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JA' - "The Divine Avengers - A Four Lands Adventure Recruiting

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The Knights-Templar!!!

Prepare to deal with vampires, ghosts, werewolves and a host of undead and demonic creatures.

Character Guidelines - All players must play a male character with some connection to the church either as a priest, warrior or they need to somehow relate their character to the church.

This will be a pathfinder setting but set in my Four Lands Realm.
Abilities will start with a 20 point buy.
Character will start at 9th level
Starting gold will be 15000
Magic Items will be caped at 6000 in value but you have 18000 to spend.
Starting time will be sometime in the first week of March , most likely march 5 or so.

Hope to hear from old players and new ones as well.

Are you stil recruiting?

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J. Alexander

First Post
Absolutly...and welcome

if you guys are cool with it lets plan on starting wed or thursday of next week..the first post is up and we can go from there


First Post
I would still like to know if the rogue and Assassin level's fractional BABs stack or not so I can resolve the Improved Critical issue :erm:

on another notes: I would also still like to know about the mule back cords/mw backpack combo and do poisons/potions use mundane or magic item gold?:uhoh:

J. Alexander

First Post
poisions use mundane gold unless they are magical in nature
potions use magic gold

As to the fractional stacking hmmmmm i dont know...your really getting in to the finer details of min and maxing a character out which is something i moved away from a long time ago. Please define what you mean by fractioanl..

anything can be built withing reason to compliment your characters as i have always said the sticking point is you have to justify why he has such items in his history etc


First Post
Fractional because rouges and assassins make 0.75 of a BAB each level while a fighters gets a full 1 BAB per level.
The basic question here is: when adding BABs together do you round each class's BAB together then round down, or round each class's BAB down then add them together.

As for why he would have the epic backpack, he is normally way on the physically weak side for a knight of any kind, and would be unsuited for any kind of quest that needed him to move around on foot for prolonged distances, the gear would weigh him down too much. With it he can lug around 100, 200, and 300 lb at light, mid and heavy loads, without it he can only carry 30, 60, and 90 lb. That said his combat equipment weighs 30lb exactly, so it's all good if you don't think he should have it he will just be 'heavily' inconvenienced ;3


Fractional because rouges and assassins make 0.75 of a BAB each level while a fighters gets a full 1 BAB per level.
The basic question here is: when adding BABs together do you round each class's BAB together then round down, or round each class's BAB down then add them together.

IN 3.5, we usually add the BAB together and then round down at the end. Does Pathfinder have an official rule on this?


First Post
The character should be finished now :3
That said, I'm going with what Lou said was don in 3.5e DnD since you never gave a verdict
I also just made the muleback cords use no item slot to make things simpler

(rolled HP*)

[FONT=Courier New][B]Name: [/B]Hellknight, Stark “Wraith stride” Wither
[B]Class:[/B] Fighter, Hellknight(OotN), Rogue, Assassin.
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Lawful Good
[B]Hero Points:[/B] 3

[B]Str:[/B]  9 -1 (9)                     [B]Level:[/B] 9              [B]XP:[/B] 75,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 22 +6 (17+1L+2R+2E)           [B]BAB:[/B] +8/3             [B]HP:[/B] 88 (60+1d10+2d8+18)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (14)                    [B]CMB/CMD:[/B] +7/+21       [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -
[B]Int:[/B] 18 +4 (15+1L+2E)              [B]Speed:[/B] 30'            Spell Res: -
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (10)                    [B]Init:[/B] +6              Spell Save: -
[B]Cha:[/B] 07 -2 (7)                     [B]ACP:[/B] - 1              Spell Fail: -

                  [B] Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +10   +0    +5     +0    +0   +1   =26
[B]Touch:[/B] 16                       [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 20

                        [B] Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort: [/B]                   5    +2    +0    +7
[B]Ref: [/B]                    5    +6    +0    +11
[B]Will: [/B]                   2    +0    +0    +2
Weapon                          Attack             Damage    Critical[/B]
Scimitar                        +19 +14            1d6+10*   15/20 X2

[B]*Bonus Damage:
[/B]+2d6 damage with sneak attack
+2 with smite, +4 if the target is also [/FONT][FONT=&quot]a outsider with the chaotic subtype, chaotic-aligned aberration or fey.[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New] 

[B]Languages:[/B] Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Infernal, Necril, Undercommon.

