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Is anyone sticking with 3.5?


Like several others have replied, I will be buying the 4e core rules that are released in June. I withhold all judgement on what I do after that, until that point in time. Granted, when 2e came out I bought the 2e Players Handbook, looked it over, and decided that 2e was not the game for me. 4e already has several strikes against it, for all intent and purpose it looks like "The new 2e".

Much to WotC's dismay, I do not plan to abandon my 3.5e game. I enjoy my undersea adventure and plan to run it for years to come. I have converted games from 1e to 3e before. The transition was smooth and painless. Not so with the impending changes in 4e. WotC wants us all to abandon ship and embrace what amounts to a massive downgrade.

The BBEG in my current game is a bard. No such class in 4e, at launch. My game is set in the World of Greyhawk. No such setting in 4e, at launch. Sea elves, locathah, and merfolk are the "core" races in my current game. Will 4e support support them, at launch? When 4e has the equivalent of Stormwrack, Savage Species, and the Greyhawk Gazetteer, then it will possibly be a viable system, for me.

WotC doesn't even want to help me to play D&D online, though I have been doing so for years. Their Virtual Tabletop and Character Generator are not compatible with my platform of choice. Their dungeons do not account for three dimensional movement. When they release a cross-platform solution that allows for aerial, underwater, and variable-gravity planar travel, then I'll take a look - so long as the character generator lets me create an awakened cuttlefish PC (spellstitched swarm-shifter dread necromancer emancipated spawn lacedon might be a bit much to ask for, at launch).

Feel free to flame all you want (won't do any good underwater, anyway); I realize my games are atypical. I know that, should one want a standard dungeon crawl, any edition of D&D would suffice. I was simply describing my personal view as to why I feel 3.5e is a better system. YMMV

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Yep -- no one in my groups wants to switch, we're just starting to feel like we finally have a bit of mastery of 3.x, and I personally have tons of adventure material for 3.x.

In a couple of years, if there is useful character generation software for 4E I might consider changing -- particularly if there are some successful 3rd party efforts to tone down some of the stuff I'm not enchanted with (low level characters teleporting around, healing that's quick but somehow non-magical in nature, powers that basically punish you for not obeying your "role" in the party). A product that focuses on the "heroic tier" mostly, I guess.


First Post
I preordered the 4e core set but my 3.5 game marches on with 6th level PCs gunning for 20th. After which I am planning on running one of the 3.5 APs (either ST or AoW).

We have 4 other GMs in our group and I will gladly play in a 4e game if someone else gets the itch to run one. I can't say if I will ever run a 4e game without reading through the books but at this point I have my doubts. Even when I read through the books, if 4e really is pure awsome its not like we can just convert the campaign and all the PCs to the new edition. A well done 4e Greyhawk is probably the only thing that could derail this plan and get me to change sooner rather than later. Unless of course they release it a month before they announce 5e (not that they would ever do that right? ;) )


I'm sticking with 3.5 and 3.x based OGL games for the time being. Like others:

1. I really enjoy 3.5. It fixed most if not all of 1e (we skipped 2e except to mine for use with 1e) that we didn't like or had house rules for.

2. Way too much money invested in 3.5 to let the books gather dust on the shelves.

3. The OGL really openned things up for different gaming experiences. Using the same basic rules we can go through Stargates, play Klingons, kick butt in Hyboria, explore the Traveller universe, siege Melnibone, get killed in the Warcraft universe, play a Jedi, etc...

At some point I'll check out 4e and probably just buy the initial PHB when it releases. Assuming I like what I read, I will wait until they get several of the PHB iterations published before I take the plunge.

If I'm not happy with 4e, I'll stick with 3.5/3.x OGL as I have more than enough stuff to DM and play until I'm too befuddled to roll dice.



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3.5 all the way. I have zero interest in 4E, from what I've seen, and I simply can't afford to buy new books. Pathfinder holds only slightly more interest for me than 4E; I don't like most of the changes they've made, especially to the classes. Instead, since I have the wherewithal to do so, I'm working on my own version of 3.75. I've been tweaking rules here and there for years, and now that WotC's finally closed the book on it, I can go to town. :)


First Post
Lately I can't seem to get enthused about running a 3.5 game. I think I might still be willing to play in a 3.5 game if I had to, but I prefer to DM, and I'm hoping to be able to run 4.0 as soon as I get the core books from Amazon. I'm about to run a 4.0 game for 5 players who have never played D&D ever and are all excited to try it. 4.0 will be the only D&D they've ever played.

Achan hiArusa

Probably incredibly house-ruled 3.5. I'm going to buy the 4e gamebooks just because I have every version of D&D (except the Brown Box which I gave away) and will strip mine it for what I need. I've been looking at Pathfinder, but I don't agree with everything they are doing and I still refer to my 1e/2e books for rules changes.
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