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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 2)

Mr. Draco

First Post
Re: A Reaction to the Sending of the Angels

William Ronald said:
"I think the Union of Worlds -- the Union of Oerth and the Humanoid Alliance -- needs to state how they are changing themselves. Statements from their leadership and strong actions would help clear up much of the needless suspicion. They need to be open about their intentions. As do all of us."


Mr. Draco and Serpenteye: Mr. Draco made an out of character statement that the Union is turning away from the forces of darkness. Now is the time when both actions and words must speak loudly. Statements from Kas and the God Emperor on the reasons behind these statements need to be made. What do you think of the Sending of the Angels?

Well, let me speak OOC for now (i'm working on a longer IC response).

Firstly, my comment wasn't OOC. Think of it this way. The semi-divine leaders of the Union of Worlds (Kas and the God-Emperor) after delving over the collected knowledge of several times and crystal spheres come to a conclusion. The logical conclusion. The logic conclusion. That is: good is not strong, neither is evil. Strength lies in adabtability, but also in coordination, efficient structure, and organization. By these judgements, all existing races are flawed. Therefore we embarked on the creation of a new race through the metamorphoses of our people. An efficient race. An adaptable race. An organized race. A perfect race. The Cydians. Immortal, with no need for sustanence, and with great intellect and powers. Also, they can only have lawful neutral alignments, this is because a non-impartial and very structured being (soul) cannot properly control the vast energy and abilities at the command of even the lowliest of Cydians.

Note, I stated that the Union of Worlds was turning away from evil. I DID NOT say that the Union of Worlds was turning towards good. The Union of Worlds is turning towards impartiality, and has no intentions of turning towards good alignments. The goals of the Union of Worlds are:

1) Survival
2) Peace
3) Elimination of our enemies
4) Colonization
5) Enlightenment (for those of other populations that willingly choose Cydian metamorphoses)

There you have it.

Now, nowhere did I say we were going to go about these priorities in a decidedly 'good' or 'evil' manner. Basically, we will do what is necessary for these priorities. If it requires slaughtering a planet to destroy a multiverse-ending evil, we'll do it. If it requires helping old ladies cross streets, we'll do it. No moral obligations.

Right now, we see that healing Oerth, and working alongside the OA would best fit our goals. Thus the 11th level magical feats to cleanse Oerth's atmosphere, and helping William clear his lands. Also, this is why we have started construction of the City of Peace with 10,000PL of our forces (in a pocket dimension), as it was seen in the vision of the angels. Afterall, we believe they only show us possible futures, not impossible ones. Needless to say, we liked the first version much better. If anybody wants to respond to the questions about what sort of buildings/accomodations on the city their races would like, it would be helpful to us while we are constructing it. If anybody wants to help us construct it, so much the better.

Don't mistake our actions for abandoning any philosophy. Our actions are dictated by logic. Cold, hard logic. Think of the Vulcans from star trek. If we have to slaughter billions to survive, well, guess what we'll be doing? The reverse applies also.

Before anybody takes this to mean the Union of Worlds is now composed of trigger-happy maniacs, I'll say right now we aren't.

Oh, and in case anybody's interested, there are only two members of the OA (i think they are at least) that are on our "enemies" list. Alzem and Uvenelei. Those only because they attacked us. Now, if we already offered peace if they would return our 11th level infrastructure they captured and imprisoned. I'm still waiting on a response from Alzem (spoof?) about this however. Until he responds, we will continue to treat him as an enemy. Know this, he has the opportunity for peace, all he has to do is return what (and who) he captured during his un-provoked attack on us.

Anyway, there's the OOC explanation for our actions. Basically, we didn't like being tied to moral obligations (either way).

Remember, think Vulcans from star trek (same idea).

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William Ronald

Mr. Draco:

A very well written post. I am waiting for your in character response. I imagine that Kas will state why he and the God Emperor have chosen a path of order between good and evil.

Thanks for helping to clean my lands. You should expect some help to come your way soon. (The Cup and Talisman of Al Akbar is doing a lot of good. The clean up campaign will reach some of your territory in the next few days.)

