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(IR) The Treaty of Erinhei-Cinlu Summit (Turn 1)

James Heard

The representative from Aestia flips a coin, "Heads guilty."

OOC: Heads.


"Ladies and gentlemen, Scrabbles says the deity is guilty. And smells like cheese. Could the representatives of Aestia request a further seat from the Iuzian representatives?

OOC: If they are not given the requested seats they place clothespins on their noses and glare a lot at Cheese-boy and his minions from now on.

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Festy_Dog said:
Galeda grumbled and straightened his formal outfit. It’s not that he didn’t like looking good for fancy occasions, he just didn’t like spending much time around mortals, it made him feel exposed. Emperor Noru’s words still hung in his mind.

“Go to the TEC summit. Observe proceedings if they let you in, then, if you think it would be in our best interests, see if we can join.”

The coppery-red vulpinal approached the gateless keep, seeking whatever location most people are entering from. He carefully introduced himself to the guards.

“I am Galeda, here to observe the summit on behalf of Nippon and Zindia, may I be granted entry?” he requested.

C'mon in. Teleportation and catapult are both valid methods of entry. Guess which one Aestia used?

On a related note, if Scrabbles doesn't correct his grammar to MRAW immediately, I will be forced to execute him for TREASON against the nation of AWESOME.


First Post
Eclavdra watches all this.
A great weariness settles on her, and it seems she ages, as the weight of responsibility, and a brutally enforced understanding of the word consequences shimmers over her.
She considers the Imp.
She considers other things.
She considers the politics involved.
She considers many other things.

Then she stands and speak one word, in her soft, gentle voice:



Lady Gwyndilyn, shakes her head and sighs sadly, then stands, and speaks in her lyrical voice:

'For Aliador of the Treaty of Erelhi-Cinlu.'
'Guilty as charged.'

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Imp sighed. Then stand up, bowed to Ashardalon, Tempest and Gallador's representative.

"Since is wasn't just ... I will show You, friends of people of Empire and enemies of God-Tzar, true evidence of falsehood of these charges. Those who will invade Empire will face ultimate consequences."

Imp repeated his record, with sad face and grim resignation in his features.
Serpenteye said:
The Great City.
As Eclavdra writhes in pain great bolts of pure and uncontrolled energy strike at random around her from the artifact she wears. The carefully placed spells and wards around the city cannot withstand this onslaught from within. They unravel, like a burning web, and the city is open.

Iuz, already present in the city, is the first one to act.

"I would like also remind everybody present, that internal strife in Eclavdor, was it ... internal strife and Iuz wasn't forced to defend Eclavdor from itself. Elistraee is not protected by Pact, so why Pact defends her ? My Master makde mistake beliving Eclavdra's words ... and wasted precious power, she already choosed slavery in hypocrisy. In other words ... Those who invade Empire will be destroyed. Period. Empire ceases diplomatic relations with traitors and hypocrites, only ambassadors of King Gallador, Great Aerdi, Tempest nad Acererak the Demilich are allowed to stay. Other TEC Pact traitors are given one day to remove their representatives from borders of Empire. We have nothing to speak with You anymore."

Saying this, Imp destroyed recorder and sat in resignation on his place. Those with sharp hearing could hear him murmuring.

"First Master's illness ... now this, Vecna must be smiling."

Empire will not make any aggressive move, except full mobilisation and reinforcing strategic fortifications. Spies caught are executed on the spot. Representatives that didn't fled in given time, are executed. It's obvious that Empire of Iuz is prepared for siege. And Empire's wizards will fast build wards against scrying in places lacking them, and reinforce those existing. And protections against Teleportation and dimensional travel, of course there where the aren't. Iuz is changing magic currents so only His faithful could rely on it's might within his Godly Realm. Others ... well others should rely on more mundane ways of warfare. To the end of Turn all Iuz's forces are fortyfing, gathering extra supplies. Civilians are armed, as alvays, but remain at their places. From their perspective it is just war, like many Iuz fought in the past. For change he is defending now. Nothing to worry much. ;)
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Well, It seems to me that we have a consensus. Now we must determine the matter of retribution.

I would like to recommended, that since Iuz acted on his own, that he alone should pay the price. I move that the people of the empire of Iuz, should not suffer for the misguided actions of their ruler.

