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Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
The last part of Try 2

The Shadow Weave allows them to come and go without alerting the Essence of Hope, though they still don’t realize there is one, to counterbalance the Voice of Malice.
Using the Wormhole (described in Dragon Kings) ability, Salarus gates a massive army within and about the City of Greyhawk, the Drow Sorcerers and Wizards are now fully fused with the Shadow Weave, making resisting their abilities very difficult. The main group use the Weave to ignore the magical defenses of Castle Greyhawk, and ‘bip’ in. They have grown significantly in power, and Saidan is like a super-nova. A massive room, to room battle ultimately becomes a battle royal inside Lord Gaxx’s Great Hall. At this moment a Lunar Eclipse occurs, and the power of the invaders shoots through the roof (they did plan it that way actually). Mordenkainan is transformed into a Statue of Salt by the Dread, Tenser and Rigby fight with futile yet still brilliant webs of spells, that Saidan is forced to continually absorb, taking him mostly out of the battle. The Raised Balic, now immune to virtually everything – and yes, now capable of Deathless Frenzy at will – charges Lord Gaxx. Very epic battle between the two of them occurs. Rigby turns to aid him, when Cuthbert out of nowhere appears and “Uncreates” the Dread! Didn’t quite have the effect he intended, as his consciousness transferred into the very startled Eld Shadow Wyrm leading a nearby assault. The Dragon didn’t even have time to get pissed, as his consciousness dispersed into the ether…
All 23 Dragons shifted their strategy and assaulted the Keep. Hope reacts, but too slowly – after roughly an hour of battle, the only defenders standing are Gaxx and Cuthbert. Saidan, Salarus and Adara are the only invaders still up. The five begin a deadly dance of blades and cudgel. After only a few minutes, Cuthbert and Adara are down, the two brothers are flanking Gaxx hard. He’s keeping up with them, but sorely pressed. There’s a ‘bip’ and the Dread is back, polymorphed into humanoid form, along with two of his Shadow Dragons. In the sudden confusion, Gaxx incinerates Salarus with Warlock fire. Saidan loses it, and lets loose with enough force to “level a Mountain Range”. A massive hole is blown through the entire fortress, scarring the hillside behind the keep (the Keep itself partially collapses in on itself). Of Lord Gaxx there is no sign. The Dread brings back Salarus as a potent Shadow-Drow.
With most of the most powerful Heroes of the Flaness now dealt with, they raise a massive legion, and begin The Eleven Year Campaign – building the Shadow Empire, reaching North to the Icy Sea, South to the Sea of Gearnat, East to the Solonor Ocean – but stalling west at the Yatil and Lortmil Mountains.
Bigby is back, his son Alenby traveled to the Happy Hunting Grounds and retrieved him. He is the leader of the new Council – now comprised of Heroes not only of the Flaness, but from all of the major nations throughout the planet, as well as Lords of the Neutral and Good Dragonkind, along with them, the new Chosen of Hope, and Hero of Bahamut – yup, Lord Gaxx. A massive force assembles at the foothills of the Lortmil, east of Hookhill in the Stewardship of Bissel, comprised of the legendary Elven Bright Army of The Silver Bow, from the Valley of the Mage, The Dwarf Army of the Kronchakk, The Riders of Geoff, And the Grand Army of the United Kingdoms –made up of forces from Ulik, Keoland and Sterich. Add to this King Steelbeard’s forces from Mount Crystalmyst, the Grey Warriors from distant Castilisi of the Southern Continent, and the Ice Hoard from the Bitterlands – the combined army was nearly two hundred thousand strong. The invasion began from three fronts; the Bulk of the army charged through Vortmil Pass, where it was met by the Western Shadow Legion, while a significant force (mainly the Army of the United Kingdoms along with the entire Dwarven Host) was ushered beneath the Lortmil Mountains – emerging near the Gnomish settlement of Verbobonc, where they marched hard to the Northwest, striking at the Western Legion’s flanks. The third front waited until reserves were withdrawn from the Blighted Coast along the easternmost reaches of the Great Kingdom of Kush – where the largest amphibious landing force in the history of the planet landed in the dead of night just north of the City of Roland – having sailed hard from hidden harborages along the Isles of the Sea Barons. These were the Dawn Sailors of Karend – a vast, massive seafaring nation, living in vast nomadic flotillas in the deep oceans. With them were the Haleven, or the Seventh High Elven Tribe from distant Dystara and their famed Falcon Schooners. The Karends raised Roland to the ground, and their forces pushed all the way to Rauxes before the Eastern Legion managed to rally enough forces at the Battle of the Flanmi; which turned the Flats about the City into the Mord Flanmi – a huge, sprawling haunted graveyard. It became so severe, that in the following years Rauxes was abandoned.
The tide of the battle at Vortmil Pass had swayed the direction of the Legion, they were too many, and too well trained – and too terrified of their General, Balic, of course. In fact, Hope was beginning to fade, when aid came from such an unexpected turn that it stunned everyone on the field.
The forces of the remaining Drow Cities of Greyhawk, being led by none other than Lolth’s Avatar - Gated in and slammed into the Legion’s forces, attacking from the North.
Even more stunning – with them were thousands of the famed Sylvan Hunters of the Vesve.
With Lolth’s arrival, Saidan – now a demigod in his own right, took the field. This is when things got even more surreal: Lolth and Gaxx, fighting side-by-side against Saidan, Dread and Balic.
All still would have been lost if Aerdre Fenya’s avatar, on the back of Bahamut wouldn’t have arrived. The goddess joined Lolth and Gaxx… Bahamut forced the Dread to assume the form of a Dragon… and tore him to pieces. Eventually Balic was torn to pieces as well, the only way to stop him – leaving Saidan, alone. All about the greater war had ceased, as they watched in awe the epic forces of the fight between Gaxx, Lolth, Fenya and Bahamut, against the Mad One, Saidan – would be Ruler of Greyhawk. He held his own for the better part of 5 whole minutes, which felt like an eternity –but eventually they battered down his defenses (he consumed the energies of all of his shadows and Drow) – and Lolth was the one to step up and end him.
Hence World Domination Try # 2 ended.

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