaches back to a contract 700 years ago however being that the humans in the area have long ago lost the information he has hired the adventures to get the only other tapastry that has the information he needs. It resides in a village of the dreaded GRIPPLI feared frogmen from forest who never die. OK maybe the tree frogs have gotten a bad rap maybe it's just the humans fear of something different, so the group is packed off with a lame mule and a wagon full of bright hankie to go get the tapastry but when they find it it's not what they were expecting for it is now many many little pieces of cloth used for years as curtains

next up Groaning Spirit
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Inventor of Super-Toast
When did this phase-shift over to ToH?

After grimlock are the hags, so...
A covey of hags, one sea, one annis and one green, are the only creatures that know the location of a powerful lost artifact, one that could raise its possesser to godhood under the proper conditions. All three of them desire the item, and all of them continually quest for the item while simultaneously trying to sabotage the others. Will the PCs follow the hags to the item and try to claim it? What will happen if a hag manages to attain divinity?

Next is halfling.
Demiurge out.

Silver Moon

demiurge1138 said:
When did this phase-shift over to ToH?
Oops, sorry. Kriskrafts and I own several 3E books, but the Monster Manual isn't one of them, so we had to guess based on prior edition versions. Back to the game.....er, story...

The wizard explained to the adventurers that one of the most special holidays for the halfling is Pie Day. This is an annual celebration held in autumn, when the various fruits (apples, pears, etc) are the ripest. If a sampling of body fluids was taken from a halfling on this particular day a Potion of Halfling Control could be made at twice the normal potency given the increase in adreneline and the vast consumption of fruits in the halfling's system. "Great", the human sarcatically grumbled to the elf "We get to go collect halfling spit. I want a raise."

Next up: (I have no idea. My guess would be Harpy, but I'll let somebody else confirm that).
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Voidrunner's Codex

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