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Into the Icy Darkness: The Great Demon War

A Trip Off-Plane

“Luke, you okay?” Siabrey asked later that night in a throne room that positively made her feel tiny. The words Tess uttered just after the party returned and witnessed THE throne room of the Empire for the first time rang in her head.

I think this entire palace was designed to make you feel small... remind even the haughtiest Emperor that he is far smaller than the Empire that he rules...

“I’m better,” he said with a quiet, sad smile. “Thank you for asking.”

Their voices echoed off of the high and imperious rafters of a room devoid of people... save Tess, Orion and Shaun. Shaun, who had been whittling at something at the base of the throne looked up.

“Look Luke, it’ll be fine,” the rogue grinned. “Now that you’re Emperor, you can bust out some street slang!” he added eagerly, which did cause Luke to laugh. “Maybe get some jive going amongst the nobles?”

“Shaun, somehow I doubt the Duchess of Cormeran would appreciate me telling her she is ‘stacked.’” Luke chortled.

“And I don’t appreciate you admiring her stackedness either!” Siabrey gave him a playful punch. Luke recoiled, laughing.

“Well, whadda we do now?” Tess asked no one in particular. “Wait here for news on the mess in Irulas?” Siabrey looked at Luke, and Shaun took a glance at Elenya, and both couples nodded. Tess knew familiar thoughts were in their minds... though at least Siabrey and Luke had a formal excuse. They were trying to make an heir.

“Fine... I guess we wait,” Tess said quietly.

It was a full three days later when Tess found herself in the throne room, alone with petitioners. Luke and Siabrey had deemed the matter of making sure there was an heir one of ‘utmost importance to the security of the state,’ and taken a large chunk of the three days off exclusively for that purpose. Shaun and Elenya had disappeared into the bowels of the palace... undoubtedly doing the same activities as the Emperor and Empress.

It was times like this that the bard missed Pellaron. While Siabrey and Shaun’s continuing ribbing of her over any relationship between the two was annoying, Tess had no issues whatsoever with the doomed paladin. Indeed, she’d liked him... not enough to think about a relationship, but enough that the two had a deep bond of friendship.

He wasn’t that bad... he didn’t have the backwardness of a normal elf... and he didn’t have the same arrogance as some paladins I’ve met, Tess reflected, even as she was supposed to be listening to a case being presented by a Duke... someone whose noble status was far higher than Luke’s old position as Count.

It was the loud calls of “Pardon! Excuse me! Important Imperial business!” that caught her attention, and caused her to look up. Shoving through the patient crowd (far more patient than the Irulas petitioners) were the familiar faces of Xanadu and Aeron. Tess quickly stood from the throne, and motioned for them to come to the front. A look to the Imperial Chancellor in Iskeldrun sent the other petitioners packing, until about ten minutes later, the hall was empty.

“What news?” she asked eagerly.

“Well... not much. Our man was off to talk to one of the powerful wizards in the Outlands when he was taken down... we guessed that from the information we found in his pocket. AS to which one it was... it could be one of many. The great Mordenkainen sometimes leaves his home to come to the Outlands or Sigil for information briefly, as do many of the other magical giants... Leomund, Rary, Elminster...” Aeron continued in wonder.

“People I don’t know from my own horse,” Tess interjected, causing the wizard to clear his throat.

“If I may make a suggestion,” Xanadu said quickly, “perhaps a trip should be organized to Sigil... to find out some of this information.”

“That sounds like an idea,” Tess said, already walking down from the throne. “Xanny, two things though.”


“You aren’t going,” Tess began, causing the half-elf dragon to sputter in fury.

“How? Why? What else to safeguard you all from whatever this is than a DRAGON!? Hello?!” he used a favorite phrase of annoyance of Shaun. “Dragon?! Big teeth!? Sharp claws?! Can freeze bad people that try to hurt you all?!”

As he sputtered, Tess laid a hand simply on his shoulder, giving him a smile of genuine thanks. “Xanny... I know all of that. That is why we need you here, to watch Luke! Your power is immense... and someone needs to stay with him... because he needs to stay to run the Empire!”

Xanadu was about to sputter more angry statements, but suddenly his mouth closed with a click. He looked down, his face twisting. He didn’t want to admit it, but Tess was right.

“I... I suppose you are correct,” he said quietly.

“Now... tell me, if you can, where your man found out he needed to talk to one of these great mages or whatnot...”

“So we get to meet one of the great magicians of the universe?” Elenya said excitedly a few hours later, after Tess had a chance to round up the rest of the party from whatever endeavors were distracting them. Shaun gave her a look that caused her to look down. “I mean,” she added quickly, “you all get to meet one of the great magicians?” Her mood was considerably less cheerful.

“I suppose... though if we meet this Rary character, Siabrey, thank him for his telepathy spell,” Lucius said eagerly, before his wife gave him the exact same stare... a volume of “no’s” said with a single look. “Siabrey, you thank him.”

The Empress’ look softened considerably at his statement, and the downcast look on his face. “Luke, I know you’d like to go, but someone has to stay behind to run the Empire... and I don’t think it’ll take that long!” She looked around at the others for backup. “I mean, we run into Sigil, get the information, and come back! We rest for a few days, and then we go down to the Abyss for demon beating action!” Luke looked at her, and she realized that her eyes betrayed her bravado statements.

“I suppose you’re right, love,” he said sadly, before a hint of something appeared in his eyes. She wasn’t sure what it was at first, until he spoke again. “After all, Siabrey, everyone knows the Empire would descend into civil war if I just left you behind!”

“Hey!” she smirked and he dodged her shoulder punch.

“Ok, now children,” Tess said in a matronly tone, “we’re going to Sigil. Aeron tells me its normal like here... save the city is far bigger than Iskeldrun... and no silly stuff. Its ruled by a creature named the ‘Lady of Pain.’”

“That sounds damn ominous,” Shaun commented.

“Quiet. Now, I know she sounds like a meanie, but she’s not. She actually probably has no care for us or the staff or anything... she’s powerful enough that deities won’t enter Sigil with their magic. Little petty things like beggary and in some cases even murder she tolerates... such is life in a city, she reasons.”

“Ineffective leadership,” Orion commented dryly. “Just ‘letting’ murders happen! Gah!”

“However, she does not tolerate major disturbances within the city. Stories exist of her destroying entire armies with the tiniest of thoughts in her head. So I think we should tread rather carefully. If we come under attack, from what the mages tell me, we’ll be able to respond, and if we’re defending innocents, we’ll be able to respond... but no starting things for the heck of it.”

A deep draw of air came from Vin’s direction.

“What, Vin?” Siabrey said quietly. “If you’re coming with me, you are an equal partner in this, regardless of our stations. If you have something on your mind, please speak.”

“I...I might have issues if I see a demon,” Vin said quietly, nervously running a hand over the white ash of her bow. “You see... this bow was given to me by my great uncle, a plane traveler. He heard I was good with a bow, and he gave me this bow he found in Sigil... it helps with my accuracy. But I digress... you see, he was slain by demons,” her face had twisted into a mixture of sadness and rage, “and I hunted down his murderers, and slew them with this...very... bow.” Her hands stopped rubbing along it, and her eyes gave a positively feral look.

Wow, Siabrey wanted to recoil from the woman. The look in her eyes was positively murderous, and the Empress slowly began to realize what was inside the tortured woman. But even as her eyes went murderously wide, they welled up with tears again.

“Poor Uncle Elarion!” Vin said quietly, nuzzling her head into Andar, “poor poor uncle...”

“You have a crybaby bodyguard,” Siabrey heard Shaun say quietly. The Empress turned, her nostrils flaring in anger.

“Don’t you ever speak that way of Vin again,” she hissed. “That woman has been through a lot! And I have no doubt she can slay many demons, let alone mere humans!” A quick look at Vin’s direction let Siabrey know the archer hadn’t heard any of the conversation thankfully, as Shaun backed away, hands up in a truce.

“Don’t worry Vin... once we get into the Outlands, you can slay any demon you find,” Tess said with a smile. “The Outlands are the areas on Sigil’s plane that do not include the city. The Lady of Pain does not care what happens out there... and unfortunately for us... fortunately for Vin, should she find a demon, that is where these ‘great magicians’ frequently appear when they choose to spend time on that plane.”

“From what Aeron tells me, most of the upper ones do not live there... they sometimes have homes, or ‘drop in’ occasionally to gain information or search for magic items... Sigil is the center of all of the planes... all worlds can get to Sigil, and Sigil can get to all worlds...”

“Sounds like a bumpin’ place,” Shaun said, having overcome his fear of speaking after Siabrey’s harsh snapping at him. “So presumably people from the Abyss can get there?”

“The Abyss, the Nine Layers of Hell, Acheron... there’s a longer list of places, that I don’t even know. Aeron can likely spout them off like a child’s wishlist for toys I bet,” Tess said finally. “You’ll find solars brushing alongside devils there... of course they won’t be happy about bumping into each other, but within the city... its a choice of tolerating each other, or ticking off the Lady of Pain.”

“Ah... “ Luke grunted. “Well, you all know that if you need any supplies,” he pointed to himself. “Since my blade and magic can’t come with, according to my dearest wife,” he smiled sweetly at Siarbey, “it’s the least I can do.”

“Holy Hand Grenades?” Shaun asked hopefully. When the rest of the party looked at him funny, he shrugged. “It was a joke I heard a long time ago, sorry.”

