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Into the Dragon's Maw (Adventure)



[section] The wizards skin glows slightly as each accusations comes, the hand on his staff tightening, he keeps his head bowed until the apparition finishes chastising. The name of the great wyrm sticks in Ignis' brain, he stifles his anger and by sidetracking his thoughts for any memory of this creature.
'my knowledge is lacking with regards to his clan destiny, other than previous images I bestowed..' The Genasi thought at the Half-orc in answer.
Looking up, his eye flaring bright, cutting the darkness before him as he glared at the apparition, "I require none of Ironshapers devices, nor is my intention to misappropriate your anvil. I beg your leave old master, for I will not endure further insult." with heavy sigh, Ignis calms himself, stands and backs away from the ghost as he returns to the group.
'Preparation for failed diplomacy,' he broadcasts,'Advise avoidance.'


Ignis is being truthful, he is here for the knowledge attained and sequestered by the dragon, as well as the fame for defeating the wyrm, but he knows some of the group are here after the treasure as their thoughts are apparent to him.

in the case you want a charisma check from me, for bluffing...

as well as ready action to cast Misty Step if the creature moves to attack

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Ignis (Wizard) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +0
Darkvision 60 ft.
Speed: 30'

Str 10, Dex 14 +2, Con 18 +4,Int 20 +5, Wis 10, Cha 8 -1

AC: 19 (Elven chain(Chain Shirt+1)=14+Staff of power+2, Dex+2, Cloak of protection +1)
HP 65/98

In Hand:Staff of Power(15/20 charges)
Off Hand:
Current ongoing spells
Rary's Telepathic Bond cast on everyone​

spell slots: 1st 2(4), 2nd- 3(3), 3rd 3(3), 4th 3(3), 5th 2(2), 6th 1(1)

Character Sheet

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Grabbing the few remaining pieces from the bone pile, Cade turns his attentions to the dwarven shade by the anvil. Striding lightly over, 'Clorothra? Was that the name of the dragon that was here? And do I understand that you and yours did not best it? Very well, I will not lie to you. We have come seeking the dragons hoard for our own. If it still lives, we intend to attempt to slay it. If this Anvil is yours and the heritage of your clan, I will not take it. Furthermore, I will ask what, if any, other pieces might be belong to you and yours that we might leave them in peace? Finally, what, if any, message may we pass to dwarfkind that they might know your fate and come to reclaim what is theirs?'


OOC: Real quick before I go to pick up my son from school. Ignis: I'm going to take the deception roll as persuasion. I'll check your sheet later, but I'm assuming that doesn't change the number. I'll outline what you recall with your history check this afternoon/evening. Cade: If you have a chance before I do, roll a persuasion check to go with your speech. *edit* Actually Cade, roll with advantage due to the content of your speech.

[section]Pell kept his eyes trained on the ghost. Part of him--the troublesome curious part--longed to reach out a hand and touch the ghost. Would it be cold? Would his hand pass through? Would the ghost be able to tell what he'd done, and, if so, would it take offense? Pell nodded to himself, deciding that the dwarf spectre seemed the sort to easily take offense at the curiosity of others. Pell grew nervous, his thoughts once again returning to how he might best protect himself against an angry spectre bent on destruction. He mentally reviewed the spellcraft for a defensive spell he'd once seen Nona cast when she was trying to resist the clutches of a drink-addled patron. Other than protecting his own hide, Pell remained quiet and watched to see whether any of his other skills might prove useful. [/section]

OOC: Readied action, cast blur if something attacks the party.

[sblock=Crunch]hp 20/75
AC 15
Initiative +6
Darkvision 60’
Speed 30’
Passive Perception 17
Investigation +8
Perception +7
Stealth +9
Action: Shortsword +2 (“Flick”), 1d20+10, 1d6+6 piercing, finesse, light
Bonus Action: Shortsword (“Swish”), 1d20+8, 1d6, piercing, finesse, light

Spell save DC 16
Spell attack modifier +8
Cantrips (4): mage hand, fire bolt (10), minor illusion, prestidigitation
Spells Known (8): sleep (3), color spray (3), grease (3), silent image (4), invisibility (7), spider climb (8), blur (10), disguise self (11)
1st lvl (4 slots)
2nd lvl (3 slots)[/sblock]


As Cade speaks, the ghost's form shimmers and vanishes only to appear a foot closer to the warrior. The process repeats over and over in less than a second before the ghost has crossed the divide between them. The shade raised the smithy hammer that hung where his arm should be and placed it right under Cade's chin.

