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Jemal's Prisoners

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(mew...I recall a post where Raven said he was having trouble posting or something... Might make this game tricky, since we're all speaking different languages.)


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Valak watches the rest of the group interacting with one-another; Eoghan's plight in particular. Seeing the once proud knight humbled after battle rings a very distant chord within, bringing with it vivid memories of courage, honour and valour; deeds of Valak's long forgotten past. With an audible growl he supresses his thoughts as he strides to stand above the fallen paladin, "You have chosen your path as I once chose mine. Never look back." he says matter-of-factly, his voice resonating deeply, maybe even a touch of sympathy evident.

His glowing eyes linger on the crumpled form of Eoghan for a moment, leaving the rest of you unsure whether Valak has more to say to the broken man, but no more is said. Upon hearing Xing'dao's sneer, Valak moves to stand beside the tall Necromancer, his huge form dwarfing that of the wizard. "You should reserve your judgement, wizard", the last word spat with contempt, "For I was once like he is now". Turning his head he indicates toward Eoghan, "He will be like one of us. A kindred spirit. His path is chosen already, it's just a matter of walking it, which, like it or not, he shall do for the rest of his days, though once he tastes true power the burden he carries will quickly be forgotten..." He finishes, lapsing into silence once more.


First Post
"I don't believe we knew of a city," Mei-Ying says in her strange language (assuming that Quill at least translates for us, if not for the newcomer :)). "Will you be showing us the way?"


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Eoghan stands stoically and looks at the immensely tall man Valak. He lowers his head solemnly before looking up to the black knight's face, "There's just no goin' back. What's done canno' be undone." Closing his lips tightly, his thick beard wet with his tears and blood, Eoghan just stands there as Valak walks away.

"I deserve this fate."


[sblock=language]So I was just checking the sheets, and apparently everybody but Mei-Ying and the newcommer speaks European, and Mei-Ying, Xing'dao, Quill, and the newcomer all speak Asian. Strange, I thought the language barrier had been more problematic than that at start. For simplicity, however, since Lord Raven is apparently gone for a little while, I'm going to NPC him as telepathically translating for everybody, including the new guy. *With the exception of personal matters, such as the convo re: Eoghan*[/sblock]

"Ah, so You did not know of the city?" The man grins, pointedly keeping his gaze away from Eoghan "But you were heading directly towards it. I would think that at least ONE of you knew we were there, which begs the question of who... and HOW?"

He looks around at each of you, before finally shrugging "It matters little. The council will decide whether you are allowed in or not. That is, if you wish to accompany me there and make a pettition."
He stops then, as Mei-Ying makes her introduction, and his body goes stiff. "I see, my lady. Be warned that few here have much love for the Jade Empire or its throne, myself included." He then turns to Celes, his smile returning "Dear lady, though I do not recognize the name of your order, I can sense the nobleness pouring off you.. such a contrast to this dreary place is most welcome. Will you and your companions be joining me on my return trip, or shall I depart and let you come to your own terms in this place?"

Sense motive checks.. (Info is cumulative) you can take 10.
DC 5 gives that he doesn't understand European
DC 10 gives that he doesn't like Mei-Ying.
DC 18 gives that he doesn't seem unnerved by the Telepathic communication, as though he's used to it.
I see your character sheet's been edited in the last month. I prefer it if people ask me for permission before editing their characters once gameplay has begun, what did you change?[/sblock]
Last edited:


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Mei-Ying shrugs. "Then they'll find little to object to in me. I have been banished by the Emperor's decree. Whatever my heritage is, I'm no friend of the Throne's. In time, they will regret their actions."

She looks at the others and opines, "I suggest we go with this man. It will go easier on us if we have a native introduce us."


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[sblock=Jemal]Well I think I did ask before doing it actually, heh. That was the level she gained from the last fight.[/sblock]

Celes doesn't find it as easy as the stranger does to avoid the sight of Eoghan's distress, though for the sake of his pride she does her best. Still, she is unable to avoid casting sympathetic glances his way.

Distracted as she is, though, she breaks into a smile of pleasure at the stranger's compliment as it's translated and nods her recognition to him.

"I agree," she concurs with Mei-Ying. "He seems trustworthy, and we would be fools to turn away aid in this place. I'd have us accompany him."


Fair enough, was just curious. I have a bad memory.

He bows deeply to the two women. "My Apologies, Mei-Ying, if I seemed untowards. As I stated, learning that someone is, or even WAS associated with that.. bastard... is unsettling in the least. I expect many would react similarily until they realize you have no love for the empire either."

"If the two of you are willing to come, then I would surmise your companions HAVE to accompany you, else take the chance that something should happen to snap the soulbond and end your lives."
He grins "Not that I would let anything happen to two lovelies such as yourselves, but I am not all-powerful, and this is a dangerous place. Not to mention that those bandits will be... ill tempered when they discover what happened here. It would be in ALL of your best interests to get away from here."

If there are no objections, I'll post sometime tommorow you guys heading out.


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After receiving the translation and hearing Celes' crips European words, Eoghan shoulders his simple sword and steps forward toward the two women and the odd man. He lowers his head respectfully, "I am ready."

Voidrunner's Codex

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