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Insight's "The Shadow of Set" - IC Thread


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Droban Ironthane, 7/13 hp

Droban gratefully accepts Asad's assistance in moving Isphet's body, pausing only for a moment to gape in surprise as G'Sharn the sandcat transforms into G'Sharn the halfling. He shakes off his surprise quickly, though. Time enough for pleasantries later.

Insight said:
"Dwarf, wait," the beggar says. "Your fallen companion... I know of a place that would serve a suitable burial ground. You don't know what happens to these bodies after nightfall."

"Quickly," he implores, "Follow me."
"Lead on then, priest." Droban follows the beggar, carrying Isphet's body after him with Asad's help.

As they leave, he calls over to T'Shara, "Don't go anywhere, our business has yet to be concluded." The dwarf's steely glare betrays his anger that the woman would stand idly by while folk are murdered in the streets.

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Avardis seems momentarily stunned by the sudden end of the conflict and the realization that Isphet is no more. He hurries after Droban and the others, his blade drawn and his eyes moving over the crowd seeking any further attackers. He follows in silence, trying to piece together a response to a good day gone horribly wrong.

[SBLOCK=OOC]I'm over my chicken pox (finally) and more or less back in the swing of things. Once he gets his act together, Avardis will make a point of assisting the beggar, showing an educated layman's knowledge of Muir's rites, assuming the Eternal Temple of the Sun and Muir's church are the same. If not please correct me![/SBLOCK]


The Prophet al-Sutah was wrong... all too wrong. He dared to confront the Lord of the Desert himself. Despite the numerous forces assembled at his side, and the fact that al-Sutah controlled every speck of desert sand in the known world, every rocky foothill within sight of great Majoor, the very waters of the Cerulean... it was all naught to the Lord of the Desert, whose reprisal of al-Sutah's ignorant affront was at the same time inexorable and ineffable. Satisfied, the Lord of the Desert left the Mad Prophet's evacuated husk at Majoor's doorstep, a sign for those who would dare to deny his place as master of all that remains.

The events at the bazaar now concluded, the heroes must discover what secret the strange beggar hides...


YeOldeAlbatross said:
"Lead on then, priest." Droban follows the beggar, carrying Isphet's body after him with Asad's help.

As they leave, he calls over to T'Shara, "Don't go anywhere, our business has yet to be concluded." The dwarf's steely glare betrays his anger that the woman would stand idly by while folk are murdered in the streets.

T'Shara shrinks away from the bloody dwarf, pretending to ignore his remarks.

OOC: I assume everyone is following along. If anyone is NOT following the beggar, please state what you are doing.

"Yes, yes, what an incident," the beggar continues. "I never expected all this trouble. I suppose it's all my fault. I'm not a beggar, you see... not entirely..."

He starts out of the bazaar. "Not entirely blind either, as you may have noticed," he adds as the group leaves the marketplace. The beggar skirts the edge of the market, along dirty streets, lined with poor souls about to leave this world, passing a large building.

"The curse, they call it. The scarlet fever," the beggar comments as the group passes the structure. Inside are dozens of bodies, some alive, some not, draped with painted cloths and death dressings, waiting for the end. "No one knows how to save them. I hope none of you are cursed... you may well find yourself cursed if you stay here long enough. That's rather how I got into this mess. Let's continue."

In the distance, you see a great temple, a step pyramid, with a fixed symbol of the Temple of the Eternal Sun, indicates its obvious purpose. You notice that none of the frail, accursed bodies are found within eyesight of the great temple.

"Yes, yes, come along, heroes, there is much to discuss. It is time. Well past time." The priest trundles along a stone path that points directly to the temple entrance at the base of the great pyramid. At the entrance to the complex (a courtyard exists between the entrance and the pyramid itself) is a stone archway. Guarding the archway are two armed men. Their eyes narrow at the priest's approach.

"Na'al al-Hasen," one of them barks out. "Stop there. You have been dismissed from the Temple. What business have you here, and who are these men with you?"

The priest straightens up, as much as he can. "How dare you speak to a Priest of the Temple in such a manner, guardsman? Who are you to address me by proper name?"

The guardsman partially draws a sword at his side. "I ask you again, with all due respect. Why are you here, Na'al al-Hasen? You have been dismissed from the Temple and are not to return under pain of death."

The priest backs off a few steps, then looks to Droban and the others, then back to the guards. "I am here with great news, guardsman, an answer to the prayers of the faithful, an answer for the Great Oracle himself. Fetch hither your master, and I shall relay what I know."

The guardsman grumbles, re-sheathes his weapon, speaks a word to his fellow guard, and enters the complex.

OOC: You have a few moments if you wish to ask al-Hasan any questions, or take care of any other business. In other words, feel free to chat a bit amongst yourselves.
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First Post
Droban Ironthane , 7/13 hp

Insight said:
"Yes, yes, what an incident," the beggar continues. "I never expected all this trouble. I suppose it's all my fault. I'm not a beggar, you see... not entirely..."

He starts out of the bazaar. "Not entirely blind either, as you may have noticed," he adds as the group leaves the marketplace.
Droban trudges behind the priest slowly, burdened by Isphet's body and his own wound. The dwarf looks slightly embarrassed for not having noticed the beggar's ruse earlier, and shakes his head sheepishly as a result.

Insight said:
"I ask you again, with all due respect. Why are you here, Na'al al-Hasen? You have been dismissed from the Temple and are not to return under pain of death."
Droban looks a bit alarmed at the guard's pronouncement, and whispers over to Avardis, "I'm beginnning to doubt whether this was a wise course of action."

