• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
Drow Dilemma

An interesting note about our two Drow:

The first one, the Fighter Mage, is being played by the guy who'd been in our group for the better part of 6 years (another 5 or so with a few previous groups). The second one (Assassin Sorcerer) is a relative newcomer, who's also been playing for years - about 10 all combined. Both of them even pre-game are bombarding me with E-mails, Texts, Phone Calls and Notes about their characters, and how convinced one is going to betray the other, and what precautions they are taking. NEITHER know they are brothers.

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Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
The Voice of Malice was inspired by “Evil” from the 5th Element. Not a Moon on a collision course for Greyhawk, instead an spiritual sentient embodiment of all things dark and malign of this world. Unable to take form, Malice works through agents, this go-round our fabulous party. It turns out our good Sultan is a True Believer, and welcomes them with open arms.

This time they start off a bit higher level, with a minor Sultanate (with his Private Army of roughly 700) at their disposal. The Sultan is rich and reclusive, having taken only 4 wives – each from the surrounding peasant villages, he isn’t particularly well connected from a political viewpoint. The ruler of the nation is actually titled the Grand Puba’h – to whom our Sultan is technically a thrall, but no tax collector has come in at least 20 years, and as long as there’s general stability within each of the Sultan’s territories, they tend to be left alone (unless there’s a War going on – and there usually is). This gives our party a relatively stable home base from which to plan, and direct their activities. The aforementioned War is actually a long term border dispute with the Duchy of Urnst in the Southeast, the Duchy is claiming the ancient border (the River Franz) is not the true border, instead laying claim to fertile farmlands all the way to the Celadon’s Tip. Neither side is hot and bothered enough (yet) for all out war, but a series of border skirmishes that have lasted for year continues; with the appropriate posturing from the Grand Puba’h and Grand Duke Bran of Urnst.
Once the Voice of Malice gathers them, it tasks them to conquer the world in its name, stating it will be watching their progress, and expecting just that – progress. To emphasize its point, our good Sultan clutches at his throat, choking and spitting up blood, his eye bulge nearly out of his skull and he keels over dead.
“Do not disappoint me…” and the voice vanishes… for now.
Our Royal Drow (named Saidan) immediately proclaims himself the Sultan (which by law, he wasn’t, a screaming 4 year old brat is, something he immediately resolves rather brutally). Once it’s clear the troops and fortress are firmly under their control (requiring a few more brutalities), they move in earnest. Taking almost the entire army Southeast to the disputed border area, they surge across the Franz and utterly destroy two large settlements – taking the time to burn the men and behead not only the women and children, but the livestock as well, placing these heads on poles along the western side of the Franz. This is the first occasion where Balic uses his berserking skills, afterwhich he creates a band of hand-picked soldiers – specifically the most ruthless and bloodthirsty in the army, and names them simply The Berserkers.
An Envoy from the Capital City of Red Mord – from the Office of Imperial Affairs itself arrives, demanding an explanation for the rather heavy handed raid into Urnst. Normally no one would care, except this raid effectively ended the almost 10 year Border War, something the Grand Puba’h wasn’t ready for as he was leveraging the Grand Duke for his youngest Daughter to be his First Concubine as a condition for a cease of hostilities. Before anyone can react, the other Drow (named Salarus) kills the Envoy with a nasty shot to the neck. What follows is a bloody melee as they (and the guards) kill the Envoys escort. Saidan isn’t upset – turns out he was about to kill the Envoy himself, Salarus only acted first. The fact that Saidan isn’t upset infuriates Salarus…
They mutilate the body of the Envoy, firing several Urnst arrows into it, and make sure that a local patrol (not under their control) finds his horse ‘wandering’ near the border, the Envoy’s body dragged along, tangled in the stirrups…
Real War breaks out this time. The Red Army of the Caliph is dispatched to the area, they camp outside our intrepid adventurer’s fortress – where there’s a bit of trouble when they discover the local Sultan… isn’t the Sultan anymore. This is cleared up with a rather substantial bribe from the Sultan’s treasury. General Alak is even kind enough to inform the Grand Puba’h of the Plague which sadly took the lives of many of the people of the Sultanate, and of the rise of one of the Sultan’s vassals, to assume that position.
