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Journals of the Five: A Forgotten Realms Tale


First Post
Spoke too Soon of Queen of Evil

Misha has arrived with his journal in hand...

Misha’s Journal #11

10th day of the Drawing Down

I had a dream… I am not sure if it was the liquor, the emotions of my wedding, or if I am just realizing that I have been wed to Vallia. I dreamt of Ellyn last night, though not by my own will. It was a pleasant dream, I can say that, but I did not expect to see Ellyn there. I was a man, the man I used to be, and there was happiness, a brief shining happiness. But I did not feel whole, and there was something not quite right with the dream. I love Vallia I know that, but I am not sure what such a dream could mean, especially after my wedding. It only makes this journey to Amn all the more, unbearable.

That morning was slow, and even I felt lazy, and languid. Elven guards were knocking on the door; both Karanaj and Aliya were already up and being herded along the hallway by the guards. I felt it a bit odd myself, but I must say that I was not feeling altogether well. Or at least I was not thinking as clearly as I could have been. I wondered aloud where Gruush could be as the elves ushered us down the hallway, I had yet to see a sign of him or Nym.

It was then that the guards turned on us, and violently struck down Aliya with a single slash. Thain had tipped his hand, as another guard tried to run me through, luckily I was quicker then he ever thought I could be and I evaded the slash. I moved quickly on Aliya’s attacker as the rest of the “elven guards” turned on us. Vallia turned on one of her attackers but… he was much too skilled for her and took advantage of an opening and ran her through, I wanted to scream but my opponent continued to slash at me. I evaded as best as I could, and fared better then the rest of my comrades, but the situation looked bleak. They had used the surprise to their advantage and were making short work of my companions.

I remember an overwhelming fear welling up in my stomach, these warriors were skilled, even more so then myself, I wager. Both my love and Aliya were down and most likely dying. It was not a good moment for us, I contemplated running… to gather strength and retaliate. I told Karanaj this mentally, I feel ashamed that I thought such words. I nearly turned to go, when I saw the Queen and her guards arrive and aid us in the battle. I coughed on my blood and turned my attention to Thain’s assassins and I launched myself once more into the fray. I called upon the strength of Corellon to guide my hand. I was heedless of my own injuries as I fought for the honor of the elves, my Queen, and my love. Each slash I withstood only fueled my fire of determination, I must live, but I will not live as a coward. Death is more preferable to such utter cowardice.

I was close to death when the guards helped us put the assassins down. I quickly moved to heal Gruush as both Aliya and Vallia had been brought back to consciousness with potions of healing. I turned to the Queen and apologized for I knew that we could not stay to assist in cleaning up the mess. Vallia administered healing to me, as I turned to go. I do not enjoy having to kill my people, Thain, has gone much too far. I can already see that I will have to face Thain; for the good of these elves, they need a strong and just leader. Thain will die, and it will be my hand that brings him his destruction, I will have the leadership of these elves… But for the moment I could only focus on leaving the village quickly, I mounted my horse and rode quickly out of the town. I took a final glance at the village, for I know I shall not return here, for quite some time if ever. I was saddened, for much of my life has been changed in that village, a village that has no name…

But I digress, we moved quickly through the countryside, I galloped hard, for it was easy enough to assume that Thain would have his men out looking for us along the roads. The journey through the woods was for the most part quiet, as I collected my thoughts; the dream… the ambush… and the future all weighed heavily on my mind. I thought of my wife as well, for she means everything to me. But I have many tough choices ahead.

Vallia and myself, we are both leaders by nature, she has the cultured and calm leadership of noble birth, and I… I can assume that my skills are much rougher and less refined then hers. I play very few games of tact and diplomacy unless it suits a need; I am a leader of example. I am afraid that we are destined to be as much rivals, as we are man and wife, for we both have our visions of the future. Compromise may be our only saving grace. And I am not good at compromising… not all.

The afternoon passed in silence, until the woods became rough and nearly impassable. I decided that this was as good as any time to take a moment to rest, eat, and gather our bearings. Nym searched for extra food while I inspected the landscape; thankfully my love brought with her a large bounty of apples. Such a wonderful and loving wife she is, well so far at least. She still thinks of my words as little more then frivolous notions but that is another story.

I found a small trail and lead the group along its winding path. It was not well traveled, but it sufficed until we came a thin natural rock bridge. I did not like its look and wanted to turn back, but the rest wanted to press on without our horses. I still believe it would not have been a difficult matter to find another trail, or blaze our own. But the others were adamant and dismounted and began to cross the perilous land bridge. The fools, but if they do not trust my judgment, then I can only assume they get whatever comes to them. I decided to cross last and was about light the brush afire to deter our followers when I noticed after trying to call to my comrades that I was alone. They had simply disappeared, or more precise had fallen into the gaping hole beneath the natural stone bridge.

I couldn’t help but laugh at their predicament; sometimes I do love being correct. If only to show that Vallia should listen to me every now and then. I find she tends to act and only marginally pay heed to the wisdom and words I do have. I did not have long to mull over my thoughts before something snatched my by my leg and tossed me into the hole as well. I feel into a spongy substance, which cushioned much of my fall. I heard sounds of fighting and followed the sounds through darkened caverns to find Aliya, Vallia, and Karanaj at least well if not somewhat frazzled from battling some giant spiders. Did I mention I really hate bugs?

I admit I might have gloated somewhat at our predicament and made some choice comments about how following my idea may have fared better. I could not help it; I do love getting the better of my wife, if only to show that maybe once in her life she might trust my judgment. Just once, that is all I ask; I understand I am just a street rat, and not nobility but there are times when she might want to listen to what I have to say. But being a princess born and bred, I am sure she is used to being obeyed without question. Too bad for her.

We stumbled around those caverns for some time before we met up once more with Nym and Gruush. Then we pushed onwards and I believe I fell down a hole into a large webbed cavern with a giant spider and many smaller scuttling spiders. As fearsome as they sounded we made short work of them and pressed on. I admire Aliya’s magical talents, even if she does tend to defend Vallia over much for something as little and as simple as gloating. We snatched some treasure from the webs and then made haste out of the caverns. We crossed the gully at least and were safe on the opposite side of the of the natural bridge. For that I am thankful, though I do miss that horse, it was a such a good steed. But I digress; we continued on and camped not too long after our escape from the spidery pits. Vallia was upset with me that much was obvious and she said very little to me. Aliya did all the talking, and I can see her opinion of me as well is about the same as Vallia’s. I do not care, Vallia will see that I am not upset with her, and if she does not she will learn. I love her, but I will not change, not again, I have changed enough in these intervening months. I hate that I make her feel this way, but sometimes one must see that they must grow to trust and rely on another.

She snubbed my words, without any consideration. It is painful, and I am sorry Vallia, but for now this is for the best. Aliya may not see it, but her manner is irrelevant to me, the only person who matters is Vallia. Vallia I love you, but I will not allow you to control my life… I have other pressing concerns then such familial squabbles… the schism has begun and I know that I must face Thain… for the Queen… my people… and for my wife…

-Misha “Burning Rose” Koldun

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First Post
Next Journal on the way

Hmm things take a turn for the worse... for our hero... and sadly much of it brought upon himself... do'oh


First Post
Misha's Journal #12: A sad Tale of Loss

Misha's Journal #12

30th of Deepwinter, 1373 DR

Happiness is a fleeting dream that I know now I will never have. It is not my place to know happiness, only the cold unrelenting grip of pain. I have lost Ellyn, and I fear I have lost Vallia as well. Perhaps it is for the best, for her, for maybe all I do is bring her pain. She has been cursed with a love for me that will never die, and that curse has brought her nothing but pain. Tears can do little to show the pain I suffer, for it pales to what Vallia has been placed through.

