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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 4 (thread 1)

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Well I don't know about a Doomsday plan... but I could always try and overload Edena's Mailbox... thereby slowing the IR down significantly...

Or I could destroy the Real World... hmm... choices... choices...

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The Death of Vecna. Ha ha!

I was waiting for word from Edena, but given his line earlier:

"Except that, Forrester has a plan that will recover the phylactery right through all my defenses, and there is not a thing I can do about it - nor can anyone else do anything about it."

I might as well go ahead and tell the tale.

It started with Kender.

Shortly after the UC force started its attack, Lord Talos found his lair infested
with Kender -- or, more accurately, signs of Kender. Vases, urns, gems, and anything
and everything that might possibly act as the Phylactery of Vecna were found smashed, melted,
destroyed beyond repair. Entire treasure rooms became nothing more than large hunks of molten
gold and crushed gems. But the Phylactery . . . was safe.

Safe on the Shadow Plane, though naught but a few knew it. Talos, of course. His most
trusted associates. A few house spies and spiders that knew better than to share the
information. And that was it.

One of these was Saurus. Saurus, the epic-level assassin, thief, shadowdancer illithid.
And in a wave of insight, he knew what he must do.

He was not missed while the UC attacked, while Vecna led the robots to Lyrn,
while the others hunted the Kender. No, he was not missed at all.

And when he showed up on the Shadow Plane, getting to the Phylactery was a trivial task at
best. Some, he dominated. With others, he disguised himself as the megalomaniac Talos, and
demanded entrance where entrance was needed. Most often, he simply . . . moved past who and
what needed moving past. Child's play.

In a matter of minutes, it was his. And suddenly, in another wave of insight, he knew what he must do next.

Seconds later he stood before Lord Forrester of the United Commonwealth of Toril.
Forrester was sitting behind a grand oak desk in a truly massive office,
and was staring up at the ceiling in thought. He did not look surprised.

"Here you are, my lord. As you commanded. What shall I do next?"

Forrester chuckled, and slid his eyes down to meet Saurus. Then he turned, and
nodded to no one in particular.

"It seems that the Dictum the Illithid crafted me has paid off after all. Ahhhh. You know,
I've been waiting for this moment for quite awhile."

"Thank you, Saurus. Could you step over to the side? I'm expecting company."

Forrester cleared his throat, and began the Sending. This sending was not just audible, though--
enhanced by the powers of his 10th level magic, it was visual as well. Every soul on Oerth
stopped as the scene played out in their minds.


Your time is at an end, OLD MAN. I know you awoke the City of the Gods. I know that you wish
to lead them to me. It's a pity, but I don't think you are going to make it all the way to Lyrn.
Your lectures about Children and Adults are at an end -- thank the gods! We're sicker of your
pontificating than we are of William's wine!

Time for a Child to put you to rest, at last.

Yes, I know what you're going to say.

Oh, you're soooo evil.

Oh, you're soooo nasty.

Oh, you want to blow up the world, and Toril, and the Universe besides. Frankly, you're too STUPID--"

And with that, Vecna appeared in the middle of the office. A wave of Darkness swept the room, followed by a wave of rainbow light cast by his Prismatic Armor.

"FOOL! --" was all he got out, though, before the attack.

For Anabstercorian stepped out of a small pocket dimension, and without so much as a word, shut Vecna the hell up.

Waves of magical bullets, fire, and energy swept out of his 10th-level magically enhanced Sunbusters, and Vecna was driven back with the sudden fury of the onslaught. It was an attack that could melt mountains.

Then, from behind him, a team of archmages who had been waiting began THEIR assault. Greater Dispel Magics and Wishes were readied to counter Vecna's worst. The Sunbusters began pumping out the spells necessary to drop the Prismatic Armor -- ALL of them burst from the 'busters, within the same round.

Still, Vecna fought back. Each second, he would throw up the Armor a dozen times, and a dozen times each second, the Armor would fall.

Forrester sighed, and spoke.

"You disappoint me, Vecna. Any idiot can lose 50 million men in battle, rise from the dead, and wake up the City of the Gods in a fit of pique. I've dealt with foes ten times more dangerous than you. As it would happen, one of them is currently shooting you in the face."

"But It's clear that this is a losing battle for us, Vecna. You're still too tough for us to kill with normal means. A shame, that. For YOU."

Vecna cackled, threw up an empowered Armor, and grimaced.