Sultan ‘Shallah of the Cypress’ arrives roughly a week later – informing them “that by the Will of the Grand Puba’h, a proper Sultan has been dispatched to place this House in order.” Shallah is distant close cousin of the Grand Puba’h – and volunteered to assume this new command. To his surprise, the party immediately swears their fealty and do not resist. That night, his personal attendants and royal guard are killed, and he is given an ultimatum, be their puppet or die. But they in turn are surprised as Shallah is a highly trained Kensai, who was waiting for just such a betrayal. So highly trained in fact that he didn’t even care that his guards and servants were killed, he’s just as - if not more - evil than they are! If fact he needed them killed. He takes out the Balic immediately, then the moves to Salarus (please note Saidan waited until Salarus was down, before he yelled for everyone to surrender). They find that he leapt at the opportunity to come here, surrendering his cushy post in the capital for one reason…
The Voice of Malice had told him too.
He wants the party to aid him in becoming Grand Puba’h, supplanting who he sees as a weakling. To do this, he wants them to start a Civil War. Of course, though Bilus (the current Puba’h) has the Red, Grey and Black Armies at his disposal, not to mention the apathy of most of the Sultans. As for his retinue, he knew with certainty of at least one spy, and assumed one to two more – not there by order of the Grand Puba’h, but by order of his Spymaster, Vizier Shabot. He warns his new ‘allies’ that “the true power of Nyrond rests in Shabot’s restless hands.” And that were he to topple, the country would be theirs. He recognizes that he would share the power gained, and recognizes that the party are the Disciples of Malice. He asks Saidan to bring in someone of no value to them – alive. He has one of the men bring in the old Sultan’s First Wife (who never accepted the change of command and has been scheming against him the entire time). Shallah forces her to touch Balic’s dead body (she’s screaming, freaking out – etc) and almost immediately they all feel a presence in the air about them. She screams once, and then goes all Indiana Jones Nazi – her lifeforce is sucked out of her, and rolls into Balic. He wakes up and isn’t quite the same. He’s now angry, all the time. Salarus’ wounds are bound, and he is tied up and taken to a cell.
Salarus wakes up to find himself in a cell, and badly hurt. Saidan is with him. Tells him how things are, and that if he doesn’t “get on the Saidan train, then this is his last stop.” Hurt, weak and trapped, Salarus gives his word he’ll support Saidan. Of course, it doesn’t help that the player throws me a folded note at almost the exact moment. Saidan senses motive, and doesn’t believe him – “sounds good. Oh, and I’ll need a vial of your blood to seal our agreement.” Saidan and our Dread Necromancer put a nasty curse on Salarus – to impact him if he ever betrays either Saidan or the Priest.
They end up starting a general rebellion in the entire southern portion of the country over the course of the next few months. It’s so severe that the Red Army at one point find themselves fighting the war with Urnst, while being harried by Guerilla Fighters from their own country. At about the time the Black Army is dispatched south to deal with the uprisings, our party infiltrates the Palace of Heaven – and locate Shabot. Shabot is not pleased to receive them, and as his Guards attacks he gives them the slip. A general alarm rings through the palace, and we spend the next several gaming hours in games of cat and mouse, hide and seek – with brief moments of fierce melee. Eventually everyone is captured except Saidan, and they are dragged before Bilas, who turns out to be exactly what Shallah described, a weak, inept timid man – who was clearly cowed by his Vizier – Shabot. The Grand Puba’h looked on nervously as our Shabot began to Monologue, as villain are wont to do, but suddenly Bilas stood, and looked about the room like he owned the place. Shabot heard the sudden drawn breath’s of his guard, and turned, telling Bilas to sit down before he is sat down.
Below is a brief transcript of their conversation.
“Spies?” Looking about the room “Send in a contingent of those Guards loyal to the Throne. If anyone bars their path, kill them.”
Shabot’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head “What do you think you’re doing?!” he shrieked “Kill him!” and he gestured frantically at the two guards flanking the Puba’h. When they hesitated, Balic began to laugh. A rich, loud – slightly frantic laugh, it was so eerie, that everyone in the room paused to look at him.
Then he went Berserk. The Dread Necromancer reached out and touched a guard’s arm, who fell to the ground shrieking and it was shall we say – on. Saidan had entered the room invisibly and untied their bonds, the Psion had momentarily taken over our now very confused Grand Puba’h.
And a contingent of Guards loyal to if not the Puba’h, then at least to the Spies who summoned them – came charging in. The room became a complete mess, the party, the guards loyal to Shabot, the guards loyal to the Spies (who strangely were supposed to be loyal to Shabot), the cowering Bilar, the rampaging Berserker… it all ended with a commanding shout from Saidan. Salarus had just killed Shabot, and the two Drow were standing over his corpse. Of course everyone stopped except Balic, who was busy smashing a Guard’s head into a wall over and over and over…
Shallah then entered the room, a group of seedy looking fellows in his wake (the Spies), walked up to his cousin and said simply “Give it to me”.
Bilar seemed quite relieved when he handed his Scepter to Shallah – making Shallah Grand Puba’h.