The party to be heading out to Sigil was slowly gathered over the course of the next day. Grumki eagerly broke his discussions with the Chief Chainbreaker of the Strong of Kord to come have a chance to show Kord’s strength on another world. Hidalas was pulled from his new appointment in the Church of Tarantor. Geoffrey came along as well... the halfling reasoned that in such a “bumpin’ place,” to use Shaun’s term, there must be fine wine and alcohol. Aeron, ambitious as always, also managed to finangle himself into coming along.

After a long series of goodbyes, the party found themselves in the same teleportation room as they arrived in. With a tearful Lucius and Xanadu looking along (as well as a fuming Pyrion... Siabrey and Tess had insisted he remain behind with his machine, in case anything went wrong with the scouting expedition), the chamber was activated, and the world spun around for the party.

When it stopped, they found themselves in a much smaller chamber, large enough for maybe twenty men, little more. It was rather plain as well, and the only people present were two tall creatures, easily 8 feet taller or more, with blue skin. They looked human, but not human... Siabrey would say that they had a slight tinge of half orc in them, without the sloping brow or massive muscles.

They beckoned the party over, where another was sitting behind a large desk. One leaned over, and rather insistently spouted something off in a rattling, harsh tongue the party didn’t understand. They didn’t appear armed, so no one in the party drew their weapons.

The two creatures looked at each other, and one uttered a few unknown phrases at the one sitting, who wrinkled his nose, then looked at the party. It was now, close to them, that the party caught a whiff of something exotic and different... scents that they had never smelled before.

“Names?” the sitting one said, and at the surprised look the party gave him, he gave a satisfied grunt.

“Siabrey Sipner-Caladron, Tesseron Keldare, Shaun Dice, Orion the Monk,” Siabrey began, listing everyone’s name... but not their titles. She didn’t particularly want these people she didn’t know to find out she was an Empress... while Tess had faith in the city of Sigil, Siabrey didn’t know for sure if the Lady of Pain would stop a kidnapping.

“Ranks?” the seated man said quietly. Siabrey started to speak, but nary a word came from her mouth. Instead, she looked uncertainly at Tess.

“Tell him, Siabrey,” Tess urged quietly, “they are mercanes... planar traders. They have concern with peace and stability... not kidnapping.” Reluctantly Siabrey informed the two creatures of their noble status.

“Ah, an Empress,” the man said gruffly. “Third one today. Refugees? In exile?” he asked curiously.

“Um... no. We are here... to... um... procure some important advice from a... um... friend of the kingdom?” Siabrey said uncertainly, and winced after her lame excuse was finished.

“Ah,” the blue skinned creature said, “diplomatic visit then,” he scrawled into some book of some kind. After he was finished, he held out a large hand. “Weapons?” Seeing the party’s reluctance to hand them over, he gave a toothy grin. “We shall return them, I would like to put this,” he held a small white cloth,” on each one to show that it has been magically registered.”

“Oh,” the party said collectively, and their weapons soon had white cloths tied around their hilts or shafts. After a few more scrawlings, the sitting one waved the party on.

“Run along. We have another teleporter coming in this chamber soon. Sigil is outside. Merchants district is to the left, two miles. Mage’s Quarters are to the right, about a mile. Run along!” he shooed at them.

Thus, the party stepped out of a dark, backwater teleportation chamber, and into the light of a bright Sigil day. They found themselves transported from the largest city in their world to the largest city in any world. A bevy of unusual creatures walked about outside... celestials, fiends, mercanes, humans, elves, dwarves, all side by side, hawking wares, going to and fro.

Now their quest had taken them off of their world, and gingerly, they stepped into a new and strange place, not expecting the new, strange, and indeed, frightening challenges that awaited them...

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DM's Note:

Sigil in my campaign world is something different that what is presented in Planescape or Manual of the Planes. My description of the world changed partially due to lack of time to explain it, and partially due to me not likely the complexity of the arrangements in the Manual of the Planes.

Sigil is not hovering above a massive plinth in this world. Instead, it is like a normal city on the plains, forests and hills of the Outlands... save it is massive... many many times the size of Iskeldrun or other 'normal' cities. Inside Sigil there are numerous teleportation chambers connecting the plane with all the known planes in existence... as well as many natural 'planar holes' that allow people to traverse around.

Many of the numerous 'Material Planes' in this system, as well as special planes such as the Abyss, Celestia, etc. have connections with each other. Some don't. All, however, have connections with Sigil.

Thus Sigil has, to a certain extent, become the "center" of this universe. The Lady of Pain keeps the peace, and prevents marauding armies from using Sigil as a passageway to other planes. She does not, however, use her power to stop regular crime, etc... that is the job of the local wards of hte city, who like most medieval attempts at crime fighting, are hit and miss.

As mostly a joking nod to the DMs in the party (Tess' player and Orion's player are both DMs with far more experience than me), I also had the Outlands be a place that many of the great magicians and wizards visit from time to time. As Sigil is the center of hte universe, of course it also is the center of information and knowledge. While the scholars in Sigil do not know all things (Indeed, they likely know of the Empire in the party's home world... not neccessarily its geography, topography or history), they can easily get access to much of it. Thus, if a mage or scholar of sufficient wealth and power (usually individually among the upper crust in his world, or a member of the most powerful group of its kind in the world... such as the Imperial Court Mages) can at some expense travel to Sigil to research what he needs.

So, ever century or two, one of the greats... Mordenkainen, Rary, Leomund, Elminster and the like, drop in to scout out information for a few hours or few days. After finding what they were seeking they leave. Besides these obvious folks, there are the powerful wizards who are not quite as well known, but nonetheless know as much, perhaps even more than these well known practicioners...


The first thing that met the eyes of the party as they strode into the bright light of a Sigil day was the simple fact that there was not a sun overhead.... but sunS! Two twin yellow orbs hovered near each other in the sky, providing light that was about the same as the light in their home plane.

The second thing that struck them was exactly what Tess warned them of; while uncommon, there were a few demons and devils on the streets, as well as a few celestials. Most of those in the street were from a wide variety of races... some they recognized, like humans, elves, dwarves and halflings, and a few they didn’t, such as the mysterious mercanes, or strange spindly humanoids with pale yellow skin... which Aeron comented were githerazai.

Around them, the city itself was impressive as well. The street they were on, judging from the slightly run down nature of some of the buildings, was a side street. But it was as wide as the greatest avenue in Iskeldrun. The ‘slightly run down’ buildings on either side also towered into the sky, the smallest of which seemingly as high as the Imperial Palace in Iskeldrun. The streets were mostly covered in shadow, as the crowds murmured and shifted to their destinations.

“Well,” Shaun said in a somewhat awestruck voice, “we’re here. What do we do now? Any idea where we might find out where our man was headed?”

“Where do we even begin asking?” Orion asked quietly, his eyes also looking about in wonder.

“Hmm,” Tess closed her eyes for a second, and pinched her nose. A second or two later, her eyes flitted back open. “We should split up and canvass what we can. Take, say, three hours. We’ll go in pairs, to make sure no one is alone, and I have no doubt any of us can tangle with any of the rogues who might try and liberate us of our funds... just use common sense.”

“In other words, no leaping into blind alleys and the like after demons,” Shaun commented dryly to Vin, who gave him a frown.

“Well, I’ll head this way,” Siabrey pointed up the street. Vin promptly announced she would accompany her. Shaun took Geoffrey, and headed up another side street, while Tess and the others would scout out this immediate area. If trouble arose, the two scout groups were to return to this location, where the bulk of the party’s firepower could be concentrated...

Siabrey looked about in frustration. Fully two hours into their search, and she and Vin had received only the same reply to their queries... the “Great Mages” were not presently here on this plane... or the person questioned just didn’t know.

“C’mon Vin,” Siabrey motioned, “let’s start heading back. Maybe the others know of something.” They walked for a bit, before a burning question that had been bothering Siabrey for a bit finally became too annoying, and she blurted it out.

“Vin... they said you hated demons. Why was that?” The half-elf stroked her fox deeply as the question was asked, and it took a few minutes before she was ready to reply.

“The people that murdered Uncle Elarion were demons... they had changed shape into humans, and he didn’t know what they were when he made his deal with them.” She gave a big sigh, “To hunt them down, I had to learn about them... that is why to this day I can recite the vulnerable parts of a vrock’s anatomy by heart, or tell you that a sharp palm blow where the head connects to the neck on a quasit can shatter its spine, killing it.”

Siabrey’s eyes went a little wide. There really is an angry, vicious person underneath... it explains despite her emotions Diogenes had her as... what? A professional killer? That would be the best way to describe it...

“If it sets you at ease, Majesty, I cannot do the same with humans,” the archer said with a slight smile, before nuzzling her fox again. “They haven’t hurt me as much as those demons.”

“Vin, lemme tell you... I’m relieved,” Siabrey gave a grin herself. “Even though I haven’t seen you in combat yet, I can only imagine those- what are you looking at?”

Vin had stopped in the middle of the road, staring off to the side. As Siabrey followed her gaze, she saw what the archer was staring at.

In an alley of sorts to the side of the road, just out of eyeshot of anyone who wasn’t specifically looking, two tall creatures stood. They both were green, with featureless faces save their large, black eyes. Their heads were elongated, and sloped back past the forehead. More alarmingly were the two figures beside them.

There were two human girls... one looked to be about five, the other looked to be perhaps twelve. One of the creatures had the small five year old in its grasp, a wicked looking knife at her neck. The other was advancing on the older girl, his blade drawn.

