• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


First Post
King Rhynnon and through him Greater Nyrond will do whatever they can to help the Mordheil within his lands and will send emessaries (and if neccessary Soldiers) to ensure the well being of the Mordheil of the Great City. This includes the use of druidic and clerical magic to help the Mordheil within Greater Nyrond.
Rhynnon promised Eclavdra that he would aid her people and Rhynnon keeps his word. Furthermore, having read the most anceint elven histories, some of which dated back to before the sundering of the elven race and the great war, he has suspected that something of this sort may happen. Which would explain why he has been courting Eclavdra's people. The Mordeil are Drow no more, once agian they are Mordeil.

Rhynnon Himself teleports to the Great City to acertian the wellbeing of Eclavdra and her people. He take with him the Knights of Heirionious(5 Elite PL) and some of the more powerful modrons. They will locate Eclavdra, and contact Elistraee to determine her intent. They will also defend the incapacitated Mordheil from any attacks by their formor slaves and servants. The knights will seek out hostile elements within the great city and neutralize them while the Modrons are set to locating helpless Mordheil and bringing them to a central location which can be better defended.

The remander of my Elite forces are on call and ready to teleport tothe great city shoould they be needed.

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Serpenteye and possibly William/Kalanyr if ruling is accepted: (Public)

OOC-I'll assume my post was ignored and that Glu'boise has not teleported to where Eclavdra's forces are. Should he be able to locate Eclavdra's location via his divinations he will scry upon it and see the current situation, then create a Sending to Al'Akbar and Morwel with Eclavdra's coordinates, the fact that Iuz is now wearing Eclavdra's Regalia of Lordly Might and that Elistraee apparently has healed Eclavdra to some extent. Glu'boise will not teleport any of his forces, seeing the current situation as currently out of his purview with Eclavdra's regaining of consciousness and possibly free will (if there is ever such a thing, he ponders) but will allow a scrying sensor to remain and watch the situation. He will step in with his forces should someone comes with the intent to harm Eclavdra.
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First Post
Melkor said:
Serpenteye, do I have enough information, thanks to infiltration, to make a surprise strike against Galion Vool? If not, I am sending Prince Allator, an epic level Shadowdancer/Assasin, as scout.

You do.

James Heard said:
Ok, I really don't have any clue what I'm doing. I'm just trying to do something similar to what everyone else is doing. First PbP and all that.

Looks great. Very funny. :)

Kalanyr said:
As the silence is felt every cleric, including the Queen, in the court falls silent, and makes a small noise like a cry of pain. However the Queen's new advisor, the Lady Mariel stands and though she seems resigned a small smile crosses her face.

The Veil, at last, it is gone. Once more we are free to walk as we are.

And as that thought crosses her mind the appearance of the Elven lady Mariel fades away, and Morwel, Queen of Stars, and mightiest of the lords and ladies of the Eladrin, stands unveiled in her full glory.

"The gods have silent. But do not be afraid, I and my people have been sent by the Seldarine themselves, to give you aid in these dark times. I am Morwel, and I am the Queen of the Eladrin. If we stand strong and give things our best effort, we will emerge from this unscathed, we will find out what has happened, and if possible return the gods. However for the moment, I will do my best to grant the prayers of those within this land, in the name of the silent gods, sadly without the gods here, I seem to be weakened my capacity to grant spells is far less than it normally would be, I can grant no more than prayers of the 1st Rite, for the moment. Send out messengers, and prepare for war, for I am sure that others are preparing even now to take advantage of the silence of the gods "

There is a hushed awe in the court, and for a moment the Queen and the assembled courtiers simply stare at Morwel in astonishment. They do not doubt her, though, they are completely unable to. The Queen smiles, her regal facade swiftly rebuilt, and bows her head slightly to the demigoddess.
"It is in your hands now."

azmodean said:
OOC: [sblock]Now that I think of it, I guess I should have prepared this post *before* the turn started. Live and learn. I'm making an assumtion here that if divine magic is cut off then divinely powered magical items will also ceace functioning. I'll post a description of Barundi's turn one actions in a bit.[/sblock]

There are many variations of magical items, many more ways of creating them than the DMG mentions. Some of them require a steady intake of diving energy to sustain them, others function normally.

Creamsteak said:
He set his sights on Istigon and Thul, and prepared to dine excellently this day.

He found Thul's brain delectable, but Istigon's slightly too salty.

Knight Otu said:
Shorttly after the Sealing, Overking Jahren adresses the people of Aerdi, Ahlissa, and any other land under "his" control. While he holds his speech in Kalstand, all measures are taken to relay it to all corners of Greater Aerdi, be it magic or messengers.