We are in Amn now, after a month of gratingly silent travel, she has been like a ghost. Perhaps my words wounded her more so then I ever could imagine. I was happy to be in Athkatla, back in Amn on home turf. Or so I thought, but the ghosts of the past, haunt me everywhere I look. I was swamped with the images of my youth, and the troubled dreams of Ellyn… I had thought it was but a passing dream, but the closer we came to Amn, the more intense they became.

I did what I could to try and lift Vallia’s spirit, but she was listless and I had grown weary of her manner. She would not talk to me, she would not listen to me, and perhaps at the time I wondered if she still loved me. Gruush left as we soon entered the Waft to visit his brother monks, while the rest of us entered the Waft. I decided that perhaps we should seek rest at the Silent Siren, where our adventures began, I might add. Unfortunately it was there that my string of bad luck would begin.

A large oaf, Adka, sadly I knew him all too well in my youth decided that my Vallia would be the perfect prize for him to take home. Of course I had to intervene, at first I tried to lighten the mood by buying a round of drinks, hoping that this would not need to come to blows. Not that I wasn’t prepared to do so, mind you, but I am trying to keep bloodshed to a minimum. I told him, I was Burning Rose, to which he retorted that Burning Rose was dead. A somewhat true statement, though I will reiterate I am very much alive. But the Burning Rose he knew is very much gone. Adka of course felt the need to press the issue and I nearly moved to gut him where he stood when I heard the familiar voice of my past… Vandal.

I whirled and came face to face with him, his face swathed in cloth, his clothes dark, he emanated power. The Shadow Thieves had been good to Vandal, much too good. His demeanor had not changed, not that I expected it to. But of course as old friends we exchanged pleasantries although, at the time I doubt he knew who I was, since last we parted I was a man and not an elf. He took us into his custody and led us towards a safe house, all as I had expected, until he took Vallia and Aliya to a different location. That, I did not expect and it was then I wondered what game Vandal could be playing. I will not deny that I was on edge as were the rest of my allies. I was surprised to see Gruush though, since he had parted company, but it seems Vandal’s eyes are everywhere.

He brought us into an interior chamber and it was only then that he revealed his face; it was ebon-black, yet it was Vandal. I did not understand what change could have taken hold in Vandal’s heart. But I feared, correctly that negotiations would not go as I had planned. It was then that Vandal asked how it was that I became an elf. I must admit I tried to stall why I thought of a convenient excuse to keep Vallia and Aliya safe and yet satisfy his curiosity. Vandal as always saw through my attempt but he at least gave the illusion that my story satisfied his whims. Vandal had definitely risen through the ranks of the Shadow Thieves; he of course had the stomach and the ambition to do what had to be done. He asked me then of Ellyn and I felt as if slapped, I had been trying to keep her from my mind, to stay focused on the task at hand. I told Vandal that she had passed on; I was surprised by his words;

“I am sorry, I did not know. I always thought... if you two parted, you would return to us.”

At the time I was not sure what he meant by that, but knowing what I do now, I can see just how far he had fallen. Yet everything he has done, he has done out of a twisted form of friendship. But I stayed the course and moved the conversation to the Sword and the Jewel, if only to keep my thoughts on the moment and not of the past. I told him I wanted information on where to find the Sword, and that I knew where the Jewel was but I could not get to it without the Sword. I tried to appeal to his sense of greed, but perhaps I sorely underestimated just far Vandal had fallen. In the end, my attempts were futile, it seems that both Aliya and Vallia were to be handed over to an elven lord, Thain. It seems that him and Vandal were “old” friends, immediately I knew that this would only get worse. I knew what Vandal intended, and in that instant, the last vestige of friendship in my heart burned away replaced by hatred. Vandal had fallen far, and his only salvation was death. I could not sway his mind and in the end he threw us out on the street, and spared us for the sake of our friendship.

I was unsure of what to do as we wandered the streets until I thought of the place where Ellyn and I often stayed. I thought quickly got my bearings and then rushed through the streets, the rest of my allies followed as I raced through the streets, snatching an apple from a fruit stand on the way. I slowed my run to a walk as I came closer to the decrepit building that I had once called home. It had not changed much, even the bums and vagrants seemed familiar, and I could almost see Ellyn outside tending to our clothes on the line. A brief smile came to my face as I continued on wrapped in the comforting throes of nostalgia.

I had Karanaj use his spell of “Bull’s Strength” upon us before we entered, an act of prudence in case we would have to fight, an extra ounce of strength can always help I say. We then entered my old home; the interior was the same as it had always been. I smiled briefly before listening to the first door; I could not make out much and simply opened the door and entered. Two men playing cards looked at me in surprised and demanded what I wanted. I leveled my blade at them and whispered for them to be silent. They confirmed my suspicions that the Shadow Thieves used this place as a safe house. I smiled and had them go to their knees before the woman who would turn my world upside down entered the room. She entered the room from an adjacent back room, and was a slim haunting beauty. She was the spitting image of Ellyn, her only distinguishing feature being her crimson red hair. But the eyes… they reminded me of Ellyn’s eyes.

I remember uttering her name, lost in a moment of pure remembrance. I had to shake off the thoughts and focus on the task at hand. I had Nym and Gruush bind the two men, and I assured them that neither would come to harm if they complied. I turned to the half-elven woman again mesmerized by her uncanny resemblance to Ellyn; it was then that I heard Vandal’s voice echoing through the room. I turned to the hallway but saw nothing but his voice continued, taunting me, laughing at my predictability. I told him that I would not leave Athkatla without Vallia and he replied;

“So it is the wildcat ...who has taken Ellyn's place. How many must you lose before you cease replacing them?”

The words stung me bitterly, like nothing else in this world. I wondered for a brief moment if the words were true… if I had tried to replace Ellyn with Vallia. Even now, I do not know, for the similarities are there. Vallia is very much like Ellyn, more so then I care to realize. I love them both, but I could not live with myself if I have chosen Vallia simply as a reminder of Ellyn…

Vandal’s voice trailed off as the half-elven girl, I would come to know as Noriya spoke up, asking if I knew Ellyn. I told her I knew her well, to which she seemed confused. Ellyn had never mentioned an elf, in turn I told her I was a man then, a man by the name of Misha Koldun. She seemed surprised but elated and then told me something I never expected to hear. Ellyn was with child before she died, and perhaps she had given birth before she passed. There are no words to express the rush of pain, anger and torment I felt in those brief moments as the words ripped through my frame. I fear I lost myself for a moment, trying to cope with a thousand thoughts at once. In the end, I resorted to anger, and claimed that I had no child and that all I wanted was Vallia. She was angry and ran to her room, I followed of course and kicked in her door. To find nothing, the room was empty. Thankfully after a brief search Nym found a trap door in the floor leading into the sewers.

We went down into the sewers and followed Nym, he has a talent for tracking and scouting which served us well in the sewers. We moved quickly until four rogues, pawns of the Shadow Thieves, blocked our path. I was in no mood to parley, when they spoke I answered with a vicious swing of my blade cutting into the rogue with two terrible slashes. The rest of my allies moved to engage the rogues, the melee quick and bloody neither side neither asking nor giving any quarter. I must admit I was angry and relished the chance to shed blood if only to abate my anger and pain. The battle seemed to be well in hand until I was hit in the back with magic-missiles, I truly loathe that spell. A mage was some distance away behind us and assaulted me with reckless abandon. I took my opponents head and turned to rush towards the mage my blade in hand, thankfully my boots granted me quick speed and allowed me to cover the distance rather easily. I dropped to my knees and drew my long bow and aimed waiting for the mage to cast his spells once more. I launched a flurry of arrows, but to no avail, I could not disrupt his concentration as he casted. In the end his magic knocked me senseless. If it were not for the quick actions of Karanaj then I fear I may have lost my life once more. Once the cool liquid of the potion went down my throat, I stood once more and began to heal the others with the wand Karanaj had given me.