Siabrey could read into the archer’s mind, but Vin was raging. She’d been taken advantage of when she was younger, and her heart burned furiously at seeing what might be occuring. Without consulting her charge, she started over that way, only to have Siabrey grab her shoulder.

“Vin,” the Empress said quietly, “Let us see if this can be resolved without bloodshed. Should it be necessary, my blades will join yours.”

Gruffly, the archer nodded.

As they drew close to the two creatures, they could hear the one advancing on the older girl hissing at her... the words seemed wet and dripping, as if its throat was full of phlegm.

“Your father... yessss... he owesss usss many magical itemsss...” it snarled, “and ssshould he not complete our requessst, we ssshall make due with your blood...”

The girl stammered out a few sentences that she was in town for supplies, and that she nothing of her father’s supposed deal with them. The two creatures which Vin said were some kind of yugoloth, had not noticed Siabrey or Vin’s approach, till the former spoke.

“Unhand her!” Siabrey said commandingly, Kelir and her washazaki already drawn. Vin’s longsword and shortsword were also out.

The yugoloth holding the little girl stared at the two of them for a split second...

...and then slashed open the little girl’s throat, nearly cutting her head from her body. His compatriot spun, and the two jointly charged the Siabrey and Vin, leaving the older girl to scream over the body of the younger.

Vin was the first to react, and the scream that came from her throat was bloodcurdling. Before Siabrey’s blades had even moved, the ‘archer’s’ two swords spun through the air in graceful, deadly arcs, and the Empress could only watch in horror as the yugoloth disappeared into a multitude of pieces under her ferocious assault.

The other yugoloth swung at Siabrey, and the Empress dodged his blade before Kelir found the back of his head as her washazaki found the front of his neck. The dual swings slashed his head into two parts, and sent them flying from his collapsing body. It was only then that for a brief second, the Empress had time to consider what the so-called archer had done... and she realized she never wanted to cross sword blades with her bodyguard either.

“Oh honey!” Vin’s rage had already disappeared, and she had wrapped her arms around the older girl, who was still screaming. “They’re gone! They’re gone! Ssh! Shush! It’s okay!” she rocked the girl back and forth, whispering calmly in her ear.

“My sister! My sister!” the older one cried. “My father will be so angry!”

Siabrey walked over to the little girl, to confirm what she knew was true... the little girl was dead. With an angry sigh, the Empress arose, and she caste a feral glance at the bodies of the two yugoloths still in the alley.

“Vin... Grumki has the power to bring people back from the dead... he could do the same for this little girl!” Siabrey said suddenly. The Empress took off her cloak, and wrapped the little girl’s body in it. “Let’s hurry! Come on.... honey, what is your name?”

“Annette,” the older girl whimpered. “My father is the wizard Asuri! Please, I want to go home!”

Shaun and Geoffrey’s search wasn’t productive either it. After a few hours or looking about, Geoffrey, still annoyed that he hadn’t found anything to drink, pointed ahead to a liquor stand on the side of the street.

“Boss, I’m thirsty, I’m going there,” he announced, ducking into the crowd before Shaun could catch him and hold him back.

Dammit, Geoffrey! Shaun raged, You’re more effective to us when you’re angry... and you’re angry when you haven’t had any alcohol!

As the rogue ferreted his way through the crowd towards the liquor stand, something to the side of the stand caught his attention...

...a little girl, holding out a hat. A few passerbys put small coppers into her hat, while many others scoffed. As he watched, a larger, more brutish man came up, and pointedly took a few silver from her, making a threatening fist before disappearing into the crowd.

Shaun’s mind immediately jumped back to his own past... how he had lived for a few months after running away from his parents. “Eeked” an existence would be an understatement. Hunger was what drove him to steal at first... its just he eventually became so good at it that it became his career... until a few months ago.

Gingerly, Shaun walked up to the girl, and pulled out ten platinum, and put them not into her hat, but into her hand. “Little one... keep the most valuable coins on yourself, not in the hat,” he smiled, “that way those big brutes won’t find them unless they search you, and most are too busy roughing up others to do that.”

The little girl stared in awe at the coins in her hand. “T...t...thank you sir,” she stammered.

“Where are your mother and father?” Shaun asked, dreading the answer he expected. As he’d feared, she shook her head in confusion. “You don’t have any parents?” he asked, and she nodded. Shaun held out his hand, and gave a sigh.

“My name is Shaun Dice. I’m your friend. Your name is?”

“Sarai,” the little girl said. By her voice and big eyes, she couldn’t have been much older than six or seven. The a squealing, light rumble came from her belly, and she looked down.

“When was the last time you ate?” Shaun asked, worried.

“Two days ago. she held up her hands, evidently proud she could count. “A butcher left a chicken’s head out behind his shop, and I took it.”

“Come with me, Sarai. I’m going to get you something to eat. How does ice cream sound?” The girl looked at him funny, and raised an eyebrow. She doesn’t know what ice cream is. “Here... hold my hand. Its really really good!” Shaun promised, as his mind panicked, I can’t leave her here... she’ll die! I’ve got to take her with... maybe Siabrey, Tess or one of them will know what to do with her. He looked around for her erstwhile halfling companion, and it wasn’t too long before he spotted Geoffrey holding a bottle that seemed to contain liquid flames.

“They call this *hic* ‘The Abomination’ drink! *hic* Costs one gold per bottle, but by god, its got some *hic* kick!” the halfling slurred, causing Shaun to groan.

While Aeron, Hidalas and the others stayed by the building the party had left, Tess and Grumki wallowed into the crowd nearby, peppering them with questions. While Tess was diplomatic, the blunt Grumki pointedly asked, “Who here would know the Abyss, yet is not a fiend?”

Ironically, he was also the one that got the most positive replies. The majority of respondents agreed that one of the “Great Mages” would be the best choice... all had lived hundreds if not thousands of years due to their innate knowledge of magic (and unlike weaker mages who were forced to turn to lichdom, these people kept themselves alive, and not twisted by evil), and while there were those inside the city of Sigil that hawked such information, such information cost a massive price. The Great Mages, depending on what one offered them, could possibly do such for free.

However, there was, for the most part, disagreement on which mages were present. Rumors said that Leomund had walked the city only two days prior, in search of chaotic roc feathers for some ceremony on his homeworld. Others said that the great Elminster had been trying to get a chip in a favorite blade fixed. Tess and Grumki both merely looked at these people in confusion... they had no idea who they were.

Several people near the end of their hunt finally agreed that one of the mages the party might contact was present... a man named Asuri. While he was a fountain of knowledge, he was not the same as many of the other greats... indeed, he was jealous of them. Advice poured from all quarters to not mention Mordenkainen to Asuri... the latter was still furious the former had stolen a spell idea some centuries before... some spell that had something to do with a hound. Asuri had never been married, and had no children, thus kidnapping schemes would be harder. Tess hadn’t asked for that information, it had been blurted out by an unscrupulous yugoloth.

Taking this information to heart, Grumki and Tess returned to the main group just as Shaun arrived with a little girl in tow. Promising to explain later, Shaun took the small girl into a nearby ice cream shop. Only a few seconds later, a desperate looking Siabrey, Andar and Vin burst from the crowd. Vin held a girl of about ten in her arms, while on Andar’s back was a bloody cloak.

“Grumki!” Siabrey shouted. “Grumki! We have a little girl that was murdered! Can you raise her?”

“The strength of Kord surely can raise the weak that have been oppressed!” Grumki said, lifting the bundled cloak off of the fox’s back. “I shall need an alley. The powers that can rebuild her body may not be for the faint of heart.”

Quickly a nearby alley was scoured out, and Grumki laid the little girl down, beginning his prayers. Tess, Siabrey, and Vin took her sister back to where the rest of the party was, calmly telling her that her sister would be fine.. only time was needed.

“You were very brave today, Annette,” Siabrey brushed a hand over her head in a calming manner. “Your sister will be fine. We seek no reward with your father... helping you was the right thing to...”

“Who was her father?” Shaun, now back from the ice cream trip, whispered to Vin. Sarai, for her part, was oblivious to the crisis at hand, and was laughing eagerly as Andar licked her as she licked a strawberry ice cream cone.

“Some wizard named Asuri,” Vin replied, and Tess’ ears perked up.

“Asuri?” the bard hissed, and Vin nodded. Tess’ eyes went confused. But according to that yugoloth... and that mercane, and those others we asked... Asuri had no children?

From the alleyway where Grumki was at work came a sudden roar... a half-orc shout of surprise and alarm. Grumki’s massive form lumbered out of the alleyway, towards the party. His face reflected shock and confusion of its own.

“The dead little girl! She was no little girl! She was a fiend!” Grumki screamed.

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Bear with me... I have no notes of the rest of this adventure, so I am going off of memory entirely from events... 5 weeks ago?

Unpleasant Surprises

“A what?” Tess shouted in confusion, even as Annette began sliding away from the party.

“Annette, wait!” Siabrey called. “Wait!”

The young girl’s face was already twisting, changing, and two tiny horns had spouted from the crown of her head. Her eyes reflected fear and terror, and she continued to slowly back further and further into the crowd.

“No,” she said, her voice panicky, “you’ll hurt me! You’ll kill me!”

“No! We won’t Annette!” Siabrey shouted, not caring what the opinion of the others was. She might be a fiend herself, but she’s scared! If we treat her with trust, we can find out why she is here! Maybe she’s not here at all to watch us!

