(IR) IR Interlude, Turn 4 - 5 (thread 1)


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:

We are not interested in a healthy, peaceful world.
We are not interested in the spoils of war.
We want cash, up front.
We see the great treasure hoards of Aaqa, and her noble people.
We want the whole nation of Aaqa for ourselves, along with all her people as our slaves.
Along with all her treasures, her artifacts and relics, her works of beauty, and her magnificent mountain ranges for us to live in.

Denied. You are too greedy for your own good. If there are individual dragons among the Gem faction that have more reasonable demands, I shall hire them on an individual basis; if not, very well then. I and all the peoples of Aaqa will be better without.

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The leader of the chromatic dragons shapechanges into a mage, and he kneels before Acererak:

All hail the Rightful Ruler of Oerth.

The Power of Evil is once more in your fist of iron, Great One.
We will aid you in your revenge against the mortals that dared to attack you.
We will aid you in your revenge against the pitiful creatures that usurped what was yours.

We will help you to destroy and kill, and as you take souls with relish, we will sunder tower and wall, flesh and bone.

All who do not bow to Acererak, and then give up their souls freely unto him, shall be hunted down by us, and none will escape the power of Dragonkind.
They will be found, be they under mountain or over hill, in the far reaches of Oerth or the far reaches of Greyspace.
They will be dragged out of their hiding places like a dog is dragged from his bone, and they shall be placed before you, and then they truly shall know the price of arrogance and futility of resistance.

And when Acererak drains the world dry of mortal life, we shall go with him to other worlds, such as Toril, and the feast shall go on, ever on, from world to world.

What say you, Lord and King of Darkness, Mage Supreme, Soul Darker than the Darkest Night?
What say you, Acererak the Divine?

Will you allow us the extreme privilege of serving you?


First Post
Uvenelei wrote:

Denied. You are too greedy for your own good. If there are individual dragons among the Gem faction that have more reasonable demands, I shall hire them on an individual basis; if not, very well then. I and all the peoples of Aaqa will be better without.


The Leader of the Gem Dragons looks very displeased.
He speaks:

We wasted our time flying here, to offer you our services.
We do not take kindly to insults, especially when those insults come from humans.

Very well, you reject our service.
Our offer remains open, though ... you may find that the time comes when you are willing to pay any price, to save yourself.

You have not learned an old lesson, human, that the dragons know well:

To win a war is very costly.
To lose a war costs you everything.

The Gem Dragon flies off.
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First Post
Tokiwong wrote:

Iuz contemplates his position... perhaps... though if I agree to such a deal... it shall cement us together... and I shall call upon you when there is need... you can have the city... all of it... for such things are transitory... and the slaves... then so be it... human to the last... in return I expect your full support... this deal shall make us both stronger... and together balance can be restored... we shall make it a priority to see that your hatchlings are kept safe... if this is acceptable then I shall agree... you may have your boon... as long as I have your loyalty to the cause of Balance....

Iuz glanced to the remains of his ambassador... he was not pleased with the request but their was potential in it...

Iuz will agree as long as they agree to support his cause... how much PL of the Gem Dragon Might am I getting for this...


The Gem Dragon looks very pleased. He speaks:

I see, and we see, that the Wisdom of Iuz has grown with the Ages.
Age brings Wisdom, and in the hand of Iuz is held great and deep understandings.

We accept ... (rest of sentence cut off)

(Before I complete that sentence, I must allow the other Players to have a chance to put in their offers also, Tokiwong.
However, if they cannot beat your offer, you will get the Gem Dragons.
I will not reveal now how much PL you will lose, because it would give it away to the other Players, but you will gain the entire 200 PL of Gem Dragons.
You will gain far more PL than you will lose.
Also, you will gain a force that can strike anywhere in the world, during the Turn - dragons are fast fliers!)


First Post
The leader of the shadow dragons bows before Shadowlady Ahlissa, and the shadow dragons and dracoliches behind bow also.
She then speaks:

Hail, Shadowlady Ahlissa, and all hail the Lord Melkor, Master of all Shade, Supreme and Rightful Ruler of us all.