"People of Aerdi!
Today is a day of sorrow, a day of tragedy! For the gods are gone. No longer do Hextor and Heironeous guide us in war. No longer is Pelor extending is warm smile over the lands.
But today shall not be a day of despair! It shall not be a day of surrender! For all is not lost, if we but stand together against the coming storm! We shall be a bastion of stability in the coming anarchy, a beacon for those who fear being lost!
We stand not alone in our dedication - other powers have the same goal as we do! Our grand ally will not leave us alone in these troubled times! He will reveal himself in time, but until then, put all your trust and hope into him! And not all gods have vanished behind a Seal we cannot comprehend. A number of demigods and herogods still remain, and like our grand ally, deserve all the aid they can get, every little prayer!
Today is a day of change, a day of history! Of endings, and of beginnings! The events of today will forever be marked in history. Today is the beginning of a new era, and if we are not careful, it may be the last era we will see!
Today is a day of choices, a day of unity! For we must choose our path, each and every one of us, and in unity, we shall weather the storm, master the perilious crossroads! In unity we shall SURVIVE!
People of Aerdi! Remember my words, and let not outdated concepts or rivalries blind you to the necessity of unity in these days! Let no one be a foe because tradition demands it, because of past offenses! Let only those be foes who show themselves as foes.
Today is the day the gods fell silent, and the mortals had to fend for themselves! Today is a day of Testing! We shall pass the test, and stay strong!"

The general public of Aerdy, long having suffered under cruel, bickering or ineffective clericies were perhaps a bit less traumatized by the sealing than many other nations. Scattered attempts to take vengeance against the churches for old grievances were quickly subdued, in Aerdy as in most other countries, and order restored. Jahren's speach, and similar reassurences given by other monarchs and leaders do a lot to stabilize the situation across the planet. (even as other parts explode into absolute mayhem.)

Edena_of_Neith said:
There is a beautiful place in the Flanaess that few know about.
A place known as Aliador.
It has an Andelainian beauty to it, with naturally tall trees, green meadows, rolling hills, and a great vibrant health about it. For those with magical sight, it is strong with enchantment.
It occupies the eastern third of the Theocracy of the Pale, and extends well into the Rakers to the east, this enchanted land of forest and meadow, rushing streams and wide pools. All about it are plants growing with silver berries, strange magical berries that are extraordinarily nourishing and delightful to the taste.
In many places the berry plants have actually grown into large trees, which shimmer like molten silver in the sunlight.

The people of the Theocracy of the Pale do not venture here, because their clergy forbid it. The intolerant clergy of the Theocracy have long been terrified of this place, and will not enter, and restrain their people from entering.
Yet the occasional commoner does enter, and when this happens he or she seldom returns, for what he or she finds is so extraordinary, so pleasant, that the desire to stay overcomes any feelings for home. Those that do return from Aliador typically remember only pleasant things, and never speak of elves or other residents of that pleasant, forbidden land.
The occasional humanoid or giant comes down from the Rakers into this land to hack, burn, and pillage. Few humanoids or giants return to the mountains, and what becomes of those who have gone missing is not known: divinations show they were not slain, but otherwise no information is granted.

What has escaped the notice of the heavily populated regions around this one, is that this is the home of two and a half million elves.
One could understand the mistake: there are no elves visible. People have searched for the rumored inhabitants, and found dryads and other forest beings aplenty, but rarely have they seen elves.
Clerics of the Theocracy have come with Detect Invisibility and True Seeing, but for all their efforts the magic of this place has frustrated their spells. They have not found the elves.
Some powerful wizards have attempted Wish spells to garner the secrets of this place, but there are those here who wield magic as potent as any Wish, and thus no Wish has gained the secrets the casters so desired.
Only those who have come here with friendly and open hearts, seeking the rumored inhabitants out of a desire to understand, to learn, to befriend, have found the elves, and all of those have either stayed or kept the secret of this place carefully guarded in their hearts.


The elves live in the trees. Literally. The trees are the homes of nearly all the elves of Aliador.
Within the great trees of Aliador are what most would call extradimentional spaces, but the elves who know the truth call them the Arden Kiethlin, or Hearts of the Trees.
If a stranger is welcomed into one of the tall, lush trees of the forests here by the elves, that stranger would find oneself in a great cathedral of living wood, green light flooding down from the heavens, great natural archways and passages running upward beyond sight, and running downward into unguessable depths. An impossible forest of great wooden stems, like pillars in a great hall but much more lofty, would extend upwards and downwards out of sight. A breeze of life, a breeze of magic, would flow over the stranger, and he would see strands of light - strands of the Weave - running in silver, blue, purple, white, and many-colored splendor to the lofty unguessable heights beyond the soaring wood above, and down through pools of impossible depth into unseen distances below. If he looked long enough, he might see they soared away into other places, dimensions, and times.
That stranger would also hear the laughter of elven children, the singing of elven people, the chanting of elven wizards, the chatter of a whole society as it went about it's business: the noise of hundreds of elves busy with their lives. The cathedral is only the opening, the doorway to the house as it were. The communal hundreds that live up those vast soaring passages, in the amazing labyrinth of enormous chambers beyond, the great caverns of living wood below, up to the skyvaults miles above, or to the depths of the roots miles below, would greet the newcomer with all the warmth and cheer and merriment the elves are justly famous for. A new visitor has come calling, and the elves would delight in making her or him feel at home.