“Annette, please! Come back, and tell us why you are here! We won’t hurt you!” Siabrey called plaintively again. The screams of the girl as she watched her sister fall still rang in the Empress’ ears.

“No! You won’t understand! I... I’ve found you, I’ve finished what I needed to do!” the girl screeched, her skin now changing to a slightly rosy pink, two enormous, feathery wings sprouting from her back.

“An Erinyes!” Tess shouted. “Stop her!” Tess’ shouts were echoed by Grumki and Shaun, causing the young creature to suddenly leapt upwards, her wings flapping furiously as she rose into the air.

Vin’s face had changed. The woman, who had formerly been so kind, compassionate, indeed understand, was now twisted in hate. I’ve been duped! her mind screamed, and hatred flowed into her limbs as she drew her bow, and pulled forth an arrow. She aimed, even as the Erinyes twisted and turned in the air, and let loose.

By all accounts, Vin’s shot should have missed, by a very wide margin. Yet it seemed her arrow was attached, by some kind of tether, to her quarry. It twisted and turned, following the Erinyes through her vicious dodges. The arrow slammed into Annette with vicious force. The devil twisted and cartwheeled slightly before regaining her balance, continuing her rise upward into the air. (Vin’s bow is very special... details at the end)

“Don’t kill her!” Siabrey shouted as Shaun also took aim, and another arrow slammed into the creature’s spine. “Don’t kill her! Shoot at her wings!” Two more arrows slashed upwards from the party, both missing.

It was Aeron, finally, who uttered several arcane words, causing the devil to seize in mid-flight, causing her to fall like a stone (hold person). In the midst of the crowd however, the party saw a mercane maneuver himself to catch her. The tall bluish creature briefly grew horns, before suddenly blinking out of existence... teleportation.

“Dammit!” Siabrey gave a roar. “We could’ve gotten information from her! And she was scared!”

“She was a spy,” Tess countered, her own face furious, “didn’t you hear her? She’d finished what she needed to do! Why would she have accompanied you? To confirm you were here!”

“I don’t like this one bit,” Shaun added. “If she was a spy... then whoever took out the wizard up here will soon be after us... and an erinyes? Aren’t those devils?”

“Yup,” Tess turned to him... she was still livid. “Devils... probably want to take the staff and destroy it!”

“But she was... a little girl...” Siabrey said, still confused. “I heard her scream when her sister was killed...”

“She lied. Plain and simple,” Tess snapped. “They were both devils I bet! And...” suddenly Tess stopped, and stared at Sarai, who was looking between Shaun and the crowd where the Erinyes had fallen in confusion. “Shaun?! Your little girl!? Check her out!”

“Paranoid, aren’t we?” Orion commented dryly.

“Yes! I AM paranoid after that! Grumki! Hidalas! Is she evil?”

“Evil? Maybe, if I haven’t eaten in a few days I’ll steal some bread... does that make me evil?” the little girl asked innocently as both clerics looked at her, uttering small divine prayers. Both clerics got surprised looks, and looked at Tess, shaking their heads.

“She is neither good nor evil...” Hidalas said quietly. “She, like most humans, is merely neutral.”

“Siabrey, any magic on her?” Tess pressed. Reluctantly, the Empress opened her eyes to her special sight... and saw there was no magic either.

“There! Happy?” Siabrey said testily. “She’s a little girl! Now, can we take care of her, and then put together our information to figure out what the hell we are going to do here!?”

“Calm, calm,” Shaun raised his hands, coming between the two. “Now, I didn’t find any information on the mages... you Siabrey?” The fighter shook her head, and Shaun turned to Tess. “How about you?”

“I have a name... Asuri. He’s an ancient mage, somewhat high-strung and irascible, but knowledgeable nontheless.” Tess had calmed down some... set at ease by the assurances of the others. “I raised my eyebrows initially at Annette because Asuri does not have children.”

“How far is he from where we are?” Siabrey said, her voice also calmed down by the change of subject. “A few days?”

“Three weeks, out in the Outlands by foot,” Tess said quietly. “That’s six weeks to go talk to him, and come back. Hey Aeron, do you have any means of teleporting us there, o Master Court wizard?”

“I don’t have the proper spellbooks to teleport groups,” Aeron said quietly. “I’d recommend someone teleporting back using the chambers here, and getting the staff...”

“Maybe we could go straight from here to the Abyss, to save time?” Tess offered, causing Siabrey to groan. Tess looked at her, the bard’s eyes softening considerably. “I know... but going that route will let you get back to your Luke even sooner, dearest.”

“I know,” Siabrey kicked at a pebble. “Aeron.. go. Get the staff... and see if there’s a way for you to try and keep it from talking to us as much.”

While Aeron was back in their homeplane, a trip that would take a few days, the party set about trying to find someone, anyone that would be able to take care of Sarai. For a while, it seemed a possibility that she could be put in a boarding school, until they were informed it was a school for rich merchants... and cost a thousand platinum per year. Somewhat miffed, Shaun convinced the party to take Sarai with... perhaps Asuri would know what to do with her. Otherwise, they could just teleport her back to the home plane, to become a ward of the Imperial state.

When Aeron returned some three days later, the party was shocked not by his self satisfied grin, but what the staff looked like. The plain, black staff, surmounted by a diamond, had a yellow sun disk of Pelor jammed into the other end, where the ‘Fire Stone’ would have normally gone.


“I fixed it up so it doesn’t talk as much!” Aeron grinned. “This here is the channeling icon of the High Glory of Pelor from the Iskeldrun temple himself! Most powerful artifact of Church of Pelor in existence on our plane. Graz’zt can still talk,” Aeron set the staff down, “but not nearly as often... maybe once or twice per day... at least thats how many times he tried to get into my head. It was damn hard for me to resist... so someone else should carry this!”

“How about Grumki?” Tess offered.

“No!” Orion shouted. “Don’t give an artifact like that to a wishy washy Kordling!” Grumki frowned viciously at Orion, and the old staring contests between the lawful good monk and chaotic neutral cleric seemed as if they would start up again. Orion suddenly gave a fierce grin. “Let me carry it... and show Grumki the true ‘strength of Kord’ is in the mind!”

“Fine,” Grumki said. “I shall show the strength of Kord by not using my backslap to congratulate you.” The comment was delivered dryly, but prompted Shaun to start laughing heavily.

A few hours later, the party packed up their items, and headed out into the Outlands, the name of a wizard named Asuri in their heads, and on many of their minds, the fate of a small little girl, who eagerly and rabidly ate through trail rations as if she’d never seen that much food in a long time...

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Vynystra’s Bow is a modified Skybow, which I made myself.

Luminar's Skybow of Vengeance
Luminar was a cleric of the elven god Corellon Latherian, whose worshippers now dwindle in numbers in the Empire. During those ancient days, the boundaries between planes were not as hard to cross... and unfortunately, the cleric's love, the elf Syllistra, was killed by a demon. He then, along with a mage friend, Lumistryra, created this powerful weapon, which he then used to hunt down her killers. His quest was not satisfied in his lifetime... and now his anger has found its home in this bow.

Lumiar's Skybow of Vengeance is a +2 holy composite longbow. In addition, once per day, the wielder may launch an arrow against any target known to be in range, and the arrow travels to the target around all forms of cover, even around corners. Essentially it is a patriot arrow.

Game stats: +2 composite longbow [1d8/x3 damage (1d8+2d6 damage when striking an evil creature)]

The Trip to See a Hermit, and Many Other Surprises

The party found the Outlands not too different from the lands of the Empire that they left behind. It took them a full two days to reach the edge of Sigil. There, the city was still dense as ever, though it suddenly stopped, as if a knife had cut a line between it and the rest of the Outlands.

The Outlands themselves were much as the old lands of the Empire itself... rolling green hills covered in fields and forests. Some of the trees were rather unusual; Tess at one point swore one of the trees spoke. In the skies above, the party could see strange birds flying alongside the eagles and sparrows the party expected. One species of bird had four wings... which Tess recognized as an arrowhawk.

The party still remained jittery... the mystery of what happened to the wizard sent by the Court Mages’ still hung in there heads. With the escape of the erinyes only a few days prior in Sigil, they had no doubt the beast was now after them. Indeed, they were jittery enough that one night Grumki nearly prayed to Kord for a flamestrike on a mere bat. For her part, Sarai giggled when it flew overhead, asking if it was a “nightbird.”

Only a few days from their final destination (or so they hoped, Shaun had misgivings about the directions they’d recieved), the party decided to form camp, and rest for the night. 1st watch, held by Tess and Aeron, went uneventfully. On second watch, however, Orion spotted something unusual...

“Look, Orion, doesn’t she look cute!” Siabrey cooed quietly, looking at Sarai. The girl’s tiny form was snuggled close to the side of her sleeping benefactor, even taking to snoring lightly like Shaun. As Orion’s eyes went to her, the little girl’s arm stretched up, and the noise of a tiny yawn came through the air.

“I think you woke her,” the monk said dryly. The little girl was now sitting up, and slowly climbing out of her covers.

“I’ll check on her,” Orion rolled his eyes, noting Siabrey wasn’t moving. The monk quietly walked over towards her. “Sarai, dear, what’s wrong? You have a bad dream?”

The girl had turned away from him, and was walking into the woods. She said nothing to his question.

“Sarai, honey, come back!” Orion said softly, walking after her, “It’s not safe!”

The little girl kept walking... and Orion became more concerned, as thoughts of the other two little girls the party had run into in Sigil came to his head.