I can accept a logical power, interested in survival. For now, I think our interests coincide. Without survival, there are no possibilities. However, mutually assured survival is better than mutual destruction or a lifetime visitor's pass to Castle Ravenloft.

A short but logical argument. Especially considering a lifetime visitor's pass to Castle Ravenloft is usually a short term matter.

I suggest everyone try to work towards peace.

The Angels are loath to interfere in mortal affairs. The fact that they have sent a message is a sign of how dangerous things are.

I urge everyone to try to settle their differences. I would not want to play this IR in Ravenloft.

Mr. Draco

First Post
William: Thanks. Oh, I agree regarding the ravenloft thing. Life in ravenloft doesn't really classify as "survival" in my book. More like "slow death."

[edit]- Oh, one more thing, could you try letting a certain over-militant Solar know about this whole mutually assured survival? He doesn't seem to be very willing to take my advice. I'm still waiting for his reply.
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The messenger arrives.

A teleportation pad energised and with a flash the emmisaries and their escort appeared on the square before the Grand Church of Rao.

The delegate from the SSL looks around pointing at several impressive Architectural designs and statues. But as he is pointing the head of the guard adresses them.

"if you all would be so kind to follow me, you are being expected in the sanctuary."

As the delegates fall in behind the commandant and the honor guards walk besides them they approach the Church of Rao
while they pass over the gigantic square before it.

When they reach the Church doors some salutations take place and some hail Hazens, but after the officialities are taken care of the massive doors open.
The escort takes position outside the church doors and the commandant speaks to the delegates.

"Please enter, you are expected."

And with those words the honor guard takes up position and salutes the delegates as they enter the Church.

At the end of the long passageway that runs through the entire church from entrance to altar there resides a Angel like creature, it sits kneeled, praying.

As the doors slam shut the angel looks up and turns around. As it approaches the delegates it speaks.

"Welcome honored emmisaries from the Scro Star League I see you have come to heed my call. I am Hazen."

As the delegates bow and pay their respect one speaks up.

<Lord Hazen, we of the Scro like to present to you Ho Skoteinos and our delegate.>

2 people step forward from the half formed circle of emmisaries.

<<Lord Hazen, I must appollogise for my Queen for not being able to attend personally. She is... occupied at the moment. Some dire matters aquired our direct intervention on the world of Athas.>>

<<The world has currently been purified of red goo and undead. The red legion there has been obliterated without any problems and the last pockets of resistance there are being disposed of as we speak.>>

Ho Skoteinos turns around and regards the SSL delegates before facing Hazen again.

<<These honorable people have been so gracious to assist us in our assault on Athas. They have been promised a new home in the Sphere of Mystara. They were feeling... unsecure and... threatened in Realmspace by the ongoing events.>>

<<The Queen was so courtious to offer them shelter and safe haven on Mystara where there is no war and where the Swarms are currently in power to assure peace.>>

<<As we speak a huge collection of spacial platforms is being constructed to house the SSL at least temporarily while they and we construct a more worthy place for them to reside.>>

<<The Scro have accepted my Queens offer and are moving over the remainder of their forces from Realmspace as we speak to their new safe haven. We ask that you respect their wishes and that you acknowledge their new residence and their claim to a part of Mystara.>>

<<The Swarms are currently cleansing Athas and Mystara of all unpure and opposing forces. After that has been done and the two worlds are secure we offer you, the emerald order and lord kalanyr the possibility to extract all the civilians that want to leave their worlds now the Hive is in controll along with the Scro on Mystara and Athas.>>

<<We ask that you take these refugees and harbor them for now. They may choose to return after we repaired their worlds to furtile spheres once again.>>

<<But to the point, you stated to my Queen that you had the desire to know her reaction to the sending of the angels. Wise they are but the future forsee... perhaps. She regards their visions with caution for the do hold truth but to what extent...>>

<<The Hive shall dispose of any renegade factions on Athas and Mystara that oppose order and our rule. They who wish to leave for now are free to leave, we ask that you take them in. They may return after we rebuild those worlds.>>