The visitor would quickly realize he was at the gates of a vast city, a city the elves call Varna. For the trees connect, and the great passages run from tree to tree, and communes of like minded elves inhabit different trees, hundreds of trees, thousands of trees, for miles and miles through the lush forests of Aliador.
The visitor would learn that several hundred thousand elves live in Varna, in the trees, in splendor and glory, in might and power, to rival the greatness of the Suel Empire. He would also find they are as courteous and pleasant, as friendly and merry, as a family welcoming their father in out of the snow on a cold winters' night.
The elves, the visitor and stranger would see, come in all colors. Some are vibrant yellow with dark yellow hair. Some are milky white with blue hair. Some are blue with white hair. Some are green with silver hair. Some are bronzed with black hair. Some are jet black with white hair. There are pink elves with silver hair, purple elves with green hair, indigo elves with gold hair, orange elves with hair of flame red, and red elves with hair of bright orange. And all combinations in between these.
Most of the elves are slim or slender, but some are fat. Many are very young, and a few are very old: the majority seem ageless. Some are handsome or beautiful, and some are ugly. Some are as tall as 7 feet, and some as short as 4 feet. Some have extraordinary differences in their facial and body makeup and appearance, compared to others. Some are well groomed and wear ornate, elaborate uniforms. Some have unkempt hair and wear nothing at all. Some wear conservative looking tunics and dresses, and some are dressed in outlandish contraptions that would shame the debaunched nobles of Greyhawk City.
But whatever they look like, and whatever they dress in, they all are welcoming and friendly, all seem comfortable and even merry, all seem to fit here as if they were a part of the wood itself, and all are curious about the visitor.


The visitor would learn that other great cities exist in Aliador, such as Varlaith, Varluirra, Varleea, and Verrenlorr. All of them repositories of elves, with all their culture, their lore, their ancient strength, their communal togetherness among those of like mind, and their utter loyalty to each other and to their Lord and Lady. There are dozens of these cities, and thousands of smaller communities. There is even the occasional community of one, where elves desire solitude, but this is relatively rare: only a few thousand of these exist.

The visitor might wonder how so many elves can exist together, without exhausting the food supply.
The elves, seem to derive their main food supply from the very leaves of the forest, and by mystical means make waybread out of them, even as humans make their own bread from specialized grasses such as wheat, barley, and oats. The trees never seem to lack for leaves, though: the vistor will never find trees stripped of their leaves in Aliador.
The elves also partake of the silver berries, and they say a couple of them will sustain one easily for an entire day.

The visitor might wonder how so many elves could stand to live together in communes, since communes are so restrictive and demand such uniform behavior.
The visitor would be made to understand that, unlike humans, elves take great delight in each others' company, are not threatened by each other, and are not bashful around each other (a point that has often driven humans out of their wits, since humans can hardly stand each other.)
The elves would also point out they are very, very tolerant of differences between each other, and bend over backwards to accommodate individuality (another thing that drives humans batty, since humans tend to prefer uniformity.)

The visitor might wonder how the elves could stand all the NOISE. Especially the endless laughter of children and crying of babies. It echoes through the great passages and chambers, through the magical constructs of the elves, up and down the strands of the Weave.
The elves would simply point out they can shut it out if it bothers them. They never explain quite how.

The visitor might wonder that the elves never go outside their trees, and enjoy the lush forests and meadows and sunlight.
To this the elves would laugh, and smile secret smiles, and they would say that Things Are Not As They Appear, and the Guardians are always watching.


The trees ward the elves well, but the trees - for all their splendor and majesty and secret power - do not defend the elves.
The Guardians defend the elves.
Yes, the elves have their own army - every elf and elfess in the Realm would die to protect it and each other, and most are highly skilled in the (abhorrent) art of killing, but the real protectors are the Guardians.

The Guardians are those elves who refused Arvandor and the Afterlife to stay in the world, and train, and teach, and protect, and otherwise interact with the Living World.
These are the Norn and the Nymphs.
The Lord of Aliador is a Norn. The Lady of Aliador is a Nymph.
Wielding the most powerful magic known to Aliador, the Guardians under the Lord and Lady have warded the borders, and maintained the enchantment, so that none could enter without detection, and none could escape again without permission, and none could glimpse the secret of the elves without their blessings, and most certainly none could deceive the elves in friendly pretentions, then walk out into the World and give away the secret of the elves to that World.

*speechless* Absolutely beautiful. :)

Edena_of_Neith said:
In all the elven nations, there is a state of utter shell shock.
Some elves collapse into catatonia. Some commit suicide. Many more go insane. All suffer from debilitating fear, trauma, and shock.
Elven children, the most vulnerable of all, find themselves without parents to comfort them, to keep sanity in a world gone insane. Children hide under the bed, in the cupboard,
in the corner, under the blankets, while their parents weep and pray and collapse.