Saidan is named Vizier, Salarus is named Spymaster, and they immediately set plans for an all out assault on The Duchy of Urnst (which we learn used to be a part of Nyrond). The rest of the Party is given an Imperial Writ and head south, distributing food and silver to the rebels, telling of the fall of the ‘evil’ Grand Puba’h – and the ascension of a new, ‘good’ Grand Puba’h. The Black army is sent to support the Red on the front, and they push all the way to Luekish – Grand Duke Bran’s Capitol, where they begin to lay siege. The northern County of Urnst, also ceded from Nyrond sees the writing on the wall, and swears fealty to the new grand Puba’h, rejoining their lands – and send their Free Army of the North to reinforce the Black and Red armies. After less than a month Bran capitulates – and he and his entire family are executed (with the exception of the aforementioned daughter – who is taken by Shallah as a concubine).
At about this time the most powerful nation on the continent, Furyondy, sent swift raiders across the Crescent Sea – they met no resistance, though were seen by many fisherman. What was not seen were the 20 or so spies, called Infiltrators, they deposited along the northern coast of both the Duchy and County of Urnst. Their purpose to gain solid intel as to the actions and movements of the Nyrond, and subsequently, Urnst forces. Lord Gaxx, the Master of Castle Greyhawk, and Leader of the Circle of Eight, is very concerned about the actions of what is usually a relatively peaceful neighbor in Nyrond.
Therefore one of the Infiltrators is none other than the infamous Thief/Acrobat – Gord, aka the Blackcat, who is working directly for Lord Gaxx. Gord is neither a nice guy, nor particular vindictive. What he is, is a consummate professional. While no assassin, he has performed more than his fair share of contract killings. He initially makes his way to Ab-Sulluh (the original keep), infiltrates it, learns what he can about the party, then moves on to the capital. After a week he uses the Ring of Gaxx to return to Castle Greyhawk to report.