“Siabrey, wake everyone!” the monk called quietly, still following her. He then turned back to Sarai, and called again for her to come back. Her head turned, and Orion wasn’t sure what it was... something about her eyes just wasn’t right. Chills ran up his spine, as she turned back, and suddenly broke into a dead sprint, one that was far faster than a little girl should have been capable of. As Orion stood there, stunned and debating what to do, she was quickly racing ahead.

The staff! Orion’s mind raced. True, Graz’zt had tried to talk to him, but sadly, the demon lord had found Orion to be quite a bore... a “goody two-shoes,” and, “pansy,” were what Graz’zt had devolved into calling him. The monk spun back around, and grabbed the staff. By this point, Sarai was a full sixty feet into the woods, and for a moment, Orion lost sight of her.

“What the hell did you wake us for?” a sharp complaint arose from Tess.

“Sarai ran into the woods,” Orion said plainly, “and she didn’t look right, I can’t explain it. It looked almost like she was twisting or changing. Maybe it was my eyes.”

“Sarai!” Shaun called, and started walking out after her. “Sarai, come back! Where are you?” He was now trotting in her direction, and he caught a glimpse of something large and grotesque. It was covered with greenish scales, with a snake-like head. The monk gave a shout and screamed at the creature, before charging it to deliver a furious blow.

It was at that moment that it all began.

The beast stepped back from him, and suddenly everyone in the party heard a loud, commanding voice. It was not the voice of a child, but the voice of something different to everyone.

To Siabrey, it was a combination of her mother and Luke. To Tess, it was her parents, coupled with... surprisingly, the voice of Pellaron. To Shaun, it was Elenya’s voice. To Orion, it was the headmaster of his order.

To Orion, the voice called in a dominating male voice, “Orion Mystralis! Thou hast served this band of brothers well! Thou hath carried thy burden long enough. Brothers doth serve brothers, and now we have come to serve you! Hand us thy staff, and we shall bear it to its destination!”

For a split second, Orion stood, staring ahead as the voice echoed in his head, before his mind snapped back. Master Cenobis is not here! He was not aware there were other planes! That cannot be him! That is some beast! The monk’s grip on the staff only tightened.

To everyone else, the voice’s siren call varied, but with the same basic demand: “Your friend Orion is no friend! He intends to take the staff for himself, and use it to destroy what you love, and become an Emperor far more terrible than Graz’zt himself! Take the staff from him! Give it to us! We shall ensure its proper destruction!”

For Siabrey, the voice came first as a silent whisper from Lucius... a lover’s whisper, that she should grab the staff. Then it shifted to her mother, an advising, in some ways, commanding tone. Siabrey’s mind, for several seconds, hung on the precipice of charging Orion, tackling him, and taking the staff, but her mind shook free of the powerful suggestion.

For Shaun, the voice was of Elenya, and three children’s voices he’d never heard before. The smaller voices screamed for daddy to get them the staff if they loved him, to which Elenya’s pleasant soprano was added, simply saying, “Hon, if you get this for them, I think they’ll be quiet... then we can spend some alone time!” Something about the way Elenya winked in the mental image tipped him off that it wasn’t real, and he too shook off the image.

Tess, however, was not as fortunate. While her mother’s harpings and her father’s gentle persuadings she was able to resist, the simple, soft voice of the fallen paladin was far too insidious. It uttered in her mind that he could be brought back if the staff was taken from Orion. A shriek of sonic darts had been ready on Tess’ lips, but these suddenly found themselves redirected...

...at Orion.

It came as an avalanche of noise, a shriek high and horrible, thundering over his ears and shaking him to his very bones. The monk stumbled under the furious sonic hammerblow, fortunate that Tess was aiming to knock him unconscious, not kill him. He managed to shake off the blows, and still managed to deliver a series of vicious assaults on the unknown beast in front of him.

“Back away!” Grumki shouted, slightly too late as Hidalas’ prayers to Tarantor were answered and a column of fire shattered downward from the sky, immolating the creature for several seconds. To the half-orc’s suprise, Orion backflipped furiously, and deftly dodged all the flames that tried to lick him, before leaping back into the fray.

Siabrey charged forward, her blades upraised. The fighter’s flaming blades (yes, by this point both her katana and her washazaki were +2 flaming weapons) sliced hard and true through the creature, but the beast seemed to not be harmed by the flames on her weapon.

Both Shaun and Vin sent arrows flashing towards the creature as well. Shaun, disbelieving that the little girl he had rescued had turned into this monstrousity, missed badly, his arrow skittering through the trees high and to the right of where the creature was.

Vin’s shots, however, went true. All four arrows slammed deep into the creature’s chest, and seemed to flash with brilliant energy as they hit (holy damage). The creature seemed to reel especially hard from this blow, but nonetheless remained standing, even after Aeron sent a lightning bolt in its direction.
As a matter of fact, the snake headed beast backed away from Orion again, and a blast of unholy fire exploded in the middle of the party. While most managed to shrug off some of the worse effects, poor Geoffrey was left stumbling around, his senses all impaired by the aura of evil and death that covered the area (unholy blight).

Orion found himself suddenly in a precarious position. The creature in front of him bared her fangs as he charged, and he could plainly see that not only were they as long as his hand, but that some bluish-green slime dripped from them. A party member was blasting him with energy... and to top everything off... a familiar voice came into his head.

”Goody two-shoes, Graz’zt sneered into his mind, “You have a habit of not listening to me, but listen well now!”

“Why should I listen to you?” Orion snarled back, as he delivered another furious series of punches and kicks on the beast. “You, like this thing, are evil. In my opinion, you both deserve destruction!”

”That creature is an old acquaintance of mine... Ubaranian... a kataloth,” Graz’zt’s voice called. ”Do NOT give me over to her! ]”I WILL NOT be degraded to be misused by a mere yugoloth! the staff snarled. “No one knows who she is in the employ of! I could end up in devil’s hands for all I know!”

“With that tone,” Orion grunted as another punch landed in the beast’s neck, “maybe I should hand you over, just to tick you off!”

She would merely use my powers to take over plane after plane, including yours... destroying your precious little monastery, your precious little Empire, and likely killing all your precious little friends. Can’t you see that, dim one? While I hate you, and you hate me... in this matter we are allies!”

“You,” *grunt*, “are talking intelligently for once,” *smack*, “your evil piggishness!”

“Be grateful I am bound in this staff with this ungodly Pelor trash stuck on, otherwise I would show you manners... and then I would make you into a proper ruler!”

Another frightening screech from Tess (she failed her save) sent more sonic energy slamming into Orion, and the monk found himself wavering... wobbling. With the voices raging in his head, his ears ringing, his sense of balance gone, he could feel himself fading, ever so slowly, as the blissful darkness of unconsciousness threatened to pull him into its blissful grip.

Siabrey’s sword flashed even more furiously, cutting more and deeper gouges into the creature’s sides, and more fire from Shaun, Vin, and Aeron slashed into it. To the party’s chagrin, some of their damage to it seemed to be healing, as wounds filled over, and the beast merely backed away again.

The beast then turned its attentions to its most immediate threat, Siabrey. It suddenly lunged forward, and its massive teeth ripped into her shoulder. Siabrey let out a scream, and watched in horror as the beast’s jaws seemed to shudder as it pumped the bluish-green ichor into her veins. For a second, she felt woozy and shaky, but as the creature let go, she momentarily realized that her arms and legs still moved fine... and she responded with several more vicious thrusts and slashes.

Shaun’s arrow once again went wide, but this night, as always, Vin’s shots rang true. Three of her arrows found the creature’s belly, brilliant flashes echoing as they impacted, causing the beast to reel. Carefully, uttering words of arcane, she let loose her fourth arrow at the beast’s feet. The arrow flew downward, though just before hitting the ground, it suddenly angled upwards. As the beast roared in pain and confusion, the arrow slammed into its mouth from below, avoiding thick skull and deep muscle. It only had to pierce thin flesh at the roof of the beast’s mouth before burying itself in the creature’s brain. The kataloth tumbled to the ground, death having claimed its body.

“Hieroneous’ Hognose!” Shaun swore, not caring who heard, “Are you alright Tess?”

The bard had suddenly collapsed when the beast had fallen. Her breathing was quick and shallow, though she was able to rise on her own.

“W...what happened?” Tess asked, sincerely confused. Siabrey walked over and put her wounded shoulder around her friend.

“The beast took control of you, and was using you to attack Orion,” the fighter explained before wincing. “It tried to talk to me too... it wanted us to give it the staff.”

“It was a kataloth,” Orion said, still holding his pounding head. “I have no clue what they are... and thanks Tess for the headache that I don’t think time can even fix.”

“The strength of Kord can fix anything!” Grumki roared cheerfully, glad to see his friends were alright. “First, we’ll start with the wounded Empress, and then you, good monk!”

“A kataloth?” Tess questioned as Siabrey was healed. “Those are yugoloths... daemons of pride... they tempt... I must have failed their test,” the bard looked down. I failed everyone her mind wept.

Even though his head hurt mightily, Orion gave her a pat on the head. He coudl read that she felt horrible for what happened... and he knew she wasn’t really to blame.

“All of us have bad days, now and then I suppose... just make sure you don’t aim your bad day at me ever again!” he grinned.

It was with much trepidation that the party continued onward. Five days after the incident with Sarai, they finally came across a large cottage, removed from the road. AS the party gingerly walked down the path towards it, Siabrey swore she saw a tree start to follow them, and Shaun complained that he saw eyes on the picket fence.