Like those five year old children might do, the elves now turn to each other for comfort and emotional survival.
And because they are elves, and because of that intense closeness and bonding, that intense race wide communion (which ... almost ... rivals that of the illithid), they succeed.


Only after the elves recover, does anything else happen.
Only after the elves recover, do they begin negotiations, alliances, and preparations for war.
Aliador takes over the Theocracy of the Pale, as previously stated.
Celene and the Yeomanry (a human nation in turmoil now) join the League of Athyr.
The Lendore Isles ally with Aliador.

Then the second great tragedy hits the elves, and it is a strong echo of the first and greatest tragedy.
The elves, send their children away to safety.
Children are sent to Baklunim, to Athyr, to Highfolk. It is hoped the children can go to the Demiplane of Elves Highfolk can access.
Children are sent to Miranda, to Marchwards, to Elvanian Forest, and to the impregnable mountains of Gigantea and Hyperboria.
Anywhere that is away from imminent danger, the children are sent. Aliador is surrounded by enemies, and her people know full well they face possible obliteration. The safety of the children come first.

Likewise, the Lendore elves plead for their children to be sent to safety, and Aliador answers the call.
The Lendore elves face Portals to Arvandor now closed. Gone are their Gods, gone is their Afterlife, gone is everything they had ever assumed, gone is the safe and ordered world they knew.
They still have each other, and in this the Lendore elves find comfort.
But comfort gives way to bitter pain as they realize their islands are vulnerable, and that their children must go to safety.

In a gesture of nobility, Aliador opens Gates to Ratik, that isolated and desperate nation in which many elves and half-elves are now trapped, and they gather from Ratik all who will come to the relative safety of Aliador, and they send all the children and civilians from Ratik who would come to the safety of other places.
And in the Theocracy of the Pale, which Aliador now controls, the elves send away the human children and human civilians - along with those human and dwarven and other children and civilians of Ratik - to safety. The elves revere life, and although they are willing to sacrifice their own for each other, they will not sacrifice children.

So the horror is relived all over again, as parents and children are parted, maybe forever. It is a scene out of nightmare. This time, there is no togetherness to lessen the pain, or elven communion to relieve the heartbreak - indeed, the elven togetherness makes it worse, makes the separation all the harder to bear.
For the children of Aliador, it is a waking nightmare. They are scarred for life. If they survive, if they grow up, they will be a different people than their parents. Perhaps a worse people, violent and traumatized. Perhaps a better people, sadder and wiser. But they will be different.

All this happens. Aliador's, and her close ally the Church of Tritheron's, shpere of influence begins to collapse. The alliance was new, by elven standards but an instant of time, and its roots were pulled easily enough.
Celene, experiencing much the same panic and despair that Aliador suffered, loses it's faith in Elvendom. Even as parents begin to comfort their children the Queen of Celene makes an unprecedented decision and requests humbly (her equivalent of grovelling naked in the mud) to join the powerful League of Athyr.
For the Yeomanry the choice is easier, and though the leaders keep their faith in Tritheron it's clear to them that the Elves have nothing to offer them but weakness. They too request to join the league of Athyr, on the condition that they are allowed interior self-rule.


First Post
Melkor said:
Edena! Serpenteye!

My Nosferatu are teleporting across the Drow cities of Underdark, looking for those Drow that denied Eclavdra. They have a cure for what`s happening- the gift of Vampirism!

The remaining Drow, who had just begun to re-organize their societies in the traditional bloody way, are helpless. City after runied city falls to your onslaught, but your Vampires soon find that the convertion to Vampire Spawn becomes increasingly unreliable. The only certain way to make it work is to take the energies required from themselves. It soon seems that the world is running low on Negative Energy, ironic as that might be in times such as this.

Uvenelei said:
Then, the Tempest emerged from the palace. No noise save for the rolling thunder and the pounding rain could be heard throughout the city, and yet even these seemed to quiet themselves as the Tempest began to speak. The gods have abandoned you, he said, but I have come to guide you. All of you were once slaves, to the gods, to the empire, to meaningless traditions. But now you are free. You have been liberated, and you are now my people. I will guide you. I will make you strong. I am the Truth. I am the Way. I am Freedom.

The rain broke, the people, united, cheered, and the world was reborn.

The people, tired, frightened and still in a state of chock after the series of heavy blows their sence of reality had endured in just the last few days. The people, grasping the only straw of sanity available to them. The people, accepting their fate, redefining themselves, surviving, uniting, cheered. And the world was reborn.

Rikandur Azebol said:

*And Iuz striked at Elistaree, with all fury of enraged demon. Regalia of Lordly Might tenfolding its terrible power.

ooc: It seems like little enough has changed regarding these circumstances. Is this what you decide to do?

In that case...