It seems they hadn’t learned their lessons from the first time around (in the Forgotten Realms), that and they hadn’t paid attention to this campaign either:
Lots of them.
Gord managed to infiltrate the court of the Grand Puba’h – eventually gaining the ear and trust of Balic, and subsequently the rest of the party. Once he learned of their quest to conquer the world, he vanished the next night. About that time the Voice of Malice made another appearance stating that they’d been betrayed, by Balic – and demanded he pay the price in blood, and that the party were to exact this price.
The party refused. Fort multiple reasons – not the least of which Balic scared the crap out of them. Malice promptly withdrew his aid, Balic toppled over dead (it was malice who’d brought him back after all) and Shallah and his men swarmed into the room and attacked them, Shallah stating that they were apparently “not the chosen ones”. The melee was brutal, and swift – and after it cleared, all but the two Drow were either dead or down. Of the two Drow, no trace was found, they’d disappeared.
Shallah made a serious effort to find them, even diverting many of his Palace guard to the task, when after a few days of fruitless searching, his Spies reported that Castle Moure had been overrun in an unexpected attack from Furyondy, and the Crimson Legion was marching across Urnst, bound for the Capital.
Shallah got busy rather quickly, marshalling his forces to head off invasion – when the County of Urnst and the Free Army of the North suddenly attacked the war weary Red Army, scattering the force and driving its remnants deep into Nyrond. Word was received that Billick of Silver Sword had taken command, the General of Furyondy’s Golden Legion. Then those remaining forces loyal to the old Duke (who’d been killed at Shallah’s command) rose up in rebellion and freed the Duchy of Urnst – and soon threw together a replacement for the old Duke’s army (The Southern Free Army), and made not for the Capital, but for Ab-Sullah – which they raised to the ground.
In the meantime, the two Drow made their way back into the Underdark, not intending on abandoning their quest, but to seek help – in the form of people willing to aid them in overthrowing House F’Norte, and his Mother! Even though the Dread Necromancer was dead (more on this later), the curse binding Salarus to Saidan held. By now (strangely) the two Drow players have decided to put away their earlier mistrust and disagreements and are now working together rather nicely.
The Dread Necromancer wakes up – sort of – he’s now a Lich, he revives the Vampiress then calls a very nasty Plague down on the Capitol, and leaves, heading for the rendezvous point he and Saidan had established at an Oasis, south of Ab-Sullah.
The other players make new characters, 1 Derro Thief Ilusionist, a Drow Priestess of Lolth and a Living Statue (Stonegrunt) Warrior. They meet up with our two Drow. Again, through Saidan’s charisma and zeal, they all agree to help him overthrow his Mother.
The Dread Necromancer arrives at the Oasis, find a literal “Note under a rock” – one world “Durzerragloom”. Only the Necromancer and he knew of this particular rock. They head to the entrance of the Underdark that Saidan told him of, eventually the two groups meet up. They come up with a plan, and they make it too an outlying patrol. The patrol recognizes Saidan at once, and attack – they are stopped by the Priestess, who is along because they promised her that her House would be elevated, and she would be Matron Mother (more on this).
Though doubtful, the fact that she is a Priestess of Lolth is enough to let them pass. The Illusionist then remembers he’s…. an Illusionist and makes everyone look like Drow, and our two first Drow look like entirely other Drow.
They make it to, but not through the Gate leading into Durzzerragloom, as when they get within 50’ of it, the Illusion is dispelled (by the Elven Myth, placed upon the City, yes, Drow have Myth’s as well). The jig, as they say is up. Our luck runs out for Saidan, he is captured – the rest manage to get away.
Saidan is dragged before his mother, beaten, tortured, and thrown in a pit - knee deep in rancid water – filled with thousands of leeches.
Fun for him.
The rest, being led now by the Dread, manage to convince a small group of Deurgar to show them a secret way into the city. They make their way to the House F’Norte, and manage to enter… the Myth is aware of them, but He Who Sits Upon the Throne is a member of one F’Norte’s rival Great Houses – and after watching and more importantly listening to the PCs, realizes this could hurt F’Norte’. He does not raise the alarm that outlanders are in the City until they gain access to the F’Norte’ compound (they think that’s what sounded the City Alarm). Salarus’ House Rune allows them to enter.
