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Into the World, Chapter One

Walking Dad

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Darren, AC 12 (T12, FF10), HP 7/7, F +2,R+2,W+0

Oh, sh$$! Darren thinks. Than he tries to get out of Mikhail's, Charlie's and Trid's way, as tries to cut Rosette free, using his dagger.

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Amazing Triangle

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Trid moves up to help Rosette trying to break the webbing with his walking stick. He only tries it if he thinks he can do it without hurting his friend. If not he will resort to using his hands to try and tear the webbing.

"Mik and Charlie squash that bug"

[sblock=OOC] :melee: +0 1d6 or DC 14 vs d20+0[/sblock]


"Get her out of there!" Riggan bellows. sling now whirling over head he sidesteps trying to find a clear shot to cover those helping Rosette. Just think of it as a big rabbit, he thinks to himself, A big ugly eight legged rabbit.
[Sblock=ooc] :ranged:Sling +1 1d3+2[/sblock]


Charlie's first instinct is to free Rosette from the web, but Darren already seems to have taken on that task. Charlie again moves toward the front of the group bent on smashing the spider into goo.

[sblock=stats]HP: 6, AC 12, +3, dmg 1d6+4.
If Charlie can't make it to the spider and attack on this turn, he'll move halfway and ready an attack against it - just in runs by him[/sblock]


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While Darren and Trid try to free Rosette from the webbing, the other party members attack the monster with fierce vigor valiantly. Riggan fires his sling, but misses the Spider by mere inches. Charlie charges head first into melee against the spider gripping his dagger in one hand. He manages to pierce the creature right behind the head with his small blade, the monster falling limp.

As the creature fell in battle, Trid and Darren free Rosette from the webbing, the poor young lady gasping for air in a fit of temporary claustrophobia.

End Combat
Good job guys, this went better than I thought. Give each of yourselves 50 exp.


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Quite shaken at the appearance of the spider and the threat it represented, Mikhail leans against the wall, his breath coming in short, quick spurts. He can't look the others in the face as he feels he was too slow to react and his hesitation almost caused Rosette to be spider food.


"Is she ok?" riggan asks, moving up with the others. "Rose are ya ok?" warily eying the webs above for more 'friends' he reaches out a hand to help the prone girl to her feet.


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Between the gasps for precious air, there are racking coughs as several silky strands catches the back of Rosette's throat. "I'm okay…thanks...", she manages in a hoarse whisper. The girl takes Riggan's hand and hoists herself to her feet. "Let's move in case there are any more." Wasting no time for discussion and agreement, she makes a break to escape from the cobwebbed area while picking remnants of the webbing out of her hair. That was worse than the time I fell into old man Martigue's pig sty!

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