What an incredible honor it is, to speak His name, and serve Him!

We come to place ourselves under the Banner of the Shade!
We are your loyal servants.
We are the loyal slaves of Melkor, and it is a privilege to be counted among His slaves!

Command us, Lady Liege!
Command us, and we shall forth to war.
We shall forth to destroy all Light.
We shall help you to extinguish all Life and Radiance forever!

And Lord Melkor shall rule supreme, and on every world in every Plane, ALL shall bow to him, and worship him body, heart and soul.
They shall slay themselves at his least whim, and they shall beg to be allowed to serve his slightest desire, and whine in despair when he refuses them!

And the dragons all morph into human form, and fall flat on their faces, prostrate before Shadowlady Ahlissa, in positions of total, abject servitude.
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First Post
The God-Emperor welcomes the emissary of the Gem Dragons with elaborate ceremony.
"The Union of Oerth is wealthier than any other nation in treasure and slaves. Name your price and I'm sure we can come to some mutually beneficial agreement. Keep in mind that you are joining the side of the greatest power, you will be far safer by our side than with lesser nations. There can be no spoils of victory if no victory is won and we are likelier to win than many others."


First Post

Anabstercorian teleports in to give his own offer!

"Do not accept the paltry treasures of Iuz, oh great creatures of Will! We have the mineral wealth of an entire mountain range to offer you, and no shortage of slaves to mine it. We will give you the exclusive mineral rights to the entirety of the Godspires, along with (15 PL worth of slave labor) to mine it as you see fit! Additionally, we will give you (20 PL worth of outraged underdark inhabitants going AWOL) of the treasures of our subterranean allies!"

"But we offer you MORE, more than mere cash. We offer you power! The earth bleeds, oh dragons, and it bleeds pure life! We have the passions and dreams of thousands of dead mixed together with lava to form massive and impenetrable suits of dragon-armor that can protect you from the most lethal of magical or physical assaults! Protected in this arcane suit, your ancient and glorious wrath will once more stand before the armies of mere men and cause them to tremble, their newfound technological mastery useless before your primal might! I understand what it means to win a war, dragons, and I understand what it means to lose one. We desire your aid. We offer yet more!"

"Our finest scholars and wizards shall create clockwork constructions of great delight for you. These marvelous constructs will keep your lairs clean forever and shall be able to amuse you to no end. Should they, in a fit of pique, be destroyed by you, they will be replaced."

"Indeed, the entirety of the Solistarim organization would be reorganized! With you at our fronthold, we would have no need of an army. We would rebuild our command structure from the ground up so that we existed for the sole purpose of ensuring your complete comfort and convenience."

Anabstercorian bows. His character thinks about rolling a Bluff check, decides to take 10, and gets a total of 92.

"Oh marvelous bejeweled wyrms, would this offer be enough to meet your vast approval?"

Mr. Draco

First Post
An official notice is sent throughout Oerth, it reads thus: "The faction known as the 'Dark Union of Oerth' shall henceforth be known as naught but the 'Union of Oerth.' This is one of our many efforts to strive for neutrality after our many bloody mistakes in the past."


To the Gem Dragons:

Kas appears before them with a large entaurage of planars, warriors, and constructs. He speaks,

"Great representatives of Dragonkind, I stand before you with an offer of alliance.

I am the one known as Kas the Terrible, slayer of Vecna and Tharizdun. Perchance you have heard of me through tales of times long ago, times known as the Arcane Age now. I serve as the co-leader of the Union of Oerth.

Should you of great wisdom choose to ally yourselves with us you would stand to gain much. Firstly you would have the land of the Crystalmists, Hellfurnaces, our newly conquered land that was known as the Tilvanot Peninsula, the Lordship of the Isles, and the Iron Hills to call your own.