Inside, badly hurt but alive, Saidan has managed to partially climb one of the slick walls, and has managed to pluck most of the leeches off of him. He’s also fighting the effects of a drug making it impossible for him to concentrate.
They made their way inside, where Salarus starts barking orders to the various Guards like he owns the place. They are making their way to the main entrance to the outer compound. This works fine until one of his Sister’s (who also doesn’t realize who Salarus really is) – who is a Priestess of Lolth and a Sorcerer too boot, along with her retinue of Guards shows up and bars their path.
She monologues a bit, then the rival House Priestess hit’s her with a Slay Living Spell. Oh it’s on now. General melee breaks out in courtyard, again, taking advantage of the confusion, Salarus breaks away and makes it to the main gate. Lying, he demands in Drixnora’s name the gate be opened, as warriors from one of their Vassal House’s will arrive imminently. The player didn’t know the names of any of the Vassal Houses, so he literally made a name up on the spot (didn’t even ask me for a roll to remember one). This said, he role-played his ass off the name of House Sitar, and its matron mother Rone so well I bought it (no such House or Mother on the planet mind you). So well, the frightened guards opened the gate – and in flooded the forces of Adara Fir’. House Fir’ – the House that our helpful Cleric is from, relatively speaking a somewhat minor house in comparison to F’Norte’; minor enough that they are frankly out of their league – but the element of surprise is on the party (and Fir’s) side here.
Adara, as Matron Mother’s go is an Enigma. And it’s important to note that Fir’ is such a minor House that Saidan has never met her, and though knows her name, couldn’t picture her.
Adara and her Personal Guard make a Bee Line for the Citadel. She knows something, you see, that Drixnora does not. Drixnora on the other hand is extremely annoyed for having to end her midday bath – she is, after all, the most powerful Drow on the frigging planet, so powerful that she can sense the miniscule abilities of Adara (to Adara’s credit she can sense the massive edifice of power emanating from the slender basalt keep above her as well), and it annoys her that such a minor House would even dare such a Raid. The thought of such an insult made her far angrier than the sudden death of her Daughter moments earlier. At least with her death, yet another rival for her power was removed from the Great Game. She concentrated and all sixty four members of one her minor vassal Houses, Regulus…. died. Their life-forces translating to wild, raw power within her. Tissia had offended her over a month ago, and she hadn’t decided until just now how to appropriately reprimand her… with a thought her regalia appeared about her, a second thought and she disappeared from her chambers to appear near the gate. She began with the fools who let the raiders in…
Adara was alone, and mortally hurt when she finally got through the door – into the massive cell containing the pit within which Saidan clung to life, literally. Using her own indomitable will, and slowly draining the lives of her Family to keep her both conscious and able to function, she jumped in.
Adara you see, is a True Believer too. And the Voice of Malice, while patient, isn’t eternally so. His ancient foe, Hope, has begun to stir, and its Heroes; Mythyrghast, Eryndyr, Gaxx, Mordenkainen, Bigby and the endlessly meddlesome Cuthbert – have begun to react. Malice’s time was short, so he needed to move now, that, or wait until another generation. Malice hates waiting…
Seeing the woman fall into the water, and seeing how terribly hurt she was, Saidan initially assumed it was another prisoner. When she smoothly stood up, and walked towards him, he felt the presence of Malice.
“Are you ready to serve now?” Malice spoke through her. All about them dead leeches, thousands of them bobbed to the surface, their tiny bodies bloated with sickness.
Saidan didn’t hesitate “I will serve without reservation, Lord.”
She reached up and touched him.
Several things happen:
1. He shrieks in agony as his wounds, and the drugs in his system are burned away.
2. Drixnora clutches at her heart and dies, a look of utter astonishment on her face.
3. The Mantle of House F’Norte appears about Saidan – he feels the Lifeforce of over twelve thousand blood relatives, and another six thousand vassals pulsing within the Myth, available for his use as he sees fit.
4. He senses dimly the shriek of Lolth somewhere in the Abyss as thousands of her followers are suddenly torn from her.