His voice changed. The undercurrent of anger was still there, but it doesn't feel directed at you, “You're saying all the right words, boy. You want to bring justice to the murderer of my kin. You offer to honor my clan.” He lowers the hammer and begins to walk around Cade while looking at each member of the party.

“I want to believe ye. I've lingered on this plane so far from my home waiting for just this moment. Ever since that vile lizard stole our anvil for his hoard and brought it here, I've stood guard over it. I want to believe that you'll do what you say, but I need proof. I cannot go to the halls of my ancestors until I know that justice has been served and the evils done to my people have been set right. Willingly pledge to me that you'll slay the dragon, Chlorothra, and return the anvil to whoever still lives of the Ironshaper clan and I will join you until your pledge is done. Understand that your acceptance binds us together. You must choose this. My strength will be added to yours, but if you betray your pledge, I will be with you and my justice will be fierce.”

“What say you, boy? Will you let me help avenge my kin, slay this dragon, and bring the glory of my people home?”

The civilized world has not heard of Chlorothra in centuries. The last reports were of the massacre of the Ironshaper clan by the dragon far to the north. The Ironshaper clan was once famed for their ability to bind magic to metal. After the attack, the clan was no longer able to work these wonders. Looking at the anvil before you and listening to the ghost you put the pieces together.

As for how the dragon has spent the intervening centuries, you are still in the dark.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Lakeover is content to help the ghost, and recovering the anvil and its power seems a worthy quest.

"A pledge?" Lakeover scoffs. "We can help you, spirit, do what we can. But pledge?"

He hears the promise of added power, but is dubious. "We may serve your cause, help alieviate your pain." He pauses, lifts his nose. "Slay your dragon."

He seems uncertain about how to proceed. "Fix your anvil for you."

"But I do not swear an oath likely."

[[readied action to turn the ghost if things go sour.]]


The dwarf arches an eyebrow, "The anvil is not broken, elf. It only waits for my people to strike their hammers on it anew. The pledge must be made, but it need only be one of you. If you have spoken true, then our goals are one. I will remain with you until the dragon is slain and the anvil is returned to my clan. Then, I will move to my rest. The only risk is if you have lied about your intent. Are you telling me that you have sought to deceive me?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Our goals are one," confirms the elf. "I intend no deceit."

His syllables are short, clipped. He is fixed in his intent.

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
After the battle against the wymrlings, Faera left the group for a moment, hiding in darkness. The payment for using the gift her patron has bestowed must be given, that was the deal she struck so long ago. She was ashamed of the specifics this time. The Dark Fey was a capricious being and always was asking things according to its wims. This time was blood. So, she hide and licked the blood of the dragons for a moment. The flavor was new to her. A flavor she didn't want to try never again.

'You've done it well...' it was all the damn voice of the Dark Fey said in her head.

With her face and hands cleaned in the water, she returned to the group, and things did not seem to have improved much. Instead of dragons they were now dealing with a ghost. A dwarf, it seemed. It was as if they had just left the pan to fall amid burning coals. To her luck, Lake had already dealt with that thing. Trying to go unnoticed she went to Pell.

'It seems that everything went well, right?' Though honestly, she had no idea what she was talking about.

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Faera (Warlock [Pact of the Tome]) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +4 (Passive: 14)
Darkvision 120 ft.
Speed: 30'

AC: 15 (Glamoured studded armor (studded armor+1)=13 + Dex+2)
HP 60/87

In Hand: Rod of the pact keeper
Off Hand: Dagger

Character Sheet
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Voidrunner's Codex

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