Iron dm summer champion announced!


Once A Fool
Seasong? How about it?

(As a side-note, it always took me much longer than 2 hours to write up an entry. I could never have done one of the old tournaments with a one hour time-limit. Maybe I'm just not as talented as other folk.)

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First Post
The closer to Wednesday morning, the better for me. I should have at least two hours Wednesday night, but if I can have it tickling the back of my brain during the day, that's better.

I don't mind doing Wednesday night - next week would just be better for me.

Since there's two preferences for SOON ;), consider me checked in for whenever on Wednesday y'all decide works best.


Moderator Emeritus
Shall we say Wednesday at noon?

Oh, and it has never taken me more than 3 hours to write an entry (maybe not in a row - but if you add it together). The reason we went from 1 hour to 4 hours to 24 hours was simply because it was hard to arrange the time itself - not to give people more time to write the entry - though obviously that was one of the side-effects.

Wulf Ratbane

nemmerle said:
The reason we went from 1 hour to 4 hours to 24 hours was simply because it was hard to arrange the time itself - not to give people more time to write the entry - though obviously that was one of the side-effects.

Yep... I need a good, 20, 22 hours of procrastination before I sit down to write.

I got nothin...


First Post
nemmerle said:
Shall we say Wednesday at noon?
Sounds fine.

Oh, and it has never taken me more than 3 hours to write an entry (maybe not in a row - but if you add it together). The reason we went from 1 hour to 4 hours to 24 hours was simply because it was hard to arrange the time itself - not to give people more time to write the entry - though obviously that was one of the side-effects.
If you aren't counting time in a row, then my first entry in this contest only took 2 hours, and that while I was handling spreadsheet data requests for my "real" job. But the 21 1/2 hours of doing other stuff and letting my subconscious at the problem prior to buckling down and starting to write were undeniably a part of the quality of the post (my second entry was a fluke of the highest order, so I can't properly include it in the taxonomy of how Iron DM works).

Heck, I'm the fastest typist I know. Once I sit down to write, it takes me hardly any time at all.

And please don't take me wrong - I'm not kvetching that I'm going to lose, or that this is unfair. This is IRON DM, not Vaguely Difficult DM, and I plan to beat you into the mud ;). These were my original words: "If we can wait until next week, I'll be in much better shape."

But I should have two hours to rub together tomorrow night, and I can buy a pretty decent entry for that. And ingredients at noon = 8-10 hours that my Muse will have the ingredients in her pretty talons before I have to start writing. I have faith in Her ;).


Once A Fool
I was figuring active development into my estimation. I always spent a significant chunk of time actively figuring out the relationships, cool images, and whatnot.

Without that, my entries would be nothing. I maintain that I still couldn't have done the 1-hour tournament, and probably not a good entry for a 4-hour tournament.

I'll freely admit it--I'm probably the slowest competitor to ever win a round of Iron DM.

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