In Defiance of Dragons: Young Rebels IC


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OOC Thread

Tribute season is always a little grim for those on the fringe of Evenfall’s society. The guards have less sympathy for the unimportant, and being unimportant means they can ill afford to lose what little they have. It’s not uncommon to see someone resist the collection and wind up on the wrong side of a locked door for their troubles.

This is not to say that the town is full of malcontents, or that Norsten and the guardsmen are evil or even uncaring. The tribute keeps everyone safe from Rhixallithen’s fury, and alive and poor is better than dead. The problems tend to arise when the line between them becomes blurred.

Sure enough, this collection season is just like most, and each of you have witnessed a moment or two of such desperation as Norsten’s crew worked through the town to raise the required funds. It has been several days since Norsten returned from his ‘gathering’ mission to the outlying settlements, and the tribute is nearing completion.

[sblock=Bheazir] Something has been odd about Bheazir’s grandfather for the past few days, ever since the younger half-elf returned from an afternoon-long discussion with Akhara. Bheazir hasn’t been able to discover the cause for this change in behavior, but it seems as if his grandfather is trying to hide something from him.

Finally, as the collection period ends, Bheazir finally realizes what else has been bothering him. The guards haven’t been by the cottage to take anything for the tribute.[/sblock]

[sblock=Akhara] Tribute season is actually a pleasant time for Akhara usually. Bertran and the other guards are usually in a better mood, and the jail often provides Akhara with some form of company, even if those being held are not friendly. Something seems different this season however, and Akhara has been on edge for a few days. He has noticed a greater level of cruelty in some of the guards when they bring people in to the jail, and he has heard Mason discussing the tribute with a sharp-edged enthusiasm that he hasn’t heard in the past. Something has changed, although Akhara can’t put his finger on it.

Akhara has also been able to talk to several of the other ‘guests’, at least until Mason convinced them to go back to their lives and forget their losses. With some it took more effort than usual. One such struggle was with an aging human who insisted to Mason that the necklace that had been taken from his daughter was her only reminder of her mother, dead these past four years. In his depression, he described the necklace in detail to Akhara, a silver chain with delicate star pendant.[/sblock]

[sblock=Corbin] Tribute season is a necessary evil to Corbin. He knows the hardship that it presents to many, but he has also seen the horrors of Rhixallithen’s displeasure. The tempers seem to be more flammable this year than in the past, however. He knows that his employer, Otram the jeweler, has been in a black mood for days, ever since Norsten came and demanded more than he had ever taken before. Corbin also knows that those who make their living off the river have been hit unusually hard.

To make matters worse, On his most recent visit to the ruined remains of the Halfling community he had been raised in, Corbin saw obvious signs of disturbance amid the rubble. Something, or more likely someone, has been digging through the decade-old village, as if looking for something. Corbin was unable to find the culprit, or to find any better indication as to its identity. [/sblock]

[sblock=Jaden] Jaden’s family has enough that they can withstand the belt-tightening of tribute season, but the young Halfling is not completely oblivious to the impact it has on others in the town. It is impossible to walk the streets of Evenfall without noticing the sorrow and resentment on many faces. He has also noticed, much to his frustration, that those emotions are even more apparent whenever Skravress is in the area. Something is going on with that dragonborn, and the recent 'disturbance' hasn't changed things in the least. [/sblock]

[sblock=Galdr] The guards were especially hard on Galdr this year when they came for his portion of the tribute. They sneered at his anger, and they laughed at his threats. Then two of them held him as the third, a wiry human named Benn, went through the house and took several items of some value, including an old tome that had belonged to Galdr’s grandfather. It was ornate, but was written in a language the tiefling couldn’t read. The guards seemed more interested in the obvious value of the cover than they were in its contents, however, and the left, saying, This should cover the rest of your share, this year. I guess you get to keep your home until next time.

OOC: I hope you don’t feel too railroaded with this, but don’t forget that using magic in town, the only way you could likely resist, would get you banished and that would likely preclude you from participating in the campaign, at least for now.[/sblock]
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[sblock=From grandson to grandfather]"I passed by Hazel's house earlier today. We'd run out of Masterwork and Feverfew for your medicine."
Bheazir notes, more to himself than his grandfather Dhealain seated near the window, as he carefully minces a mixture of herbs.