Also, I would like to ask that since the crime in question was a minor offense and since the stolen regalia have been returned to their rightful owner, that this council be merciful in the application of it's justice. I move that Iuz be executed for this crime, but that his essence be unhindered and allowed to seek refuge in any vessel he may have prepared.

Some of you may call for more permanent and extreme measures be brought forth. I ask you to consider the looming threat of the Whispered Lord. Iuz, despite his twisted nature, may learn from experience and prove useful in the coming dark times.

Knight Otu

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"It does indeed appear that we have a consensus. It is unlikely that there will be enough support to clear Iuz of these charges.

5: If a TEC Pact member commits treason by attacking another TEC Pact member with Armies, or allies with Vecna, or otherwise does something obviously treasonous, the penalty for said treason is the destruction of that power, the burning of its' lands, and the massacre of its' people. This Retribution against treason is to be undertaken immediately by all TEC Pact members.

By the terms of the TEC charter, Aerdi will be required to act against the Empire of Iuz, even if we believe it to be not guilty. And we will fulfill the requirements of the TEC pact.
In light of the growing threat that the Whispered One poses, the destruction the TEC pact forces is woefully wasteful. As such, Aerdi welcomes any territory of the Empire of Iuz to swear fealty to Aerdi if it wishes to be spared.
Also, Aerdi offers exile ot Iuz himself. He will be offered such if he agrees to a number of strict requirements, including the drop of any claim of rulership of any portion of Oerth. These requirements will be discussed in private, should Iuz be interested.
Should Iuz violate any of these requirements, the grant of exile will be withdrawn."


OOC: Rats! Missed the vote. Let's just say that .....

IC: ...the lich-possessed-by-Acererak abstains.

Then its voice rattles ....

"Feasting upon our own corpses at this time would be senseless!
A Great Threat approaches that would approve of Iuz's reduction
almost more than It craves power itself! Why not throw out
the Sword of Kas while we are at it!

Iuz simply reacted to situations with a mindset of life-before-the-Closure
(or unlife as the case for some of us may be.)

Iuz should be released with a slap on his (one) wrist for now.
Should we decide to do so, we should take this up after Vecna is
dealt with."

"It seems that Lord Iuz and Morwell are going to kill each other, which might prove a good solution, my father shouldn`t have trusted a being of Chaos to such extent!

And what about the accusations against Gallador`s Concord?"- Princess Lanfear smiles like the most innocent woman on Oerth.


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"It seems we have a consensus that Iuz should be punished for his crimes. However, it also seems clear that the original clause in the pact for the punishment for crimes against a fellow pact member was written with a 'pre-closure perspective', as Acererak so eloquently put it."

"Thus, it seems appropriate that we now move to revise this clause:"
5: If a TEC Pact member commits treason by attacking another TEC Pact member with Armies, or allies with Vecna, or otherwise does something obviously treasonous, the penalty for said treason is the destruction of that power, the burning of its' lands, and the massacre of its' people. This Retribution against treason is to be undertaken immediately by all TEC Pact members.[/squote]

"I have little doubt that Eclavdra, in her current, enlightened state, would find this to be... overkill, at best. As she was the original writer, I believe it would be best to honor her change of heart. Thus, I vote that we revise this clause as follows:"

5: If a TEC Pact member commits treason by attacking another TEC Pact member, or allies with Vecna, or otherwise does something obviously treasonous, the penalty for said treason will match the magnitude of the crime. In the event of an attack, the attacker must offer reparations equal in magnitude to the damage inflicted plus the magnitude of the attacking force. If these reparations cannot be offered immediately, the council may choose (by majority vote) between launching war against the offending nation or allowing it to pay off its reparations over time with interest. Thefts are treated as attacks in that whomever does the deed must offer reparations equal to that which was stolen plus that which stole.
In the event of an alliance with Vecna, the entire ruling class of the nation will be put to death and the territory divided amongst other TEC Pact signatories. The nation will cease to exist.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Meliana put fire to her sister's favorite coffin. And make Otyugh nest in Lanfear's favorite dresses. And run to Papa to tell him how Lanefear is hinting his lack of judgment. And to invite him in name of Iuz, to watch duel. And will ask her Papa why men alvays kill themselves for wounded pride ? Grandpa is seemingly too angry, or is scheming something very vile. She hopes that Iuz will kick Morwel's preety ass and eat her heart. :p

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