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Iron Heroes - Legends of Mitterion (IC Thread)

Iron Captain

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The two merchants speak of nothing of great interest before they leave. Habid is merely angered that a gem merchant delivered less wares than promised but little else of interest is spoken about.

[sblock=OOC]Assuming you do want to do anything else this evening I will fast forward to tomorrow. I am assuming you are staying at a inn not far from here that offers board at the price of 5 SP.[/sblock]

The next day is glorious. The sun is shining and there is no sign of the terrible thunderstorm that raged during most of the night. The streets are alive with people as most of them are heading towards the marketplace.

At the old water fountain there are quite a few people gathered around a large tent. Two grim looking guards are standing at the entrance and the men who have lined up here are all clad in armour and carrying weapons at their sides. Most seem to be local men of Aquilonia and Nemedia though there are some men from other parts of Mitterion too.

You immediately spot the large brutish fellow from the night before. He looks to be in a particularly foul mood today as he pushes a man to the ground who accidentely bumped into him while exiting the tent. He speaks loud enough to his companions so that all the others nearby can hear. "They dare consider hiring these weaklings? I, Grom Heimdur, alone could best the most of you barehanded!" He and his 2 companions laugh and Grom throws his crude large club over his shoulder.

[sblock=OOC]You can do something else before heading to the merchant district if you wish, though the market will still be open by the time you are finished signing up for the caravan.[/sblock]

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Kadoch starts to mutter... "Oy, working with him sure will be plea.." And then sees Erik colliding with the man.

"Aww geez."


Khepra remains silent when he rejoins his companions, nothing new was learned from watching the merchant. They seemed pretty open in their dealings, their intent was as they stated.

The next morning he joins his new comrades as they gather around the well. He smirks slightly to himself as Erik slights the blowhard who is making a scene. His hand tightens around the haft of his halberd as he watches for the man's response.

Iron Captain

First Post
Grom spins around as Erik bumps into him but stops short as he sees the large Vanhenian. "You little wo..." At first he seems surprised but a smile creeps over his lips. He speaks to you in normenic with an Istram accent: "I should have known. A mangy dog from Vanhenia. Run along before I have to teach you some manners!"
He laughs and turns his back to you.
Some of the people near Grom take a step back. If something does happen they don't want to accidently get clubbed.

[sblock=OOC]Istram and Vanhenia are long standing rivals. Though they do no outright hate each other and will unite to fight common foes, they do take great pride in boasting about the superiority of one country and their men over the other one. Some tribes tend to take this further than others. Men from Istram tend to have red hair while those from Vanhenia often have blonde hair.[/sblock]


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Erik seems he hasn't heard the insult. He wait in front of the tent for his turn."Have you ever sailed on the sea?" asks Erik to Khemal, but loud enough for the three. "The worst thing are the rats. They smell bad, they hide in groups, to scare to get out alone, and wait to have you back turn to eat your food. Thre is also the coward of Istrim, they are just like rats, but at least, they are scared to put a foot on a boat, they are easily seasick." Erik start to laugh.


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Glancing at Kadoch and Khepra, the Zamoran slides a couple of steps back from Erik. Jesad help me, I really don't want to get into a fight today.

"I should have guessed this big fool was going to start a fight. I wager a gold piece that we'll get dragged into the middle of it as well" he whispers to Kadoch and Khepra. "Any of you see a way of putting a stop to this?"

[sblock=OOC] Kemal will try to loosen his dagger from it's sheath in case he needs it in a hurry, but without attracting the attention of any onlookers. He'll try to take advantage of the cover provided by Erik's bulk. Does that give me any circumstance bonus?

Sleight of Hand: 16= 1d20+12

Also, how strict is the law in this town regarding brawls? (Gather Info (take 10) = +16)


Iron Captain

First Post
Grom turns around to look at Erik. He pushes his way through the crowd until he is face to face with him. He growls at Erik in Normenic: "What did you say worm?"
He tries to push back erik with one of his hands while the other grips the Greatclub still resting on his shoulder.

[sblock=OOC]Knowledge(Local) would be more appropriate as Gather Information requires 1d4 hours of time. But it is common knowledge that self defence is okay in most cases but that starting a brawl will earn you a fine of around 50 gold or 2 days in jail. If you start a fight and kill someone then it might be worse. Repeat offenders are punished more harshly. The merchant district has a pretty strong guard presence and any fights will probably be broken up quickly.[/sblock]


First Post
"Aww geez. Let's see what I can do."

Kadoch quickly jogs nearer Erik and Grom, making sure to have his armor make as much clanging as he can.

"Hey hey. Let's not fight when we ain't even paid for it, alright? Grom, is it? Seems like we all will be working together. Instead of fighting now and not getting the job and losing 200 easy gold pieces, how about a little contest? Whichever group puts down more scorpions and brigands wins. And, you know, we still get paid?"

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