Elistraee never gets the chance to comfort Eclavdra. Instead she turns to Iuz, never having let down her guard an instant, and blocks him. The two deities are equal in strength, equal in stature, but the Regalia makes Iuz vastly superior in battle.
Raw power bathes the two combatants as they unleash their full strength against each others, most attacks are blocked harmlessly but some strike true. Iuz is thrown back, breaking bones and solid rock. Elistraee bites back a cry of pain as a terrible agony almost overcomes her. Iuz's hand is severed by a solid blow of Elistraes sword, but his right hand still holds the scepter. Iuz strikes back, and the air screams with power as he misses and then hits, leaving Elistraees divine spleen ruined inside her. Fire and lightning and death rains down around them as they battle with spell, sword and scepter.
Eclavdra, still incapacitated and delerious with pain, is miraculously unharmed, for now.

Iuz is down to 2,5 Epic PLs (+2 from the regalia), Elistraee is down from 3 to 1,2.

Guilt Puppy said:
Vecna! Tyranny! Filth! Ugliness! Funeral pyres and interminable suffering! Children screaming under the stairways! Mothers sobbing for armies! Old men murdered in the streets!
Vecna! Vecna! Nightmare of Vecna! Vecna the loveless! Vicious Vecna! Vecna the heavy judger of men!
Vecna the incomprehensible prison! Vecna the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Vecna whose idols are judgement! Vecna the vast stone of war! Vecna the stunner of governments!
Vecna whose mind is pure machinery! Vecna whose blood is running tragedy! Vecna whose fingers are five armies! Vecna whose breast is cannibal energy! Vecna whose mouth is a smoking tomb!
Vecna whose eye is a thousand blind windows! Vecna whose monuments stand in the long streets like endless deities! Vecna whose legions dream and choke in the fog!
Vecna whose love is endless oil and stone! Vecna whose soul is lightning and dungeons! Vecna whose poverty is the specter of genius! Vecna whose fate is a cloud of lifeless alchemy! Vecna whose name is the Tomb!

Vecna! Vecna! Zombie encampments! Invisible townships! Skeleton treasuries! Blind capioals! Demonic industries! Spectral nations! Invincible madhouses! Granite stock! Monstrous fire!

Let it be known that the attention of Deities can be drawn by speaking their names.


He too had been there in the great Silver Void, drawn there together with all the true Gods of Oerth, drawn by a call stronger than thought or reason. They had faced there... What they had battled had been beyond comprehension. The thought of it made him shiver in remembered fear and pain. The thing was no Deity, not of any rank, it was something greater. As he, without realising it, rocks back and forth he remembers...

Then, something is felt. Something other than accursed dream. A call. The words of a mortal. Somewhere someone is chanting his name, calling out for him. For once he didn't shut it out.

He reaches out towards Oerth and he sees the images he had only dreamt during his time of rest. He awakens.

Rikandur Azebol said:
Everybody !

... what with action that I wrote earlier ? Rampage of Iuz ?! Of course Demons will have to proceed without his lead. But weight of his shadow on their shoulders should keep them in line. And since Drow will be comatose, nobody would put up a fight yes ? Gallador's vampires should be wary too, Demons are dissapointed that elves don't object and might attack someone they will wiew as "threat" to Iuz's plans. Servitor races, if they didn't massacred their drow overlords would be submitted as well. Iuz could die but his will will live on. :]
At least until someone notice that there is no whip to keep them in line. Or noew leader arise. :D


The demons of Iuz descend into the Underdark, and just like the vampiric armies of Gallador their progress seems unstoppable. Cities begin to fall, and the few broken survivors happily throw themselves at your feet. Drow civilization, ancient, beautiful and proud, will soon be no more.

Still, only a few cities have fallen to Gallador and Iuz. The war is only just beginning.

Paxus Asclepius said:
The Wolf God, upon learning of this rebellion (and his spy network will inform him, or there will be far worse than Hell to pay), enters the city and . . . helps Eilistraee? No, not quite, but their goals coincide for the moment. As the goblinoids, quaggoth, and other humanoid servitors are driven from the city center by the goddess, the Wolf God gathers them to him by charisma and brute force, and leads them away from the drow. He does what he can to assemble them in camps, arbitratily assigning interim leaders from those who appear most intelligent, and making a single display of his horrific power at each camp, to cow those who might rebel. These camps will, for the moment, do nothing but wait; if supplies are at issue, a few of his reserve troops will teleport in with massive stores of food and water. Under no circumstances are any to leave the camps, and the Wolf God trusts his demonstrations to be adequate to enforce this rule.

The Horde, the vast mob of humanoids, millions strong, race towards you. Frenzied by panic they regard anything that moves as an enemy and begin to tear into your forces. Begin to attempt to tear into your forces, but failing completely to do any harm.
Finding all their exits blocked, having no way out, and fighting an enemy they cannot damage something seems to snap. The horde stops, lays down their weapons, and surrender. Some pockets of resistance remains. Some creatures, driven utterly insane, start to tear themselves apart, devouring themselves in their bloodlust.
The horde ripples, and violence threatens to break out again. But the Wolf God is there, a comfortable threat of familiar nature, a kindred of sorts. He restores the peace and none dare, or even particularly want, to stand against him.

