Isidorus's- Keep on the Shadowfell IC


You have been contacted by a young priest of Pelor named Marla. She has asked you to travel to Winterhaven to determine whwther or not her information of a secret death cult is operating in the area. Marla has learned that a twisted priest named Kalarel is supposed to head this group of cultists. Although her information is a year old and would like you to find out if it is true. If it is Marla would like you to stamp it out.

Marla askes, "Are you willing to go take on this adventure?"
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Having heard of this cult as well, Enelya Alcarin (Half-Elf Cleric) says “Count me in. I am up for the journey.”

As the rumors of the cult swirled around in her mind she wonders what this adventure has in store for her.

Enelya asks “When do we leave?”


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Rigi looks up at the priestess of Pelor, then studies the rest of the party, before her attention returns to the priestess.

"Rigi will help nice lady only if nice lady pay. the Kobold finally comments and nod nods, obviously satisfied with giving this comment.


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Bialaska said:
Rigi looks up at the priestess of Pelor, then studies the rest of the party, before her attention returns to the priestess.

"Rigi will help nice lady only if nice lady pay. the Kobold finally comments and nod nods, obviously satisfied with giving this comment.

"Something wrong with your neck, Dogface? Maybe you need it removed from your shoulders....." Morim says in his gutteral dwarven accent, with a bit of mirth at the end. Then under his breath says, "Stinkin Dogblins" grumble grumble. Morim takes a swig from his flask , which is filled with his own brew of Gutshaker whiskey"If there's killin that need be done, you can count me in."

I still haven't posted my character stuff yet, but hope to make a post on the other thread today


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"Rigi like head on shoulders, thank you. Why you so mean?" the Kobold whines. "Rigi not stinking, Rigi take bath last month, so Rigi smell fine.

With that said Rigi makes what might be a pout, before she turns away from Ybor, obviously insulted.


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Kraven - Human - Wizard 1 (Lawful Good)

Sounds like the work of evil afoot.
I will gladly lend aid.


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Whenever there are those in toil, I shall do the honoarble thing and join you on this quest. It is my duty as a warrior!
Let us proceed before sunset arrives and make way to Winterhaven. I shall cover the rear of the travelers and keep watch as there is much danger in this part of the land, but with wide eys and a strong number we shall travel safely.


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"Something wrong with your neck, Dogface? Maybe you need it removed from your shoulders....." Morim says in his gutteral dwarven accent, with a bit of mirth at the end. Then under his breath says, "Stinkin Dogblins" grumble grumble. Morim takes a swig from his flask , which is filled with his own brew of Gutshaker whiskey"If there's killin that need be done, you can count me in."

Enelya Intervenes "Okay Morim...down boy, Rigi can't help it. Save your energy for the trouble ahead. I can already feel danger lurking."


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"Lle naa belegohtar morim. Mankoi naugrim Lle auta yeste' Uuma ma' ten' rashwe, ta tuluva a' lle!"² mocks Imrahil with an Eladrins' high, clear laugh at the quarrel between Rigi and Morim.

More seriously he nods in agreement with the sober assessment of the armoured dragonborn. "Indeed, it will likely be a dangerous journey and only a strong cohort of unified heart and purpose will prevail."

[sblock=²translated into common for those who speak elven!!]
"You are a mighty warrior Morim. Why, only a dwarf would know his strength in challenge against the smallest one present first!"
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