John Macs Work Thread ( art work archive )09th July update

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First Post
Very nice!

Do you have any licensing policy associated with these?

My point is that can I use any of these images non-commercially on a web-site? Crediting you of course!


First Post
thank you for the kind response everyone


thanks and im not sure i will have to check that up a bit before i can give you solid answer. the star wars work is based on lucas art property, i own nothing to it, its the same in fact with all star wars work,its at the grace of Lucas Arts and lucas Creative properties. Ill Pm you once i can get a better picture of things once i talk to a few people.

Hand of Evil

thank you and thanks for taking the time to post.


thanks, i dont operate with a website, werid perhaps but i have had no need for one till now, im thinking of one for the start of next year to hold my newer "phase" but that depends on work load and time ( and i do need to take some time off this christmas as well)

still i can email you if you like or Pm me and we can take it from there. Im glad you like the work and took the time to post.


thanks and a general email has been sent, feel free to email me back and we can see what we can do.

To give this post some meaning bar response here are some more images.

this is a semi speed paint i did a while back 2.jpg

this is a wip for a christmas theme on my more favourite Star wars universe, it about a third done im afraid. i hope i will have the time to finish it before the day. wip .jpg

also another speed paint

well i hope that you guys and gals like the show

take care and all the best this holiday season.

J Mac
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great work.

Im kicking around the idea of getting my campaign world published and thats the artwork style that I like. I'm looking for more fantasy themed stuff like a traditional tolkein type world but I have specific places and people that I would need done. If you can email me at so if it comes to take off as planned I can use you for some illustrations.
Great work btw,

John, I wasn't able to find an email address for you, but I'm interested in having you illustrate a cover and possibly some interiors for E.N. Publishing's campaign saga War of the Burning Sky. Could you email me at please?

If you're interested about the project, there's more information here (the same link as in my sig).


First Post
thanks for the replies , emails are being sent to those who asked and thanks for the interest.


thanks, the email is on its way, its my direct account , look forward to hearing from you.


thanks glad you droped by


Sounds fun, love the tolkein idea ( both books and films, books perhaps more since its left to ones own mind but each have there merits for the mediums) email on its way.

here is a piece i did up lastnight in some freetime ( at long last)


this second one is a idea in the early stages, started on more as a study but i like the idea of the characters interacting and the whole set up more and more.


j mac
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