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Iron Heroes - I have it in my hands!

EricNoah said:
There's the original SRD "Improved Unarmed Strike" feat. And that's about it. I'll be homebrewing an Improved Unarmed Strike feat mastery chain, which will bump up the damage dice, maybe increase the critical threat range on such a strike, etc. But other than that, the existing feat chains should also be useful for a martial artist type character.
I wouldn´t be surprised if Weapons Master would be a good start for a martial artist.

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I would love to see an unarmed combat system done right in the iron heroes way, but I recognize it can be done somewhat easily. What really bothers me is that Mearls sure had a lot of ideas for one, he said he would either do it right or leave it out, space made it out...

Anyway, we have one product out of three and an adventure and I am already complaining... man I am fast. :lol:


First Post
Wow, It looks very attractive!

One thing I don't like D&D is too-many magic items.

Can I match IH characters vs Monsters from D&D?



mearls said:
*I went through a 40+ post thread, and typed up a post that answered every single question in the thread. I used HTML to mark up a few things. I tried posting. The system told me I couldn't use HTML in EZ Board posts. Rather than try to preserve my message or give me a warning, it just deleted it. That was 4 hours of work down the drain. Since then, I haven't posted much there. It's doubly annoying when, as a programmer, I know that it would be trivial for EZ board to preserve the message and allow you to edit it.
EZ Boards blow. I had get their tech support involved just to get access to my account on Monte's boards. Malhavoc needs to invest in vBulletin or just get someone who knows what they're doing to install phpBB.


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I've been reading the book, not indepth yet, but I have been over all the chapters.

The classes look wonderful, I'm going to run up an NPC hunter and maybe an archer to throw at my party this saturday (to get a real feel for the classes).

One thing I am worried about is classes with multiple token pools, that may be hard to keep track of.

I also greatly enjoy the feat mastery system, and if nothing else will probably implement something like it in my games (if for some reason I never get to run Iron Heros).


buzz said:
EZ Boards blow. I had get their tech support involved just to get access to my account on Monte's boards.

And that's to say nothing of the Great Hacker Attack of 2005. Over on the Necromancer boards I had a pretty interesting thread going on adventure hooks in the City State of the Invincible Overlord. People posted losts of great ideas there and now I think they're all lost forever.

But to me the biggest tragedy was the loss of EZ Boards data over on the Sons of Sam Horn, which is a great Red Sox site. Tons of great 2004 game threads, including WS and ALCS (!!!) threads now lost, all lost.


5ever, or until 2024
As I suspected all along, from the posts here it is reading pretty cool...

...but before I actually break down and get a copy, any thoughts on using the skill and combat challenges and skill group rules in a standard D&D/D20 game?


First Post
Regarding EZBoard and lost posts, I've found that as long as I preview it first I won't lose it usually. If I (from the preview) click Post and there's a problem, I can click back. Now this results in a "page no longer exists" error page. But if I click refresh it asks if it can resend the previous stuff from memory and brings me back to the preview.

Definitely a pain and coupled with the hack, I am forced to agree change is in order.

Voidrunner's Codex

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