We pressed on after the checking the bodies, I was still feeling the fires of rage, but maintained my focus. The group still needed a levelheaded leader, if we were to find Vallia and Aliya, alive. We came to the end of the sewer line, there was a ladder that leads to a manhole cover, and I took a moment to listen before going up. The street was dirty and fairly unsavory, it smelled of my youth and I was on familiar turf once more. I took a moment to get my bearings when I saw the flash of red hair down the road. I rushed quickly after and caught Noriya quite easily. I grabbed her and drug her into an alley and then pushed her against a wall, needless to say I was not happy with the way things had gone over the course of the day.

We exchanged vicious little words, and I nearly lost my temper with her. But thankfully Karanaj intervened and I was able to collect my thoughts and words and convince Noriya of my good intentions despite myself. She told me what I had begun to suspect, that Vandal killed Ellyn, my hatred towards has only intensified. She led us to a dirty seedy tavern, a place where Vandal usually keeps women, for what purpose I do not know, but I am sure it is more foul then good. The place was as much as I expected it to be, dirty and unsavory and filled with characters that would best be left alone in the darkness. Noriya took to fawning over me, showering me with “mock” affection. I have to say I rather enjoyed the attention. I had Nym go upstairs at Noriya’s request while the rest of us waited down below.

I am not sure what compelled me, but I thanked Noriya for her help, to which she simply kissed me. Not an act, but a kiss, she smiled at me, and I felt as if once more Ellyn was in my arms. I felt as if Ellyn was at my side once more, and a strange feeling of calm and peace fell over me, an old feeling I had not felt in some time. I became distracted focusing on Ellyn… I mean Noriya… I don’t know… but at some point I remember stepping outside and thanking Noriya for her kindness despite my actions. She smiled at me as I placed my hands on her hips, and then I kissed her. I kissed my Ellyn deeply, though even if she called herself Noriya, she felt so much like my Ellyn. I lost myself in her eyes, and her lips. If it had not been for Nym, I would have lost much more to her. Nym had returned under the cloak of invisibility along with Vallia in his arms. I was shocked and I remembered then my vows to Vallia, my marriage, and my love for her. I felt a wash of shame. I had little time to ponder my actions as the rest of my allies gathered around me, Noriya leading us to a place we could use as shelter and rest.

Nym placed Vallia on the bed and the spell dissipated, they had beaten her badly, for as Aliya said, she would not stop fighting. I seethed, but I knew that was my Vallia, my wife, she was like me, she would never give up. Never, and I knew then why I loved Vallia and only Vallia. She was not a replacement, but my soul mate. I used my divine magic to heal Vallia and then I kissed her lips lightly as she uttered my name. I could only smile, and I knew then that I would have to let Ellyn go, and keep only Vallia in my heart.

I bade Aliya watch over her and turned to I could speak with Noriya once more. I had much to make amends for, but sadly the words did not come. Only more kisses, more washes of memory, more pain… I did not want to lose Ellyn again, but I knew in my heart that she was not Ellyn. She was only a painful reminder of a past I cannot reclaim. All I can do is hope that I can find my child, which is my one hope to make good on the faults of my past. I led her outside and finally during the midst of another kiss I told her, that I could not, for in my lust I wanted Noriya, but in my heart… my love… my soul… was only for Vallia. Noriya left me then… I did not wish to see her go… but it was for the best.

I returned to Vallia amidst glares from both Karanaj and Aliya, I tried to dismiss them as best as I could. But I understood that I had shamed myself in their eyes, I had failed as a husband, and my only course was to make amends. Aliya and Karanaj left me then alone with Vallia. I told her that I felt her sister had assumptions about me, and that I did not like her. Vallia then said;

“My sister is not one to make assumptions. She deals in facts. What were you doing outside?”

I broke then, I could not lie to her, and I told her the truth, I held nothing back. She turned away from me; I tried to comfort her with a kiss but she would have none of it. I had failed, and all I had left to give was my love and my honest words. She bade me to go and I asked her if she still loved, her words barely escaped her lips tortured… but she said yes. I felt a deeper shame them, for she had no choice in her love, if she could she would hate me I am sure; for I am truly a bastard. I took off my ring in that moment and placed it on the dresser and looked to Vallia and told her goodbye. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I do not know if she will ever accept me again, I am a horrible despicable man, and happiness is perhaps the one thing I shall never hold dear. Like butterfly it will wilt under my care, best to let it be and only watch… but never hold. For I am not worthy of it, and I doubt I ever shall be.

Aliya found me some time later, but her words only served to drive me deeper into the depths of my despair and anger. She considered me the fool to tell Vallia the truth, she called me foolish, and I can see that if she could, she would drive Vallia from me. She asked why I told her, all I had to give is that I shall not have a marriage based on lies. Even silence, is but a pitiful lie and I will not do that too Vallia. Even if she must live in pain, to hide such a greater sin, and I will not persist in deceit. Misha Koldun is not a coward. I will continue my quest, I will find a way in this life or the next to make amends for my actions this night. Vallia may never accept me again, but I am prepared, for I shall never love another. Vallia Koldun is my one true love, never will I know the love of another, for my heart belongs to her. The ghosts of my past, have been laid to rest. Now I must make good on my words; Vandal and Thain both will die, I will retrieve the Sword (alone if I must), and I will support my Queen in all things. Ultimately I wish to have my Vallia, but if not, I will see to it, to make this world a place fitting for her people… for our people… I am not sure how.. but I will try… the Champion of Corellon has much to atone for… if it takes an eternity I will not falter. I am sorry Vallia, I truly am… one day I hope I can make amends for this transgression…

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First Post
Vallia’s Journal
30th day of Deepwinter, 1373 DR

It has been a long journey back to Athkatla. I had no desire to return to Amn, for I believe there are memories there best forgotten. But the Shadow Thieves were our only lead on the sword, and I was loath to voice my objections, fearing they would sound too much like fear of the past. Things between Misha and myself have been strained, and I have to say that I have spoken to him only when necessary over the last month. I do not wish to chastise him for being himself, and yet, I question his wisdom in speaking his mind so plainly. He will never become the ruler he wishes to be until he learns that things are not always black and white, and that absolute honesty can be as cruel as deception.

As we entered the city, perhaps Misha sensed my apprehension, for he tried once again to communicate with me mentally, asking "What is on your mind?" I did not answer and after a pause, he commented "You don't talk to me anymore... I wonder if this is the norm for Elven marriages...” I did not reply again, and it is not out of malice or anger. I simply don’t know what to say to him anymore. We have never spoken clearly; in truth, he seems content in not discussing anything at all. Although, I must admit that I have not tried as hard as I could to make my feelings clear.

Gruush left us at this point, wishing to visit his monastery. I thought it premature when we had no place to stay, but said nothing. The weather here is harsh, and much colder than I am accustomed to. As always, Karanaj noticed my discomfort, and quickly pulled an extra cloak from his things, wrapping it around me. I smiled my thanks as we moved through the snow covered streets towards the Waft, and the welcoming glow of the Silent Siren.

As we entered, I immediately felt something was amiss. The common room was filled to capacity with large burly men laughing and talking loudly, but it all seemed forced somehow. Misha did not appear to notice anything out of the ordinary, and walked to the bar quickly. Nym arranged for rooms as Misha bought a round for the room, obviously trying to ease the tension. I could feel eyes on me, and turned just as a huge tree trunk of a man stepped forward, putting his arm around me. He named himself Adka, and although he was an oaf, I had no wish to draw any more attention to us, so I tolerated his advances. Misha, however, did not take so kindly to them, and Nym and Karanaj quickly moved to back him up, though Aliya tempered Kara’s mood with a quick touch, and a slight shake of her head.

