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ISRP Chat Moving Off Wizards' Website

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Darrius of the Guardians said:
Two words Nevine, My Choice. If you wish your comments not to be replied to, do not post them in a public forum.

Indeed, it is your choice to to be so self-important as to think I would actually care about what you have to say, in this regard.

Just so you know, "in this regard" means "as pertaining to this matter". I am making that clear so I do not see, "I won't be helping, because as you just said, you don't care".

Darrius of the Guardians said:
She has a community to run as you so rudely point out. Or do you think its her job to answer each and every criticism leveled at her on public forums, when she has requested things get PM'd to her, or perhaps you are not as open minded as I thought, and are self-centered egotisical as the rest of whiners.

Apparently, she does want to answer. She keeps responding. The intelligent thing to do would have been to lock the thread. So, you know, queries were emailed or PMed to her. Which she would have requested at the end of the announcement.

As you may have noticed, the thread isn't locked. She does not care one way or the other if discussion/criticism occurs. She chooses to reply. I am not asking her. I am not expecting it of her. She chooses to.

So, no. I am not self-centered and egotistical. Mel does not revolve around me. Frankly, I would not want that level of attention.

Darrius of the Guardians said:
That wasn't it referance to it alone, but even before her comment there was no suggestion of other chat software Nevine.

Nevine said:
... would have been ...

Entirely aware of that. It would have been pointless even if someone did. Because, it was not up for debate. It was completely the wrong thing to say on her end. Sorry.

Darrius of the Guardians said:
No Nevine, I find people who insicently criticize without offering valid and constructive alternatives as whiners. I find people who can only gripe and complain to be whiners.

I find people who lack respect for a company that gains nothing apperciable providing us with a place to Free-Formly roleplay (without the absolute need of their manuals) to be whiners who have been spoiled.

Stop claiming all ISRPers share your view, I am ISRPer, I do not share your view. Ergo: Your idea that I am condeming all ISRPers as whiners as none of them "fall in line".

I did not fall in line with the new chat, but instead of being immature about it, I approached some people through Emails and PMs and got most my questions answered in a civil way without resorting to petty "I'm leaving for good unless my manifesto-demands are met".

I do not claim all ISRPer's share my view. However, you do say "all the whiners" very broadly and generally. Maybe, perhaps, you should come up with something else to say. Oh, I know.

"You're a whiner, because your values and opinions do not match up with my values and opinions."

Egotistical: Check.

Darrius of the Guardians said:
You won't, because honestly? The self-centered unable to see other point of view attitude of some of the memebers of the ISRP community has driven me to the point that this has stopped being a stress reliever Nevine.

Me too, I can rarely just enjoy time spent in the room. But, it isn't about me. I want it to be here for other people. Those in the now, or those to come.

Darrius of the Guardians said:
Additionally, you won't, as I don't like many of the people who are in the ISRP community right now, and I see no point in further contributions to something that I have gotten nothing out of.

Self-centered: Check.

I don't like many of the people who are in the ISRP community right now, either.

I haven't gotten anything out of it, either.

Except for some people on an Instant Messager list. They're enough. I wouldn't trade them for "getting something".

Darrius of the Guardians said:
You won't, because I have contributed to making This site a better place, I did most of it behind the scenes and years ago. I will say this, I have revoked most of My work.

What you did to make "this site a better place" is entirely of your own opinion. It isn't an actual "fact".

Do not claim you have contributed for the sites betterment, I do not share your view. Ergo: You claiming you have done any good.

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blink blink

Wow. You disappear for a while and they pull the rug out from under you.

Sad? Yeah
Shocking? Yeah
Wrong? Yeah
Still hopeful? DAMN STRAIGHT

If WOTC doesn't want to hold the umbrella for us, we've got arms.

It WOTC doesn't want to keep up with the mending, we've got thread.

If WOTC doesn't want to keep the ISRP, we'll take care of that, too.

If WOTC doesn't want to lose my business as a roleplayer/gamer.....they shouldn't have dumped us like a troglodyte blind date!

But I'm not going to be negative about this, because from what I've seen, the ISRP is still alive, as long as there is a desire to RP with others online. We don't need the almighty dollar ran company, to keep roleplaying alive.

It's not the company name that keeps gaming going through the decades. It's not the revisions to the rules, the new products, the snazzy advertising. It's the PEOPLE who play the games, and use the greatest gaming tool ever known. The human imagination. When TSR made D&D, they were known as the Anti Board Game. They encouraged players to use their imaginations, their own creativity, to make the game SO much more than rules in a small red softback book. It was a guideline. Not set in stone. You don't like a rule? Change it. You want your own worlds? Create them.

That was what started roleplaying, as we know it today. The drive to have their players, their customers, develop the game into what THEY wanted.

WOTC drops us. So what. We've still got the drive. The creativity. The talents, the imagination. I fully support what Wizo Raven, and the others involved, are working towards. I extend my full assistance, in any way possible. We will keep this going, because we want to. Not because it shows a profit, or brings in more hits to a site.

I respect those who are working to launch this new transition, and make ISRP secure again.

I will stop rambling now, but you can gauruntee, i will be around, on the new location, alot more than i have been recently, here.


Melynxt's player. B. Schultz

It is not the support ropes, the planks, or the nails that keep the bridge where it is. It is the water. Without the water, there is no need for the bridge.




