International Intelligence Institut [Taking alternates]


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Velmont said:
@Kangaxx: Sorry to hear that. I hope things will fix themselves fast. If you are interested, I may put on an alternative list, and just tell me when you would come back, new victims... hum, characters to add a little more depth to the game may be good, if all is rolling well.

I know things will be pretty hectic for at least the next two weeks, and after that I'm not sure. If you want to keep an alternate list, I have no complaints, but right now I can't guarantee that I'll have more availability anytime soon.

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This game is still open? I was afraid that when I couldn't make it to the computer last week I'd miss my chance to apply. I'm glad to see I'm not to late.

Anyway my character Idea is this. A kid who grew up normally most of his life until college. He was a bit of a daydreamer and was fascinated in dragons, he always thought it would be cool to be one. One day after an extremely stressful class he went to bed and had the most vivid dream about being a dragon and flying over the countryside. When he woke up he was in the prison for mutants. Apperently he actually had turned into a dragon and had terrorized some poor farmer out of town and eaten his cows. It was soon determined that he had a mutation that allowed him to turn into a dragon, unfortunately he had no control over his actions when he did.He spent the next few years with the institute learning how to control his powers. It was slow work but eventually he was able to turn into his dragon form without losing his mind in the process. Not wanting to go back to his old life anymore, and wanting to repay the institute for helping him out, he decided to join the institute as a field agent.

The characters powers are permanent growth, winged flight, and a modified energy blast for a breath weapon. He will also have the identity change feat.

Well there's my idea. If you like it I can put more detail into the background and work up the stats. I'll warn you now that I am a bit of a munchkin when I create characters.


First Post
@Brother Shatterstone: You would be the kind of mutant who would have been contacted. A field medic (Healing) who need a minimal training to protect himself (Incorporeal), just too great. But you would had to wear at every moment, a device that shut down your aura, so you don't charm the whole organisation.

@Kangaxx: Well, hope to see you at least on Day of futur pass.


First Post
Drakknyte32 said:
Well there's my idea. If you like it I can put more detail into the background and work up the stats. I'll warn you now that I am a bit of a munchkin when I create characters.

Good mutant concept, but with one flaw. The Institut doesn't train mutants, it is out of there juridiction. They will help mutant if they have something to gain. An example would be you have been in something that matter to the Institut, and you manifest your powers during that time. They would take them under there wing, you have proven to be usefull to them and you already knows them.

You would have been train by the MCA, it is there juridiction, and have a lot more people to help in that matter. Now, you could have join them, and during a mission where you work with some other guys (they were the Institut, but you didin't know at that time), they saw some potential in you, and so recruit you. You could have gone to the Institute, or more simply stay in MCA and you would be a contact for them, as they always need people in other intelligence agency.


First Post
NAME Drake
secret ID: Paul Hamilton
HP: 2

gender: M
age: 21
height: 20' (Longer from tail to neck, or from wingtips)
weight: 5000
size: Huge
hair: None, Scales are a rusty red
eyes: Cat-like

STR 20 +5
DEX 10 +0
CON 20 +5
INT 10 +0
WIS 18 +4
CHA 10 +0

DMG +7
REF +0

SPD 50' // 50' Flying

DEF 12


*Skillname [mod/ranks]
Spot [18/9]
Listen [14/8]
Intimidate [27/7]

* = Trained Only

Talented: Listen and Spot (Contact Feat)
Skill Focus: Intimidate (Contact Feat)
Skill Focus: Spot (Contact Feat)
Aerial Combat
Iron Will
Extra Limb (Long Neck, Tail, Grasping Hindlegs, Wings)
Identity Change


Growth [+7 pp/rank+0, 56 total] 8 Ranks
- SOURCE: Mutation
- SPECIAL: Drake has the form of a huge dragon. He is extremely strong and tough, and his mind is somehow protected from intrusion.
- EXTRAS: Continous, Mental Protection
- FLAWS: Permanent

Energy Blast: Fire [+1 pp/rank+6, 16 total] 8 Ranks
- SOURCE: Mutation
- SPECIAL: Drake can breath a great cone of fire from his mouth. He can also Stun creatures with a blast of wind from his wings or freeze them with a terrifying roar.
- EXTRAS: Area, Shapable
- FLAWS: Range x 2 (Personal), Limited: Only cone shape
- STUNTS: Power Immunity, Stun, Paralyze
- NOTES: Stun and Paralyze both have the same Extras and Flaws that the Firebreath has.