James Heard said:
OOC: This still counts as unpredictable. Zagyg still decides to grant spells to drow, nothing in Deities and Demigods makes me believe that he can do anything less given the fact that they're suited and suddenly tromping on his portfolio in such a delightful manner. In fact, given how much confusion it's sure to promote later on it's almost a divine imperative that he do so. Besides, he liked the girl who enjoyed Murlynd's muffins. He really did.

Besides, this is a perfect opportunity to get someone to buy Lloth-O's.

Like I said, the drow can reject him out of hand later on or confront him on the issue. He's simply reacting to the situation as his portfolio demands - and mixing things up a bit. He's not looking to convert people exactly, the drow are just enacting something so wonderfully bizarre that they're defacto worshipping him whether they like it or not. Just like a potter is paying homage to a goddess of pots just by the act of creation, at least for a little the drow are serving the portfolio of Zagyg. The fact that the icky man that smells like cheese might somehow be harmed is a bonus too. Uz, or Iz. Pez, or something like that. ;)

This helps. The Drow are still writhing helplessly in pain, but for some of them it seems to subsume. The pain, the withdrawal, is still there, but now at least there is room for something else. The ability to think begins to return to the more powerful clerics of the Drow. And some of them smile in dark triumph, thinking that Lolth has returned to reward her faithful and cleanse the world of her enemies at last. The Time of Reckoning! ...

Eclavdra begins to return to herself, and she sees the battle being fought beside her. She's still weak, but she can perhaps speak, perhaps move despite the cramps in her muscles.

Airwhale said:
And so it was…. All mobile forces of Ginsel and the Grayspace Imperial Navy teleported to the great city. Once they found that Edina and the city were secure, they teleported to the former cities of the drow and the underdark of the moon, to bring the elves to the healing grasp of the demigod.

OOC: 40 elite pls and 6 epic pls are trying to gather up all of the dieing drow outside of the great city, and bring them to the healing grasp of Eclavdra inside the great city. If their are any intrusions upon the great city by those seeking to harm the elves, these forces will aid in it's defence.

They find the city in subsuming chaos. A vast horde of humanoids, reeking of death and fear, is being herded up by other orcs and goblinoids. The City's core seems quiet, almost abandoned, but there too you see humanoids being herded off, though in much smaller numbers. This time it is elves and drow who seem to be the masters of the situation, though just barely. Battles still break out here and there, and drow and humanoids are strewn on the ground seemingly at random, but the situation seems to be calming down.

The palace is another matter, and as wild bolts of magic explode outwards great blocks of stone drop down from its walls and the ceiling of the city. Quickly making their way there they see what they believe is Iuz fighting a beautiful but severely wounded female drow. Eclavdra lies motionless, but without outer injuries, beneath them.
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Gallador makes a Portal to the Great City, moving with 15 Elite and 2 Epic( not counting PC) of his children.

While his forces try to pacify the servitors, he rides on a Shadow Dragon to face Elistraee, Sword of Kas in his hand, when he sees the battle between her and Iuz, he looks for Eclavdra.

Knight Otu

First Post
Chaos. Destruction. Fires.

Normally, Ashardalon would revel in these events that shook up the Underdark. But not now. Now was not the time for chaos. now was the time for stability. Thus, he sends a number of Elite spellcasters to find (5 elite PL), and if possible, rescue Eclavdra from the chaos, bringing her to Rel Astra.
If successful, he calls upon all members of the TEC pact, as well as Eilistraee, to temporaily cease all action in the Underdark, and send emissaries to a meeting to resolve the situation - the Drow Resolution.


First Post
(OOC: Time is short, sadly, but Ren, Foran (4 epic pls), and 30 elite pls(mostly elves) assist the drow demigod in fighting the wicked one. Keoghtom(2 epic pls), and 10 elite pls (mostly elves) guard and try to apply Keoghtom's healing balm to Eclavdra. This second group will join in the fight if Iuz is close enough to the drow queen)

(And another 20 elites are trying to gather the other drow to the great city(mostly human... ginsal forces)
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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Iuz's solution.

Okay ! I edit my actions, before something worse happen, apologises to everyone !

Now I will prove how much tainted with "Book of Exalted Deeds" Iuz truly is. :p

Of course it is all nonexistent if Elcavdra recovers instantly ... then Iuz will, saddened to no end, even give back her the Regalia, and show about him pretending Her will not happen, but all orders and actions that Iuz's forces would make, are given for Serpenteye to judge their succes.

*Demon God gazed distrustingly at Elistaree's healing of Elcavdra, then loudly and heartily cursed. Once, with very acidic voice. Second time, with thoughts running inside his malicious mind. Then he smiled very, very mean this smile was. He assumed form of incapacitated Eclavdra and snapped his ... her fingers. Eclavdra was masked by powerful illusion, wich subtly altered her features. That she might not resemble he older self ... for at least twenty six hours.*

I think ... that I couldn't blame You for disease ravaging my precious ally. And, unfortunately, You seem to be last drow goddes. She would be upset ... feel lucky Elistaree, for lucky You are. If anything happen to Elcavdra ... I will hunt You down. Now ...

