In Defiance of Dragons--Protectors IC

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The people look at Valamir, as if weighing how much they should tell this unusual individual.

Sounds like a good place for a Streetwise check.


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Osric moved up beside Valamir, and scanned the crowd for any faces that might be helpful. If the town guards were around, he wanted to report at least some of what they had seen out on the trail- and then he would have to find the merchant to see how he was doing...

Walking Dad

First Post
As Penance tries to reach the others, he got struck in the crowd...
Streetwise (1d20+2=12)

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 13 Insight: 18 Low-light Vision
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 11 Will 15
Hit Points: 22 / 22 Bloodied: 11
Healing Surge: 5 Surges per day: 3/7
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Divine Glow, Healing Word 2/2, Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune, Turn Undead)
Daily Powers: Guardian of Faith


First Post
Mirna, Valamir and Osric ask a few questions and discover that some sort of fight has taken place at the home of Skravress, a dragonborn member of the guard. It takes little deduction to realize that Phillian will likely be there, dealing with the resultant mess. Osric, at least, is aware that Skravress is well known for his temper and penchant for cruelty.

Penance is able to learn of the disturbance as well, and is only a few moments behind the others.

The scene, when you arrive, is one of organized chaos. Several members of the guard are blocking traffic from approaching the house in question, although a sizeable congestion of passers-by is clogging the street. In the opening of the fence surrounding Skravress' house stands Phillian, carefully studying the scene within. Just outside the wall lie two wounded, chained individuals. Osric recognizes Jaden, a young halfling who has expressed a desire to join the guard, and Mirna recognizes Galdr, a tiefling whose grandfather was banished a couple of years ago for practicing the arcane arts withing the town. Skravress, barely restrained by two burly guardsmen, looms over the two prisoners, clearly ready to finish what his pets began.


First Post

"Excuse me, pardon me..." Valamir says as he pushes his way to the front of the crowd. He stands at the front of the crowd, arms crossed over his chest, staring at Phillian, waiting for the wizard to notice him.


Mirna turns back to everyone. It's a good thing that you came to the tower first and that I knew where Phillian was. She gives them all a her best mix of pleading and threatening look (which consists of pushing out her bottom lip and pushing her brows together in a scowl -- her attitude makes it clear that she thinks this is a "serious face").

Mirna makes to slide past the guards and up to Phillian. If they try to block her she makes a casual gesture to the motley troop behind her. They're reporting to Phillian, she says, "It's urgent."

[sblock=ooc]Since that's all technically true I'm hoping this will be a diplomacy check +5 (not a bluff check +0).[/sblock]

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