(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 1 - WAR!

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Edena_of_Neith said:
And now, based on the statement above, they are throwing victory away.
The Dark Union is retreating from the battlefield.

NO! I change my mind. We do not retreat. We attack with our full power!
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First Post
Iuz comes

Iuz will teleport in and help Kas in this final confrontation His goal -- make sure the showdown between Kas and Vecna takes place and generally assist Kas as he can.


First Post
Ok. You return to the battlefield.

However, in retreating and then returning, you lost the initiative, and the balance of the battle shifts ... you are no longer winning.
Winning requires decisive action, not running then turning back around and attacking.

The Seldanoran Host and the Swanmay are ready again.
So are the giants.
So are the Nyrondese.
So are all the remaining forces on the good side.

However, the Lost Elves never really retreated from the fray, and they hurl themselves back into it.
Their magic, although not Arcane Age, is powerful enough, as they slash and burn their way through the enemy forces.

The Battle of the Flinty Hills resumes in it's full fury.
Gnomish and Dwarvish spelljammers rain death down upon the forces of the Union, while Union mages teleport up and kill gnomes and dwarves.
Swanmays slash down Lost Elves and Union fighters alike, then are blown apart by lightning bolts from the evil mages.
The elves of the Seldanoran Army send rain after rain of arrows into the ranks of the army of the Union, which responds with massed lightning bolts and fireballs.
The immensity of the wreckage and slaughter is exceeded only by what is going on to the west in Nyrond.
In what was Nyrond.
Where the forces of Kas have holed up in the cities, having been routed from the battlefield, and are selling their lives dearly as the Legions of Vecna break in storms against the walls.


First Post
With the arrival of Iuz on the battlefield, Kas realizes he has this one chance.

If he and Iuz can kill Vecna, the Legions of Vecna may fall apart and rout.

It is up to Kas. What does Kas DO?

IF Kas decides to confront Vecna, tell me.

Bonedagger, are you SURE Vecna is leaving the battlefield??


First Post
Sorry. Did I miss something. Vecna appear. Smack Kas around a bit. He leaves. He does NOT and I repeat not return to fight again. I didn't state that anywhere.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]

Edena: Important!


I'm off for now.

Until I return and and claim them back, William Ronald has complete authority over all of my nations and forces. For more information, see the e-mail that I sent you (and William, too). Should he feel it necessary, he can of course give command over them to someone else (though they won't follow a traitor or enemy in any case) - until my return.

- "Darkness"
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First Post
Very well.
There is no battle between Kas and Vecna.

Kas is pleading with Iuz for military support - his forces are losing, falling, failing.
But if the might of the Empire of Iuz were to show up now, it would make a difference, argues Kas.


First Post
There are NO exeptions. If the battle turns agaist Vecna or if anybody turns up to help Kas Vecna and his army will leave (Teleport away). But I think I have already said this:(

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