Flight [+1 pp/rank+0, 6 total] 6 Ranks
- SOURCE: Mutation
- SPECIAL: Drake has a giant pair of wings that are somehow able to lift him despite his heavy weight.
- FLAWS: Limited: Wings

Telescopic Sight [+2 pp/rank+2, 6 total] 2 Ranks
- SOURCE: Mutation
- SPECIAL: Drake has very keen senses. He can see four times as well as a normal human, and has blindsight up to 120'
- EXTRAS: Telescopic Blindsight,
- STUNTS: Blindsight (Keen hearing and smell)


Disturbing: Drake is very large and has very sharp teeth and claws.

Transformation: When Drake is very worried or stressed the Dragon's mind tries to take over. When presented with siturations that cause Drake to be worried or stressed he must make a will save (DC 15) each round to stop the dragon's mind from taking over. The DC increases by 1 each round until he transforms.

FEATS [18]
TOTAL [150]


The Drake is a spirit that lives within Paul's mind. Or, more accurately, it is a split personality of Paul's mind. For the most part it acts like a predatory animal, cunning but not necessarily intelligent. For a long time it existed only in Paul's dreams but with the release of Paul's powers it has become able to affect the normal world.

NAME Paul Hamilton (PL 4)
secret ID: Drake
HP: 2

gender: M
age: 21
height: 5' 11"
weight: 150
size: M
hair: Red
eyes: Brown

STR 16 +3
DEX 14 +2
CON 16 +3
INT 18 +4
WIS 14 +2
CHA 14 +2

DMG +3
REF +2

SPD 30'

DEF 14


*Computers [12/8]
Diplomacy [8/6]
Knowledge: Mythology [10/6]
Knowledge: Mutants [10/6]
Profession: Student [7/5]
Profession: Agent [7/5]
Science: Physics [7/3]
Science: Biology [7/3]
Science: Chemistry [7/3]

* = Trained Only

Identity Change
Connected: MCA

Armor [+1 pp/rank+0, 3 total] 3 Ranks
- SOURCE: Science
- SPECIAL: Paul wears a kevlar vest when he is out on duty.

Weapon: Ranged [+1 pp/rank+0, 3 total] 3 Ranks
- SOURCE: Science
- SPECIAL: Paul has a light handgun for emergencies.


Transformation: When Drake is very worried or stressed the Dragon's mind tries to take over. When presented with siturations that cause Drake to be worried or stressed he must make a will save (DC 15) each round to stop the dragon's mind from taking over. The DC increases by 1 each round until he transforms.

TOTAL [56]


Paul Kitt is a mutant. His mutation is a shapechanging ability that remains dormant except in times of extreme stress. Paul lived a fairly non-stressful life so his mutation never activated for his entire childhood or teenage years. The closest he ever came to realizing his mutation was his dreams. Every night he dreamed he was a dragon. Sometimes he would dream he was flying, sometimes he would dream of hunting a creature, sometimes he would dream of fighting, but in the dreams he was always the same red dragon. For all of his childhood Paul passed these dreams off as an extension of his fascination with mythalogical creatures and never realized the truth.

Then in his first year of college came the luckiest and unluckiest day of Paul's life. It was a day that seemed destined for everything to go wrong. He had overslept and missed the bus, his girlfriend dumped him for the senior jock that always picked on him, he forget to study for the big biology test and failed miserably, missed the bus again, and got mugged on the way home. Paul finally found his way home and almost immediately fell asleep. He dreamed an incredibly vivid dream where he was the dragon and burned down the jock's apartment.

When he woke up Paul was in Alkatraz prison with no memory of how he got there and a splitting headache. A rather lengthy conversation with the Prison guards revealed to him what had happened. Apparently the dream had been real this time, Paul's dormant shapeshifting mutation had activated to resolve the stress in his life, and had done so by attacking one of the sorces of stress. Thankfully no one had been hurt in the incident (the jock was at Paul's ex-girlfriend's house, of all the ironies) and after another lengthy conversation with the prison psychologist Paul was released from Azkaban.

Obviously he couldn't just return to his previous life, he had to learn how to control his powers so an incident like that didn't happen again. So he went to the MCA for training. After a few years of training he was able to control his ability to change into the dragon. Unfortunately he still hasn't learned how to stop the dragon from taking over in times of stress. He is currently working as an agent of the MCA. His powers make him a useful agent for them and when he does lose control the other agents can usually subdue him until he regains his senses.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Velmont said:
@Brother Shatterstone: You would be the kind of mutant who would have been contacted. A field medic (Healing) who need a minimal training to protect himself (Incorporeal), just too great. But you would had to wear at every moment, a device that shut down your aura, so you don't charm the whole organisation.