<<The Queen respects you Lord Hazen, she hopes for a prolonging peace and rebuilding of worlds. Perhaps other will choose the same destiny as the Orcs of Oerth and the Immortals of Mystara. To join perfection, to join the one mind, to join unison and order.>>

<<But for now the Hive has two worlds to cleanse of it enemies, 2 worlds to rebuild, and 2 worlds to police.>>

<<The Hive salutes you Lord Hazen, we hope our answer suffices, we await your respons if you are willing to take the innocent in.>>

With those words Ho Skoteinos steps back into the half circle and another representative steps out.


((OOC: Edena me and skot and Festy are currently clearing Athas and mystara of all red goo and all oppposing forces. The Dragonkings defilers and other remaining forces shall be crushed or assimilated into the swarm (Assimilation has first priority offcourse hoping to get some PL out of it).

After that we start distributing food and fresh water to the population and all THAT ARE WILLING shall be assimilated into the one mind. Civillians that wish to leave the worlds to the safety of the church of mercy, the keoland league, the emerald order or Kalanyrs forces are free to do so.

Rajaat will be assimilated along with his legions and all other forces that were hostile that we can capture or those that surrender. Killing them is such a waste.

After that the worlds are cleaned we will start spreading creep ON SOME PARTS of the worlds (so certainly not all) and we shall start immidiate construction of ceveral Main Hive Clusters on Athas and Mystara as we consolodate there.

The native poppulation will be housed, fed and nurished and well taken care of.

The Swarms now I think officially occupy the worlds of Athas and Mystara.

We can be seen as the Police forces there and construction workers. We are currently policing and rebuilding those worlds and taking care of it's population.

And yes we are conquerers and rulers there, I won't deny that but I'm trying to be sincere and to create and build 2 beautifull worlds were order and law shall rule and its people will thrive under it.

The Scro Star League will be housed on Mystara where they will have a continent of their own to house and controll. Their law and their rules will be applied there as it is their own land now. (this is around 20% of Mystara the rest is swarm controlled).


1)clear mystara and Athas of all opposition and Assimilate (hivemind) what we can and destroy the rest. I still presume rajaat and his Champions are mine since they can't resist the 11th level effects if I am correct in my assumption.

2)evacuate all people who wish to leave.

3)hivemind all that wish to join the swarms willingly.

4)Provide shelter, nurishment and fresh water for those we want to remain behind and help in the rebuilding of their worlds.

5)begin rebuilding the worlds of Athas and Mystara, the turning of Athas into a furtile world will have to wait untill the war quietes down a bit.

6) Consolodate our power as police and occupying force so that I can state that I am in 100% controll over Athas and Mystara as it's ruler.

7) Help out the Scro Star League with what ever they might need to finish their relocating to Mystara and their new own continent.


I'm most likely offline for a few days (yeah bad timing I knowand just when I got stuff to do and be nice and active on the boards with large posting :( ). I'm off to a friend of mine who doesn't have Internet so I'm 100% offline untill I get back home which will probably be next monday.

I hereby hand over my power to Ho Skoteinos. This does NOT give him control over my reality changes. It does give him control over my PC and he can send it to battle, I trust him and his judgement on that matter.

To Skot: Rom je weet wat je moet doen, blijf uit alle troep en zorg dat je de positie die we nu hebben versterken, niks nieuws veroveren, ben braaf voor de bevolking en herbouw die werelden met 10th magic. We hebben nu twee mooie bollen en die behoud ik graag, jij snapt ook wel dat mystara gewoon voor jou wordt en Athas voor mij, jij mag het alleen ietsie delen met festy maar dies erg ok en staat zoo aan onze kant. Hji heeft goed werk gelevert en hij verdient veiligheid en een goeie plek om te wonen ipv het lijpe Toril.

je snapt wel wat ik bedoel, gewoon mij 7 punten in post hierboven volgen :) Als er wat erg geks gebeurd... dan doe je maat wat je denkt dat goed is he :)

tot maandag smorrie :)
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I most compliment you on a very creative and cool turning in your faction, if it works it will be really fun. Can;t wait to see how you handle this and how it unfolds, can't wait till I get back and see how it resolved!