"You fool. I have unleased the City on you. You will perish. And I am ready to die. You shall have no victory over me this day!"

"Oh no?"

Forrester walked to the door, and knocked on it gently. "Can you come in here now, Speeda? Be quick!"

The door opened. And a small Kender girl walked through it.

"We don't have much time, Speeda. Here, take these. But hold on a second. I want to make sure
I get a picture of this."

Forrester hands Speeda a small (but obviously magical) hammer. And then hands her the Phylactery.

"Your immortal life is about to be ended by a five-year old Kender girl. Smile for the camera!"


"Smashee Smashee!"



Later, Anabstercorian claimed that he could have fried Vecna where he stood -- that his Sunbusters were on only 75%. An argument for another post . .
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First Post
We’re doomed,” Robilar thought to himself as he dressed in his tent, “The Shade outnumber our forces here 3 to 1. They have the defensive position. They have the upper hand this time. Oerth Alliance troops are on their way, but there is simply not enough time. Even if they do arrive in time, it is unlikely they will just pack up and leave once the fighting is over. Regardless of the outcome of the fight, The Bright Empire is most likely going to fall.”

Despite the advancements in military science over the last few months, Robilar still wore his platemail and shield. He still carried his sword. One of the few concessions he made was to wear a pair of revolvers that had come for him in the latest shipment of advanced arms from Dorakaa. “Hey look, I’m Murlynd,” he had joked with his staff officers just a couple days ago. Well, the time for jokes was over.

Once dressed, he flung open the tent flap and walked out into the sunlight. The effect of what the Oerth Alliance was calling the Sun-Blight was clearly evident now. Robilar lost himself in thought as he stared at the red haze around the sun. “It’s odd,” he thought “its almost as if some greater power was conspiring to make the IBKSC and its allies lot in life difficult. As if time and distance was being compressed in strange and unpredictable ways that made responding to our adversaries actions in any reasonable or well thought out manner very difficult. Oh well, there is no way to know everything. I must play the cards I am dealt.”

Robilar gave a quick nod to a wizard that was joining him. Rary had assigned the wizard to Robilar. He was to teleport Robilar to Rary’s tower when the final evacuation order was given. It bothered Robilar to have someone following him around, so he just tried to pretend as if the wizard wasn’t there.

As Robilar walked to the command tent, the few red dragons remaining in his army were winging overhead. They were carrying as many high explosive charges as they possibly could. They were headed in the direction of the Shadow Throne. There hadn’t been time to breed more, nor replace the wyverns that were lost in last month’s battle.

The command tent was still. There was nothing left to prepare. The humans and humanoids assigned to the command post sat there – each expressing grim determination – awaiting Robilar’s orders.

“Is everything ready,” asked Robilar?

“The men are ready to give their lives for the Pantheon sir, “ replied a lieutenant colonel, “a surprising number of civilians refused to leave with the refugee train and have volunteered for service. They too are prepared to die in attempt to remove the affect of infidels from our lands. The new weapons: the repeating rifles, revolvers, and gattling guns have also been issued to all troops and volunteers as well…along with Dweomite ammunition”

“Good, the Pantheon will need their faith and courage this day. I see that the dragon bombers are already on their way. Have the artillery open fire on all fronts.”

A private ran out of the tent toward a signalman to relay the order.

“The dragons will drop their payloads, then they will commence with spell and flame bombardment, finally engaging in ground action, if they must, in the enemy capital.”

The boom of cannon fire could be now heard in the distance

“The Demons, Yugoloths, and undead will lead the ground assault, with artillery in constant support. Those cannon barrels are going to get hot so keep plenty of water handy. Under no circumstances is the artillery to let up. If the cannon barrels melt, so be it. Issue the men rifles and merge them in with the infantry.”

There was no need to repeat these orders. Robilar had already issued them a few hours ago. Saying them out loud, however, was somehow comforting to him.

“Paynims light cavalry will be used along the demon’s flanks. Their phosphorous and alchemist fire grenades should harass the Shade defenders.”

Robilar was pacing now as he spoke

“Once the Outsiders and undead are fully engaged and the Shade react, let loose everything else we have. I don’t care if it is an 80-year-old woman with a frying pan. We strike, and we strike hard. Combat officers are instructed to take any initiative on any opportunity that presents itself.”

Robilar stops pacing and looks at his staff.