After they had gotten about thirty feet along the path, a loud, booming voice echoed in their minds.

“Whaddaya want!?”

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Here is the effective end of session 20. The end of the session was rushed, and so more of the questions posed were answered at the start of the next session than during the end of this one. The next session was the official CAMPAIGN FINALE, so stayed tuned for not only that, but bonus sessions afterwards (the players came up with the idea of a “10 years later” session for fun... which I will also type up).

As for Sarai, she was a kataloth, a daemon of pride. Corruption, corruption galore. And as a DM, I actually fouled up... I didn't use her most insidious capability. Normally, if she can talk to someone for three round successfully, she can make their alignment change one step toward neutral evil, starting with the alignment itself. She can do this on successive days. She didn't use this once (PCs, thank your lucky behinds... otherwise Grumki would've become... DARK GRUMKI! Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil... hehehe :) )

The stats for the kataloth are somewhere in the Creature Catalogue forums, and created by someone on this site. Sadly, my mind befuddles me as to where... its been too long since I accessed the thread (about... seven weeks now I think). I'll keep looking, and when I find it, I'll post the link here.


First Post
Great update. I m looking forward to seeing what the devil plan next, and whether the little girl that Shaun picked up is all that she seems. [cue evil laugh]

Emperor Valerian said:
It was Aeron, finally, who uttered several arcane words, causing the devil to seize in mid-flight, causing her to fall like a stone (hold person).

Problem though: isn t Hold Person ineffective against devils?

Secondly, are called shots allowed in your game, they ve been mentioned in previous posts and I m wondering whether this is diplomatic license, good roleplaying or whether you actually use them.

Parlan said:
Problem though: isn t Hold Person ineffective against devils?

Secondly, are called shots allowed in your game, they ve been mentioned in previous posts and I m wondering whether this is diplomatic license, good roleplaying or whether you actually use them.

I'm not sure. Everything from that point on happened in the space of about an hour, so things were kind of rushed. *shrug* I called that it worked at the time... if it didn't... oops.

I'd allow called shots, its just no one asked for them that I can think of. When you read descriptions like that, its because I tend to treat confirmed criticals like that. So to sum things up, its more literary and descriptor than anything.

Oh, and as for the fate of Sarai, the little girl Shaun picked up, read above :)

The start of the final regular session... session 21...

A Wizard Named Asuri

“Great wizard Asuri!” Tess called, “we come seeking your wisdom and guidance!” They said he was testy that he wasn’t held in the same regard as the other well-known mages... maybe if I inflate his ego slightly...

“Go away! Go find... Mordenkainen,” the wizard’s voice was singsong in mockery, “or Leomund! Or that bastard Rary! Go find him! They’ll tell you the answer to your questions! Leave me the hell alone!”

“Um, Tess?” Shaun said worriedly, “the trees are moving closer. Hurry?”

The bard glanced around quickly, and saw indeed that the poplars and beeches around them had moved closer. Their limbs seemed to stretch overhead, creaking ever closer...

“They are not here in our hour of need, great Asuri! An entire world depends on your assistance, and would be in your debt should you help!” Tess called hurriedly, as the creaking noises grew louder. “Please help us! We know it was you that created the Telepathic Bond spell, not Rary! We thank you for that great gift you made so-”

“What?” The trees stopped moving suddenly, only a few feet from the party’s heads. The voice itself was decidedly different... curious, not angry.

“I said we know it was you that made the Telepathic Bond spell!” Tess repeated, flushed with relief.

There was another creak... but this one was of the door to the cottage swinging open. A small man, old beyond years with an unkempt mane of white hair, stood in the doorway. Despite his seemingly decrepit age, his eyes still flashed with keen intelligence.

“Come forward,” his real voice echoed in the air. It was soft and tinny, with only a slight cracking due to age. A wrinkled hand beckoned them forward. “Come on,” the ancient gave a grin, baring surprisingly white and straight teeth, “I don’t bite!”

Tess gave a nervous laugh as she stepped through the threshold into the house... the rest of the party either stared or gawked, somewhat in fear. If what Tess and those in the city said were true, this old man’s powers likely approached that of the entire power of the Empire itself...

“Sit... sit sit sit,” he motioned towards a few decidedly rickety looking chairs. Tess, Orion, Siabrey and Shaun took the four chairs present, the others deigning to stand. The old man scuttled into another room, before coming back, some papers in hand. “I am so excited! It isn’t often that people arrive that know what actually happened so many years ago!”

“Well,” Shaun started, before Siabrey rudely elbowed him into silence.

“We know it was you that created that spell... we’ve used it quite often,” Tess gave the old man a nod, even as her eyes smiled thanks to Siabrey for shutting up the rogue. “And we hope that the wisdom that created that spell so long ago can be used again to help us on our quest to save our world.”

“Ah... which world is that? Faerun? Greyhawk? Celestia?” the old man arched an eyebrow and grinned. “Oh, wouldn’t I love to show up Elminster or Mordenkainen by doing their own work for them!”

“Um... no,” Siabrey offered. “Our world is...” her mind went blank. Her world had place names... Iskeldrun, Irulas, Holstean, The Empire... but her mind suddenly realized this man likely wouldn’t be able to place those... at least right away. And she didn’t know the formal name for her world.

“Auzerin,” Aeron said quickly, saving the Empress from too long an embarassing pause.

“Ah... I haven’t visited that world in... two millenia at least,” the old man said thoughtfully. “Nice place... though not civilized yet. You civilized?” he leaned forward. “You know? Cities? Academies?”

Siabrey was taken aback momentarily that someone could ask something like that. Of course The Empire was civilized! Iskeldrun had a million souls within its walls, and hundreds of thousands more just outside those white barriers! Irulas had over a hundred thousand! As did other cities in the Empire!

“Yes, we have,” Tess said quickly. “Unfortunately others have noticed, and had designs on destroying our world.”

Tess went on to give a quick explanation of the Demon War, starting with the Countess misusing the staff. Then, she went into the demons marching, the battles, the fighting, and finally ended explaining their quest... and who they were exactly.

“Ah,” Asuri said as he thoughtfully ran a hand over his beard, “so Graz’zt is inside that thing?” A bony, wrinkled finger pointed towards the staff. The party nodded.

The wizard let out a cackle, and sprung up from his chair. In the blink of an eye, he half-shuffled, half ran towards Orion, and stood by him, and extended a finger, tweaking the staff several times.

“Oh Graz’zt? You in there old boy! The tables have turned, haven’t they, old man!” Asuri cackled. Giggling, the ancient creature went back to his seat. Seeing the party staring at him in shock and disbelief, the wizard waved his hand. “Myself and Graz’zt had a run in several millenia ago. I’m still bitter.”

“Um... now, how do we neutralize this thing properly?” Tess asked, hoping to bring the old man back on topic. The wizard gave a slight cackle.

“Easy. I should know, considering I helped make it!” After another glance around the party, he looked at them directly. “Don’t ask why. Millenias ago... this wasn’t its original purpose... its been altered.”

“You must not break it... you have heard that hmm?” The party nodded, and Asuri leaned back and continued. “The end with the diamond... originally it was the frosty end... the power of a staff of frost. You must quench it in the fires of the Abyss.”

“Where in the Abyss? There’s millions of places there!” Shaun complained, and the old wizard merely held up a finger, telling him to be patient.

“Hmmm... where to... Well, I could send you to the Hag’s place, but thats too dangerous... hmm... where to...” His verbal musings continued for a few minutes, until a suddenly, “Aha!” burst from his lips.

“The Noisesome Vale!” he grinned at his memory. “The balor that used to rule there has vanished, no one knows where to! That should make the pursuit of you more disorganized!” He cackled again. “No one would expect that! Though,” he suddenly became serious, and leaned towards the party, “watch out for the worms.”


“The worms in the lava! They call it the Noisesome Vale because of the noise the worms make while sliding next to each other through the lava... sadly, for some reason, that also makes those areas the only ones breathable.” He shrugged. “Dip it in the lava, and it should be neutralized.”

“And the other end?” Tess asked.

“Hmmm...” the wizard’s face went deeply grave. “For that end, which you’ve attached... what is that?”

“A holy sun disk of Pelor,” Aeron said somewhat abashedly.

“Ah... I bet that’s making Graz’zt squirm a tad!” he grinned momentarily, before seriousness returned to his voice. “To get rid of that end, you’ll need a trip to Thanatos. Originally that was the fiery end... a staff of fire. I see its been changed.” Asuri turned his head to the side thoughtfully, before continuing.

“Thanatos is cold, icy... but be careful! It is home to Orcus himself... and he would have no problem killing you to get his undead paws on this staff!”

“Orcus?” Siabrey asked slowly, as Tess gave a groan.

“Orcus... god of the undead... a powerful demon that was killed and rose again. He has many worshippers on our world, and I’m guessing on many others as well...” Tess explained, before Asuri cut her off.

“Yes... and Orcus is an old enemy of Graz’zt. Orcus, no doubt, would love to get this staff, and either use it for his own ends, or destroy Graz’zt, breaking the balance...”

“Great... so we’ve got one abandoned world to head to, and the other one has tons of creepy evil undead that will be hunting for us! What else could go bad?” Orion groaned.

