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In the Middle of...Somewhere

Voda Vosa

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[sblock=Voda Vosa]Your rapid shot feat will not help you with either you Eldritch blast or heavy crossbow. Spell penetration adds to rolls against spell resistance not the saving throws. You probably want Ability Focus(Eldritch Blast). That adds +2 to the DC.[/sblock]

Why is that? Don't I get the extra attack roll per turn? I mean, the Eldrich blast is considered a ranged attack. With the ability focus you are right I think.[/sblock]

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Victor looks down at the little man with a smile from his words. "I didn't see who attacked us, I was down in the hold. I swam out through a hole in the hull. Whatever it was let us swim through the water to get here, I doubt it or they will attack us now. I am Victor by the way."
Maybe one of these days we can make a basket to hang from your shoulders and you could carry me, for the difference between our strides would allow travel to go much quicker.

"A basket? Hmmm....oh you're joking..." Victor gives a half-hearted laugh, a little slow to realize the man's sarcasm. "Come let us find shelter from the sun, find any other survivor's, and get a fire going. It will be cold at night."

Victor had momentarily forgotten the other stranger, the tall one with the black chain shirt. "My name is Victor, are you okay? You've been quiet since I arrived."

[sblock=ooc]I am going to assume that some people may know that I was thrown into the hold for killing some passengers, it was a small ship after all. I am just trying to get into the open, I think honesty would be best right now. On another note, were we rolling or are you? I have forgotten...[/sblock]
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Bonamius was talking to the sited man, and didn't notice the other two, that where apparently not too far from him. He jump aside in surprise. Bonamius didn't like surprises. Without warning he cast an Eldrich blast to the sand, quite next to the talles of the two mans. A little crater on the sand can be seen.
"Do not appear in such a way, I do not like surprises." he says breathing fast. Then, seen the strangers didnt represent an inminent hazard he get more calmed: "So Victor... The 'Giant assasin' as the sailors said, if I recall well. HaHa, it seems you get a bit more luck than thouse useless apes" Bonamius comments, looking to the open sea.
He cross his arms infront of his chest and stated "What about you?" addressing the shorter man, standing next to Victor


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Slim graces the jumpy individual with a look of disgust before he looks at the small hole blasted in the sand right next to him and Victor. Looking back he replies, "What about me? I suppose I am luckier than apes too, since I am on the shore and they are not. I apologize for our sudden appearance, but you see, it was not my fault." Slim points over at a large piece of flotsam, dragged up onto the beach, "There is you culprit, if not for that sneaky piece of wood, no one would have been here to surprise you."

Turning back to Victor slim dusts off a bit of the sand that was blasted onto him, "My name is Brutus, but that is a horrid name, so most people call me Slim. You were the man who killed some of those passengers, were you not? That causd a bit of a stir, kind of nice when you are out in the boredom of the sea. Did they try to cheat you or something?"

He continues to talk as he walks with Victor to the other man, "Once we gather up the rest of the stragglers on the beach, I agree that we should find shelter and start a fire. I would much appreciate the heat after being tossed around in the water. So you say you were in the hold? I was in my room when the attack occurred, so it would seem it was safer to be below deck than above. Personally, I got a little sick when on the top deck or whatever they called it. Sailors, they have names for everything."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[Jan is only 5' 6", so he towers over no one.]

Legildur said:
"I don't recall seeing you on the ship?" he comments from a safe distance. "Why are you secured?" he asks, wary of anyone silly enough to get caught doing something they shouldn't be doing.
The young man looks up at the stranger. He had been staring dumbly at the manacles, trying to decide what to do. When he is addressed, the boy seems startled.

"My..my master held me."
He holds up the shackles. "I am...was a slave. Master fled. Left me to die." He holds up the shackles pitifully, pushing aside some of his stray red hairs. "Can you open these, s-sir?"


First Post
Yarra looks seriously at the young man for a few moments, as if looking for something in his eyes. "You're in luck," he replies unshouldering his backpack. "I'm an apprentice locksmith by trade," he adds as he retrieves a leather wrap of tools from the backpack.

