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(Inactive) Psion's Return to the Tomb of Horrors (ORG)


First Post
Psion said:
Illumine Soul would be an excellent choice for this game (the ghostbreaker from hyperconscious would be even better, BID.)
Ghostbreaker never did much for me. Psion that can turn undead... ho hum sort of thing. Cerebral rager with a 3.0 MAD egoist was yummy though, one of my favourites. But food for thought there. Watch this space. :)

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First Post
Nightbreeze said:
As I feel that Eldwar Laissing is not powerful enough to help his fellow companions as much as he should be, I'd like to swap to Doorgath Erebrim , a druid, as my first character. I'm sorry for Eldwar, as he is a pretty special character, however I fear that he won't be able to give enough contribute. (if this is ok for Psion, of course)

As I will spend most of my time wildshaping and ,according to the new rules I don't get the benefits form items, I have 85000 spare gp. I will keep them as material componet for spells and other utility items, so, CanadienneBacon , feel free to buy anything you wish or desire ;)

Um, you may want to consider that you can use items if you are careful. You can put them down and then pick them up after wild shaping. Although, probably not until wild shape elmental level (hands). One nice exception is armor that will wild shape to your new form. The armor is called beast shape afaik (+2 equiv) and is in complete adventurer.

Armor wise, dragon hide field plate +1 of beast shape sounds like a worth while place to sink 55k gp into to me....

Also, look at all the armor adds you can pick, for example, fire resistance. Or, even better glammered, because you just know you want to wild shape into a dire polar bear wearing a pink tutu of field platedness. Not much out there that could strike fear into the hearts of foes like that I tell you... :heh:

Also consider both dagger spell shapper prc and master of many forms prc both in same source. May have to redo char though as one has no spell casting and the other needs sneak attack or skirmish...
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A few more thoughts:


After some thought about how I am going to do experience, I've come up with a general outline.

Generally speaking, there are 5 segments to this adventure. Which would put your characters at an average of 19th level at the beginning of the last segment.

That's not enough.

So here's what I'm going to do. Roughly schedule the experience outlay to provide, as a baseline, enough experience to advance roughly 1 level per segment.

Then, active players will be awarded bonus experience based upon their contribution to the game. This includes general participation as well as taking risks and resolving problems. Divine casters will also get bonuses for raising (or attempting to raise) companions.

This has two outcomes I hope for. First, it should get PCs into target levels they will need to survive the final segment. Second, it should encourage players to act instead of sit their timidly afraid to post. In a play by post environment, we can't afford timid players.

The Nemurani Rule

I have a bit of a classic conundrum here. I don't want players to see the corpses of fallen comrades as a route to power, as the incoming party items accumulate with the old.

That being the case, here's how I wish to handle it: powerful magic items are essentially Nemurani, awakened spirirts connected to the PC. If the PC is slain, there is a good chance that their most powerful items will be destroyed. However, if the PC is returned to life via resurrection magic, so do items on them that were destroyed in this manner.

Peja has been adjusted. I swapped out the 75k Gem of Seeing and the 32k +2 quarterstaff of disruption for the following:

wand of death ward, fully charged
periapt of wisdom +6
+1 quarterstaff of undead bane
strand of prayer beads
cloak of resistance +2
elemental gem (earth)
10k worth of diamonds

Because raise dead doesn't work on someone who has been felled via a death effect spell, raise dead probably won't do the trick for this campaign, so I'm prepared to cast one casting of resurrection (ie: Peja has that spell prepped and has the 10k in diamonds and the holy water on hand to do it). If for some reason the party wants to go with raise dead over resurrection, I can do that too, as Peja's got diamonds, not just one big diamond.

As far as I can tell, I have Peja updated to reflect the changes in equipment. I would welcome another set of eyes to go over my character sheet, though. Numbers! :p
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Psion, I have updated my character on the other thread. It still isn't finished but it is getting there. I have done the skill points and almost all of his equipment. I just have to get around to entering it all on the thread.

Can you have a look at it for me? In particular can you look at the feat and magic item selections and let me know if they are ok.


Olaf the Stout



Peja looks fine. However, I noticed that you took the wand advice. Depending on how you intend to use it, picking up some scrolls of Mass Death Ward (cleric 8, spell compedium, 3000 gp each) may be the way to go. They'll let you cover multiple creatures, which is much quicker if you need to protect the whole party before a combat. (Perhaps split the difference and buy a partially charged wand and a few scrolls.)


Items look fire. Please fill in the abilities block. You might want to strip out the spell and psionics blocks and that dangling quote tag on the end.

Your dodge feat reminded me of the dodge house rule I intended to use -- you don't need to pick a target for dodge (house rule post updated.) Feel free to add the dodge bonus to your tabulated AC.

You might want to consider a blunt back up weapon if you have some loose change.


Please don't forget to scrounge up a character illustration (between 100x100 and 120x120), or let me know if you need me to grab one (or crop one) for you. WotC's product art galleries and Claudio Pozas' hosted gallery here are good places to find some, as well as the art forum here.
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First Post

There was no particular mechanical advantage that I was looking for in the air gnome. I just looked at the gnome variants, and I liked the image of the whispy illusionist.

I have just returned to having regular internet contact. Unfortunately, I have come to realize that I have taken on too many PbP games. Thank you for accepting me into your game, unfortunately, I'll need to leave the game.