Misha tried to intimidate the big man, but he clearly had no respect for ‘little elfs’ as he called us. Misha named himself ‘Burning Rose’, which I did not believe to be wise, but I held my tongue. The men scoffed at him, claiming that Burning Rose was dead; true enough, I fear. Misha’s ardent defense of me was sweet, if misguided, and I have to admit that I was secretly pleased at his anger. He is coy with his emotions, and I have never been sure of him. Sometimes I feel as though I am means to an end, a path to wealth and royalty. At other times, I feel as though I am but a poor substitute for what he has lost, and I am not sure if it is possible to compete with a ghost…..Ellyn….

Even as Misha argued with Adka, he railed at me mentally, saying "I do not enjoy silence from you... it is like a festering wound...and again silence..." He paused a moment, as he exchanged taunts with the large man, then continued with "I am going to kill him..."I really detest that Adka..."

I became alarmed and attempted to calm him, saying "Patience Misha.", to which he replied "I have patience...I am more annoyed at your silence then anything else... you have not talked to me in weeks...What, you do not love me anymore? Is our marriage... our bond that short lived?"

I was frustrated and angry that THIS of all times was when he chose to discuss the matter, and I cut him off with "Is this the time to discuss this?"

He quickly responded with "You did not answer me... I love you... but you act as if you do not..."

I thought the words immediately, before I considered what I was saying "Sometimes, I wish I didn't. It would be easier." My answer was silence, as the men around rose, apparently sensing danger as Misha continued to threaten Adka. They surrounded us, and I knew with a sinking heart that we could not hope to fight them all.

Misha drew his sword, and I was ready for the fight when a voice sounded from behind Misha, saying "You certainly bluster as Burning Rose did." Misha turned, and I could see in his eyes that he recognized the man who had spoken, something I was not sure was a good thing. The crowd parted in respect for this man, who was wrapped from head to toe in a cloak, as he continued "Burning Rose always was a fool."

Misha turned, flicking his beads... "and you knew Burning Rose?"

"I did." the man replied.

"And you are?" Misha asked.

The man smiled under the shadow of his hood "I have many names. I would advise you lower your weapon. You are well covered, and I have allies other than those you see."
Misha looked thoughtful "One of those names wouldn't happen to be Vandal, would it>" he asked as he lowered his blade to the floor. Karanaj and Nym lowered their swords as well.

The man chuckled. "Perhaps you did know Burning Rose after all."

Misha pointed the tip of the blade to the floor. "I did not seek a fight here... and yes I did know.. him... somewhat well... he taught me much before... he died..."

The cloaked man gestured, and my skin prickled as I heard the sound of crossbow bolts clicking into place echoing around the room. "We have been waiting for you."

Misha looked surprised, even as my heart sank. "Waiting?"

The man ignored him, ordering "Sheathe your weapons, and come with us. You will not be harmed."

Misha and the others sheathed their blades, as Karanaj said "And you know how to show your good intentions."

The man glanced at Karanaj dismissively. "I show nothing. You are in no position. Foolish it was of you to come here."

Misha looked grim "We had no alternative. Lead us then..." as he nodded to the figure.

The man laughed. "There is always a choice.....Burning Rose would have said."

Misha replied "Of course there is always a choice...and fighting our way might be possible... though I suppose only someone such as Burning Rose may have a chance at such an endeavor...but I think we may be able to come to an understanding..." Even as Misha said that, I was not so sure. I am afraid that his confidence and frank naivete will get us all killed.

The man seemed impatient with Misha now. "There is no understanding. You will come with us, or you will die. That is your choice."

Misha shrugged "Then I guess we go for now, that is my choice. Death is not high on my list of things to do today."

The man nodded, and two men move to each person's side, taking hold of their arms. "Just a precaution, you see."

Misha snarled "Of course." as Nym frowned unhappily. "Shall we?"

Adka took my arm, although more gently than I had expected and smiled widely at Misha as he pulled me out the door.

I saw Misha grit his teeth, but he kept his temper as I lost sight of him.

The thieves shoved me quickly through the streets, entering a building that seemed to be a warehouse, until a false box was moved, opening a door into a spacious living space. I entered, and the men left, although there were several women in the room. Scantily clad, they appeared to be slaves, and they kept trying to force me to change my clothes. Aliya was brought in a few moments later, and I became concerned at being separated from the others. I shouted questions at the thugs, but I was ignored as Aliya was shoved to my side, and we were left alone. The women persisted in pressing their shameful attire upon us, and finally I lost my temper, drawing my sword and making my point very clear…..and sharp.

Several men entered, at least ten, and I had a sinking feeling as I saw an elf among them, an elf who looked far too pleased to see us. He spoke “So, princesses, we meet at last. I must admit you have led me a merry chase, but Lord Thain will be pleased in the morning when he arrives to find you here, and those meddlesome friends of yours dead.”

I grew angry then, and I heard Aliya chanting next to me as I rose, sword in hand, launching myself at the elf. I heard a distant explosion as I fought, and knew Aliya was doing what she could, although I scarcely hoped it would be enough. I felt blows rain down upon me from all sides; there were just too many, but I would not stop fighting…..

To my surprise, Misha chose this moment to continue our earlier conversation, asking "Well then... is that how you feel? This was all a mistake... then... if it is so tell me..."

I told him quickly "Misha, I do not have the time to discuss this now. "I am...otherwise occupied."

And I was just able to comprehend his reply of "Fine." as the room around me went black.

I do not remember much of the time following that, vague voices, I think once Misha called to me, but I could not answer. I felt myself being moved and carried numerous times, and I think Aliya was with me as well. They poured some foul liquid down my throat, and I slept for a time, but the pain followed me even in my dreams. I dreamt over and over of Misha’s death at the hands of these men, and my rage built inside me, with no release.

My next rational thought came as I felt healing energies flow through me, and the first words out of my mouth were “Misha?”
It hurt to speak, and I could tell that my entire body had taken the brunt of a very nasty beating. I shudder to think how I must have appeared, for I am sure that my face was blue and swollen.

He kissed my lips lightly... "I am here, my love."

Relief flowed through me, and my next thought was of my sister and I asked "Aliya?"

I opened my eyes just a little to see Nym standing by my side, smiling, even as Misha stood... and turned away, saying... "I am glad you are back with us...Aliya, could you tend to her?"

I persisted in asking "Is Aliya well?" but I felt something seize my heart in my chest as I saw Misha turn to an unfamiliar half-elven woman as he stepped out of the room. She glanced at me and followed quietly, and I felt as though I might die.

Karanaj laid a hand gently on my arm, saying "She is well." even as I could support myself no longer and laid back against the pillow, in shock. Karanaj pulled up a chair and sat next to me, cleaning my wounds carefully and gently. I have never felt so lost and alone as I did in that moment, crazy with wondering what was happening outside that room, and thinking that perhaps I had managed to drive Misha away forever. I looked up at Karanaj, and smiled sadly, remarking "He hates me....."

Karanaj shook his head, "He loves you."

"With all his soul" Nym added.

"Then where has he gone?" I almost wailed at them.

Nym shrugged as Karanaj replied uncertainly "He... he has gone to deal with his past. And to sulk over not being able to keep you from being taken..."

That sounded like my Misha, and I could not help but feel a little warmth inside as I said "I could not stop it, nor could he."

Karanaj chuckled "And you know that wouldn't upset either of you any less."

I quickly became sad again, as I noted "I know if he was injured I would not leave his side.”

Karanaj sighed, "I know that too."

I believe all this talk had made Nym somewhat uncomfortable as he excused himself with "Glad to have you and Aliya back, Vallia. I'll see you in the morning. I'm going to get some rest."

"Thank you for your help Nym. I will not forget it." I said as he stepped quietly from the room.