*Incubus in general's armor appeared and kneeled before power displayed by Regalia. Swet woice that left Iuz's full lips belonged to Elcavdra, and was filled with her usual malice.*

Demon, His Magnificience orders Your troops to transport all drow from hundred cities of Elcavdor to Great City. War Maidens, company prepared for fighting diseases will move here inmediately and tend My property, as God-Tzar decrees. And ... Sindol, Lord Iuz the Great orders You to squash any opposition and warn servants of Vampire King not to harm my slaves. We, Velsharess Eclavdra the Drow, appreciate His inmediately response to threat that striked Our nation. >hisses<
His Magnificience, orders also that You should proceed with other duties.

*Sindol smiled cruelly, and bowed courtly to Velsharess, used to unpredictible actions of his Master. And dissapeared. Iuz, still in a shape of Eclavdra standed near Elistaree and hissed to goddes, fury barely contained within sweet voice of Eclavdra.*

Take her to her bedchamber, fool. Your words mean nothing to her, she don't know what they mean ! If You want to comfort her ... let her sleep a rejunevating, dreamless slumber with her plush spider. She needs peace now ... And we should discuss something harmless, after all this mess end. Vecna is certainly laughing loud, ARRRGH !

Of course if Dark Maiden have any response for Iuz's bossing around, he would listen. If she spoke "irrationally", he will repeat his request that Eclavdra need sleep to recover. And her toy spider from early childhood. Otherwise, he may grunt agreement or disagreement and anyways move on.

Boring numbers, sorry for such poor joke DM. :p
Sindol and Legion of the Black Death (18 elPls of Teleporting Demons) will bring hapless drow from former hundred cities of Eclavdor to Great City, where 3 elPls of Priesstesses of Iuz, of Suel descend will tend, in ruthless way of military surgeons, their irritiating drow patients. It will be about 1500 6 lvl Clerics, so it should increase percentage of drow recovering. They recived direct orders from Iuz, wia link with deity, and are prepared with all spells they have avaible for strengthening patient's spirits and flesh. Healing magic only of lowest sort (0 lvl). Life is pain, for citizens of Empire.

Later, Serpenteye, Rampage of Iuz will occur ... or rather Pillage of Iuz ? Keep in mind that Sindol will direct mortal part of Legion to this duty, as well as Demons that couldn't freely Teleport. They will gather everything valuable and prepare packages ... and install Gnomish Demolition Charges, so all andamantite and mithral mines that aren't under TEC Pact members Powers or any other Iuz's ally, will be collapsed. Those under Iuz's empire will be taken out as Iuz's rightful property. And Kobolds, Dwarves and Gnomes that are empire's citizens will move to tend them and make them operational as fast as possible.[/sblock]

*Enraged Iuz departed, and move in the front of all assembled allies and foes, taking his best to pretend Elcavdra as good as it were possible. He smiled to them, with mixture of suffering and joy ...wich was easy to pretend, because of wounds caused by Regalia and looks of suprise written over faces of allies assembled. "Eclavdra" bowed her head to them, slowly, as if every action take her cousiouness effort to perform. And spoke with tired, and slightly exhausted voice ... what make her soft timbre even more enchanting than usual.*

Thank You for coming to aid My nation, Elcavdor is grateful to You. Even such ... difficult conditions won't stop us from doing best efforts to honor Our pact.

*"She" turned to Gallador, and bore Eclavdra's purple eyes in bottomless pits of crimson, that Vampire King's eyes are. "Eclavdra" smiles to him thankfully. He can easily perceive that she is keeping herself upright by sheer willpower alone, for keen scent of the vampire could sense pain wracking her body.*

We thank Your Majesty ... for fastest response to oaths of Our Pact. Compassion displayed by Etarnal Ones for drow who remain mortal is great and I thank You for that.

Just in case, Melkor this is almost nice suggestion that Your vampires should keep their fangs in their gums. When it comes to Drow, they could avenge their wounded prides while pacifing rebellious slaves. ;)

*"Velsharess" turned towards Al'Akbar and courtises deeper, but shakes almost visibly. It is apparent that this meeting is draining for "her". Iuz's wound started to itch, so it was wery convicing.*

I ... thank You for assistance, Grand Cleric and Sword of Rightousness, my people need all treatment they could need ... And I apologise the rest of My allies assembled ... I must take a nap, I'm a bit ... worn. And I ... thank You all from the bottom of my heart, but must leave. Be My guests ... as long as You see it fitting. Thank You all again ... I'm very grateful.

*And Velsharess quickly walked off. Those with keen sense might spot that "she" barely endured until she passed beyond the closest corner. Then almost collapsed, and lean against the wall to catch a breath before uttering spell of teleportation. To Great City's palace.*

Iuz teleports to Palace of Eclavdra and puts on it Misdirections, and False Images, so all scryers would locate Iuz/"Eclavdra" resting in another room instead of real Eclavdra. Who I presume is under care of Elistaree ... Iuz is poor doctor. Buther Yes, healer ... pathetic. He know how to tie wounds, and given time and torture tools he could even perform simple medical operations but nothing more with uncousiouness victim ... patient. :eek:

You would ask why Iuz does it all ? To save public face of his best friend. But He wouldn't admit it even before himself. Chuckle.