A truly magnificent idea! My compliments!

(I hope I can get my lasy ass out of bed in time tomorrow morning to read up on the IR before I have to go catch my train. In the mean while good luck and have fun you all and try to leave me in one piece in my absence :))
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William Ronald

The Forsaken One,

I will always be willing to take in refugees. However, you may not find too many people who want to be hive minded. You could maybe help provide for them, and encourage them to consider working with you.


An interesting idea that I hope works. The Netherese never struck me as having a high tolerance for failure. Also, if you can pull off the stunt, you will give your faction a lot more options.

If you are successful, I am looking forward to a GREAT role playing post.

Mr. Draco:

I did send Alzem a message. You have to remember, he may have thought you were still working with Mina. Alzem does not like Mina much. (Okay, neither does Hazen.) Ravenloft does qualify as slow death. Not a good place to visit -- or to die in.

I was able to use the Cup and Talisman of Al Akbar to completely rid the Baklunish Confederation and the Kevellond League of Red Goo. Don't worry, the cleanup crew is heading your way soon.

Looking forward to your in character post. Maybe ask Serpenteye to do his about the same time. A joint statement.


I spoke with dagger, who has had a rough week. When he comes back to the boards, wish him well.

Well William, formians are renowned for their construction and repairing capabilities so let's put them to good use.

Lets do what we formians do best, construction time.

William Ronald

The Forsaken One:

I have a great idea for Athas. Cacti. There should be some in the Baklunish area. Use psionics and technology to modify them. Extra food and water. Plus, you might be able to modify some of them for construction purposes. (Try using psionics and tech to make a cactus the size of a redwood.) There are creatures that build nests in cacti. Now, if you can only find out where all the water on Athas went to.

Also, do not be too overconfident. Not everyone on Athas will want to be hive minded. You may have to negotiate with some factions. Remember, in diplomacy, you are lucky if you get most of what you want. Heck, in real life, you are darn lucky if you get most of what you want. So, if they won't join you, make sure they at least like and respect you. (You could probably win a lot of friends by turning over the Dragon Kings' tax collectors over to the crowds. The tax man is never popular -- on any world.:D )

The cacti is, of course, a gift. Similarly, once you get a water table working, there are some modified grasses you could create. See Frank Herbert's Dune series for some good ideas on terraforming Athas.


First Post


- - -


0 against Alyx’s Church of Toril (11th Level Infrastructure 100% intact)

12 against Alzem’s Hope Isles of Toril and Oerth (100% intact) Attack by doubled-up Mr. Draco/Serpenteye (8), Attack by Mr. Draco/Serpenteye’s Humanoid Alliance (4) (Imprisonment declared), - 2 modifier. Defense is 5. Final Number is 5.

0 against Anabstercorian’s Knights of Neraka and Mina (99% intact)
0 against Black Omega’s Coalition of Light and Shadow (100% intact)
0 against Creamsteak’s Church of Mercy (100% intact)
0 against Dagger’s Kingdom of Ulek (100% intact)

4 against Mr. Draco / Serpenteye’s Union of Oerth (75% intact and - 1 to Defense) Attack by Alzem (4), + 1 modifier. Defense is 12 with a - 2 penalty, or 6. Final Number is - 5.

0 against Mr. Draco / Serpenteye’s Humanoid Alliance (100% intact)
0 against Festy Dog’s Scro Star League (100% intact)

0 against Forsaken One’s Hive Cluster (75% intact and - 1 to Defense)
0 against GnomeWork’s Veiled Alliance (100% intact)
0 against Kaboom’s Nations of the Chosen of Mystra (100% intact)
0 against Kalanyr’s Ishtarland and Drow/Yuan-Ti/elf Alliance (100% intact)
0 against Acererak, Acererak’s Minions, and Scarlet Brotherhood (100% intact)

16 against Melkor’s Church of Shade and Shadow Empire (99% intact) Attack by Black Omega (6), Creamsteak (6) (Alteration to normalcy and Imprisonment declared), Kalanyr (4) Defense is 6. Final number is 10.