Karanaj, looking sad, tried to change the subject with "Are you hungry?"

Forgetting myself, I smiled, and then winced at the pain "I'm starving."

"Alright. Well, this might be very useful, then” Karanaj said as he pulled out the rod, and concentrated as it glowed with power. In a flash everyone in the room had food and drink sitting before them, and my bruises felt considerably better, and I was almost refreshed. Karanaj smiled and helped me sit up to eat, as Gruush grabbed some food and sat in the corner to rest and meditate.
Aliya, Karanaj, and I all ate as though we had not eaten in some time, which, come to think of it, we had not. After we had finished, Aliya helped me out of my armor, and washed my face, brushing my hair for me as she used to when we were only girls.

Karanaj was just asking if I was comfortable when Misha re-entered the room, saying "I have reconciled my past."

Karanaj quickly kissed my forehead, saying "Good night, dear sister."

Misha glanced to Aliya... "You glower all you like." and I noted to my surprise she did look angry. I bade Kara good night, as he and Aliya left, and Misha said after her “but I love your sister... and I know that truly now." Misha closed the door behind them, saying “I do not like her.”

I did not like this, but wanting to be sure I had heard him correctly, I asked "Do not like whom?"

He quickly replied, scowling "Your sister, she makes assumptions about me.. and knows nothing of me." He sat beside me with a sigh. "But I am glad you are safe... I nearly turned this whole city upside down looking for you."

I thought this over carefully, not wanting to let him change the subject, wondering what Aliya knew that I did not. "My sister is not one to make assumptions. She deals in facts."

"What facts?" Misha asked, looking somewhat uncomfortable.

I drew a deep breath and asked “What were you doing outside?"

Misha seemed not to hear the question as he continued "That I kissed that Noriya... that she taunted me with visions of Ellyn. I will admit it... there was a passion there... a ghostly phantom of what I once had." I turned away, not able to bear hearing anymore. It was as if all my fears had come to pass. I truly hate Amn. He turned my face back to him saying "I chose love over lust." as he kissed my lips "for in all this world... you are my love... now and forever."

I was revolted by this and pushed him away. "Do not kiss me with lips that taste like her."

Misha stood, looking angry and hurt. "I gave you the truth. I love you... I knew you deserved as much."

I turned away, not wanting him to see the tears gathering in my eyes, as I said "Leave me."

Misha replied quietly "No."

I whispered "Yes."

Misha said, ashamed... "Tell me then one thing... do you still love me?"

I could not bear it, and yet the word came out anyway, barely audible "Yes."

"I am sorry Vallia... a thousand times... sorry." He sounded sincere, and yet, it was too soon, the feeling too raw, and I refused to let him see me cry.

"Then go." I almost begged.

He was silent for a moment, then said "I will go... I am sorry...I will not wear this again... until you feel me worthy of your love..." I heard a light sound, as he must have placed the ring on the table. "Goodbye” I heard only a whisper, and then the door closing, and I cried as I had never cried before, my heart breaking. I had told Aliya the events as they transpired, and I was not surprised to hear a faint knocking at my door.

Karanaj whispered "Vallia?" I heard the door open, and then felt a touch on my shoulder. I wiped my face quickly, turning, hoping against hope that is was Misha, but Karanaj said quietly “It's just me, Vallia...." as he wiped at the tears I missed very gently.
I sat up, turning and hugging him tightly, for in all the world, there was no one else I would rather have had at that moment than Karanaj, my brother, truly my best friend. I cried in his arms, for how long I could not say, then as the tears subsided, I asked him the question that had been ringing in my head.

"You knew...."

Karanaj sighed "I knew... yes. I wanted to tell you, but I saw how hurt you were, and I couldn't bring myself to say anything.”

"That is why Aliya looks the way she does." I stated.

Karanaj nodded. "I know. She shows anger, and I, compassion. It still burns me up to see him do this to you, but I know that you love him no matter what."

I shook my head against his shoulder "I don't know, Kara.....Sometimes I think it would be better to never see him again."

Karanaj sighed again, "Sometimes I would agree with you."

I said "I think the loneliness of being without him would be better than the pain of being with him."

I felt a wetness on my cheek as Karanaj let a few tears fall. "That... I can't tell you." he said.

I reached up and wiped them away. "I cannot talk to him anymore, Kara."

Karanaj attempted to smile, but still looked very sad. "All I can say... he doesn't deserve you."

I smiled, a twisted smile of bitterness. "I don't deserve him."

"You never deserve what he does to you." Karanaj agreed. "You are much better than that."

His ardor brought a smile to my face. "Thank you Kara, you are a good friend, and my sister is very lucky."

"I wish you had been so lucky as well." Karanaj replied.

The words stabbed deep. "I thought I had."

Karanaj stared into my eyes, "I will make sure you are always happy... with or without him." and beamed a reassuring smile at me.

I could not help but smile back, saying "I will be fine." and I grimaced as a twinge of pain flashed through my face at the smile.

He kissed my forehead, "I will stay until you fall asleep."

I nodded, knowing he was true to his word and settled myself into the covers, and closing my eyes. I fell asleep very quickly. When I awoke, it was still dark, and Misha was nowhere to be found. I realized quickly that he had taken me literally, at my word, and would not return. I feel numb as I write this by dim candlelight, knowing that I have driven him away, and knowing that he was never mine to begin with. I will not use his name any longer, but my former name is also not my own. For now, I shall simply be Vallia, and take what comfort I can find in that, as cold as it may be. I cannot compete with a ghost, and I refuse to. His heart will never truly be mine, and perhaps his absence is the best thing. But why does it have to hurt so badly……………..



First Post
all caught up...

31st day of Deepwinter, 1373 DR

Time marches onward endlessly, it does not stop… it does not falter… it is eternal and stays the course. Even when I wish it would slow to a halt to allow me a moment’s respite, it will not. For time is ever moving, it continues onward without mercy, without thought, and I am slave to its whim. It is comforting thought though that I shall live much longer then I have any right to do so, but that shall be as much a boon as it is a curse. Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself, my thoughts are jumbled, for much has happened in the last day to give me pause.

I had left the haven, at Vallia’s request and I must admit my heart broke into a thousand pieces at leaving her side. But she needed time to heal, and perhaps at the time it was for the best. But as things go, time would not let me sit idle, as Nym came upon me while I stood and watched the city of Athkatla from the rooftops. The sight was breathtaking, but bittersweet, I could see that I could never return here as Misha Koldun. I had noticed him but I had yet to turn myself from the sight of the skyline as he continued to speak to me. He seemed an earnest friend, and even called me the future king, and spoke of duty. A duty that I had believed would carry him through, but perhaps allegiance to an ideal when faced the reality of things was too much for him. But I am getting ahead of myself…

Nym and I went into the night to fetch a drink and perhaps soothe my fevered mind. I was quite angry, with myself, with Noriya, and Amn. Perhaps if we had never come here, none of this would have happened, but one cannot control the winds of fate, and I must not run… for running is what began this mess. Thoughts were rushing through my mind as took a sip of the deep ale, Nym did not have the stomach for it, and I must admit, the ale was a bit strong for my elven frame. Sometimes I forget, how different elves are from humans, and how much we are alike.

We had not been in the tavern long when Noriya entered along with four thugs. I was somewhat surprised to see her, and yet in a way it was fitting. I cannot say I was in the best mood when I approached her and I do not think she appreciated my candor, nor my manner. I was rather short with her and I know now she was trying to help me but at the time, I do not think I wanted her help so much as someone to blame for my idiocy. She was a welcome target till I realized that I had brought much of the pain upon myself, perhaps I should have listened to her, or perhaps not. But I do know I left that place rather quickly; Noriya had said a few words that worried me further. I must have been a fool to think that Vandal or the Guild would simply let us take Vallia and Aliya and expect them to leave us be. Sometimes I surprise myself with how naïve and obscenely optimistic I have become.