Insight said:
The priest backs off a few steps, then looks to Droban and the others, then back to the guards. "I am here with great news, guardsman, an answer to the prayers of the faithful, an answer for the Great Oracle himself. Fetch hither your master, and I shall relay what I know."

The guardsman grumbles, re-sheathes his weapon, speaks a word to his fellow guard, and enters the complex.
"Aye, I'd like to know this great news of yours, too, priest. What do you know that causes fanatics to try to murder you in the broad light of day? I hope it is worth the life of my friend."

Wearily, Droban nods to Asad and gently lays Isphet's body down in repose to rest his aching arms and shoulders. That done, the dwarf remembers his manners. He extends a calloused hand to Asad, then to G'Sharn. "Again, well fought. My name is Droban Ironthane, of the line of Grodun Ironthane from the Mistwall Mountains." Droban then turns to Dirk and simply looks at the ranger for a moment, trying to peer under his burnoose. Grappling inwardly with his own prejudices for a moment, Droban at last extends his hand also to Dirk. "Aye, and you too. Thank you for your aid back there."


YeOldeAlbatross said:
"Aye, I'd like to know this great news of yours, too, priest. What do you know that causes fanatics to try to murder you in the broad light of day? I hope it is worth the life of my friend."

Na'al al-Hasen smiles at the dwarf's query. "Arden has smiled upon me, despite my earlier failure. You see, I was sent to find a way to end the Crimson Curse, the sickness, or affliction if you will, this evil that plagues great Majoor. And I found it... but alas, I could not keep it."

He subconsciously rubs the golden disk amulet partially obscured by his grubby disguise. "But I believe great Arden has given me a providence... given us a providence." He looks at the archway, noting that the guard he sent inside had not yet returned. "I believe you are that providence."


First Post
"Well fought," G'sharn says absently to Droban. "An axe seems an awkward weapon, but you use it with great skill.

"As for provenance," he continues, turning to the 'beggar', "That remains to be seen. Explain." It is clear from his voice that this is not a request....


First Post
YeOldeAlbatross said:
Droban looks a bit alarmed at the guard's pronouncement, and whispers over to Avardis, "I'm beginnning to doubt whether this was a wise course of action."
Avardis answers in a whisper of his own, "Patience, my friend. I'm starting to believe this man has been guided to us by the gods, indeed." He looks up at the tower temple of the sun with an obvious longing. "Great things may await us. At the very least I want to find out who is behind those who killed poor Isphet, and bring Muir's justice to them."

As the others introduce themselves, Avardis does as well with a simple, "Avardis is my name. Thanks for your timely help."

Insight said:
Na'al al-Hasen smiles at the dwarf's query. "Arden has smiled upon me, despite my earlier failure. You see, I was sent to find a way to end the Crimson Curse, the sickness, or affliction if you will, this evil that plagues great Majoor. And I found it... but alas, I could not keep it."

He subconsciously rubs the golden disk amulet partially obscured by his grubby disguise. "But I believe great Arden has given me a providence... given us a providence." He looks at the archway, noting that the guard he sent inside had not yet returned. "I believe you are that providence."

Avardis looks quizzically at the beggar at the mention of Arden, but does not interrupt the erstwhile priest's explanation with more questions.


First Post
Ilium said:
Avardis answers in a whisper of his own, "Patience, my friend. I'm starting to believe this man has been guided to us by the gods, indeed." He looks up at the tower temple of the sun with an obvious longing. "Great things may await us."
Droban scratches at his tightly braided beard, considering. "I don't know about all this talk of 'providence' and gods and such..."
ilium said:
"At the very least I want to find out who is behind those who killed poor Isphet, and bring Muir's justice to them."
"...but that is an idea I can get behind!" the dwarf concludes with a grim smile. He waits impatiently for the guard to return, wanting to know more about what's going on.


Na'al al-Hasen sighs, looks again at the complex entry, noting that the guard still hasn't returned.

Responding to his companions' questions, al-Hasen smiles. "The providence is proof in your appearance here in Majoor, at my moment of need, indeed, at Majoor's moment of need. Were I to have died - and I can only assume that was the thugs' intent - perhaps the secret behind curing the Crimson Curse itself would have died with me!"

The erstwhile beggar strokes his holy symbol. "I was sent to acquire a certain artifact, the Chalice of Arden. The acquisition itself was without incident, but... I was not able to bring the Chalice back to Majoor."

"There was an ambush... agents of the Ophidian Hand I believe," he continues. "It was so fast, I could hardly react. I am almost certain it was they who attacked me and took the Chalice."

Taking a few steps away from the Temple, al-Hasen whispers, "I'm not entirely certain my former superiors at the Temple would approve, even though they were the ones who sent me... Perhaps I say too much. Then again, it may be up to you to complete my quest. We shall see."

The guard al-Hasen sent inside, without a word, returns to his post.

Na'al steps towards the entry. "What news, guardsman?"

"The High Priest has sent a representative to speak with you, al-Hasen. Be patient."

al-Hasen turns again to the heroes. "I wish to have this matter resolved soon, as I'm sure will be the afflicted."


First Post
"Wise words," Avardis replies earnestly, "and now I ask you to follow them with more. Tell us where this ambush took place and everything you can about those who attacked you, before the High Priest's emissary arrives. The more this knowledge is shared the harder it is to kill."

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