Additionally, you will be supplied with a large amount of workers, while not slaves, their utter devotion to the God-Emperor means that also unlike slaves, they will be willing, no, eager to do what work you ask of them, and thus will be much more efficient than slaves while still following your will to the letter.

Also, as you undoubtedly know in your infinite wisdom, the Union of Oerth is one of the largest factions existing on the planet. From our extensive mines and our undersea holdings in the Shauhagin Empire, we can supply you with rare metals and treasure from the depths of the earth and ocean.

Not only this, but we will allow you first access to new technology we discover, as we discover it. On a final note, you certaintly have heard of the great power of the magic from the arcane age. We of the Union of Oerth, should you choose to ally yourselves with us, pledge to you the secrets of 10th level magic as soon as we acquire them, and we will research quickly.

You have also spoke of allying with those powerful enough to survive conflicts and seize victory, Indeed, you will find few if any more powerful than the Union of Oerth on this planet. We offer positions of nobility for every one of your kind, now and forever into the future, your place will be secure at the political and economic forefront of our people.

Our spoils of war will be given to you so that you may have first choice of anything you should so desire. Yet, this is not all, any secret that the Union of Oerth holds, any technology we have, any magic that we know, should you choose to ally with us, will be yours. Our huge libraries of ancient knowladge, newest suits of armor made from the 'lifeblood' of Oerth as some have called it, our extensive factories, all shall be devoted to your wishes foremost of any in the nation.

A last point is the creation of a position in the government, for the leader of your kind, as executive director of the lands we will bequeath to you should you choose alliance with us.

Great dragons, the choice is yours. I ask that you remember thus when choosing though: I, along with millions from across the lands of the Union of Oerth, would be honored to fight alongside you in battle, and to be allied with you in peace."

At this, Kas drops to one knee and places his sword in front of him on the ground, a symbol of both great respect and a wish for peace between the UO and the Gem Dragons. All others in his entourage drop to both knees, bowing with their faces to the ground as they do so, and wait like that for the dragons' descision.
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First Post
The leader and spokesperson for the Metallic Dragons looks around solemnly.
He speaks:

The Wanderer was very mislead.
All he could see was the negative, the darkness.
He is very old, and very set in his ways.
He became terrified of change, and perhaps he was rightfully terrified of the war he foresaw - a war that was even worse than his worse Seeing.

May the Gods have mercy on him, for he is dead, and his soul is departed.

We do not ask that you forgive the Wanderer.

However, we think him blameless in this war ... all too many greedy, ruthless people were readied for war, long before the Wanderer ever spoke.

Toril is the paradise your emissary saw, Hazen.

It is a world of peace and prosperity literally beyond imagination.
If gold ran in the streets of Veluna City, if mithril was the staple coin of the realm, if every man sat on piles of gold, they would be the poorest of the poor on Toril.

For on Toril they have happiness.
They have fulfillment.
They have comprehension. Of magic. Of life. Of the very stars themselves.
Most of all, they have comprehension of themselves.

They are at peace with themselves, the people of Toril.

We hope to aid you in creating what the Wanderer could not see in his fear: the good side of Toril, the side that espouses health and happiness, tolerance and peace, hope and prosperity.
Not at the expense of others, but working together to achieve one's ends, working wisely with the awesome powers of magic and science, not misusing them.

All of our draconic lore and knowledge will be placed in the hands of your scientists and mages - those whom you deem are truly trustworthy.
We will work with your mages and scientists.
We will freely give of all we have, and all we are, to help you to achieve the peace and beauty that has been achieved on Toril.

We appreciate that you are now suspicious of some of the Torilians.
However, we will personally vouch for the Leader of the United Commonwealth of Toril (Reprisal's character), and her honor and nobility.
There is a reason the Angels (a reverent look comes over the dragon-turned-human's face) have defended Hope Isle.
There is a reason they remain there now.

We wish to build a world where all hold the Angels in their hearts, and all the Angels stand for.

If this is what you wish as well, then let us begin our work.
For we are come overlate, the world of Oerth is darkened, and the evil in the hearts of men and women waxes.

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