Bravery, +1
Armor Training, +1
Weapon Training, Heavy Blades +1
Aura of Law(Ex)
Detect Chaos(Sp) 
Smite Chaos(Su) 1/d
Discern Lies(Sp) 3/d
Hellknight armor +1
Sneak Attack, 2d6
Trapfinding +1
Death Attack
Poison Use

1 Dodge1
- Combat Reflexes        [Human]
- Weapon Finesse         [Fighter, L1]
- Dervish Dance          [Fighter, L2] 
3 Weapon Focus(Scimitar) 
- Weapon Spec.(Scimitar) [Fighter, L4]
5 Mobility
7 Spring attack
9 Improved critical(Scimitar)

Anatomist, +1 trait bonus to confirm criticals
Magical Knack, +2 trait bonus to Magus caster level.

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 69
Skills                   Ranks   Mod  Misc  Total
Acrobatics                 2     +6   +2     +10
Disable Device             9     +4   +4/5   +17/18
Disquise                   2     -2   +3     +3
Escape artist              1     +6   +2     +9
Climb                      4     -1   +2     +5
Intimidate                 5     -2   +3     +5
Knowledge(Local)           1     +4   +3     +8
Knowledge(Planes)          2     +4   +0     +6
Linguistics                4     +4   +3     +11
Perform (Dance)            5     -2   +0     +3
Perception                 9     +0   +3/4   +12/13
Ride                       1     +6   +2     +9
Sense motive               7     +0   +3     +10
Slight of hands            3     +6   +2     +12
Stealth                    8     +6   +7     +20
Swim                       7     -1   +1     +5
[Misc include penalties]

[B]Equipment:                 Cost    Weight [/B] 

+1 Mithral H.Knight Armor  12,000g    25lbs
-Shadow                    3,750g
[11,000 GP into the armor itself(mundane items) 4,750 for the magic components]
-Restful crystal             500g 

+1 Mithral Scimitar                 4,015g     2lb   
[2015 GP into the weapon itself(mundane items) 2,000 for the magic components]

Traveler's Outfit                       -g     -lb
  [/FONT][FONT=Courier New]Belt of Incredible Dexterity  +2    4,000g
Headband of Vast Intelligence +2    4,000g

Belt pouch                              1g 1/2lb
-MW Thieves Tools                     100g   2lbs
-Jumping caltrops                     250g 1/2lb
-Blue whinnis, 2 doses                240g   0lbs
-Large scorpion venom, 2 doses        400g   0lbs
-Mule figurine                      2,000g   0lbs
[muleback cords with no space limitation, operates as long as in possession(must be physically carried, disabled if moved to another plane by an item such as a bag of holding)]

Masterwork backpack                    50g   4lbs
-151.98 G(Mundane item tally)                3lbs
-0000   G(Magical item tally)                0lbs 
-Soap                                   2c   1lb
-Rations                               10g  10lbs
-Magic Bedroll                        500g   6lbs 
-Waterskins                             1g   4lbs
-Traveler's Outfit                      1g   5lbs

Heavy warhorse                        300g
-Masterwork studded leather barding   700g  40lbs
-Exotic Saddle(Military)               20g  30lbs
--Saddle bags                           8g   8lbs   
---Rope, hemp, 50’                      1g  10lbs
---Grappling hook                       1g   4lbs

[sblock=Randomly wish-list]
[Note: Random things I would like to give the character, by no means all but also I did not make it with the intention of getting all or even most of it. their just things along of the lines of what I would like to give the character :3
Improvements that are higher on the list are the ones I would like more then those towards the bottom :3]

Armor improvements:
-Landing, 4,000g
-Shadow, Improved; 11,250g
-Agility/improved/greater, 500/4,000/8,000g
-Stamina/improved/greater, 500/4,000/8,000g
-Aporter, 20,000g
-Spell eating, 10,000g
-Enchantment increase,
-Nimbleness, +1 bonus
Weapon improvements:
-Shadowstrike, 5,000g
-Maiming, +1 bonus
-Deadly Precision, +1 bonus
-Heavenly burst, +1 bonus
-Scared, +1 bonus
--Sacred burst, +1 bonus[on top of the +1 from scared]
-Holy, +2 bonus
-Corrosive, +1 bonus
--Corrosive burst, +1 bonus[on top of the +1 from corrosive]
-Vicious, +1 bonus
-Vampiric, +2 bonus