5. For a brief moment he is standing on an endless smooth glassy surface, everything about him pale, translucent and opaque. Near him, he himself stands, but older, and rife with power. Malice. They talk briefly of their plans – and Saidan realizes that, if he gains enough Drow followers, he can defeat Malice – and replace it.
He comes out of it, and mentally commands “His” forces to stand down. He is forced to kill five of the most potent Priestesses in the house when they attempt a coup – the remaining four (of any power) convert to the service of Malice.
Over the course of the next three days, there is a massive civil war in Durrzerragloom – as House FNorte consolidates its power, wiping out the worship of Lolth, and slaying all of the rival Matron’s unless they Swear (using a curse similar to that placed upon Salarus) utter service to Saidan, who they name The Abomination – which he decides he likes. Saidan through the Myth realized Salarus is his brother, shares this, all rejoice.
Bahamut, walking in his old man guise, wanders into Castle Greyhawk and tells of the Rising of “an Abomination”, warns the Free People to Prepare for War; and that they should seek their foe where the Black Souled Elves reside. He leaves one of his Canaries with Lord Gaxx, and disappears. Lord Gaxx assembles the current Council of 12 (Upon the arrival of Lord Gaxx from the Hinterlands, the Councilw as upgraded from 8 to 12 members):
1. Gord (The Blackcat), Human, Master Thief/Acrobat (ECL 25)
2. Cuthbert, Human, Current Champion of Hope (Fighter/Cleric) (ECL 30)
3. Mordenkainen, Human (Asimar Bloodline) High Magister of the Flaness (Magic User) (ECL 40)
4. Eryndyr Arquillane, ½ Valley Elven Cavalier (Dragon Slayer) (ECL 24)
5. Alenby (Bigby’s Son), Human, Magic User (ECL 22)
6. Bigby, Human, Wizard (Abjurer Specialist) (ECL 32)
7. Tenser, Human, Wizard (Transmuter Specialist) (ECL 27)
8. Lord Nelbon Gellor, Human, Bard (Thief, Druid) (ECL 35)
9. Deirdre Longhand, Human Gestalt (Cleric/Cavalier) (ECL 26)
10. Prince Evag Luthorien, Gray Elf (Fighter Lord, Wizard) (ECL 30)
11. Virtnir Wideaxe, Mountain Dwarf (Firghter Lord) (ECL 20)
12. Lord Gaxx, Human (Platinum Dragon Bloodline) (Ranger Lord, Druid, Psionicist, Sorcerer, Warlock) (ECL 55)
(Note: When EGG passed away IRL – I wrote a very brief story that ended up being cut and pasted all over creation, where in a nutshell he “woke-up” to find himself being welcomed home in the forest near Castle Greyhawk, aka Lord Gaxx – whom I created to be one baaaaaaad mo fo).
So the council meets, and decides that Gord, Evag, Bigby, Eryndyr and Deirdre will find this Abomination and deal with it. Through Cuthbert and Mordenkainan’s arts they determine the destination is Durrzerrugloom, but the Myth upon the city won’t let them ‘bip’ in, won’t let them ‘bip’ within 5 miles. So they ‘dip’ as close as possible and make their way on foot deeper into the labyrinthine underdark. Gord’s actually been here before, so knows the way somewhat.
In the Gloom, Saidan has fully consolidated his power – and the Dread is in the process of animating most of those that had fallen as types of Ghouls. In the center of the city of the city is a massive rectangular slab of purplish-black smooth stone. It functions as a magical version of a Star Trek Transporter – except in massive volumes. Saidan and Salarus (with Adara as the false leader) use it to bring themselves and 500 warriors/mages to the sister city of Arivaya, to negotiate bringing this city into an allegiance with Gloom.
Leaving the Dread and rest to respond to the arrival of Gord & company. They arrive, like our earlier heroes, trying to be sneaky – but the Myth dispels their illusion as well, so instead of panic or violence, Dierdre steps up and asked for a representative from the Ruling House so they might share wine, in a very formal, Drow greeting. We’re talking ECL 137 combined. They aren’t worried.
Dread shows up as Dread. They actually do parlay for a few minutes. Bigby tells the Lich to beat it, and give up on the plan. Dread telling them that this wasn’t really an option – etc. They are actually quite polite about the whole thing. That is until Evag realizes they’ve been flanked by all five of the Matron Mothers that swore fealty to Saidan, along with roughly a dozen Beholders and Beholder Kin. The gates fly open and a swarm of Dark Elf Ghouls come pouring out, Crossbowman start firing poisoned bolts from the hundreds of kill slots about the area, and a bank of Drow Wiards appear around Dread… major MAJOR battle occurs. Highlites: Bigby manages to grab Dread in his Crushing Grasp, yet he is burned to a cinder by the Matrons. Eryndyr and Deirdre are like dirvishes, bits and chunks of Ghoul filling the air about them as they push towards the gate. Evag manages to kill two of the Matron Mothers, just as he is killed by multiple disintegrate attacks from the Beholders. Gord using his incredible alter self powers becomes a Drow warrior, as it becomes clear that the Myth will not allow them to ‘bip’ away either. To sell it, he backstabs Eryndyr, killing him. Deirdre whirls, “Eryndur!” and gets hit with an avalanche of Drow Ghouls, never understanding why they couldn’t be turned…
