Inspire Courage Optimization


First Post
Cheiromancer said:
I think this was mentioned before, but mind blank prevents morale bonuses from working, right?

It's a pity that a character optimized for inspire courage will find their ability useless at high and epic levels, when the other party members get this particular protection. Is it quite definite that mind blank works in this way? I seem to recall some debate about whether it interfered with telepathic bond, but I don't recall how that discussion turned out.

Still, thanks to Mistwell for compiling these tips.

It's arguable either way:

Mond Blank said:
This spell protects against all mind-affecting spells and effects as well as information gathering by divination spells or effects

Preventing helpful things is not really "protecting" now, is it? It can be read to prevent only harmful (or any information-gathering) effects, or can be read to prevent them all.

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James McMurray

First Post
I thought I'd read somewhere in the SRD that creatures with immunities could suppress them at will, but can't find it now. Anyone know where this might have been?


First Post
James McMurray said:
I thought I'd read somewhere in the SRD that creatures with immunities could suppress them at will, but can't find it now. Anyone know where this might have been?

A fire elemental could choose to be damaged by fire?


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Slaved said:
A fire elemental could choose to be damaged by fire?

Mind blank is not phrased as an immunity any way, so not sure it would matter if they could.

I've asked CustServ, maybe they will have a helpful answer.

Not playing very high level games, and having no intention of doing so, it doesn't effect me either way. But I can see that others would be interested in the answer.


First Post
Mistwell said:
Mind blank is not phrased as an immunity any way, so not sure it would matter if they could.

I was not commenting on mind blank, just pointing out one of the possible problems with a blanket statement about being able to supress and immunity at will.


WotC's bitch
James McMurray said:
I thought I'd read somewhere in the SRD that creatures with immunities could suppress them at will, but can't find it now. Anyone know where this might have been?
You're probably thinking of spell resistance.

James McMurray

First Post
No, it was definitely something else, because we extrapolated it into a house rule that allows characters to ignore Mind Blank and still receive morale bonuses.


First Post
Sejs said:
Actually no, that's a good catch on your part. Fascinate requires the target to be able to see and hear you. I'd always rembembered it was see or hear.

So, thanks for the heads-up. :)

Hmmm, but what about an Evangelist "Diplomancer" build w/ HiPS? That might work...


When I first read the echoblade I Thought it was incredible +1/2 lvl in sonic damage for multiple rounds? every time you are singing to buff your friends in combat? Sweet.

Looking at it more carefully I think it means you have to use bardic music only to get the sword to work - so its either you or the party. To me this screws up the primary bard role, and makes the rest of the optimizing inspire courage useless, unless he spend 2 rounds buffing (one song for allies, one song for self. And even then one effect is limited to 5 rounds, unless you picked up harmonizing or the lingering music feat.


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