I rushed back to the haven only to hear Vandal’s voice… both Nym and I took cover and scanned the scene, but I could not pace the voice. I have strange feeling that Vandal has abilities I may not wish to toy with. Even if I wanted to, just for old time’s sake.

My anger for Vandal had not abated and I only wanted his blood for the part he played in Ellyn’s death. He told me that the Guild does not so easily let go, and that I had been marked for death after my abrupt departure. In trying to spare me he killed Ellyn to get me to join them once more. Instead I disappeared, and he had not the chance to sway with me with his words, nor blackmail me with news of my son. I didn’t understand then, but Vandal in his twisted sense of friendship was trying to help me, all along, a friend that I abandoned. Perhaps if the times had been different, perhaps I would be standing at his side working for the Guild still, but that was not my path. I told him as much, even as he tried to sway me with words of Vallia, my friends, and another child as of yet unborn. I was stunned, but I continued my ardor and in my fury I lashed out at him with my words, filled with venomous bile. I hated him, and I cannot say if that hatred will ever die, even if I understand the choices he had to make… but I remember his last words before he departed into the night;

“Then run no more. I suppose this is goodbye… Living will be a far worse fate than death.”

I must admit at the time… perhaps I thought he spoke of me… but in hindsight, I believe he was speaking of himself. Despite his actions, inside of Vandal is a man who wishes to atone for the evil’s he has done. Perhaps he has begun the steps to such atonement, perhaps he will find the strength to see that this path he has taken is broken. I cannot say, and I will not preach, for each being must choose their own path, and live their life as they see fit. It is only when they overstep such power that I must step in and correct what has gone wrong.

At any rate I rushed towards the haven, Nym in my wake, I had not the time to explain what I knew. That even before we arrived; Vallia, Karanaj, Aliya, and Gruush would be gone. Taken by the Shadow Thieves, though as I learned taken was a misnomer, they were simply placed elsewhere. It was after we arrived at the haven to discover it empty, that Noriya once again appeared. I was still angry with her, but I accepted her help. She related that my Vallia and my allies had been placed on the ethereal realm, after being drugged with a sleeping poison. I seethed, I was angry with myself, I should have never left them alone. I knew the dangers of the Guild, their tenacity, and I left them… weak and defenseless. She told me that when Thain arrived, they would be recalled, a standard operating procedure of the Shadow Thieves. Alas, it was then that Thain, made his presence known. As I said before, this past day has been trying indeed.

I whirled and drew my blade, and knew that this night, only one of us would survive this encounter, and as I sit here writing this, one can guess whom the victor was. Nym and I moved quickly our blade flashing in the night as we faced Thain’s guards as he hung back smiling, what a fool, and how much the better that he is dead now. I ducked low as the elven warrior engaged me, as our dance began.

Thain continued to watch as both Nym and I dueled the guards with a fury, the clash of our blades in the night creating sparks as we fought with a righteous fury. Nym brought down his attacker first as I turned my attention to Thain. My life’s blood running down my face and arms, but all I could feel was the growing fury as I looked into his cold eyes. I slashed into him with a fury ripping into his armor drawing blood. He did not appreciate my show of greeting and retaliated with a powerful attack. His blade nearly ending my life, I faltered. Luckily I remembered the potions I had on hand and drank one and then flipped away to gather strength placing distance between Thain and myself as I used my divine magic to heal myself. Luckily I was able to keep my distance and heal what I could as Thain harried me, I can say that with my skill in tumbling, I can be quite hard to catch, and even harder to stop. But even with such skill Thain continued to punish me severely as Nym, simply watched.

At that moment in time I did not realize it, but in the moment when his future king needed him most, he abandoned me to my fate. I gritted my teeth and lashed out at Thain with a fury, I had little life left to give but I would not run. One of us that eve would die, thank goodness luck is one of my skills. That and I have friends in surprisingly high or low places dependent upon a given person’s view. Just as Thain rose up to destroy me a flash of shadow glided past me, and in the next instant I saw a blade run Thain through. I stared in astonishment as I used the opportunity to take Thain’s head and then slumped to my knees. I looked for my mysterious companion but he was gone, as if he was one with the shadow… the darkness. I remember Noriya returning to me and healing me with her magic, obviously there was much more to this Noriya then her looks let on. I took what I could of Thain’s gear and then turned to Nym and asked him to follow. But he said he would not;

“I am no longer duty bound. Good-bye.”

The words ripped through me, as if they were a dagger. Perhaps I had been wrong about Nym, or perhaps I had been right all along, but such a betrayal… I am not sure why but it irks me. For if I cannot keep my companions then how can I hope to unite the Elven Nation, I have much to learn before undertake such a responsibility. I have not told Vallia of this, not yet, but I shall deal with this in the utmost subtlety if only to preserve his honor. Perhaps facing Thain, his kin, and an old friend scarred the young elf more so then I shall ever know. I cannot say, for he left me then, and I have not seen much of him since.

Noriya led me to Vandal’s home and recounted to me that it was Vandal that had saved my life. He had been the one to aid me in killing Thain, never a truer friend, or a viler villain. Yet I understand now that he did so out of friendship, all of these years he has protected me. Perhaps as I have said before I will never understand his methods, but I can respect that he has never turned his back on me. Despite how many times I have done so to him. Now I must wonder who the better friend is… She also recounted another matter, that indeed vandal has used her as a plant as I had begun to suspect, she was not my Ellyn’s sister. She was chosen for her resemblance, nothing more. I was angry, but I decided to let the moment pass.

She brought into her home, for her and Vandal shared residence. They were a family of sorts, I could not picture Vandal as a family man, but the truth is set out before me. What transpired next, is strange to me, for I saw my son, Misha. Misha, such a wonderful little boy, curly locks of brown… pudgy face… and the vibrant green eyes of Ellyn. I could have cried, and indeed I was moved. For all that Vandal is, he has kept my son safe, and raised him… I cannot hate such a man that would do such for me, for even in his vile actions he saved a piece of Ellyn. He has kept Misha as his own, and he has done a finer job then I believe I could ever do.

Vandal and I finally spoke face to face, as friends. There was no venom, despite all that had happened, there was only understanding. It was Vandal that told me I had to stop running, and perhaps he was right. I had been running for so long, I did not know how to stop… but I shall run no more… I have too much at stake to continue on as such. Misha Koldun shall run no more. Our words were few, but in the end he told me what I had come to Athkatla for… the location of the Sword. The Sword was in the hands of a Wyrm in the south, Silvara, across the Ice Valley. It will be an arduous journey I am sure, but I was thankful that he had helped us so. We said our goodbyes and I returned to the haven, if only to wait for the morn to come so that I may find someone to aid me in dispelling the magic that kept my love and our companions in the ethereal plane.

Luckily I remembered that Vallia’s temple was located here and I had little trouble finding aid from a spry old priestess by the name of Sister Mariana, she was quite helpful. Even more so when she discovered I was the Prince, and that my wife was Vallia. Royalty has its perks I must say. It was a simple matter to dispel the magic for Sister Mariana, for which I was grateful. All of my companions were returned from the ethereal and I had my Vallia once more.

I will not go into details here, but Vallia and myself had a long talk. We discussed the problems that had been growing between us, Ellyn… my actions… my words… and the fact that now as husband and wife, we must together. For we cannot afford the luxury to be ourselves, we must be paragons. We cannot show weakness, nor fracture. I am not sure how, but I shall strive to show a united front, even if she continues to frown upon my methods. I had nearly forgotten that during our talk I had dropped a letter I had hastily scrawled to Vallia during the night. Vallia noticed it right off and read it as we prepared to tour the market and perhaps partake of breakfast. She kissed me with a smile… and then continued on… dragging me along… I do like it when she is happy… it just makes my life so much easier.