Serpenteye, I know that many spells could easily detect Iuz's disguise, and anyone knowing Eclavdra well will see trough this farce. But, I doubt that everybody present don't know the consequences of disintegration of Drow rule, in the delicate form of Elcavdra, anarchy and slaughter. Not from vile malice, but from simple fear. And total collapse of Drow nation, wich is now on the brink of selfdestruction.

Acha, and when Eclavdra regain cousiouness, she's tough enough to stand little pain ... ;)
Iuz will return her her Regalia and told her everything in a lightoned form of great entertainment waiting. And will demand his reply regarding the Aliador elves. he didn't saved her from good heart. :p

And what with Iuz's "calming aura" over the Great City ? And Iuz will pacify Yuan-Ti if they don't behave. He's irritiated. :]
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First Post
Guilt Puppy said:
(Serpenteye: To what extent was Elistraee able to quell the slave rebellion? The Brotherhood will send some scouts around the area, as it delivers its message to Elistraee, to try to understand the scale of the rebellion.)

It's being quelled as you watch, scrying unhindered all over the city. Elistraees forces have almost cleared the center of the city, while the Wolf-God takes control over the vast majority of the rebellious slaves.

Bugbear said:
King Rhynnon and through him Greater Nyrond will do whatever they can to help the Mordheil within his lands and will send emessaries (and if neccessary Soldiers) to ensure the well being of the Mordheil of the Great City. This includes the use of druidic and clerical magic to help the Mordheil within Greater Nyrond.
Rhynnon promised Eclavdra that he would aid her people and Rhynnon keeps his word. Furthermore, having read the most anceint elven histories, some of which dated back to before the sundering of the elven race and the great war, he has suspected that something of this sort may happen. Which would explain why he has been courting Eclavdra's people. The Mordeil are Drow no more, once agian they are Mordeil.

Rhynnon Himself teleports to the Great City to acertian the wellbeing of Eclavdra and her people. He take with him the Knights of Heirionious(5 Elite PL) and some of the more powerful modrons. They will locate Eclavdra, and contact Elistraee to determine her intent. They will also defend the incapacitated Mordheil from any attacks by their formor slaves and servants. The knights will seek out hostile elements within the great city and neutralize them while the Modrons are set to locating helpless Mordheil and bringing them to a central location which can be better defended.

The remander of my Elite forces are on call and ready to teleport tothe great city shoould they be needed.

You see Iuz striking a hard blow against Elistraee, sending little wet pieces of face flying widely. She still stands, though, and smiles mockingly at Iuz, "Is that all? Iuz the Old, Iuz the Feeble, Iuz the Impotent."

The unlikely coalition is quickly reestabliching order to the city.

Sollir Furryfoot said:
Serpenteye and possibly William/Kalanyr if ruling is accepted: (Public)

OOC-I'll assume my post was ignored and that Glu'boise has not teleported to where Eclavdra's forces are. Should he be able to locate Eclavdra's location via his divinations he will scry upon it and see the current situation, then create a Sending to Al'Akbar and Morwel with Eclavdra's coordinates, the fact that Iuz is now wearing Eclavdra's Regalia of Lordly Might and that Elistraee apparently has healed Eclavdra to some extent. Glu'boise will not teleport any of his forces, seeing the current situation as currently out of his purview with Eclavdra's regaining of consciousness and possibly free will (if there is ever such a thing, he ponders) but will allow a scrying sensor to remain and watch the situation. He will step in with his forces should someone comes with the intent to harm Eclavdra.

(Not ignored, but since the situation was different I wanted to give you a chance to reconsider.)

Melkor said:

Gallador makes a Portal to the Great City, moving with 15 Elite and 2 Epic( not counting PC) of his children.

While his forces try to pacify the servitors, he rides on a Shadow Dragon to face Elistraee, Sword of Kas in his hand, when he sees the battle between her and Iuz, he looks for Eclavdra.

The unlikely coalition is quickly bringing order back the the city.

Eclavdra appears to be coming to. She seems uninjured.

Edena: Elistraee never got the chance to confort Eclavdra, a minor point but an important one.

Knight Otu said:
Chaos. Destruction. Fires.

Normally, Ashardalon would revel in these events that shook up the Underdark. But not now. Now was not the time for chaos. now was the time for stability. Thus, he sends a number of Elite spellcasters to find (5 elite PL), and if possible, rescue Eclavdra from the chaos, bringing her to Rel Astra.
If successful, he calls upon all members of the TEC pact, as well as Eilistraee, to temporaily cease all action in the Underdark, and send emissaries to a meeting to resolve the situation - the Drow Resolution.

ooc: I'm going to wait ruling on this before Edena has posted regarding Eclavdra.

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