“The final place you must take this will be Graz’zt’s Palace on Azzgrat, his home world. There-”

“His palace?!” Siabrey shrieked. “I might have only been a yeoman four months ago, but palaces are usually swarming with servants, guards, and retainers... and I don’t know about you, but servants, guards and retainers of someone like Graz’zt don’t sound like people I’d love to meet!”

“Couple this with the fact that Graz’zt’s servants likely would love to take the staff themselves, or destroy it and free themselves...” Tess added, and howls of protest and fear from the party reached a new crescendo.

“Quiet! Shush!” Asuri commanded suddenly. “You merely need to leave it there! You all sound as if you all are being sent on a death sentence! Its not a death sentence!”

“No, its not,” Shaun nodded his head in agreement, “I’d put the odds against us at 20-1.”

“Thank you, Captain Encouragement!” Tess growled.

Asuri gave a sigh, and waved his hands around till the party quieted back down. “Regardless, those are the steps that must be done to neutralize the staff. The icy end, with the diamond, must be warmed in the lava of the Noisesome Vale for several seconds. The end that now has... Pelor’s disk... stuck to it must be quenched in the cold of Thanatos, and then the staff must be left in Graz’zt’s Palace.”

“Well,” Tess said finally, “how can we repay you, Master Asuri? Without your help, we wouldn’t have known where to start!”

“Hmm... how about you tell people the truth about me and Rary... if you all are really nobles in your world, perhaps one world can learn the truth of the past!” he smiled, and held out a hand. “That would be repayment enough!”

“Boy, was he a kook,” Shaun growled as the party set up camp a few days later on their return trip to Sigil. They needed to get Pyrion... as well as some potions or oils to protect against heat and cold. It would be another three weeks before they’d even start their journey to the Abyss. Fortunately, Asuri had also provided them with a token item... a failed experiment on his part.

The device looked like a simple box... however, when the name of a place was said, an image of it danced above. Originally, one was supposed to concentrate on that place’s image, and one would teleport there (a component of all personal teleport spells). The device only provided the image... the teleportation section of it was broken. Hopefully, when used in conjunction with Pyrion’s teleportation device, the party could control somewhat where they went...

“A necessary kook,” Tess rejoined the rogue. “At least now we have an idea of where to go.” The bard was busily setting up her bedroll, when she noticed Siabrey nearby. The fighter was holding her head. “Siabrey? Something wrong?”

“No,” came a quiet reply. “I’m fine.” She looked up, and Tess could see her friend’s eyes were slightly wide... the familiar sign that she was having a headache.

“Stop lying,” Tess chided her, before rumaging through her pack. The bard pulled out some more small vials, with the stamps of various alchemist shops on them. “Here, take one of these. They help with headaches.”

“Wow... you’re quite the walking alchemist’s shop,” Shaun observed with a smirk, “What game is it going to be next? When do we play ‘pedicure the paralyzed?’”

Siabrey’s headache only made her glower towards Shaun even darker... and the rogue laughed.

“His nails needed cleaning,” she growled, before downing the vial Tess had handed her. Inwardly, she was a little worried. She remembered when Elenya had a vicious headache like this, and what it had indicated. She mentally shook off the thought, and dismissed it.

Much later that night, Siabrey and Geoffrey found themselves on watch.

“Empress?” the halfling asked sweetly, even innocently, “can I have some of your wineskin? Please? Its been four weeks!”

“Fine,” Siabrey pulled the skin free and tossed it towards the gleeful halfling. She’d long since grown tired of his complaints... she could see why this night Shaun had insisted someone else take watch with the small man.

The fighter felt strange... a tad woozy for some reason. It annoyed her. A few minutes of that feeling, coupled with listening to Geoffrey’s slurps as her wineskin was drained, was enough to send her rumaging through Tess’ pack for another alchemist’s vial.

She would only realize later that her bending down took her out of the arrow’s path.

A sharp thwack cracked through the air, and an arrow quivering in the tree behind Siabrey. The fighter was immediately on her feet, all thoughts of wooziness of pain gone, her blades both flaming in the air. Her ears acutely listened to the woods, trying, straining to hear anything.

She saw and heard nothing.

“Take a look! There’s a note!” Geoffrey pointed, shouting altogether too loudly for the situation. Siabrey gave him a growl, and turned. True enough, there was a note impaled by the letter into the tree. Siabrey yanked the arrow out, and began reading the note...

And her face fell.

The Day that Tess Snapped

“Travelers in Possession of the Staff:
I have a proposal that thou might wish to hear before risking thine lives in the depths of the Abyss. A proposal that might keep thine human hides safely cool, and still gain the results thou seekest. There are powers that wish for the same as thee regarding Graz’zt. Remain close by, so I might find thee.

An Unlikely Friend”

“I’m in favor of bolting back to Sigil was quickly as possible,” Shaun said, voice shaking slightly. “I don’t like the idea of someone knowing we have the staff and wanting to talk to us about ‘alternatives.’”

“Said alternatives probably involve us dead, I bet,” Orion said dryly. “To my surprise, I must back the rogue on this one.”

“Well, lets get a move on, then,” Tess said quietly, her demeanor unusually calm in comparison to her frantic comrades. Inwardly, her mind was roiling.

Who would send a note like this? A friend of Asuri’s? No... the old man wouldn’t rat us out if he wanted us to spread the truth about his past that badly... who else...

What about the girl in Sigil? The erinyes? That means...

“Devils,” Tess said quietly.

“Great... so our little girl spy got back to her superiors,” Siabrey grunted, as she hefted supplies onto her horse’s back. “Just great! Tess, why are you chuckling?” The fighter’s face looked at her friend in confusion, as the end of a light laugh left Tess’ lips.

“Oh nothing,” Tess said to her friend. “Just thinking about how it just seems that everyone and their uncle is after us now... demons, devils... celestials maybe?” And how the next demon or devil I see… be they child, man, woman, dog, or whatnot, I am going to blast them! I don’t care! I’m TIRED of pussyfooting around these bastards!

“Thank goodness Anias saw the light,” Siabrey commented flatly. On their way to see Asuri, Luke’s guardian angel had returned, with several other archons on a rogue mission to dispense with the staff. A shouting match between Siabrey and Anias had ensued, and the asura’s angel cohorts had finally left him, and he’d chased after them. “Too many damn fools after us.”

The party rode long and hard the next few days, managing to shave nearly three days off of their trip, before their hurried retreat was interrupted.

It was nearly a week out from Asuri’s house that the party found themselves galloping through a rainstorm. As their horses seemed to slow in the mud, they all heard a voice come into their heads... quiet, soothing...

”Why did you run so far? I had to spend several days looking for you.” The voice came from within their heads, not without.

“Who are you?!” Tess reined up, and shouted into the air. By Corellon’s tonenails, this is getting out of hand! Devils, Yugoloths, Demons! Who the hell now!? Her horse’s breath obscured her vision for a few seconds as the patter of rain striking the ground.

”Someone of great importance, who is willing to assist you in your quest... I merely ask you to stop and listen to my case, before you judge me or my request.”

“Why do you hide?” Siabrey called, her eyes searching around for something. While visually she couldn’t see anything, her magic sight caught a massive glow of magic about 60 feet ahead of the party on the road. “We would be more willing to listen to someone that would be willing to come out and talk to us!”

”I am invisible... until I am sure that you will listen, and not bring harm to me. Call me cautious, but I have heard of your battle history... many in the Nine Hells would be proud to have that many demon skins on their belts!”

So you are a devil, Tess’ mind groaned. Why does it seem evil is always following us, always trying to tempt us, trying to hurt us!? Which bastard are you?!

“We won’t harm you!” Siabrey called out. “And your invisibility is pointless, I can see your magic, ahead of us! Talk in the open, and let us discuss this like civilized beings!” The fighter had already alighted from her horse.

”Very well, I shall discuss this with you face to face,” the voices in their heads said. “However, I wish the Empress to be the only one to approach me, as it looks she speaks for all of you.”

Siabrey gave a quick look at the other party members. Shaun shook his head slightly, but to her surprise, both Orion and Tess gave vigorous nods. She walked over beside Vin, and then turned back to the shimmering point she alone could see.

“Creature, I request that I may bring my bodyguard close by. Otherwise, I fear Vin would be apprehensive! And by what name may I call you, so that I may properly address you!” Siabrey called out. What are you... perhaps your name can jog Tess’ or Aeron’s memory, so I’ll know better what I am facing. You are clearly powerful... to have tracked us this far...

”You may keep the archer nearby.” To the front of the party, where Siabrey alone stared, the rain and air seemed to shimmer, and shudder. From the pregnant bank of magic stepped a creature out of most mortal men’s dreams.

She was tall... fully as tall as Lucius, her skin a rich cinnamon-brown. Her hair was raven black, hanging down to her back. Her eyes shone like beautiful rubies, and as she stepped further out of the massive pall of magic that once surrounded her, small, black, leathery wings showed on her back, as did a slim, forked tail. Without her wings or tail, one would not have been able to distinguish her from an exquisite example of human perfection.

“As for my name... you have a right to know who you deal with. My name is Baalphegor... my consort is Mephistopheles, a Prince of Hell. My father is Asmodeus himself. They have sent me here to gain from you this artifact you carry, that we might end the Blood War... once and for all.”

Those names meant nothing to Siabrey... she was not versed in the politics of other planes, but Tess’ mind sharpened suddenly. Asmodeus is the Prince of Hell... and Mephistopheles is one of the other great princes of the devils... if what she claims is true, then all the weight of the Nine Hells is coming to bear on us!