“Rhennee saboteurs are being let loose on the Shade defenses. Derro savants will be bombarding the enemy with spells. Norkers, centaurs, manscorpions, and bedouins from the Bright Desert will fall upon the Shade. If we have it in our arsenal, use it gentlemen. There are only two possible outcomes: they die or we die. If we are not victorious…let no one come back alive.”

“FOR THE PANTHEON!!!” cried the lieutenant colonel.

“FOR THE PANTHEON!” replied the rest of the tent.

“For the Pantheon,” murmured Robilar as left the tent.
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First Post

Edena_of_Neith said:

Forrester is a very clever guy, as it turns out.
Beware of him.
After you have dealt with all the menaces I am throwing at you, you will have to deal with him.
I assure you, he will be a formidable opponent - you have only tasted the first hints of just how formidable Forrester can be, when he tries.
Never mind his PL.
His high PL is not your problem.
He, is your problem.

I will always try to make trouble for all of you.
I will never allow you to have peace.
Not if I can help it.

I just want to say that Edena is absolutely right.

Purely objectively speaking, I am the most formidable force here. Vecna, Acererak, the Shade . . . well, to borrow an oft-repeated saying from the first -- they are nothing but children. Children that must be reminded that giants still walk the earth. We will deal with all of them, all those they summon, the City, the Goo, the Shadow, and the rest, in short order.

And Edena is right -- after we vanquish these foes, you will have to deal with ME.

And here is how I wish to be dealt with.

I ask little, and demand less. No commands for tribute or any other such nonsense -- I did that to rattle our enemies' cages, as most of you know. And it seems to have worked.

All I have, really, is a request.

I would like to become an Oerthian.

I know I promised that I would return to Toril after this was over . . . but I've changed my mind.

My troops -- they will still return to Toril. Those that wish to leave, at least, which I would imagine is the vast majority of them. Most of them have family waiting for them.

But I know there are a few that have grown attached to this land. Your land. All I would ask is that I, and a few of my followers, be given a small plot of land that we might call home, after all of this has ended.

Is that fair enough? Perhaps we can rid ourselves of this "dealing" question now, so that we can concentrate on the tasks at hand.


PS By the way, I've got some *great* 5x7 glossies of Vecna's expression as he realized his immortal life was about to be ended by a five year old girl. Ten gold pieces a shot. Bulk orders accepted.

PPS For those of you think that I'm going soft -- well, think what you like, I suppose :D.

I just killed Vecna. Permanently. What did YOU do today?


First Post
While his lands burn, Acererak takes as many of his children as he can and disappears into the Negative Energy Plane.


"Well Forrester, you are always welcome to grab a mountain somewhere, rip it off its earthly moorings and call it home. Congratulation on Vecna's Death, care to lead the City of the Gods right into the Shadow Throne? Give the shade something to remember."

Edena, the flying mountain and my full non-advancement PL is attacking the Shade Kalanyr and all the NPC's enter the battle bringing our full magic and technology to bear . To Victory and Freedom or to Death!

Edit-Due to advice from Forrester.
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First Post
Kalanyr -- the benefit your forces gain from your 10th level magic are redundant (in 3E terms, do not stack) with that of that evil Red Goo armor.

I suggest that you all remove it, immediately. I have done extensive experiments with it. One thing I am sure of is that it increases aggressiveness . . . somewhat irrationally. I do not thing that this is something you want your leaders to be wearing. Not if you want them to be fighting the enemy instead of themselves.

Nor should any of you have your troops wear it. (Not that they can, yet -- it'll take a turn. But I suggest you lay off of it.)



If it doesn't stack, No one is touching the stuff. I only used it because I was desperate and thought it would help, since it doesn't stack, no one is wearing or using it.

Forrester- Would you mind sending what is left of the phylactery to Kas? He wants it for sentimental purposes I guess. Feel free to cleanse every last trace of magic from it first.

Thanks Forrester .

And here I was thinking Red Steel was a Mystaran thing. Guess not.
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First Post
Re: The Death of Vecna. Ha ha!

Forrester said:
"It seems that the Dictum the Illithid crafted me has paid off after all. Ahhhh. You know,
I've been waiting for this moment for quite awhile."

Hmm... when I tried to do something like this I was told you can't control/dominate/magic jar other people's NPCs.

Oh well, congrats :) You now have the *real* Head of Vecna artifact :D

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