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(IR) The Treaty of Erinhei-Cinlu Summit (Turn 1)

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Folks ! I remind everybody that Abbot Clayron wasn't seeing any of Gallador's forces ! He fled seeing demons and Iuz's Wizards. Don't mistake OOC: with IC: it is bad manner.

And ... Meliana didn't attacked even single Scarlet Brother. And she was only one present from Gallador's Concord. Why she didn't ? Because Brothers fled too fast. :]

Drow Vampires were sent against located Tharizdun temple, and You should see mess done there ! :D

Imp snarls at Scarlet Brotherhood representative.

"Alvays pushing to advantage of Vecna, don't You ? First removing his staunhest Enemy ... Lord Iuz. Then attacking other one, only one who acted against Vecna minions !"

Imp gazed with evil sneer at everybody assembled.

"Don't You see who is benefitting from this mess caused by Brotherhood ? Think Your future actions with more foresight ... and keeping in mind consequences of them."
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
Abbon responds to the Imp shortly:

"Haven't you heard? While your master has been withdrawing his forces, ours have been preparing for battle. They head to Gibenei shortly."

Turning, he considers Gallador's words briefly, and then addresses the rest of the Pact.

"As wronged as we feel, and indeed have been, the Brotherhood must admit that Gallador's defense is reasonable. As I have stated repeatedly, we are here to judge actions, not intent, and so we must hold to our position that Gallador is guilty of violating this Pact. However, we will concede that, while certainly criminal, it is extreme to call his actions full treason: If he is willing to submit that he is guilty of some lesser crime, it seems that a lesser penalty may indeed be in order."

"We believe that reparations to the entire Pact are in order -- perhaps a contribution of raw resources? We would hate to divery Gallador's military might from their current purpose... As far as our own loss, an Elder Brother is not easily replaced... But then, Gallador's responsibility for that loss is, at most, one-half. Beyond that, we find no reason that Gallador should be removed from the Pact, or otherwise demoted in status; again, providing that he is willing to admit to his wrong-doing."

OOC: The best measure I can come up with, is that if it's posted publically, it's public information, at least as far as the major powers are concerned -- obtainable and reasonably proveable. If something's meant to be "secret," put it in sblocks so other people know not to act on it... In this case, I think treating sendings like this as public certainly makes Gallador's intent seem more credible.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Iuz moved his forces from Gibenei because of threat of massed assault, Guilt Puppy. And where is he strongest than on his home turf ? Besides, Iuz already made one assault, with all his Elites and 1 Epic on one of Warlords opposing Gallador. It is waiting for Serpenteye's ruling to come to life. ;)

Besides ... from where Abbot Craylon would know of Iuz's ambush plan ? It was written fully OOC: because I don't know how to write it properly. Sometimes thought to describe Your brothers as absolute ... bast >echem< "evil" and Iuz as "good" is too tempting so this battle report will wait until my emotions fade a bit. :p

Any suggestions how Brothers react in threatingly situations ? How they could defended themselves against first Iuz's attack ?

Paxus Asclepius

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To make a private post, begin the section that is to be private with the header [sblock , and end it with [/sblock ; both need to be closed off with a ] .

Guilt Puppy

First Post
OOC: He'd know of Iuz' ambush plan when it happened -- do you expect him to not realize he was attacked because it was written OOC? As for who he was attacked by, that should be simple to find out with divinations & scrying -- you can't all have been wearing Eclavdra's Regalia at the time.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Of course not. But what guilt is being present ? Meliana, Melkor's vampire emissary to Iuz didn't make any move ... and with Diviniations ? Where from You get Divine Spells of such level ? Arcane Magic is limited in this matter. And Iuz would detect all interference in his Godly Realm so scrying isn't as reliable. Besides, knowledge that Meliana was present during Ambush Abbot Claynor could only guess. He saw masses of Spellcasters and Demons, and fled with rest of fortunate Brothers. Unfortunate one was busy with suicide attempt ... wich was almost succesful. By the way ... what is name of this Unfortunate Brother ?


First Post
Since the TEC Pact has not recognized Eilistraees' claim as leader of Eclavdor, she has no vote to cast.
The Lord of the Yuan-Ti and the King of the Ice Elves do not presume to speak for Eclavdor.


Aliador, which is still in the TEC Pact (the Aliador Question has not come to the table yet) states it wishes to hear yet more evidence before it votes on the matter of Galladors' guilt or innocence.


First Post
Aliador now sends in it's vote concerning Galladors' innocence or guilt, having taken a considerable amount of time to come to the decision.

Aliadors' decision is:

Gallador is Not Guilty.

Voidrunner's Codex

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