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[Iron Kingdoms] The Age of Rust.

"Right-o." nods respectfully to the woman and hurriedly follows the others. I'd not be liking to come back here again. She thinks to herself as she moves purposely and quite happily away

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Skitter skitter. Hissss

The rat scampers ahead, leading the way though claustrophobic tunnels, every step growing cooler and damper as you descend beneath Corvis. Contrary to all the local geography that Tyra and Kneecap know, you seem to be in some kind of granite inclusion - a spur of solid stone that rises up within the bogs of the City of Ghosts. The walls are sturdier, but the hardness of the amterial seems to have persauded the designrs to make them smaller; the tallfolk often have to drop to their knees and crawl or move on all fours, trickles of limestone-water oozing down their necks.

After some time, the tunnel begins to curve to the left - south, unless your senses have been totally disoriented by the time underground... which is very likely. As it bends away, it starts to widen and expand vertically - the ceiling arches up steeply, some kind of cavern, while the floor falls away, leaving jagged channels where the ever-present sludge drains away in septic waterfalls.

This space is only partial, however; the cavern here seems to be half-collapsed, and the foundations of build have sunk into it. Craggy bricks affixed to mortared stone slabs have slumped down, the wall crumbling under it's own weight. A sturdy metal door is built into a gargoyle-carved archway on the side of the building, the remains of stairs jumbled precariously in front of it. You could probably pick your way through the fallen masonry to the door easily enough.

As you approach, a gust of wind moves the fetid air in the tunnel; the door crashes open, making Gavyn and the twitch Ryn sorcerer jump in surprise. The air comming from the dark doorway, blown open by the change in pressure, is icy.


You didn't have many swamps back home.. but it seems odd that a house fortuitously built on a stony foundation amidst the marshes of this city would be the one to subside.



Talkin' rats. Freakish sewer dwellers. And the stink! This is the last time I'm taking one of Gleiner's job. All this trouble is certainly not worth what he is paying us. Perhaps I should see Bozz Zog Toot once we crawl out of this festering hole in the ground.

As he approaches the sunken area, Kneecap readies his sling.


First Post
Dark glares in the face of the icy wind - he hates the cold. Turning to his fellows, he mutters, to no one in particular:

"The north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
What will poor fools do now,
Poor things?

They'll listen to Gleiner,
But not any clearer,
They'll venture in sewrers,
And dark lady's bowers,
Till fire and blade makes 'em ...bleed her!"

Laughing maniacally Dark moves forward towards the gargoyle arch, his iron-shod staff held ready.
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*Eyvind flinches at the bang of the door and the harsh, unnatural wind. Scowling, he first curses and then mutters what sounds like an invocation as he advances to the door.*

May Menoth's power drive this retched wind back to Hell, and the blasted witch too.

Under his breath, to noone in particular, "Dees steenking seetee caan't eeven staand oon stoon, how doos eet keep oot ov da svamp?"

"I don't know about you lads, but tis going ta be a great grand shame ta have to burn all I'm wearing, but I'm fearing that it will come to that.. hopefully we'll find more than we are looking afore so that we can atleast recoup our losses." sighs as she checks her pistol again. "I'm ready to move when you lads are."



Thrusting a torch into the obscured doorway, Eyvind and Dark shuffle forwards, peering into the gloom. The gobber follows behind, looking out form between their hips, with Tyra and Gavyn bringin up the rear.

A 12' wide passage is behind the door, the floor buckled slightly form the pressures of it's descent, and will not provide very safe footing. The tiles appear to have been brightly coloured at one time, but now are smudged and dirty with dead plant matter, muck and cobwebs. Heavy oak stands line the walls, cut with holes that look like they would have been for bottles of wine; empty now. You can almost hear the woodworm feeding... there's a crackly, creepy sort of sound in the air, a scuttling sound. Bent ironwork is fitted to the ceiling, possibly used to hold lights in earlier times.

The air is icy sharp, causing your breath to frost in the air and lungs to sear in the cold. Eerily enough, those of you closest to Dark don't feel the cold so much; heat emanates from him in nearly palpable waves.

There is a creaking behind you. Tyra and Gavyn spin to look, and see the door you entered by slamming itself shut. A solid, final sound, like the closing of a coffin lid.

The gloom seems to eat up the light your carry. Form the far end of the passage, where a heavy door stands there is a rushing-air sound, like a deep breath being taken.

"Have I mentioned of late how much I want to skin our fixer alive and dip 'im in quicklime?" Tyra says calmly as she does a slow spin on the room, torch in one hand and her pistol in the other.



"Have I mentioned of late how much I want to skin our fixer alive and dip 'im in quicklime?"
"Jus what I was thinkin'. Sewers. Water beasts. Lepers. Talking Rats. This is the last job I do for that git."

Kneecaps ears perk up as his eyes grow wide.

"did joo jus hear dat? " Calm, calm... It's the wind, just the wind.

With a frown, Kneecap moves to the head of the group and inspects the door before them, looking for any kind of traps or other strange mechanisms.

OOC: Search +7




*An almost inaudible growl escapes Eyvind's lips as he tenses for an attack.*

"Froom noo on Gleiner k'n get soomvaan else ta gruub aboot een dees soover."

Voidrunner's Codex

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