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It's Dark Sun

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I now wonder if WAR owns a McFarlane's Dragons series 4 sorcerer clan dragon.




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Well, I can almost guarantee there will be stuff in it that's new to 4e that wasn't there in 2e. The real question is whether or not it will be implemented well, IMO. I can handle Eladrin in Dark Sun so long as they're Dark Sun Eladrin. I can handle Tieflings so long as they're Dark Sun Tieflings. Basically, I want them to do with the new races what the original Dark Sun boxed set did with the old races - twist them so they're recognizable, but make them suitable for a rugged, harsh desert world.

That's basically what Dark Sun was, to me - a reimagining of the familiar into a new and bizarre context. If this continues, and if 4e Dark Sun is faithful in theme rather than detail, I'll be thrilled. (If it doesn't, like I said, I can always just rip the mechanics out and use them in the old setting!)

Well, sure there will be some new 4E stuff, but so long as it is stuff that fits relatively seamlessly, than it's all good. For example, I can imagine Dragonborn (perhaps with some modifications) being renamed as Pterrans in Dark Sun (or perhaps as offspring of the sorcerer kings) - that would be pretty seamless. Eladrin is a bit harder, but still doable. Tieflings, IMO, just don't fit. Sure, it may be possible to stretch and contort them somehow to make them fit, but it would be, IMO, no longer seamless. As to new classes, Warlords fit just fine - no modifications needed whatsoever. Warlocks are seamless, but may fit with some restrictions on who they can get their powers from - either the elemental princes, or perhaps they could fill the role of the Templar along with 'evil Paladins' (good Paladins don't fit)...

In terms of Cosmology, the Elemental Chaos fits just fine, other planes vary in how much they fit.

Kamikaze Midget,
as you remembered ;) preservers don't drain other life sources.
For my own self I never even liked this idea of "oh they only take just enough..." so, that would still drain life..they still couldn't cast in deserts...so it makes *no sense* that Preservers drain life force at all!

No, much better to say:
Defilers are dirty sneaking cheats, lol, who came upon a method to suck the life energy out of other things to boost thier magic, where as ordinary arcane magic works just as normal (Preservers).
This makes it ALL much simpler: you are either a Preserver (and your magic works as normal regardless of arcane class) or you're a Defiler (in which case defiling rules come into play).

As for feats, I thingkyou didn't get what I and perhaps others meant :)
Defilers *ARE* more powerful than Preservers, harsh fact of Athas. They "cheat", boosting their spells at the expense of others.
So, any arcane class, should be able to take "Defiling feats" and thus become a "defiler".

If you make defiling an "on/off" choice an effect they do TO their spells at will, this also makes the ability for PC or NPC defilers to hide amongst the population, easier
by this I mean, if a defiler caused defiling EVERY time he cast a spell or ritual...he would turn his immediate area to ash and be discovered damn near instantly, wouldn't he?
But if defiling is a "dirty trade secret", an "add on" to the normal routine of casting, which you chose to add strength to the effect by defiling life energy form around you...then everything works out neatly! :)

You wouldn't know someone is a defiler until they use defiling abilities, hence even more reaosn why the average folk kill ALL arcane casters on sight, as you couldn't tell until a defiler was such, decided to abuse his power..and when he does..oh boy!!

Say, Joe the Defiler :p is with an adventuring party, he casts his spells as normal, but during a climatic battle he uses his defiling powers to boost his spells, to help defeat a deadly enemy...well..his secret is out! But, his power is indeed, deadly.

You can imagine a base defiling feat "Defiler Apotheosis" or whatever you wish to call it, from that point on, there's NO going back to a Preserver, without a special ritual and atonement performed by a druid.
The effect is: you gain the ability to add +1 attack, +1 damage bonus with arcane attacks, at your choice, but in so doing, defile a close burst of 1 square per tier of caster, this does Int or Cha vs Fortitude, infliciting a -1 hit atack penalty until end of the defiler's next turn. killing simple plants etc automatically
as noted in 2nd ed, defiling causes a lot of pain, it makes it truly scary and nasty when it even hurts allies.

Other feats and associated powers are then allowable with levels etc.

"Defiler Draw" lvl 7 requirement, daily, minor action, you regain the use of 1 encounter power of your choice, but trigger a close burst 3, Int or Cha vs Fortitude, does 1hp damage per tier of caster.

"Defiler Ravage", lvl 15 requirement, daily, minor action, you regain the use of 1 daily or encounter power of your choice, but trigger a close burst 6, Int or Cha vs Fortitude, does 5hp damage per tier of caster.

"Defiler Overcharge", lvl 21 requirment, daily, minor action, you empower an arcane attack power to do more damage, it does an extra 15 hp damage to all victims.
but trigger a close burst 9, Int or Cha vs Fortitude, does 15hp damage.

Another feat would let the defiler spare allies from the defiling power. etc etc :)

Oh, templars as warlocks make perfect sense, by the way! they have a pact with their Sorceror king...

And as said if you make "Mutation" a schtick of Dark Sun, letting other races/classes exist is fine.
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I believe Druids can spot a defiler and a defiler can get this taint purged by doing some quests for a druid - good luck finding one.

The veiled alliance can spot the taint too?


First Post
This is a great announcement! I actually didn't play much DS in the 2E era, but I do remember enjoying the few games we played. The setting itself was very evocotive.

For some reason, when I read the announcement, one of the first things that popped in my mind was "giant kruthiks"!! Werid...


We haven't seen the players handbook cover because it will spoil the races...

I can't imagine that it would be that suprising, its probably going to be the half-giant, mul, and thri-kreen. I don't think there going to add the aarakocra or pterran (or maybe they figured out how to balance flying races, as I personally love the aarakocra).


First Post
Maybe Defiler will be a Multiclass like Spellscarred? If that's the case I don't see any reason to restrict it to Arcane Only, since having it without an Arcane class would just mean that all the arcane spells you know are defiling spells.

I hope they can balance out the half-giants, because Medium sized half-giants simple do *not* cut it at all, they have to be Large.
*scratches head, usnure of balance on that*

Voidrunner's Codex

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