Vallia and I partook of a wonderful morning, and I showed her to Vandal’s abode, so that she could meet my son Misha. Vallia has such a way with children, I can see that our own child will be in good hands. I was reluctant to go, when the time came to leave, my soon is very lucky… and I wish I could stay with him forever… and teach him all I know of this world. But sadly… I know that I must move on… for my quest is nowhere near at an end… It is a sad thing to know that you will outlive your progeny, I will not age in the short time that Misha will grow… even when he dies I will be but a waif of a youth as far the elves are concerned… That saddens me… but I will make it up to him as much as I can. I will make this world a good place for him… I swear…

-Misha Koldun


First Post
Aliya’s Journal
30th day of Deepwinter, 1373 DR

I must admit that I enjoyed the journey to Amn. I have never been there, and I always envied Vallia her freedom to go where she chose. I want to see as much of Faerun as I can, before I am forced to settle down. As time has passed, I find myself thinking of Kalanthor less and less. I have also enjoyed the time that I have gotten to spend with my Karanaj, my husband. We were married so quickly, that we hardly knew each other at all. I have enjoyed learning his little quirks, and I can only hope he has enjoyed learning mine as well. He is genuinely a good person, and he loves all those around him, even Misha. I aspire to be so understanding.....

There is an organization, called the Shadow Thieves, located in Athkatla, and they are our only lead on the sword. It would appear that Misha is familiar with these thieves, but I am not surprised by this. It would seem to me that wherever he lived, if there was a seedier side of the town, he would be intimately familiar with it. Perhaps I do not give him enough credit, but I find it hard to be generous when I see the pain he has brought Vallia. They have barely spoken the entire journey, and Vallia has withdrawn from everyone. I wish I could help her, but I just don’t know how. Neither does Kara, and I can see how sad that makes him.

We entered the city quietly, trying not to draw too much attention. Gruush quickly left us, to visit the ruins of his monastery; I did not consider it wise for us to split up, but as Vallia did not forbid him to go, I said nothing. Winter has hit Amn, and the temperature fell quickly as night began to fall. As always, my Karanaj noticed first that Vallia shivered violently, and was quick to wrap her in an extra cloak. Every day, as I watch the way he interacts with the world and the people around him, I fall in love with him all over again.

We moved quickly to an inn with which the others were familiar, called the Silent Siren. We all blundered inside, too secure in our safety to send someone to scout, first. The common room was packed, and huge, rough-looking men were laughing and talking loudly. My senses immediately prickled, and I looked around quickly, aware that something was not right. A glance at Vallia told me she felt the same, but as she did not turn to leave, I chose to stay as well. The others did not appear to notice anything out of the ordinary. Nym arranged for rooms as Misha bought a round for everyone, trying in his own way to make friends. One of the biggest men I had ever seen decided at this moment to take possession of Vallia, and stepped forward, naming himself Adka when challenged. Vallia did nothing, which I thought was odd. She always was quick to anger. Perhaps she has grown more than I had realized over the course of our time apart. I must take care to remember that we are not children any longer, and she does not need me as she once did.

I waited to see what Vallia would do, aware that it was likely the other men in the room would take Adka’s side against us. Vallia seemed content to weather his affection, but Misha thought otherwise. Nym and my Kara moved to flank him, but I put a restraining hand on my husband’s arm, shaking my head slightly. Vallia is one of the most diplomatic people I know, and if anyone could get us out of this without bloodshed, it would be her.

I almost laughed at Misha’s pathetic attempt to intimidate the huge man, and was interested when he named himself "Burning Rose." That is clearly something I will have to ask Karanaj about later. The men laughed and claimed Burning Rose was dead, and I began to understand a bit more. I would assume that Misha was once a part of this underworld, and that is the name he used. Of course, this knowledge did not raise my estimation of him in the slightest.

As the argument intensified, Vallia looked alarmed, and I could tell by the look of concentration on her face that she was communicating with Misha, and that apparently he was about to do something rash yet again. My fears were well founded as Misha moved forward, and suddenly we were surrounded on all sides by men who were no longer smiling. I sighed, resenting the fact that his quick temper would force me to kill men I need not have to kill. And, I knew that no matter what magic I had at my disposal, it would not be enough to kill them all. I braced myself, ready to cast, as Misha drew his sword.

A commanding voice sounded from the crowd, sarcastically taunting Misha, and I would have laughed had the situation not been so serious. Misha turned, and I could tell that they knew each other. They spoke briefly, and Misha lowered his sword and nodded to the others to do the same. The man gestured, and my skin prickled as I heard the sound of crossbow bolts clicking into place echoing around the room. "We have been waiting for you."

My first reaction to that was "This can’t be good." Misha and the others sheathed their blades, as the man gave us a choice: go with him or die. So we went. The men smiled as they pulled me from Karanaj, gripping my arms tightly. Adka was in front of me with Vallia, and she seemed unperturbed, so I went quietly as well. I was worried, however, that her calm was due to her belief in Misha, a belief I must admit I don’t share. Don’t get me wrong, in other circumstances, I would like Misha very much. We are too much alike for me to do otherwise. If he were not involved with my sister, that is. Men like him bring pain whether they intend to or not, and my heart breaks for Vallia.

We moved quickly through the streets, entering an old warehouse, where a secret entrance was quickly uncovered, and I found myself in a room with Vallia, and what appeared to be female slaves. They apparently thought we were merely new slaves, and kept trying to force us into these clothes that did not cover anything. Vallia lost her temper, and I smiled as she flashed her sword at the women, scattering them. They left us alone after that, glaring at us from the other side of the room.

A dozen men entered, accompanied by an elf. I did not like the look of him, even before he admitted to working for Thain. I was too busy assessing the situation to pay attention to much of the conversation, and as soon as he mentioned killing the others, I began to cast, as Vallia drew her sword, and flew at the elf in a fury. I began slinging magic missiles this way and that, as Vallia hacked about her. We took down five or six, but once several men caught my arms, there was nothing I could do. Vallia would not stop fighting however, and the men finally took to hitting at her with the hilts of the swords, since obviously they were under orders not to kill us. Still, she fought on, and there were only three standing when she finally went down, her face almost unrecognizable for the bruises.

The men took everything from me this time, including my ring, saying that they would keep it safe. Everything we had was placed in a sack, and one man took it as another lifted Vallia, and a third pushed me out of the room. We traveled through the streets of Athkatla, but I was quickly lost. I know that we were in the poor section of town....the way that other races treat each other disgusts me. I feel such pain whenever I see a child living on the streets, but I know in my heart I cannot save them all. We entered what appeared to be a tavern, and were taken upstairs. The men dropped the sack of our belongings, and tied us up, before holding my head and forcing some foul tasting concoction down my throat. As I lost consciousness, I saw them doing the same to Vallia.

I awoke before Vallia did and managed to make my way over to the sack, spilling it on the floor. I was able to get my ring on my finger and speak with Karanaj. I could hear the sounds of music and laughter, and I was pretty sure that a tavern was our location, though I knew that didn’t help much. However, apparently they had been able to track us, and soon Nym appeared out of nowhere, untying us, and picking up Vallia. Knowing we could not just leave this way, I cast an invisibility spell on the two of them, and let them exit, as I slipped down the stairs behind Karanaj. I saw Gruush sitting near the door, and Misha on the other side, with some woman on his lap. I watched in disgust as he kissed her, and only grew more and more angry.

