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Iron Heroes: Twilight of Ulster (1:30-5:30 PM) 1 SLOT REMAINS


Princess of Florin
Rystil Arden said:
Sure, I'll get him written up (I'm lazy, so I'm only going to pregen the 4 I need, or more if we get some of the missing players, which it seems we will not).

Um, can I still play? I haven't been checking this forum, I'm sorry!

I'll take Aoife if she's still available. And, um, how do you pronounce that?

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Rystil Arden

First Post
Buttercup said:
Um, can I still play? I haven't been checking this forum, I'm sorry!

I'll take Aoife if she's still available. And, um, how do you pronounce that?
Sure, absolutely. Glad to have more players. I was beginning to think I wasn't advertising this well enough--I think we still don't have all the original signees.

Aoife is pronounced EE-FUH. I mispronounced it for about two years, and if anyone here really knows how to pronounce any word I mispronounce, tell me! I know that mh is a 'v' sound, so Niamh == NEE-AHV. Most of your characters will be pronounced by guesswork, but I happen to know Aoife due to being corrected when I went around saying AH-OH-EE-FUH :)

Writing up characters now everyone. Should be done soon. I decided to multiclass some people into Man-at-Arms at 10 to raise Mastery and get a feat.
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First Post
Buttercup said:
Um, can I still play? I haven't been checking this forum, I'm sorry!

I'll take Aoife if she's still available. And, um, how do you pronounce that?

whooooo, I get to play in a game with Buttercup :) *swoon ...

I am really looking forward to this one

Rystil Arden

First Post
Mechanics aren't done yet, but I have some fluff for each character ready!

[SBLOCK=Aoife]Personality: Aoife believes herself superior to those who cannot best her in single combat, and she has never been defeated but once. She can thus sometimes come across as a bit haughty, but she considers herself to simply be assertive and sure of her own worth. She does respect others who show their worth in battle, however, and she is always eager to test herself against those she respects to see who will be the victor.

Appearance: Aoife is lithe, nimble, and muscular enough to hold her own but not overly so. She has long dark hair, which she binds carefully to keep it out of her way during a fight but otherwise prefers to wear free and flowing. Her sky-blue eyes reveal the cunning appraising gaze of a warrior, and her beauty might draw the unwanted attention of men if not for the huge spear that she carries with obvious skill and grace. She absolutely never wears a dress or other garments of a delicate lady, preferring her armour or just light warrior garb.

Background: The Princess of Skye, the Land of Shadows, she battled against her sister and rival Scathach for dominance of the land in a timeless struggle, until she was defeated in battle for the first time by a foreign hero. He convinced her to make peace with her sister, and in respect for his skill, she lent him a mighty spear, the Gae Bolg. On his death, she has come far to the west to his homeland to pay him tribute and reclaim her weapon.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Briccriu]Personality: Briccriu is a trickster and a bit of a scoundrel, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love his land and the people in it. He just can't help but create elaborate pranks to play any more than he can banish the poetic muse inside of him that spurs him to create new songs and poems.

Appearance: Not the most muscular of men, nonetheless, Briccriu uses his guile and indomitable personality to wield his weapon with the might of a much stronger warrior. He has short red hair and green eyes, and he tends to wear clothes to fit in wherever he goes, whether on the road or at a courtly function.

History: A minor noble, Briccriu's biggest claim to fame was the time he created a hero test setup along with his friend Cu Roi. First, he needed to trick several heroes to show up, so he threatened to sow dissent with the power of his poetry such that the warriors of Ulster would turn against each other and attack one another. When that failed, he threatened to sow dissent such that the sons and fathers and the mothers and daughters of Ulster would turn against each other and attack one another. Finally, he managed to draw forth three heroes when he threatened to turn the very bodies of the women of Ulster against themselves. The game was to see which heroes were truly worthy by having them behead Cu Roi in disguise and have Cu Roi ask them to come back and be beheaded in return. All the so-called heroes proved too cowardly to do this, much to Briccriu's amusement, as he wrote poems making fun of their cowardice, except one hero who came back to be beheaded. Briccriu respected this one man, and he has come to pay tribute on his death. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Cormac]Personality: Honourable and fair, but sometimes rash, Cormac is willing to forgo the luxury of his youth to keep in line with his own scruples. Because he holds himself to the same levels he expects of them and always leads a battle in the front line, he is much beloved by those he leads in battle, and even the other Ulstermen respect and praise him, despite the fact that he joined the forces of Connacht against them.