In the Thronehall of Lord Gaxx, a shocked Alenby rushes in, declaring his Father is dead. Moments later Tenser, Mordenkainen and Cuthbert arrive. The four of them consult with one another for a moment, when Mordenkainan strides out onto the balcony overlooking for forest below and begins to conjure, the other three watching curiously from the room, saying nothing.
The Voice of Malice hates waiting, and being impatient, this impatience for millennia been its downfall. But Malice knows Malice, and it felt the ancient wizards magics – and just as it was ready to reach out to the very young, very pretty Matron Mother of Eld House Dacar of Arivaya, he withdrew to Saidan’s mind.
It demanded of him “Now, use these lives about you, do not hesitate, return to your people – reach your mind to the moonless sky far above GO!”
He didn’t hesitate – and drained the lifeforce of the entire 500, then he and Salarus teleported back to Gloom. Saidan immediately looked up, using his new found powers to pierce the elaborate cavern ceiling, then billions of tons of rock and stone, then the thin layer of loamy soil, then the skies and finally beyond even that… to his horror he saw it.
Lumis, the wanderer, the tiny Iron and Manganese Moon which sped through the night’s sky.
But instead of arcing majestically across the heavens, Lumis was moving more like a meteor – its trajectory aiming straight at the Spikes, the jagged mountain range located almost directly above Gloom. The impact would collapse the dome, utterly destroying the city – and most within it. His mind raced. He could shift that trajectory, with an insane expenditure of power and lives. He could reinforce the dome… with an insane expenditure of power and lives.
This is when He Who Sits Upon the Throne appears. Never before has the Myth which protects the city done such a thing, but now the Drow Elf Sage who’s turn it was to sit upon the Throne (A Major Helm) – spoke with a voice not his own. “Allow me oh Lord of Durrzerragloom, to save us”.
Saidan thought for a long moment
“Do it”
The Sage disappeared, and there was a strange, twisting, lurching sensation. The pale violet magics throughout to city flickered out – there was a massive blast of energy, accompanied by a high pitched keening, then the pale violet of the Myth resumed.
The Moon Thundered into the Spikes, with enough might to send the World of Grayhawk into 50,000 years of Dust Choked Nuclear Holocaust. Luckily, the Epic Wish that Mordenkainan had used had accounted for such nasty side effects, though it didn’t compensate for worldwide tidal and slight temperature changes in the years to come (as Greyhawk now spins roughly 4500 miles further from the sun.) Durzerragloom, and the elaborate labyrinth of caves, chasms, vestibules and tunnels about and below it, were vaporized.
At least for roughly 80 years, that’s what everyone thought.
For the first time in the history of Durzerrugloom her inhabitants found themselves marveling at the stars… even at night Drow only travel to the surface under the most careful and cautious of circumstances. But now the surface was there, and it was different. Soon they came to realize the entire city had been moved to the Plane of Shadow!
The poor Sage had been consumed in the effort to move the city from the Prime to Shadow – Salarus surprised everyone by sitting in the Throne.
A voice not his own issued from his mouth “I am strengthened here, for each year my power shall increase. After 50 it shall peak anew. I will be able to move about, here, in this place, and communicate with any I desire within the demesne of the City”
Salarus then stood, shaking his head as to clear it. At that moment he became linked to the City, and a Wild Talent Psionic.
Upon Greyhawk, things stabilized out. Balance is restored and peace (as it were) returned to the Flaness. Terser and Cuthbert create a very special Simulacrum, and travel to the Happy Hunting Grounds to find Bigby. Bigby opts to stay, much to the chagrin of Rigby (his brother) who came along.
Saidan, and Company spend the next several years on the Plane of Shadow, consolidating their power, the Dread after 3 decades now has a massive Shadow Army. He has become infused with the Shadow Weave, as has Saidan. They travel back and forth to Greyhawk, creating the Shadowlace – a network of spies all over Flaness.


