(IR) The 3rd IR, 2nd Turn (thread 2)

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Irongate, beset and losing to Acererak, sends a message to Forrester:

Please, save us! The demilich Acererak is literally devouring our people, and there are a hundred thousand innocent people in this city.
We saw you defeat the robots. We scried, and we saw.
We know you have the strength to save us.
We plead with you.




(There is nobody else who can save Irongate, for the record.)
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Edena- As soon as the Crescent forces back off (if they do) a PL 20 group of Kobolds and Formian is dipatched to deal with the Robot's spaceship.


First Post

Where is Irongate on the map?

There are gates to Irongate, I understand -- which is closest to the west side of the map?

And how strong is Acerak at this point?


I really need a Prime Directive. The innocents should have gone with the Angels . . .

Turrosh Mak

First Post
To Serpenteye

To The God-King of the Great Kingdom:

No doubt you are aware of the united Commonwealths deployment of forces in Veluna, and their sucessful battle against the strange consructs from the mountains.

Do you still think that they are soft?
Do you still think that they have forgotten what it is to be a warrior?

If you do, then I suggest you come to their embassy in Keoland and tell that to their face.

~Turrosh mak, Emperor of the Pomarj and Protector of Ulek~

(OCC:William has asked me to speak for his faction, as well as for the factions of zelda and Uvenelei, whom he was speaking for.)


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Kalanyr's force goes against the mothership itself.
Needless to say, the battle lights up the Barrier Peaks like a grand fireworks show was in progress.


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If I think there is a risk of the City of the Gods being awoken if the spaceship is bothered, then some of my troops (10PL worth) will guard the spaceship from anyone f*cking with it.

I mean, we're in the area, right?

Anyone going to the Spaceship -- you might well defeat my force -- but it will bring the rest of my army in against you.



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To Forrester:

Acererak is VERY, VERY strong!!! (as strong as he is evil)
And the entire might of the Scarlet Brotherhood stands with him.
And there are no Gates to Irongate (not now.)

Also, the Dark Union of Oerth is probably Acererak's ally.

Your force can deploy there using the Flying Citadels of the Sky-Sea League run by Kaboom, or the Dwarven Spelljamming Mountains of Dagger.

- - -

Uh, Forrester, Kalanyr's force reached the crashed spaceship first (and it is not anywhere near the City of the Gods, by the way.)
Do you really want to attack Kalanyr's force?
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First Post
Can the innocents still get to the Angels?

I will not enter the war in such a grand way -- you Oerthians need to work this stuff out for yourself.

But I will encourage the Border Guard/Angels to save the people of Irongate who wish to leave.


Turrosh Mak

First Post

The gates to Irongate were sealed when Acerierak Captured the other end.
They will not be reopened because of the powerful death magics cast over the gate by the lich.

If you help Irongate (which I hope You do) you will need to find annother route there...


First Post
The Angels cannot help, Forrester.

You can.

If you do, you will face war. Very great war.

If you do not, Acererak and his Minions will devour a hundred thousand souls, while the bodies melt into goo and evaporate.

It is that simple.

Dagger, Kaboom, you must ferry Forrester's troops if they decide to go to Irongate.
That pulls you into this, too.
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