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Jemal's Prisoners


[sblock=initiative]Valak: 14
Eoghan: 8
Xing'dao: 8
Bandits: 7
Quill: 6
Mei-Ying: 5
Celes: 4

Valak sees the leader on the opposite side of the pile, engaged with Celes, and decides to turn his frustrations on the nearest bandit instead, though his luck is not so good as the bandit manages to block or avoid his attacks.
Eoghan successfully returns himself from the brink of death to a much safer position, while Xing-dao strikes one of the wolves as it lunges, and then activates his own healing magic, not quite as potent, but enough to keep him alive.. for now.

The remaining Bandits continue their blood-thirsty assault. (Xing 1 hit 18 dmg, Valak 1 hit 22 damage, Eoghan 2 hits, total 31 damage) as do 5 Worgs (xing 1 hit, Valak 2 hits, Eoghan 1 hit).
The Leader and the other 2 Worgs growl menacingly as they leap at Celes (1 hit from the Leader 20 damage, 1 from a worg, 9 damage[failed confirmation for crit though]).

Quill's Tentacles, which had been SPECTACULARILY Unsuccsesful up to this point, finally manage to get a grip on the badguys, entrapping all 3 of the remaining bandits and 4 worgs, though the Leader and other 3 worgs are still free. In the mean-time, he blasts away at the bandits and worgs with deadly magic. Two of the Bandits drop, as do 2 of the worgs.

Mei-Ying Refocuses, trying to decide if its worth using more magic or if they can succeed without her expending more resources.

Seeing her path to her allies cut off by these three, Celes works quickly to dispatch the leader so she can get to Eoghans aid, Finishing off the leader with three well placed Sword thrusts before bashing one worg on the side of the head (16 damage worg, leader dead)

[sblock=Current Situation]
1 grappled bandit, 3 grappled Worgs, 2 free Worgs(In melee with Celes).[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC] sorry bout the delay mid-combat, I tried to finish it before my trip, but. *sigh* meh, sorry.
ALso, pLease guys, remember to include any numbers in your posts so I don't have to keep rechecking the Rogues Gallery.
BTW, RE: the Evards.. Even with the shaping, shouldn't they still be affecting your fellows, b/c the tentacles are 10' long, even though there are 5' holes where the PC's are standing?

Autumn : Also, unfortunately, Celes couldn't get next to Eoghan before the attacks were made, and as the worgs and Leader both attacked her and are between her and them, it would provoke Two AoO's to get there for next turn. Also, she sees that all the other badguys still alive are grappled. As such, I had you full atack. If you'd like me to change it, post such and I will.[/sblock]

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First Post
Mei-ying nodded on seeing the leader fall. Victory at this point was likely a given. Still, it would be remiss not to try to minimize the remaining foe's ability to fight.

Her long, agile fingers looped and described strange shapes in the air before her as she chanted words that didn't quite fit the ears.

There was a bright flash from between her hands, and something like a silver comet shot out, trailing a tail of slowly falling sparkles. It arced over the trapped wolves and burst, showering the wolves and bandit with blinding fragments of shining light.

(Glitterdusting to get as many baddies as possible without getting a PC)


It's basically a cluster of people in the tentacles. Assume you can reach anybody but the two worgs fighting Celes without moving. Attacking the ones near Celes would require you to move into the not-safe area of the tentacle field.[/sblock]


First Post
With the tides of battle turning swiftly in their favor, Celes lets her defensive priorities fall by the wayside and presses her attack on the two worgs.

"You're beaten," she yells out to the surviving bandits. "Submit!"

[sblock=OOC]HP 137/166

Full Attack on the worgs, going first for the one she injured last turn.

+2 Flaming Adamantine Longsword +20/+15/+10, damage 2d6+11, +1d6 fire, crit 19-20/x2
and +3 Heavy Steel Shield of Bashing +19, damage 2d6+6, crit 20/x2

Obviously if there are no surviving bandits by her turn then she'll skip the yelling. ;)[/sblock]


First Post
Content that the battle seems well in hand Quill continues to soar over the battlefield trying to conserve as much of his arcane power as possible.

