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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 6)


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Talindra nods... "I see then why were we brought here... to tell us we were to die... come then.. and kill us... we will not raise a hand in defense and you will slaughter... millions in your crusade... we have no want of this but if you wish then set us to the pyre. We will not lift a finger and may this stain haunt your delusion of good..."

Talindra rises, "I am disgusted this day moreso then any that have come to pass."

Talindra leaves...

She pauses... "You speak of making war.. what of the forces that attacked us and we did not raise a hand in counterattack... I am sicked by this hypocrisy... good... is a lie... evil a scapegoat... all that remains is grey choices..."

OOC: If and when the Taraakians attack my forces will not fight.. if they wish to destroy us then do so... but know that we did not ift a finger aginst them nor any force...
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William Ronald

Hazen turns to Lord Iuz.

"To the Taraakians, you have a role in the current troubles. Although you have been peaceful of late, you did help Melkor and release the Red Armada."

"If you are truly now interested in life and its cycles, and not just power and evil as you once did, (Hazen can now see if Iuz is being true about this and his real alignment) then you would agree that restoring the damage worlds would serve the life cycle. Possibly you can, instead of a reduction in power, offer something to the Taraakians. A pledge of support for their efforts, military and otherwise. A pledge to help restore the damaged worlds while you build a new one for your people. Or you could offer some compromise in exchange for a new home for your people that the Taraakians might provide. There are always possibilities for new tomorrows if we will but see them. Make an offer. What would you want the Taraakians to offer you if your roles were reversed?"

"You could make such an offer or another to the Taraakians. In repairing the damage to other worlds, you can prove your trustworthiness to them. You would also perhaps gain the respect and the admiration of the inhabitants of those worlds."

"Lord Iuz, you can gain much from cooperating with the Taraakians. Whether or not you make a proposal is your decision, of course. However, I know that you do love your people. Put yourself in the place of the Taraakians and ask what you would ask if your roles were reversed. Perhaps we should all do that, consider what we would ask if we were in the positon of another in this room. On Earth, this is called role playing. It is also called that on Toril, as well."

(OOC: I could not resist the role playing reference. Everyone who wishes to deal with the Taraakians, consider their views. They have allies whose worlds were attacked and in some cases destroyed. They are unsure if some of us can handle our new powers responsibly. They want us to prove that we can. So, what can you offer to prove to the Taraakians that you are adults not children. What can you say or do to prove to them that you and they can work together. Everyone has to give a little in real world diplomacy. Absolute surrender by either side is probably not going to work. So, if you find your first proposal does not work, try another one. Peace is not easy, but it beats Armageddon. By a long shot.

I will have to consider the offer of truce and cease fire. What my allies decide will have a big impact. Also, how negotiations with the Taraakians will proceed is important. I don't think the Oerth Alliance will attack the Taraakians. For now, I will merely hold my attacks. A truce has not yet been reached with the Alliance of Dread. I am willing to hold my attacks for the moment. I need to know where my allies stand. I also wonder what the Taraakians think of the truce offered by the Alliance of Dread. Do they wish us to accept it? Do they wish our help in crushing the Alliance of Dread?

Well, I am logging off until morning or early afternoon. My hands are a little stiff from all the typing I did today.


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- - -

Alennthressus, his embassy over, departs.

Any Power that allies with the taraakians may send a part or all of their people to safety in taraakian held Spheres - this counts as a Free Action, because the taraakians expedite it.

- - -

All Attacks and Defenses on Day 5 are considered Held.

I now require Attacks and Defenses for Day 6.

The taraakians are an allowed target of Attacks, of any kind, on Day 6.

Any Power that wishes to shift it's Attacks, please feel free to do so.

Realize that the taraakians are coming in force, and they are (effectively) now declaring Attacks for Day 6.

Realize also, that the taraakians are only a SINGLE Power.
They only receive one Attack and one Defense per day, and they will not be conducting Assaults (12th level Assaults, 11th level Assaults, Conventional Assaults) of any kind.
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Talindra thinks on Hazen's words... "We have nothing to prove to anyone... we have said our piece... destroy us if you must... I am sickened if this is the world we must live in... where the strong make decisions for all... I hope you are all happy in your pradise built upon the blood of the fallen... I hope peace is a gentle drink to soothe the taset of blood in your gullet... I must go... I have nothing to prove nor give to the Taraakians..."

Talindra leaves...

OOC: Still Neutral Evil but we seek to only further the aims of Chorazin...


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OOC: Edena same plans Defense 6 from the previous day by my corrupted Allies... and the Eternal Empire continues work on the world.. if the Taraakians come.. then they can mow us down... we shall fight with non-aggression


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The Stand of the Alliance of Dread

The Alliance of Dread offers a cease-fire with ALL other Powers in the IR.

The Alliance of Dread states (truely, as Hazen discovers) that they WILL switch their attacks to the taraakians, if others will not attack them.

The Alliance of Dread offers a treaty of alliance with any IR Power that will stand with them against the taraakians.

The Alliance of Dread states it will NOT target IR allies of the taraakians (such as Uvenelei's Power, Anabstercorian's Power, Venus's Power, etc.)

They reserve the full might of their assault for the hated birdmen, and those will be the ones fired at on Day 6.

They also state that they cannot do it alone, and they hope the Union of the Worlds, the Hive Cluster, and others willing to stand up to the birdmen will come to their aid.

- - -

They also state (the 3 Powers the DM is running) that if Sollir's 3 Powers will not concentrate all their attacks on the birdmen - if Sollir's Powers fire on the other IR Powers - then they will ATTACK Sollir's Powers immediately.
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Iuz and the Eternal Empire maintains their stance of non-aggression... we continue to work on the new world of Chorazin

William Ronald

Hazen speaks.

"Allenthresus, my brother, I thank you. The Taraakians are truly a kind and generous people. Together, I believe we can achieve much together. For I have learned that in diversity there is strength, and many can achieve much in peace and unity."

"Our attempt at compromise worked. I ask that you remove all of my people from harms way -- and I believe my allies would wish the same as well. It would also give our peoples a chance to meet and learn much of each other." (OOC: Every faction I have is shifted to the Taraakian Empire.)

"I would ask those who do not wish to fight the Taraakians to stand down. There is still time."


" I accept your new offer. We will join you, Alennthressus. We had no desire to make war on you or your people. We will stand with you against those who would destroy the cosmos and deny innocents the freedom of their own choice. I ask that you take my civilians to safety, they do not deserve a death in bloody horrific battle."

(Attacks/Defences/Assaults as per Day 5. Civilians will be moved to safety since the Taraakian's offered.)
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