Unrolling the collection of tools on the top of his pack, he grabs a manacle and examines it for a couple of moments. Selecting a couple of odd-shaped metal 'keys' and 'tongs', Yarra sets about trying to unlock the manacles.[sblock=AMG]Open Lock +14, but he doesn't want to appear too skilled at it ;) [/sblock]


First Post

Without warning he cast an Eldrich blast to the sand, quite next to the talles of the two mans. A little crater on the sand can be seen. "Do not appear in such a way, I do not like surprises." he says breathing fast. Then, seen the strangers didnt represent an inminent hazard he get more calmed:

Victor stiffens at the sight of the ray of eldritch energy striking nearby, sending a fine spray of sand into the wind. Immediately there is the smell of chlorine around him, as well as a faint green mist. Seeing the man calm down, Victor speaks. "Sorry, sometimes I forget how invisible I can be. Let's cut out the 'shoot first ask questions later' attitude okay? We wouldn't want to upset anybody that would rescue us."

You were the man who killed some of those passengers, were you not? That causd a bit of a stir, kind of nice when you are out in the boredom of the sea. Did they try to cheat you or something?"

"So Victor... The 'Giant assasin' as the sailors said, if I recall well

"I don't know what the sailor's said after they threw me in the hold, but I did kill a couple people aboard the ship. They were sorcerers, and they killed my friends. I don't know how I survived. They used magic to disguise their forms. That is probably why the crew didn't just throw me overboard, they wanted to get to the bottom of what was really going on."

So you say you were in the hold? I was in my room when the attack occurred, so it would seem it was safer to be below deck than above.

"No probably not, you would've drowned." Victor says plainly. Somehow you know he is telling the truth. Victor scratches his new beard as they walk. "Let us go find any scragglers, keep your eyes open." Victor momentarily closes his eyes and concentrates. He could immediately see a little bit clearer, and hear the sounds of the surf became more clear. His new companions discovered the same. "Be ready for anything," looking back at the one who had shot the ray of eldritch energy, "you never know who is not an ally." Both of his new companions also felt more alert, ready for anything.

[sblock=ooc]The three of us gain a +2 on listen and spot checks, a total of +5 on initiative checks, and a +3 bonus on all dex related skills and ability checks.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Well... I think theres no harm in telling my true name, since we are in this putrid island. I'm Bonamius Alikan, the dread, the ragged, and many more people calls me, but I must explain that thouse don't apply exactly to the same person." The human smiles, he seems to be remembering something in the past. Then he puts his wet hair behind his ears.
"At your service" he bows extravagantly "And sorry for the altercation, I'm usually polited with strangers, but you catch me by surprise" he excuses.

"Be ready for anything, you never know who is not an ally."
After hearing that, Bonamius feelt something, although he couldn't tell its nature.

Yarra and Jan:

It takes a little working and some creative use of some of the tools, but finally, a click can be heard from the manacles and they release their rather tight grip on Jan's arm.

Everyone Else:

It is immediately noticeable that, for some reason, your senses seem suddenly heightened. Thanks to this, not too far down the coastline, you can see another pair of survivors...or at least, you assume that's what they are. The heightened hearing helps to confirm this, and despite the distance, you can hear hear some talk about a 'slave' and 'locksmith' before a soft clicking noise.

OOC:[sblock]Just to confirm, I'll handle all the rolling on my side of things. Will post the numbers in some cases(combat, specifically), but certain things I'll keep on my end.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
The grim warlock relaxes. "I think these two wont cause much trouble, they are probably survivors like urselves. Never the less, I recomend caution. Let's go" Bonamius says as he start walking in the direction of the two stragers. The man hold his right hand next to his weapon, just in case...

OOC: "Never the less" is spelled like this ,or all together? Also: the last word of the previous sentence is correctly spelled? I will appreciate if you could correct me such errors. That way I could avoid them in the future

Voidrunner's Codex

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