Rubicund frenzy, lesser, 2,000g

Fiendslayer crystal, least 1,000g
Crystal of acidic assault, lesser, 3,000g

Boots of striding and springing, 5,500g

Necklace of Adaptation, 9,000g

Counterstrike Bracers of Opportunity, 4,800g[/sblock]

Total Weight: 67lbs

                        Lgt   Med     Hvy     Lift     Push
Max Weight:             100   200     300     600      1,500

Total Weight: 92/343lbs (when not/when ridden)

                        Lgt   Med     Hvy     Lift     Push
Max Weight:             400   800     1,200   2,400    6,000[/FONT]

Age: Mind twenties
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 183lb
Eyes: illuminant green
Hair: bright Red
Skin: pale

[sblock=Background]Much has changed for this former street rat, during his childhood, Stark was an orphan and a thief who knew not his given name, plain and simple; he did nothing of note during his early years, save that he was very good at not getting caught, a talent that did not go unnoticed for long, despite his best efforts.
A, not too pleasant, man came to him and gave him an offer, the man was clothed in none descript yet dark clothing and smelt of foul things, and while he cannot recall the details, he dos recall he did not like the idea of having his knees ‘brok’n in’, Stark agreed swiftly.

Affectively being conscripted into a thief’s guild while little more than a, albeit talented, brat; Stark graduated from petty theft to burglary and home invasion swiftly, barely a teen he was already starting his descent into the finer points of the guild’s dirtiest work; it be his luck or the will of the gods, but his guild would not survive long enough for his final initiation to take place.

The guild was raided and in the confusion Stark found himself behind a guard who had overpowered one of his guild elders, he had no love of his guild, nor it members, but when all was said, they were all he had, he snuck up on the guard, unsheathed his blade and held it to the guard’s throat and then both froze as the guild’s man removed himself from the floor.

Stark hadn’t built the nerve to take a life on the spot as his elder called for, he stuttered, demanded to know how many guards there were and failed to notice the rather large, darkly armored, knight walk, simply walk, up behind him and clobber him senseless with a rather brutal pummel blow to the temple.
Next thing he knew, three days hade past and he was in a ceil and blind! He then noticed the crude bandages that were nearly suffocating him and pulled them off, unveiling that he was in fact not blind and that he had a rather nasty lump on the back of his head.

The next weeks were uneventful, if traumatizing for Stark; he had, until this point, completely avoided the inside of a jail cell while hearing stories about jails, and developed a phobia from his imaginings, he wanted out as soon as possible.
He was then approached by another man, this man whore clean robes, had a sense of inner peace, and was not behind the bars of steel; Stark wanted to be like this man who was not caged in a diminutive room with no say over his own fate.

Again, Stark did not pay head to what was said, something about saving his immortal soul while punishing the wicked, but what really peaked his interest at the time was, his past “indiscretions” would be forgone if he came with the man in the clean robs who was not behind the bars of steel, he would be out his prison, he eagerly agreed, blindly agreed.

He was transported, in chains, to an isolated monastery; he knew better then to be shocked by the bindings, he may have accepted a deal that included his freedom, but he knew they were not fool enough to simply turn him lose and expect him to act as they wished.
when he arrived the chains were removed and he was, nudged, into the structure and a new chapter in his life began.
Life at the monastery was structured, far too structured for his liking at the time, it included schooling: reading, writing, histories, politics, and other subjects; he initially struggled before he learned more of them, Linguistics chiefly. If the mundane schooling was all the monastery offered there would have been no point in bringing him to it, and it was not all that he was given, he was also taught how to, properly, wield a blade, and how to do so while encumbered in armor.

Early on, Starke made a habit of sneaking out of his lesions, including those about espionage and stealth, this practice was greatly disliked by both his peers and his instructors eventually it came to the point he was forced to wear his training armor at all times when not sleeping, having a very slight frame, hefting the excess weight around all the time was not pleasant, but did not deter him from attempting to sneak out of his lessons, but it did make doing so far more difficult.

Years came and past, Stark became adept at stalking around while wearing his training armor, but at the same time he had came to the point that he no longer avoided his studies and was no longer forced to wear his training armor around yet wore it of his own accord; while he was not developing strength from the endeavor, he was becoming increasingly adept at accommodating for the weight and chunkiness of armor.