I look forward to its progression with other players.

Thank you,


Okay, thanks LiquidBlue.


You are next in line, but your character in the RG lacks the rogue levels your original proposed goliath had. The party needs someone with rogue levels (and preferably, with lots of search/DD). Can you make a character with rogue levels? Otherwise I'll have to pass the slot to nonamazing.
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First Post
i'm almost done with my first PC

[sblock]Male Human Cleric 10 / Contemplative 4 of Vendaneran, God of Wisdom - NG - Good, Healing, Knowledge, Sun, War
Neutral Good

Strength 18 (+4)
Dexterity 11 (+0)
Constitution 20 (+5)
Intelligence 13 (+1)
Wisdom 22 (+6)
Charisma 12 (+1)

XP: 102,000

Size: Medium
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 195 lb
Skin: Light
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond; Wavy

Domains: Healing, Knowledge, Good

Energy: Positive [Healing / Turns Undead]

Total Hit Points: 10d8+4d6+70 (@75%:150)

Speed: 20 feet [armor]

Armor Class: 28 = 10 +13 [full plate] +5 [heavy steel]

Touch AC: 10
Flat-footed: 28

Initiative modifier: +4 = +0 [dexterity] +4 [improved initiative]
Fortitude save: +13 = 8 [base] +5 [constitution]
Reflex save: +4 = 4 [base]
Will save: +17 = 11 [base] +6 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +13/+10 = 9 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +11/+6 = 9 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (missile): +9/+4 = 9 [base]
Grapple check: +11/+6 = 9 [base] +4 [strength]

Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:

Languages: Common Elven

+16/+11 +2 holy heavy mace [1d8+6+(2d6), crit x2, 8 lb., one-handed, bludgeoning]


Improved Initiative
Quick Draw
Combat casting
Weapon Focus x1 Weapon(s):
Spellcasting Prodigy [wisdom]


Appraise Int 1 =

Balance Dex* 0 =

Bluff Cha 1 =

Climb Str* 2 =

Concentration Con 20 =
Diplomacy Cha 11 =
Disguise Cha 1 =

Escape Artist Dex* 0 =

Forgery Int 1 =

Gather Information Cha 3 =
+2 [know local]
Heal Wis 4 =

Hide Dex* 0 =

Intimidate Cha 1 =

Jump Str* -4 =
-6 [speed 20]
Knowledge (arcana) Int 11 =
Knowledge (history) Int 10 =
Knowledge (local) Int 6 =
Knowledge (religion) Int 18 =
Listen Wis 4 =

Move Silently Dex* 0 =

Search Int 1 =

Sense Motive Wis 4 =

Spot Wis 4 =

Survival Wis 4 =

Swim Str** 2 =

Use Rope Dex 0 =

* = check penalty for wearing armor

Know Religion >=5 ranks gives +2 on turn/rebuke the undead.

Zero-level Cleric spells: 6 per day

3x detect magic
3x read magic

First-level Cleric spells: 7 (5+2) per day +1 from a domain:
2x deathwatch
2x hide from undead
1x bless water
2x Comprehend Languages

Second-level Cleric spells: 7 (5+2) per day +1 from a domain:
2x lesser restoration
2x ghost touch armor
3x diefic vengeance (CD)

Third-level Cleric spells: 5 (4+2) per day +1 from a domain:
1x chain of eyes (CD)

Fourth-level Cleric spells: 5 (4+1) per day +1 from a domain:
energie vortex (CD)

Fifth-level Cleric spells: 4 (3+1) per day +1 from a domain:

Sixth-level Cleric spells: 4 (3+1) per day +1 from a domain:

energy immunity (cast daily on fire)

Seventh-level Cleric spells: 3 (2+1) per day +1 from a domain:


* Extra feat at first level (already included)
* Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
* One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)


* Alignment Aura

* Spontaneous Casting (heal)

* Turn Undead (4x/day)

* High wisdom gains bonus spells daily

* Domain choices give additional abilities


* Hit dice d6

* Bonus domain

* Divine Health

* Slippery Mind

* Divine Wholeness

* Additional cleric spell levels: 4

Level 1: Cleric
Level 2: Cleric
Level 3: Cleric
Level 4: Cleric +1 to constitution
Level 5: Cleric
Level 6: Cleric
Level 7: Cleric
Level 8: Cleric +1 to wisdom
Level 9: Cleric
Level 10: Cleric
Level 11: Comtemplative
Level 12: Comtemplative +1 to wisdom
Level 13: Comtemplative
Level 14: Comtemplative

+5 full plate (26650gc) [heavy; +13 AC; max dex +1; check penalty -5; 50 lb.]
+3 mithril heavy shield of moderate fortification (26020gc) [+5 AC; check penalty 0; hardness 15; hp 30; 5 lb.]
+2 holy heavy mace (32312gc)
totaal: 84982gc

periapt of wisdom +4 16000
amulet of health +4 16000
belt of giant strenght +4 16000
ioun stone clear spindle 4000
holy symbol 5gc
13k lef[/sblock]

i'll convert him to the wanted format, still thinking about what to do for my second PC.
order of the bow looks fun, wanted to make a PC with that PrC a long time but never got the chance.

Question: if i have a longbow, does fire enchanted arrows the +1d6 dmg and the same with the other abilities? i know that the bonus from the arrows dont stack with the bow when it comes to dmg or attack rol
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