0 against ‘o Skoteino’s Immortals of Mystara (100% intact)

7 against the Black Brotherhood (100% intact) Attack Venus (3), William (4). - 2 modifier. Defense is 6. Final Number is - 1.

0 against the United Commonwealth of Toril (97% intact)

3 against Sollir’s Unseelie of Oerth (100% intact) Attack by ‘o Skoteinos (3). Defense is 5. Final Number is - 2.

6 against Tokiwong’s Eternal Empire of Toril (100% intact) Attack by Alyx (6). Defense is 5. Final Number is 1. (Imprisonment declared.)

0 against Uvenelei’s Republic of Selune (100% intact)
0 against Venus’s Emerald Order (50% intact and - 2 to Defense)

4 against William’s Kevellond League (100% intact) Attack by Black Brotherhood (4) Defense is 6. Final Number is - 2.

0 against Zelda’s Thillronian Alliance (100% intact)
0 against Zouron’s Eternal Union (100% intact)

- - -


0 against Alyx’s Alliance of the Rising Sun (Main Infrastructure 100% intact.)

6 against Anabstercorian’s Penumbral Hub, led by Anabstercorian the PC (100% intact) Attack by Melkor (6). Defense 4. Final Number is 2, on the Coup de Grace chart.

0 against Creamsteak’s Delrunian Alliance (100% intact)
0 against Festy Dog’s Under-Oerth Alliance (100% intact)
0 against GnomeWork’s Lortmil Technomancy (100% intact)
0 against Kaboom’s Sky-Sea League (100% intact)
0 against ‘o Skoteino’s Orcish Empire of the Pomarj and Allies (100% intact)
0 against Sollir’s League of the Warlords (100% intact)
0 against Tokiwong’s Empire of Iuz (100% intact)
0 against Uvenelei’s Alliance of the Crescent (100% intact)
0 against William’s Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation (100% intact)

4 against Rajaat and his Champions (0% intact) Attack by Forsaken One (4), Defense 0. Final Number is 4, on the Coup de Grace chart.

- - -


12 against Alzem’s Hope Isles of Toril and Oerth (100% intact) Attack by doubled-up Mr. Draco/Serpenteye (8), Attack by Mr. Draco/Serpenteye’s Humanoid Alliance (4) (Imprisonment declared), - 2 modifier. Defense is 5. Final Number is 5.

4 against Mr. Draco / Serpenteye’s Union of Oerth (75% intact and - 1 to Defense) Attack by Alzem (4), + 1 modifier. Defense is 12 with a - 2 penalty, or 6. Final Number is - 5.

16 against Melkor’s Church of Shade and Shadow Empire (99% intact) Attack by Black Omega (6), Creamsteak (6), Kalanyr (4) Defense is 6. Final number is 10.

11 against the Black Brotherhood (100% intact) Attack by Festy Dog (4), Venus (3), William (4). - 2 modifier. Defense is 6. Final Number is 3.

3 against Sollir’s Unseelie of Oerth (100% intact) Attack by ‘o Skoteinos (3), . Defense is 5. Final Number is - 2.

6 against Tokiwong’s Eternal Empire of Toril (100% intact) Attack by Alyx (6). Defense is 5. Final Number is 1.

4 against William’s Kevellond League (100% intact) Attack by Black Brotherhood (4) Defense is 6. Final Number is - 2.

- - -


6 against Anabstercorian’s Penumbral Hub, led by Anabstercorian the PC (100% intact) Attack by Melkor (6). Defense 4. Final Number is 2, on the Coup de Grace chart.

4 against Rajaat and his Champions (0% intact) Attack by Forsaken One (4), Defense 0. Final Number is 4, on the Coup de Grace chart.

- - -

Any mistakes on this list?

You CANNOT declare you are Holding your Attack, now. It is too late.
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