"She wouldn't talk much."

Carefully, Bheazir scoops up the herbage and into a small pot of boiling water.

"Unusual for a talkative Halfling like her, I'd say".

Stiring the brew three times, the young Half-elf turns over his shoulder to the elder Dhealain, staring out at the slowly setting sun.

"True. Some townsfolk like to avoid us for the most part these days. Afraid to tarnish their standing. Ha! But Hazel's never was a women to be pushed over lightly. She's been in Evenfall longer than most, even you, hasn't she?"

Stretchin to reach a high cupbord, Bheazir carefully fishes two heavy earthen mugs from above the oven.

"Either way, as I left, I saw that someone has dug up her herb garden. And good. All just a big ugly mess now."

With practiced motions he fills the cups with steaming tea, before walking over to the small table crammed into the westward corner of the cottage.

"Often I do think that this is the worst. Not the bullying of the guards, nor the lot of gold going.. well.. away. But the mistrust among the people! Everyone just turns to themselves. Afraid to talk to much for who knows who might hear or tell something. Secrets everwhere."

Pushing one of the mugs over the table, Bheazir sits down comfortable on the remaining chair, carefully studying his grandfathers face.

"Don't you agree Yaaraer Dhealain?" [/sblock]


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[sblock=Corbin's Actions (Redclaw & Jaden)]
Corbin will be on edge himself, although he won't tell anyone why. After his investigations are fruitless in the villiage ruins, Corbin will go see Jaden to ask him if the other halfling's heard anything.

Corbin will also talk to Otram, hoping to glean any information out of him. "Norsten's been gone awhile, whaddya s'pose is taking him? What's going on this year Otram, ya heard anything outta tha ordinary? Seems worse than ever this year. " Corbin asks the jeweler

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
[sblock=Akhara in prison]

When Akhara hears the old man's tale, he tries to offer some comfort: "These are tough times, indeed, friend, but there is no need for such a violation. I can promise nothing, but certainly if I come across such a pendant, I would work to return it to you. What is your daughter's name?" (When Akhara hear the name, he will nod, indicating passing familiarity if it exists, or else ask for some further locator if needed.) "This will offer you little comfort, I suspect, but this year's tribute has been particularly exacting for many."

Akhara keeps his distance, knowing that humans appreciate personal space, particularly in the company of saurians. In the morning, Akhara does not make a point of saying farewell to the old man -- he expects to see him again -- but does leave the cell with any others that might be released after their night's stay. Akhara's duties are never specified in advance -- there are always skins for tanning near the blacksmith's, and he will be told if there is a particular task that demands his attention. Nevertheless, Akhara does not set to work today, but begins to ask those he feels comfortable asking if there are any reasons why this year is so bad.

(Akhara is not looking to solve the puzzle himself; he is hoping, though, that he might have access to some information that others would miss [Aid Another], which in combination with other investigations might yield a result.)



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[sblock=Redclaw and Corbin]
Like most days Jaden set off to do his morning 'prayers'. He quietly slid away from the village to an old dilapidated shack just inside the forest. Of course, Jaden didn't perform his prayers in a traditional way. His method of prayer was one of action.

Checking carefully that he was well alone Jaden carefully drew the sword his mother had gifted him from it's hiding place. It felt cool and familiar in his grip now. It flowed smoothly through the air, slicing the breeze like an extension of his arm. Not yet a part of him but Jaden felt he was on the path. He had come a long way since that first encounter with the scaly terror.

And suddenly, his calm was shaken. Just for a moment but enough for him to overextend the blade and knick a tree. Skravress had been particularly smug and satisfied of late. The brute always got a little meaner and a little happier around collection time but this was different. The lizard was up to something and Jaden could feel it. Previous attempts at exposing the bullying thief had failed but Jaden didn't know what more to do. He wasn't ready yet to fight him. Still, something had to be done. Skravress seemed to be about something lately and experience said it probably wasn't good. Jaden had to find out what. But first, he had to get his movements right and replace his calm. The first thing he'd taught himself when he took to training himself was that a warrior was only as good and unshakable as his calm. Jaden would do nothing until he restored his.[/sblock]


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[sblock=Bheazir] Dhealain turns his rheumy eyes on his grandson, a strong sense of sorrow evident in his expression. "It is a sad time, my boy, not like it used to be. I remember when Athelberg stood proud and strong, a bastion of safety in a world of chaos. There was a home worth dying for." His reverie is cut short by a wracking cough.