Gruush erred in leaving, and barely made it out with his hide. Karanaj and I followed, to find Misha outside with this woman. We made our way quickly to a house the woman claimed was safe, and Nym laid Vallia on the bed, as I released my spell. She looked worse than I remembered her, and Misha moved quickly to heal her. Her first word was "Misha?" and I felt rage build inside me, knowing that all that had concerned her was his safety, it was why she was so grievously injured, for we were never in danger of losing our lives. She had fought for him, and as he kissed her just as he had kissed this Noriya, it was all I could do not to kill him then and there.

I heard her call my name, asking if I was alright, as Misha moved away, bidding me to care for her as he slipped outside with Noriya. My hands were shaking with anger, but I moved to my sister, though I saw from the look on her face she had seen as well. Karanaj seemed to realize that it would not be wise for me to speak, and tried to comfort Vallia, though she would not be comforted. She blames herself for driving him away, and I almost laughed bitterly at that. She was hurt that he had left her while she was injured, and even Kara could find no excuse for that. Nym quickly became uncomfortable, and I could see in his eyes that he had seen what I had. He excused himself, and left the room.

Karanaj, trying to distract Vallia, asked if she was hungry, and took the opportunity to use the Rod he had found, which provided us all with food, and even healed more of Vallia’s injuries. I had almost forgotten Gruush was in the room, when he took some food, and settled in a corner to meditate. I realized I was starving, and Vallia and Karanaj must have been as well, for soon all the food was gone. I gently helped Vallia remove her armor, and I used a damp cloth to bathe her face and hands, before brushing out her hair as I used to when we were children.

Misha returned, and Karanaj and I quickly said our goodnights and left. I could not keep my feelings from my face, and Misha glanced at me as I exited, saying "You glower all you like, but I love your sister... and I know that truly now." He closed the door behind us, and I heard him say "I do not like her." before Kara and I moved off to our own room. The feeling is mutual.

As I walked, Vallia was querying me about my anger. I did not want to upset her, so I told her it was nothing.

Vallia knows me all too well, though, and knew that I would not be angry without good reason. I felt her pain as the fool told her all about kissing that woman, even as he tried to kiss her. I could feel my lip curl in disgust, even as she cried to me that even his lips tasted different, like her....

She shrieked in my mind "Why won’t he leave me? I can’t bear to look at him." I stopped in the hallway, waiting, knowing that she would need us soon. I could almost hear her crying as she said "But I still love him......" I heard Misha exit, and told Karanaj all that had transpired. He is more compassionate than I am, and closer to Vallia as well. I sent him to her, knowing it to be the best thing. In my anger, I could not stay idle, and I moved after Misha, finally finding him standing in an empty lot, staring at the moon.

I watched him for a moment, then suddenly said. "I do not like you, you know."

Misha did not turn, saying "Someone alert the gods above.. an elf does not like me..."

"If I were you, I would stop trying to push people away." I replied.

I sensed a hint of sadness, of remorse, when he said softly "Pushing people away is what I do best."

"I can see that."' I said, but I don't think he heard me as he continued on.

"That is obvious now... Ellyn... Vandal... Vallia... Kara... you...it is wonder the gods have not turned their back upon me."

"I cannot disagree." I replied, not willing to let my anger go so easily. "You did not have to tell her. We all knew....we chose not to."

Stubbornly, he said "I don't live in lies. That is the path of cowardice...A true king recognizes his weakness, he does not run from it."

I felt very sad for both of them as I said "You might try to spare her pain. She loves you regardless, and she will forgive you this. So why put her through it at all."

"Spare..." Misha mumbled. He turned to look at me then "I do what I think is best. I live by truth..."

I frowned at him. "Sometimes, you are wrong. Truth is not always the answer."

"I know." he softly replied. "I will not live in a web of lies. Misha Koldun is not a coward."

"But he is a fool." I sharply answered.

"A fool for living an honest life?" he asked.

"Hurt her enough, and she will leave you, even if she never stops loving you." I promised him.

Misha looked off. "If she leaves then.. I will never love another..."

Angry that he didn't understand, I was harsher than I might have been, saying "It would be fitting for you, but I do not like that for her. She loves you, and if I could do something about that, I would, but I can't. But you should not have told her about Noriya. It is not a lie to not speak."

He glared at me as I spoke, and responded "To not speak is the greatest lie of all... I am the Corellon's Champion... I lead by example... if I make a mistake I will own up to it and atone...cowardice... and lies are not my way..."

"There is no atonement in love." I snarled

"Then I say you are the fool." he snapped back.

I turned to go as I said "Then I pity Vallia her lifetime of pain. You would do her far better service to leave now."

Misha turned me back to him. "Lifetime of pain? I made a mistake Aliya.. I do not deny it... and if she hates me for telling the truth... then so be it."

I nodded.. "Your presence is salt in a wound."

I would rather her know the truth... and pain then to bind her in lies... and ignorance...You live in a fantasy world where things are good if you do not look upon them..." Misha waved to the slums around us... "This is my palace... this is my realm... this is reality."

I smiled at him sadly "No, I live in a world of shades of gray, not black and white...there are no absolutes, and brutal truth is just that."

"How would you feel if I had told her nothing.. or lied? You knew the truth..." he asked.

""If you had told her nothing....well, we had all already chosen to do the same. So she would not have known. I would have been angry had you lied, but I do not know if I would have told her, even then." I said softly.

Misha turned away from me then "Then maybe I my path is one that I must travel alone then..."

"That is a decision only the two of you can make."

Misha glanced at me over his shoulder... "I do not persist in lies..."

Something in me snapped then, and I said "You do not persist in anything."

He turned then, looking shocked "What? Why did you come here?"

"For my sister." I answered.

"How so?" he asked. "I will not lie to her... I love her too much for that."

"And you believe silence to be a lie?" I queried him.

He sounded certain when he said "Yes."

I nodded, thinking. "I see."

He continued "Silence... i have lived in silence...those men... vandal... There is a time and place for silence....I served with him.. I took that path and I lived in silence... surrounded by wickedness I was not chosen for silence..."

"You must find a balance. Never tip the scales too far any direction." I advised.

He looked so lost at that moment. "This is a time of change... the balance is already tipped..."

I looked him in the eye and said "If there was something between you and the girl, then it would be right to tell her." He looked away from me. "But if it is finished, then there was no need."

"It is finished..." he mumbled.

"Other than easing your conscience and causing her pain." I continued. "That is all you did. It was selfish to tell her."

"Selfish?" he said in disbelief. "Selfish...you are selfish dear sister..."

I was taken aback "I?"

"To maintain a delicate mocking balance you hide things" he said in disgust. "Sweep them away...'

"Tell me, what did telling her accomplish other than easing your mind?" I asked. "I do not hide, but things that are not relevant have no need to be hidden, they just cease to be."

He sounded frustrated then, saying "This from the one who acknowledges a time and place for silence. Nothing ever ceases to be."

"Of course." I said quietly. "Then you still love the girl? Want her?"

"I beleived Ellyn had ceased but she haunts me still." He said musingly. "I love Ellyn... I love Vallia..."

"And until you choose, you will not have either." I told him.

"There is no choice... I love Vallia... but my love for Ellyn will always be in my heart." He replied.

I turned then, walking away from him before I did something rash "Then I pity you both."

"I do not want your pity." he called after me.

"You have it anyway." I said, as I disappeared into the night.

I returned to the house feeling even more frustrated and helpless, and made my way to Vallia's room quietly. Seeing she was asleep, I put a hand on Kara's shoulder and nodded at the door. I noted Misha's ring laying on the table, and I picked it up, placing it in my pocket for safekeeping. Vallia does not need to carry such a reminder of her husband's unfaithfulness. Kara and I made our way to our room. We did not say much, but I held him close to me as I fell asleep in his arms, thankful for the husband Corellon had chosen for me. I can only hope that I am wrong, and that the husband he chose for my sister will one day be the man she already thinks he is. I can only hope.....

--Aliya Umian

Voidrunner's Codex

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