Appearance: Cormac's light sandy-brown hair and rich brown eyes, so similar to his father's, lend some credence to the story that he was born of incest. Nonetheless, he carries himself with a heroic bearing that inspires loyalty and confidence in those around him, and he swings his sword with a combination of impressive muscles and the skill of a man taught the blade by Fergus mac Roth himself.

Background: Cormac is the exiled heir to the throne of Ulster. When his father Conchobar had the young man Naoise and his brothers slain to get a hold of Deirdre, the irresistibly lovely young beauty who loved Naoise but was desired by Conchobar, in so doing Conchobar violated Fergus mac Roth's word of oath that Naoise would be unharmed. Fergus was Cormac's foster father, and the bond of the foster family is strong in Celtic lands. Between that and the dishonour of his father's actions, Cormac chose to follow Fergus into exile in Connacht, where he fought with Queen Medb's forces against his father. Nonetheless, when Fergus and Cormac had defeated Conchobar's forces, it was Cormac who convinced the angry Fergus to spare his father's life. Now he goes to pay tribute to Ulster's greatest hero on his death.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Cailte]Personality: Cailte is somewhat of an enigma to others around him. He is often quiet and reserved in his travels, as he moves at high speeds among the most beautiful spots in the land, composing poems in his mind on the sensations and feelings as he does. In his peregrinations, he is as one with nature, and he feels more at home with the animals and plants than he does staying in one place in a city. When he does meet with companions, however, he is an interesting mix of slow wise caution and quick action, like a river that rushes and slows unexpectedly.

Appearance: Cailte has fairly-long reddish-brown hair and usually sports a fairly long beard of the same hue. His green eyes glance all around as he runs, and his hair sweeps back behind him in the wind.

Background: Cailte always loved running and visiting natural spots ever since he was young. In this way, he visited many places all over the land, and he saw some strange and unusual things. When he saw a greedy man in pursuit of a sidhe, he slew the aggressor, and in thanks the sidhe invited him to return with her to her Otherworldly realm. He stayed for a night and feasted with her, but he discovered that a year had passed in the world outside. The sidhe told him not to worry, and she explained that the magic food from her realm had given him part of her own timeless nature. So long as he runs as fast as he can, he shall not age, only growing older when he stops to rest. Her drink, on the other hand, had given him a limited ability to speak with animals. Thanking her, he headed out, continuing his travels. When he heard of the death of Ulster's greatest hero, he decided that the trip would be fun, and headed off through the wilderness to pay his respects. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Conall]Personality: Conall is fiery and brave, and though some would call his collection of trophies from fallen opponents morbid, he considers it a point of pride. Though fiery and vengeful against those who wrong him or seek him or his friends harm, Conall desires to win his fights fairly. Against opponents who have lost an arm, he fights one-handed, and this includes some of his greatest victories. In this way, he puts his flexible all-around combat training to good use.

Appearance: Conall's neck was slightly crooked at birth, but it was later straightened, and so Conall is proud to hold his head high. He is strong, tough, and dexterous, making him perhaps Ulster's second-greatest warrior. His blond hair is often worn not quite short with a slight beard, and his green eyes call out a challenge to enemy warriors that few can meet.

Background: As one of Ulster's greatest warriors, Conall has defeated many mighty foes, mostly from Connacht, but perhaps his most notable opponent was Mes Gedra, king of Leinster, who he was forced to fight because of the incredibly rude behaviour of Athirne, Conchobar's court bard. Conall always takes the heads of worthy opponents to use as proof of victory and for intimidation. Some stories say he sleeps with the head of a Connachtman under his pillow. After the murder of Ulster's greatest hero, Conall's first concern was revenge, having made a pact that either would slay the other's murderer. Having slain the perpetrators, he has returned to pay his respects. [/SBLOCK]


Are you still taking applicants? I'd love to get into an Iron Heroes game!

I would happily do Brigid or Forgall.

I'll check back for confirmation later.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Matchstick said:
Are you still taking applicants? I'd love to get into an Iron Heroes game!

I would happily do Brigid or Forgall.

I'll check back for confirmation later.
Yup, I will take up to 6 players, so you would be the last.

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