Sounds like a plan, would this device still be part of her uniform today? Maybe with an on off button or would they allow her to move about unmolested? :)


First Post
Alias: Lazarus Long
PL: 10

Size: Medium

Age: unknown
Height: 73
Weight: 210
Hair: white
Eyes: gray

STR 16 +3
DEX 18 +4
CON 18 +4
INT 12 +1
WIS 14 +2
CHA 14 +2

DMG +9
REF +9

SPEED 30/60/120

DEF 21


Acrobatics* [13/9]
Balance [10/6]
Bluff [2]
Climb [9/6]
Concentration [2]
Diplomacy [2]
Drive* [10/6]
Escape Artist [10/6]
Hide [10/6]
Intimidate [3]
Jump [9/6]
Knowledge: history [2/1]
Listen [2]
Move Silent [10/6]
Ride* [10/6]
Search [1]
Sense Motive [2]
Sleight/Hand* [10/6]
Spot [5/3]
Survival [2]
Swim [9/6]
Taunt [2]

Immunity (Super) (aging)
Immunity (Super) (disease)
Immunity (Super) (poison)
Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent)
Rapid Healing (remove addtl stun & lethal hit when recovering)
Durability (Super) (lethal dmg < = to dmg save is stun)
Expertise ((- attack), (+ def), 5 max)
Imp. Trip (when tripping, can immediately attack)

regeneration [+10, Extra Back from the Brink]
amazing save (physical) [+5]
amazing save (will) [+5]
amazing save(reflex) [+5]
amazing save (fortitude) [+5]

Naïve ( -5 sense motive checks)

Immortal Man, also known as Lazarus Long, a name he took from a book he enjoyed some time ago, is an odd case. He seems to have been alive for quite some time but can't really say how long. He seems to be a mutant whose power is an extremely high rate of regeneration. Small scrapes and cuts heal almost immediately. More serious wounds might just take a little while, but not very long. He seems to think he's been almost dead before, but healed from it. He can't really be sure. Poisons, disease, and aging are not his concern.

However part of this regeneration causes a bit of trouble. You see the brain is not designed to have it's nuerons renewed. However in Laz's case, the cells regenerate like every other part of his body. Thus there's a great deal of turnover inside his skull. This causes problems. Brain cells aren't really that adept at passing along memories. They can do it sometimes, but only imperfectly. Thus he has a great deal of trouble remembering things. He has vague flashes of his own, and the world's history. This leads to problems when he's dealing with people. He really doesn't understand what to expect all that well. While it is certain that he's seen it all, he just can't remember it.

The counterside that is nice is that muscle memory is designed to work with cellular regeneration. Thus he is very skilled in most physical matters. Anything which he's done for a while he excells at. Also his body simply keeps itself at a high level of physical perfection.

He's been tromping through the world for far longer than he can remember. His exploits have generally been passed off more as legend than anything else. The Instite, though, is curious about legends and looked into this one. They managed to track down Laz, and convinved him to work for them. They offered him a place that would be his memory and a reason for his existence. He was game.

He is always assigned to a team as his imperfect understanding of the world can be a liability. However his durability tends to offset this. Properly equipped he can be a significant force in combat, but he really isn't in the league with really powerful mutants.

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First Post
Brother Shatterstone said:
Sounds like a plan, would this device still be part of her uniform today? Maybe with an on off button or would they allow her to move about unmolested? :)

If you want that device in your uniform, you'll have to pay it. It will cost 1 pp/rank (to cancel uncontrol flaw). So you can have it if you want. It is a device, so it has the device flaw, but as the flaw would reduce the cost to 0, you can consider to have the subtle extra, so it can be hidden pretty well and fit with any outfit. But the device would be something high-tech and fragile, not design to recieve hits.

@Drakknyte32: Your Dragon biologist is good. He fits well with Argent's character, most likely you would both be in the same team, a more scientific oriented team.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Velmont said:
If you want that device in your uniform, you'll have to pay it. It will cost 1 pp/rank (to cancel uncontrol flaw).

All in all it sounds reasonable. :) Though I'm going to pass on it and if the institute what’s her to be “quite” then they can make her wear it… She probably finds it to be slightly insulting and would rather not wear it at all.

Anyhow, I shall rewrite the characters history today, but it will probably need to wait till tonight… work looks to be busy. :(


First Post
Just to be clear, I was re-reading the creation rules. It seems to say that we get three bonus feats a contact, and a gadget. If this is correct I will do my editing.

I can list the feats here:
wealthx2 (compound interest is a wonderful thing)
talented (hide, move silently)

Gadget: Heavy Pistol +5L

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