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Is anyone sticking with 3.5?


Staff member
The more I see of 4Ed the less I like it.

HR'ed 3.X (including stuff from variants like AU/AE, Midnight and possibly Pathfinder) is what I'll continue to run.

Not- in all honesty- that I'm ruling out playing the game- I just don't forsee 4Ed supplanting 3.X and becoming my edition of choice, especially as a DM.

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First Post
Well, considering I've played around 5 sessions of 3.5 with a separate group so, no. We have been playing 3.0 this whole time (until we recently upgraded to 2.5) with some cherry picking of a limited amount of stuff from 3.5 but other than that we haven't played any core 3.5. It's too munchkiny & anime.

We've upgraded to 2.5 actually and when 4th Edition arrives I'll look into that and see if it is worth my time to DM as I'm DMing Iron Heroes and they are enjoying themselves! After that I'll do some houseruled mix of Iron Heroes & 2.5.


First Post
I agree with many of the posters above. Between investment, mastery of the material, and just a TON of stuff we haven't used yet (races, classes, feats, monsters, settings, adventures, etc) we have a lot of 3.5 gaming left to go.


Toric_Arthendain said:
I am aware of all the excitement of those who fall into the 4e camp and those who fall into the Pathfinder RPG camp. Let me say up front that I have no problem with those who plan to switch to 4e or those switching to Pathfinder. With all the buzz surrounding 4e and PRPG, I'm wondering if anyone is planning to stick with 3.5 D&D and if so, why?


I really wanted to like 4e. They seemed to have identified most of the same problems I saw with 3e, and were takign what I thought was the right approach to fixing them - take the game apart and rebuild from the ground up. But since early on in the process, I have found myself hating more of what was revealed than I liked. So, barring the whole being much much more than the sum of the revealed parts, I'm not going to 4e.

On the other hand, Pathfinder strikes me as a bold experiment, and something that will produce a good game. However, what I've seen doesn't fix any of the underlying issues in the system. And, given that they're building on top of 3.5e, rather that rebuilding, I'm not surprised that this is the case.

So, if Pathfinder won't actually fix the problems I have with the existing system, why would I switch?

That being the case, I'll probably stick with 3.5e. Unless I abandon D&D entirely in favour of WFRP or another game, stop gaming entirely, or bite the bullet and write my own perfect system.

The Cardinal

First Post
I'll keep running my two D&D (Áereth, Wilderlands) campaigns with 3.5 for at least another 6 months.
I'm definitely gonna pick up Pathfinder - I love the setting - but for "D&Dish" fantasy gaming I'll probably use one or more of the following:



GURPS Dungeon Fantasy

Savage Worlds + Sundered Skies

Ubiquity System (Hollow Earth Expedition) + Desolation

elijah snow

First Post
I am going to be running 3.5e indefinitely - possibly forever- with some consideration for the Pathfinder RPG (or parts of it) if it is truly backwards compatible with my 3.5 material.

I have enough 3.5 books to last lifetimes and I'm quite happy with it as a game. The things that 4e is supposed to "improve" are not things that I saw as problems in the first place. Members of my gaming group that have read the 4e previews and tried to keep up with what is coming out have pretty much all showed various degrees of disinterest or distaste with it.

This weekend I found out that a gaming group that I'm often a member of but hadn't played with in some time because of work and school commitments was actually one of the playtest groups for 4e. . .and they hated it. Of all the members, one is lukewarm about it and will play it (if he thinks of it as just another RPG and not "D&D") and the others refuse to ever play it again.

Pretty much all the gamers I know IRL that have cared to look into it have also decided to skip it. So, I'm sticking with 3.5 and finding players doesn't look like it's going to be hard for me.


First Post
Like others, I've got too much money invested in my 3.x books (over $200), and I'm not just going to throw that way in favor of a brand new game. I'll probably go back to 3.5, or use my books as conversion-fodder for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.

Raven Crowking

First Post
I will be sticking with heavily houseruled 3.x for the forseeable future. I see no reason to change unless a new ruleset offers a serious advantage over what I have. 4e is not that ruleset. Indeed, from all that I have read, 4e offers very serious disadvantages over 3.x for the types of games I enjoy.


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