Finally within range of his companions Quill contacts them telepathically "Hi Chums did you miss my soothing telepathic patter."

"Well we seem to have the battle in hand! which is nice as I'd rather not find out the hard way who I'm soul-bonded too. Oh and of course I'd hate for any of my new friends to perish. (Especially if I go with them)"

"Also I should probably mention to you all that it would be a bad idea to move around with the 'black tentacles of painful death' waving around. Luckily for you I'm a master in manipulating my own magic so I was able to create spaces within the spell where you're currently standing. Otherwise you'd be being crushed by the tentacles as well."

"Anywho Chums just wanted to say Huzzah. So Huzzah!!!!!"

"Toodle Pip"

[sblock=OOC: ]Quill is delaying his action so that he begins next round at the top of the initiative order.

Black Tentacles
I had a look over the Black Tentacles spell and it only effects those who are caught within it's area of effect and not those outside of it. So Quills companions should be fine as long as they don't move around.[/sblock]
AC 13, HP's 47/47. Extended Alterself(Wing Elf) 2 hours duration.


First Post
[sblock=OOC Jemal]Jemal, how much damage does the worgs do to Xing'dao, Valak and Eoghan? You posted that they hit them but you didn't post how much damage.[/sblock]


First Post
AC: 10; HP: 64/110

With new wounds opening and more enemies falling, Eoghan attempts to press his attack to any enemy he can reach without being affected by these tentacles.

[sblock=Actions]If he can make them with a 5' Step, then Full Attack. +20/15/10 1d6+7; If only one attack then he will do that. If he cannot reach anyone, full defense.

First Attack of 38, Damage of 12; Second Attack of 19; Damage of 12; Third Attack is a Natural 1. If they are the ones being currently grappled, then they are flat-footed and he gets 3d6 of Sneak Attack, so The first is 8 and the Second is 9.[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc previous round]
Whoops, my bad..
Worg attacks from prev. round: Xing 1 hit, 12 dmg. Valak 2 hits, 21 dmg. Eoghan 1 hit, 9 dmg.
Apply your DR if you have it.
Also, sorry but just for expediency I'm NPCing Xing and Valak for this round.
Valak: 14
Eoghan: 8
Xing'dao: 8
Bandits: 7
Quill: 6
Mei-Ying: 5
Celes: 4

Valak attacks one of the grappled Worgs nearby him, killing it.
Eoghan turns to the entrapped bandit and bashes him into a nice little lump of meat (dead).
Xing'dao turns to the two free worgs and dropkicks one in the side, injuring but not killing it (16 dmg). The enraged beast turns, snarling, and snaps onto his leg as he retracts it, yanking him off his feet. (12 damage and it Trips you.). The other worg continues snapping innefectually at Celes, and one of the trapped Worgs manages to break free. If gives a howl and starts running. The other two glance around, and then begin backing away growling. (If you do not attack them, they will be fleeing next round and combat is over.)
Quills tentacles continue squeezing the life out of the still-trapped beast(6 damage) as he flies overhead.
*I'll allow Celes and Mei-Ying to hold off their actions if they desire, as the Wolves are obviously done fighting if you let them flee, and all the bandits are dead. If any of you wish to continue attacking, please state so.*

I'm going to remind about this at the start of each fight... To anybody who ISN'T doing it, Please include AC & HP in all combat posts, and use Invisiblecastle for your attack/damage rolls. From now on, If your AC isn't in your post, I will assume they hit you on anything but a natural 1. if HP isn't included, the first time you take damage your character will fall unconscoius. If you don't roll, I'll roll for you at -5 on everything. These start next combat.
Sorry if it seems harsh, but I AM running multiple games on here, and the less I have to look up the more I want to keep DMing. In other words, it helps keep me sane.


First Post
Panting heavily and covered in his own blood, he looks down at the corpse of the raider at his feet. He stands there for a few moments before lifting his head and looking around, "Let them run 'way."

He looks around at the other prisoners around him and nods his head appreciatively. "Seems we didn't quite make it t' the trees, but we fared 'right."

Voidrunner's Codex

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