His eyes come back to Bheazir, and the sadness returns. He gazes out the window at the town of Evenfall, distaste heavy in his words. "Your life is more difficult, child. There is no home to be proud of, no leader to die protecting. This is a place of compromise and survival. But it has survived. Some things are more important than banners and glory.

Norsten is an officious, uncaring worm, but he and his father have kept this village alive for decades in a world where that is not easily accomplished. Sometimes we need to remember that, and forgive the transgressions that go along with it.
" [/sblock]

[sblock=Corbin] Otram looks up from the ring he is shaping and spits. "Oh, he's back. He came back yesterday with a wagonload of wood and crops for the tribute. And aye, you're right about this year. He claimed an extra share from me, half again as much as last year, claiming that the dragon wanted more gold this year, that he was getting bored with what we were sending and might decide we aren't worth keeping around any longer.

Now there's a sobering thought, eh
?" [/sblock]

[sblock=Akhara] The old man gives a bitter smile. "My thanks, lad, though I don't know what you can do about it. But I assure you, my Jhessail would be thrilled to get that necklace back, and I would be forever grateful." He nods his head at Akhara's report of the tribute. "Aye, so I have seen sign of. The dragon's getting greedy, I fear. It was only a matter of time. Good luck to you, lad. Don't go getting yourself killed, or bringing the dragon's wrath down on us all, eh?"

OOC: Minor Quest-- recover and return Jhessail's necklace.

Few people are willing to speak out against the tribute, and fewer are willing to do so to a dragonborn who "lives" in the jail. This might be a good opportunity to seek out Bheazir, however.[/sblock]

[sblock=Jaden] Keeping a careful, inconspicuous eye on Skravress, Jaden is able to notice that the dragonborn is taking an unusual interest in the villagers' weapons. For many houses that he goes to collect tribute from, he emerges with a sword or other weapon, and places it on the wagon.

Minor Quest: Defeat Skravress to regain your confidence[/sblock]


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"Sobering, indeed. What's gonna happen next year when the dragon wants more? He's gonna keep taking until we ain't got nothin' left, but I guess what choice do we have?" Corbin sighs as he leaves the shop forlorn.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Akhara spends part of the morning wandering around Evenfall. He carries a bag of pieces of leather -- he might be makig deliveries -- but he is hoping to catch sight of Bheazir. Perhaps the half-elf has some insight into the reasons for the increase in tribute.


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Galdr muttered several uncomplimentary things under his breath. He slipped his clawed hand into his pocket where his wand was kept, but remembered himself and prevented himself from crushing the feeble minds of the guardsmen. That could wait.

"Damn these guards! That old tome will no doubt go to strengthen the hold these damned wyrms have over us, while we languish in slavery and solitude. If only there was some way of destroying these things..."

He decided to go to the house of Bheazir, his old friend. Their grandfathers had been friends, and so it was with the descendants. Perhaps Bheazir would have some solutions. Or, at least, friendship.


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OOC: Streetwise check to find out what Skravress is up to. (1d20+7=13)

An hour of practice and a good sweat later Jaden once again felt perfectly calm. His mind and body collected, Jaden once again hid his sword securely in the secret crawlspace under the dilapidated shack and made his way back into town. It was a short walk.

Once in town Jaden went right to business, as delicately as possible. For Jaden, this simply meant he wasn't shouting when he asked questions. He did his best to make sure no one was around to observe while probing for information but it wasn't his strongest suit to avoid being noticed. So, Jaden proceeded about town talking to various discreet citizens in the know about Skravress. Someone had to know what the Bloodscale was up to. And Jaden rather preferred to not have to break into the lizards house again. He barely got out the last time without being spotted.[/sblock]

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