The lesions where becoming increasingly focused on the task of ‘removing undesirables’; his instructors were very keen to maintain a strong sense of morality in him, as all of their charges, while also steeling his resolve to take mortal life without remorse, when doing so was called for. A common practice was having them act during executions, first simply pulling the leaver on gallows and their more violent cozen; the men were all assuredly deserving of death, their actions lead them to where they were, after the initial hurtle the task became disturbingly easy.
As always, Stark strode towards advancement and swiftly became an axe man at two executions; arguable the weakest of his pears, he did not cleanly remove the criminal’s head, it was not nearly as hard as he thought it would be.

By the time he could be considered a man he had completed his leanings at the monastery early, his past had given his a leg up on several of the most important subjects; he was already fulfilling the duties that he blindly pledged himself to years ago. His talents made the tasks he was given easy, while they were few and far between he stalked his marks and removed them swiftly and without trace.
While readying to remove one he noticed an inconsistency: it was given to him by a messenger, not unheard of but still not commonplace; the message said the man would go unmissed, the man had a family among other commitments that would readily go missed if he did not appear to meet them, the list trailed on and in revive even the list itself had several, if very minor, errors as well; returning to the momentary for clarity on the message, it was exposed as an utter fraud.

The order, nameless by design, affectively shut down for the better part of two years as false mission messages trickled in, in the meantime Stark leant his expertise to other orders within the light, and fulfilled roles that he would not normally be charged with, guard, translator, and scout to name a few; while doing so he accompanied Hellknights of the nail on occasion and became fascinated by them. He studied them and he wanted to become like them, not because he did not want his legs bashed in, not because he wished to be free of the bars of steel, but because he wanted to become one of them. They were not paragons of good, some of those he traveled with even bordered on being truly evil, yet they walked with pride and through the light to face down those who would work against law and order, the same thing that, in the end, he was preserving through scarified murder.

Stark’s trial to join the order was simple and quick, a devil was summoned and he smote it; the task was not easy. When it was all said and done, he won by luck as much as he did by skill and so began the most resent chapter in his life.
Even while a Armiger he still fulfilled his duties to light with increasingly ruthlessness and diligences to avoid being misled, when he attained the title of Hellknight, he again took a role that commonly involved removing undesirables, yet also took part in more open quests as well, from crushing petty thief dens, to protecting lawful resolutions between powerful parties.
All the while he never forgot his duties to his ordinal order and continued to serve them, which brings him to the gathering.[/sblock]

[sblock=Apperance]Stark has a towering stature and a very lean frame, bordering on supernaturally so. His black armor, that he is rarely seen without, fills out his appearance and hides just how slime he is while appearing more form fitting then it really is.

Stylistically, the armor is modeled after fiendish and draconic influences; the horned helm is the most themed of the armor’s pieces. The helm is crowned in hornets, sunken eye sockets and has nostrils, exposed teeth and the helm’s horns are segmented, curved forwards and downwards. An odd feature of the helm is the jaw, instead of being simply an aesthetic design, the jaw is carefully spring loaded to hold itself close and move with his own (his chin rests on a pad connected to the lower jaw)

Stark’s face, dos not betray his exceedingly slime nature, his skin is pale, from his tendency to never remove his armor and all but devoid of color in staggering contrast to his hair and eyes that are both bright red and green respectfully. His general facial appearance shows him as slim with an angler and proud chin, high checks and swimmingly permanent smug grin. His eyes, while bright, are only lazily opened when not in the shadow afforded by his helm; causing him to appear to be either casually, judgingly, leering through bright light or ready to nod off into a sloth induced slumber depending on interpretation.
While not overtly large, his nose is triangle in general appearance and otherwise angular yet also not sharp or otherwise pointy.
His eyebrows are thick and full, connected by a bridge of very fine hairs that are equally sparse, and would be otherwise over looked if not for the general lack of color in his skin, the briging of hair is, however, to sparse and fin to every be confused with a true unibrow.
His hair, seldom pampered, has grown to a generous lengths in the front, his bangs easily long enough to obscure his face if allowed while his hair is kept shout enough that it’s pointless to brush; he chooses to have long bangs so that they are not apt to shift into his field of vision when pulled back beneath his helm. When wearing his helm his bangs are combed back over his head and loosely tied with a thin strip of blue cloth, making a short and thin pony tail at the back of his head, the tail of hair is not long enough to escape his helm even if it not under a cowl of rings.[/sblock]
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