Invasion of Mori - IC [3.5][CE/NE][planar]


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"Dispel the spellcaster's invisibility or we will be unable to counter the thread they present." The maug states matter of factly, still holding his position at the back.

(Delaying action)

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Round Four

Rose cuts through three haggard kobolds in a storm of blood and movement as Arxas parts the dual veils of invisibility and illusion. Both "kobolds" are revealed to the mage - one as a kobold; the other as a hideous, kobold-shaped mass of vermin underneath layered illusions of disguise and invisibility.

The kobolds allow Snargle to leave their midst unmolested, evidently having no desire to tangle with the hulking brute. Those of them still living gather to one side, warily eyeing the approaching golem. At a command, they touch each other just as the invisible mage hurries to join them, and all disappear. Meanwhile, the verminous kobold scoops up Loriel's weapon, ducking just out of Kelteror's range as it does so. With an utterance, it vanishes even from the sight of those who can see invisible.

The final kobold, still clinging to Snargle, raises a golden globe aloft. "Vengeance for Kipyip!" it cries in a mewling tone, and hurls the ball at where its comrades once were. The resulting fiery blast renders much of the fallen gear unusable. Armor is melted, halberds are charred, and a few flasks boil and shatter. The fireball goes off near Kelteror, but does not hit him.

Gabriel begins to chant words of incredible power and evil, causing the kobold to go glassy-eyed and bringing it under his thrall. Snargle and Pyre find that they have a newfound respect for him, as well.

Roillard surveys the carnage critically. "They weren't capable of that in the past," he notes after a moment.
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Having retreated Snargle now attempts to pin the kobold clinging to him while his flesh regenerates.

ooc I think that does not violate the still ongoing domination.


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Between Gabriel's mental mastery and Snargle's superior strength, the remaining kobold is rendered quite helpless. A silence descends upon the area in the wake of the din of battle, broken only by the motions of Hanaav's golem.

After a few more moments, a clattering comes up the stairs. Panting heavily, a robed cultist leads a dozen sword-bearing skeletons. "Where are they?"

Roillard's eyes flicker briefly before he responds. "As you can see, they have taken their leave. Apparently their purpose was to raid us for a few items and inflict some casualties. I daresay it would not be a bad strategy if our guests were likely to be cowed by such things. Since things are as they are, however, it means that either they are now run by a madman, or their information on us is not complete. Anyhow, go see what they took from the upper levels. Be sure to check the caches and render aid to any of ours who survived."

Bowing to the assembled party, the cultist heads across the cavern, skeletons in tow.


As the battle is clearly over, Rose's dance slows and finally stops. The tiefling is bleeding profusely and he is breathing extremely heavily from the frenzy of movement he was just doing.

Rose stiffly walks up to Pyre and spits yet more blood on the ground. "So, can you do anything about that poison?"


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With an approving nod to the cultist's skeletons, Arxas turns to the corpses of the dead kobolds around him. He examines each of them, determining if the bones of any hit by the fireball are intact, and checking the others afterwards. In their dead hands he places any undamaged weapons he can find; the wizard assumes that he will be able to appropriate weapons from the cultists' armory for the others. When he has chosen the suitable corpses, he begins reciting a terrible chant. Flesh and scale begins to seperate from the bodies, falling off bone to the cavern floor as the kobolds twitch and reanimate. Such pitiful minions... he thinks, hardly pleased with his first undead thralls. "Stand," Arxas commands.

His necromancy done, he slips a bone-handled dagger from his robes and advances on the captured kobold Snargle has wrestled to the ground. "We will interview this one," the mage says coldly, examining the edge of the knife closely.

Animate Dead, up to 28 HD of skeletons.

Dog Moon

Vedak moves over to one the Kobolds and while listening to the others, attempts to find a living Kobold. Assuming he can find one not needed for questioning or whatever, he graps that Kobold and asks the nearest cultist for a set of shackles.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Gabriel shakes a little with the release of the Dark Speech, then elegantly stalks over to the lone kobold being tormented by the rest of his group. Really, they should leave that to professionals, he thinks.

"Please, stand back a bit, give this fellow some air," Gabriel says, smiling broadly at the kobold, a smile that gave not a hint of warmth. "You have much to say to us, and we have little time for games and tricks, don't you agree? Now, considering the fate of your erstwhile comrades, and the appatite of my troll friend here, you have nothing but truth to tell me, right? So, tell me, in great detail, who this squirmy vemin fiend is that has joined your band. He slew the lovely Loriel, so naturally I wish to know all about him," Gabriel says with velvet malice.

I can't believe those rats killed her! There are so few females that can satisfy me... he thinks angrily as he realizes there will be no dark miracles for the succubus.

OOC: Intimidate +27 or Diplomacy +36


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No, you might want to ask our cultist friend if he has any potions to that effect however. Pyre stewed in the fact that everyone around him could kill him. He was lucky he hadn't charged in like the succubus had. The only reason he was needed at all was for his limited healing prowess.

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