Brings up an interesting question, though.

Now I am no expert on all the DnD realms and can name 50 NPCs from all worlds, but outside of say the Lady of Pain from Planescape (which we will not count), which is the toughest world?

Greyhawk is probably the lowest overtly magical world o the surface, but Mordenkainen and some of the rest are straight bad asses.

Faerun is outright heavy high magic with Chosen and, of course, Elminster, Dritz, Wolfgar, et al.

Ravenloft is not so much a world as it is a prison.

Athas is a harsh place where magic eats the world. But you have god like Sorceror Kings and the Mindlords that can just project themselves immune kicking your ass thousands of miles away while in safety.

Hell, it's all hard.


Oh, one more thing to add. I have actually run epic level stuff under both 3e and 4e. please do not take this as me telling you what to do with your group. It is more things that can help. I did so for years.

1. Epic encounters call for epic players. Even a low magic world like Greyhawk, there is no way someone like Mordenkainen is going to take your PCs seriously when even his apprentices could probably one shot them. I assume you are using 3e or some house ruled version thereof, so I will talk 3e adding some 4e concepts. If this is a special event, why limit your characters to 5th level then talk about all these great and big bad asses? Let them roll some characters with teeth for this. Roll 21st level. Or if your campaign is already rolling, just say time has passed and they eventually get 21st level. Hell,, roll 30th! Even under 3e ELH, at 30th the numbers are not too bad as ELH tends to break down at around the high 40s. Of course, your spellcasters are going to hate you with epic spell stuff and playing metamagic feat tetris. I think one Wizard player had like a 20 page character sheet!

2. Which brings me to another problem you will have (and I had to deal with)... Master's Thesis character sheets. Particularly for 3e, these character sheets were huge complex to where if you were not a VERY experienced player, you would be lost. Even then, as a DM, you will be cranking out a 40 hour work week just drawing up bad guys under ELH epic rules. Sometimes towards the release of 4e, I had literally 50 pages to shuffle through for one simple combat. There are things you can do about it even with 3e, though. You can house rule only feats that grant abilities you use for the lower tier feats and only keep track of the epic tier feats which scale and are more of a point buy system for increasing stuff. I personally prefer a 4e type system but house ruled 3e things like permanence, contingency, walls of force, etc since it is (somewhat) less book keeping.

3. You call yourself a "strict DM". I have found that weak PC advocates have a tough time dealing with epic. It is the reason they stay never above 15 or so when PCs get a bunch of teeth. A 15th level PC can come in and totally destroy the market district of an average city. They have scrying tools that can foil even some of the most common ways of keeping information away. They are tougher and harder to "control". I had to let go and let Gygax. If they were not before, the PCs are the main players in the world and should be able to make huge changes in the world. Some, which may totally ruin anything you have drawn up. A huge notebook of ideas and pre drawn NPCs helps. You are going to have to be extremely flexible and operate like a sandbox because for high level characters, obstacles mean less and restrictions are lifted.

Hope this helps.

Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
To make things fun, and a bit challenging - we would spend a few hours each game day randomizing/role playing several YEARS worth of actions - depending on the role play and the rolls, would depend on how sucessfull their endeavors were. It sped things along nicely.


To make things fun, and a bit challenging - we would spend a few hours each game day randomizing/role playing several YEARS worth of actions - depending on the role play and the rolls, would depend on how sucessfull their endeavors were. It sped things along nicely.

That is cool. I like epic high power campaigns to succeed. If it were not for some of the math in some editions, there is a lot of folks who dig it.

I noticed the characters had armies. I have had a bit of experience with this. I also wanted to pull my hair out at times. How are you handling large scale battles? Background or full tactics battlemat?

Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
About 15 years ago or so a buddy of mine and I bought up every oriental themed lead mini we could find, pretty much hit up every gaming store in Virginia, DC area, Maryland and Delaware. Our gaming group then spent a marathon week or so of painting and mounting - and viola, we had the combined armies of Kozakura and Shao Lung - which using the Battle Systems supplement, we played out a massive invasion attempt by the divine Emperor of Kozakura's forces into the mainland, the goal to conquer Shao Lung, and all of it's provinces. We mapped it out in such detail that the "war" covered the entore floor of our second floor rec room for the better part of three months.

Using this experience, and my familiarity with Battle System (which I still have the old boxed set, full of tons of errata and updates) - we played out most of the major "named battles" of the above wars; per Battle System, treating the PCs/or small grouping of PCs as elite units - and when we got to the minutiae of one on ones/specific events and-or encounters within the overall battle, we'd zero in on that action, play that out standard DnD Rounds/actions/role/turns - etc - then pull back out to the general battle System format to continue as needed.

Worked out pretty well actually.


I found that 4e's minion system did okay for some situations to keep down accounting, but powers are way toned down from 3e to 4e. Love the easier math, but had to house rule tons of 3e stuff in.

However, the system of 4e really fails on some points with minions. That level 19 whatever may be a minion to a level 30 demigod, but I do not think it should have 1hp for a level 5.

It still gets bogged down though. I think it is the reason 4e moved away from followers/strongholds/armies at epic.

Now for huge things like strategic level, I always did other groups as story background the NPCs accomplished and only focused on the PC group. Mostly because I did not want 10 sessions of wargaming that would not involve all characters.

Have not had to run anything totally huge in quite sometime. But, you never know.

I will check out battle system.

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