Why?! Why do they all want to bother us? Why do they all threaten us!? We want to be left alone! We want to get this evil away from us, and go home!

Enough is enough!

“Milady,” Siabrey bowed partially, assuming the names meant she was of some high ranking blood. The creature, a devil she assumed from Tess’ earlier statements, seemed pleased at the show of deference. “We have directions on how to neutralize this device... and if you say you wish it neutralized as well, you will let us go on our way. We want the same, do we not?”

“My simple Empress,” the devil said, a smile crossing her lips, “You do not understand. We do not merely want the staff you carry... we require it. For thousands of years, the Blood War has spilt the blood of devils and demons alike... we seek to crush the demons once and for all... would you not like to see the demons crushed as well?” her words dripped persuasion, but Siabrey’s mind firmly stood where it was.

”Can you hear me?” Siabrey heard Aeron’s voice in her head. The fighter mentally said yes, easily recognizing the spell Rary’s, no Asuri’s Telepathic Bond she corrected herself.

”What do we do now?” she heard Shaun ask quietly as the devil continued to talk. ”Aeron, can you teleport us out of here?! Or can we outrun her?!”

“You are talking amongst yourselves, are you not? I can feel the magic connecting between all of you. Let me continue my logic... you all seem reasonable, and I trust you aren’t foolish. You wish for Graz’zt to not bother your world ever again? Give us the staff... and he’ll never bother your world, nor any other worlds ever again. And... assisting us will provide your Empire with many powerful allies, Empress...” the devil offered enticingly. ”Uncounted legions of disciplined devils at your call, should you need them... we’d even be able to make a bound agreement to not try to take over your world... and a devil, unlike a demon, IS as good as his word...

“Before we make any decision on whether you get the staff, I want you to agree not to harass our world,” Siabrey said quickly. She’s brought up the legalistic side of devils... so I’ll use it against her. We can’t run from her... and we can’t take her out... we need to make her want to go away... set up terms that she has to go back to check with Asmodir and Mephis-whatshisnot before she can agree... and then we can ride like hell back to Sigil, and get out of her reach!

“That normally would be a massive, extensive request, my dear Empress... but this situation is grave, and the potential rewards for us, admittedly, are quite large in comparison to such a small promise. I would have to discuss that, however, with others in the Court of the Nine Hells. In the meantime, let us discuss matters we can decide here...”

As the reasoning and debate continued, no one took note when Tess sidled up next to Shaun. She leaned over towards him, her mouth open as if she was going to speak...

...and then an ear-shattering shriek thundered through the air, directly at the Princess of Hell.

The creature seemed to reel from the blow, stumbling backwards under the fury of the blast. To Tess’ chagrin and horror, the beast did not turn to dust as she expected... instead, Baalphegor let loose a roar of pain and anger. (Tess tried a Destroy utterly with sound, and failed)

“Treasonous whores! If you wish to fight, then so be it! she screamed at them, her eyes now glowing feral. She opened her mouth in a snarl, and her once perfect white teeth suddenly grew long, sharp, and black. Claws sprang from her fingers and toes, and she took alight, hovering just off of the ground.

“Tess!” Siabrey screamed at the bard in a fury. Dammit! How the frick are we supposed to defeat... THIS THING!? the fighter’s mind screamed, even as she drew her two blades. Talking by this point was hopeless, just from the creature’s eyes. “We’ve got to fight now!” Siabrey screamed at everyone, dashing away from Baalphegor towards the rest of the group.

As those words left the fighter’s lips, Baalphegor let loose with a ferocious scream of her own, one of her clawed hands now extended directly at the party. Arcs of blue energy lanced between her fingers, and slashed out towards the party. The bolt of lightning slammed full bore into Siabrey, hitting her with mind-shattering force.

The bolt then seemed to arc from her to those closest to her... Vin, Geoffrey, Tess, and Orion. This blast was less powerful than the one that hit the fighter, but nonetheless, Geoffrey was badly mauled. The blast them arced from these four to the other members of the party, until everyone had recieved a powerful jolt of electric power. (chain lightning, as cast by a 20th level sorcerer. The party was really lucky that I rolled crappy for her damage... only 80 points. Once half the party passed their reflex saves, this cut the damage taken down considerably. Poor Geoffrey right off the bat found almost all his hit points gone, though).

Siabrey was immediately in the devil’s face, her blades flashing to and fro, only cutting a few gashes into the creature, whose skin seemed tougher than steel. Geoffrey’s arrow shot at her was deflected with no problems (DR 30/+3). More alarmingly, the lightning bolt that Aeron attempted to launch at her fizzled just in front of her (SR 31). Panicked, Shaun fired an arrow that flew wide.

Orion charged to his position in front, and delivered a furious series of body blows and kicks on Baalphegor. The devil staggered backwards, reeling under the hits (Orion’s fists now count as +3 weapons). Vin fired a slew of arrows, and while all hit, only one seemed to do any kind of damage. The others seemed to hit her, and immediately fall from her body, leaving her unharmed.

The Princess of Hell then backed away from the party, and pointed a finger at Tess. A word filled with unholy power came from the beasts lips, and Tess felt her very soul being yanked out of her body. For a split second, the bard felt the world spinning about her, her vision going black. Her spirit, filled with fury and anger at all of this evil that had kept hunting them, harassing them, following them, pushed the darkness away. (finger of death, Tess passed her save, barely)

Tess recovered enough to launch three sonic screams at the devil, the sonic darts finally piercing the devil’s protections, and impacting her fully. Baalphegor reeled again, stumbling backwards. The devil then launched, with a vicious, sharp word, a blast of unholy energy over the party, further hurting many who were already nigh unto death’s door. The powerful wave of energy knocked Geoffrey to the ground, and left Tess, Shaun, and Aeron all nearly dead.

Siabrey didn’t know much about magic, but she knew when someone pointed a single finger at one of her friends and uttered frankly horrific words, it wasn’t good. The fighter redoubled her assaults, and her blades flashed viciously through the air. This time, they made deep, wide slashes, cutting deeply across the devil’s throat and chest. It was apparent she was nearing her end.

With a shout, Vin leapt onto Andar’s back, and the two charged the Princess of Hell full bore. The fox managed to knock her over, allowing Vin’s dancing blades to slice hard and fast through her prone frame. Despite the Princess’ magic attempting to heal her wounds, the damage came too fast in too great amounts, and her head was soon separated from her body.

Leaning on her blade, Siabrey stared at her friend the bard in disbelief. “Tess! Dammit!” She reached a bloodied hand up to her blonde crown, and plucked out a single hair. The Empress stared at it momentarily, before trotting over to the bard.

“Oh! Look! Is that a gray hair? And it has TESS’ name on it!” she snarled. “What the hell were you thinking!?”

“I... wasn’t?” Tess coughed, spitting out some blood. “Listen. I thought if I could catch her offguard and destroy her with my sound, then maybe...”

“Um... guys?” Shaun pointed up the road in alarm. Through the mists of falling rain, two enormous shapes could bee seen, each nearly 20 feet tall. Long, straight horns came from their heads... not the curved horns of balors, but the horns of pit fiends. “We have company, and I doubt they’re going to be happy...”

“Um... Aeron!? Teleport?!” Siabrey screamed, as everyone instinctively backed away from the pit fiends. The wizard was busy looking in his supplies, and gave a sharp curse.

“What?!?” Tess turned to him and shouted, as the massive shadows loomed closer. One of them stopped, and a brilliant light seemed to be coming from its hand. More alarmingly, the decapitated head of the Princess had slid back into its normal position with an audible squinch.

“If I’d know I had this spell-book, we wouldn’t have had to march three weeks,” Aeron said quietly, as he flipped the pages to the appropriate spell. “I had some of the stuff in hand, but I gotta read it! It’ll take a few seconds!”

“Sigil!!! Get us to Sigil!!!” Shaun yelled, as Baalphegor slowly started to rise from the ground.

“Working on it!!!” Aeron shouted, before his voice launched into a series of arcane words. As the devil princess rose fully standing, the wounds on her body seemed to close. A few words came from her mouth, and a threatening longsword formed in her hands, its blade seeming to be wreathed in black flames.

“You traitors seemed to not take into account my pit fiends... or their yearly ability to wish... and NOW YOU SHALL PAY THE PRICE!

As Baalphegor started forward, the party disappeared suddenly in a flash of light.

I would like to note the above was a completely unplanned encounter... and the results from it were also on the fly stuff made up by myself. Baalphegor was intended as a diplomatic foil... once her credentials were laid out, I thought the players would negotiate, try to talk her down, or talk her into leaving to confer with Mephistopheles and Asmodeus so they could high-tail to Sigil. She was a CR 24 when the highest person in the party was lvl 18 (and the party altogether was around 19.5 or so)... but I was proven wrong.

Rule #1 of DMing... never under-estimate your players. :)

Rule #2 of DMing... your players are damn lucky when on 20d8s you only roll 80 points damage for chain lightning, and all the PCs pass their reflex saves :)

That, coupled with the fact that Siabrey critted (multiple times... due to her extra keeness on her katana), Tess critted (when she hit) and Orion critted (when he hit) saved their behinds. I didn't pull punches with Baalphegor... she just rolled really crappy on her chain lightning, unholy blight and TEss rolled well on her save to not die from finger of death. Otherwise, the campaign could have come to a very abrupt change of direction...

That, and the players have been teasing Tess' player about it ever since... especially considering Tess is usually the level-headed one. :)

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