Please everyone,

When you are posting, always remember to be respectful to fellow posters. We do not all have to agree, but we should at least be tolerant of the ideas of others. I know that this issue is very emotional for everyone. The last thing any of the hosts wants to do is to have to issue warnings to people on this thread. Please keep it as friendly as possible.

Thank you

Managing Lead


First Post
I dont think I was unclear before, but as it seems to have been misread, here is an attempt to clarify: no one made any suggestion whatsoever about chat software when it was being solicited before the current software was purchased over a year ago.

And no one has made a suggestion as to what would have been a logically better choice since.

Do I think it would be any guest's responsibility to do so? No.
But it does directly contradict the multiple complaints that ISRPers were not included in the process of chosing a new chat and that if only they had all would be going well now.

As far as personal responsibility, I am fine with shouldering it.

It is why I post here and why this thread isn't locked.

It was why I attempted for there to be some feedback over new chat before it was implmented rather than just putting up the new and discarding the old with no notice.

It is why I made the announcement about transfer myself rather than having it be some kind of corporate faceless statement and why I am giving a month notice rather than just turning the place off overnight.

It is why I solicited ISRP WizOs first to see if anyone could run software that might "happen to show up in their mailbox" so that this place could keep going and why I was planning on asking community members if they had a place for it if WizOs couldn't take it.

It is why I am willing to try and migrate these boards to a new home behind the scenes.

I'm bothering with any of it because of the sense of responsibility I feel.

But it appears that the questions people wanted to ask have now been asked and whatever people want to simply get off their chest is going to be done in spite of pointing out the facts and that doesn't need a reply from me. If anyone has a transfer related question, drop me a email line.

Edited to add: And Nevine, given your feelings about Wizards in general and me specifically, I'd like to think that we can agree on at least one thing: that ISRP will indeed be better off out from under Wizards.



Ok, just in case further clarification is needed here...

Here is the real story folks.

Mel extended the offer to the current ISRP WizO team to help in any way she could.

I took her up on that offer.

She is providing me with the Software you all loved so much. She is even HOTLINKING to the new ISRP area for the rest of the year, so people can find where ISRP has gone to. She's given me the beloved GOLEMS and the CoC to adapt to our needs. She's offered the help of WotC's tech if we need any assistance in getting the software setup and running correctly.

She could have just made her announcement and that was that. We could have been left to fend for ourselves, scrambing for a viable chat option/way to appease those of you who did not want new chat software.

Crucifixions are a moot point right now. Placing blame on her, even with the knowledge that ISRP is going to be alive and well after the 15th is a fruitless endeavor.

So, please, take personal grievances with one another to private avenues.

Let us NOT tarnish ISRP's last days with Wizards of the Coast with this kind of conduct.

Lets all, host and patron alike, leave with our heads held high, dignified. Assured that ISRP lives on.



Just a minor point (or perhaps a major one, depending upon your point of view...)

Decisions are made and opinions are formed, not upon reality, but upon the individual's perception of reality. If a decision is deemed poor, it's as much a matter of the critic's opinion as the one who made the decision. There are no absolutes.

Personally, I think we (the ISRP players) were given the short end of the stick. But that's just me...

I have high hopes for the new, independant ISRP site. But I'll reserve final (individual, personal, subjective) judgement until I see how it turns out.


Oracle of Hope

Folks, it is unaccurate and unfair to say that Mel is kicking you to the curb. She's not. She's sending you out to a new home and helping you move your things in. When where that is is announced, you'll be pleasantly surprised I think. Indeed, the server you are moving to is faster and more capacle than the wizards board and chat servers combined.



WotC_Mel said:
As far as personal responsibility, I am fine with shouldering it.


You want to know something? I'm ashamed that you, Mel, have to shoulder this blame by yourself. There is nothing anyone can say that would lead me to believe you are the only one who had a say in this, that you have sole responsibilty. If WoTC works like any other cooperation out there, your just one of the little guys doing what the Head boss decided to do.

So bravo to you for listening to us and doing what you could. And Bravo to Raven for caring enough about us to help negate this crises that seems to have formed.

And to my fellow chatters, not all things may have gone our way but lets give thanks for what has and move on. Beating the dead horse provides no results...............

Dragon Master

First Post
Hmm, disappointing. With little time in my hands currently and majority of issues having already been pointed out I will at least say that I am sanded by the decision. Having been part of the wizards community for what I consider a long time i've found most of my participation in it to be in ISRP least in the last year or so. However, now due to this decision it is sad to say that the wizards community no longer has anything to offer me. I will say that I intend to follow ISRP and am willing to help out any way I can. As for Wizards, as I said there is little reason for me to be here now and most 'points' have been voiced by others but I am indeed leaving with very pleasant memories. With that said, I look forward to what the future has for ISRP and wish Wizards good luck despite the fact that I fail to comprehend why they have made this decision.


Stephanie Marie

why gripe?

melynxt said:
But I'm not going to be negative about this, because from what I've seen, the ISRP is still alive, as long as there is a desire to RP with others online. We don't need the almighty dollar ran company, to keep roleplaying alive.

I agree wholeheartedly with that. Theres no reason to complain about the move........there is nothing we can do to stop the big corporation from kicking us out. I greatly appreciate Mel and Ravens efforts to help us out with this move or else I know I would be lost trying to find the new chat..........also I have a question for any of the Wizos since the isrp boards are going after so long do we need to apply for a new screen name in order to post of the other wizards boards? Just wonderin :p

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