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[June] What are you reading?

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Well, I've just finished the third book in Bernard Cornwell's Grail Quest series, Heretic. And even though I had taken the fourth one, 1356, out of sequence just a short while ago, I think I will take it on again and see if it benefits a great deal (since it is my contention thus far that it stands alone quite well).

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First Post
I started the Name of the Wind from Pat Rothfuss. Not far into it, so cannot comment how good it is but what i really like is, that he made the chapters short and other parts where you can easily stop reading. Nowadays it is really hard to find time to read, so I appreciate that. I don't like stopping in the middle of a page, somewhere in a sentence.


Print: just finished up Methland (depressing!), in the middle of Cornwell's Saxon series.
ebook: still making my way through Return of the King - only now and then when I'm stuck in line somewhere without a book.
audiobook: about halfway through Anathem. Things make a lot more sense the second time through.


After throwing out The Left Hand of God and its sequel, (2/5, ?) I read Roseanna by Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo. (4/5) I'm currently reading its sequel, The Man Who Went Up In Smoke. Really good books. (4/5)
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The Dragons of Babel by Michael Swanwick. I've had this on my shelf since 08; I wish I had gotten around to it sooner. The storyline has me rethinking my opinion on the traditional fantasy fixtures--elves and dwarves--and considering the fact that I can throw out madeup races with unique names and still have a readable story. The tone is fairly gritty; a dwarven-built war dragon crashes in a fey village. Our protagonist, Will, is one of the few who can touch the dragon. Will's halfhuman, and that human blood allows him to touch iron without being burned. So Will becomes a sort of Chosen for the war dragon.

I like Swanwick's style because he has yet to bog himself down with extraneous details about the novel's setting.


I finished "Treason's Harbour" by Patrick O'Brian yesterday, which was very good. The next volume is "Far Side of the World", which I should get to soon. I'm rather enjoying the Aubrey/Maturin series, though they're not the easiest books to read.

I've just started "Blood of the City" by Robin Laws - his second entry in the Pathfinder Tales. I'm actually enjoying these, too - they're definitely game fiction, but they do mostly seem to be on the top edge of the quality scale for game fiction.

Next up is probably "The Long Earth" by Pratchett and Baxter. Unless the next Pathfinder Adventure Path drops through my mailbox first.


David Jose
I'm just about to finish Mark Hodder's third Burton and Swineburne novel "Expedition the the Mountains of the Moon." The series isn't really "spectacular" per se, and I feel like a lot of the action sequences were written in an effort to attract a random Hollywood executive's eye, but I've read through three of them now and the fourth is sitting in my Amazon shopping cart.

"Reamde" has been sitting unfinished on my cellphone for almost a year now. I'm not really sure why I stalled out on that one, but I should start reading that again.

"The Stand" was just moved off the shelf and into my paper back book protector thingy. My girlfriend and I had been talking about what books really stood out in our minds from our highschool years, and so I've been slowly working my way back through my old favorites. It's amazing to me how many pages of those books have concrete memories attached to them as to where I was when I read them and what had been going on in my life.

I also just started re-reading Larry Niven and Steven Barne's "Dream Park" series. I pawned the first book off on my nephew last Christmas after I finished Ready Player One. Now I'm checking to see if it'd be a good fit for my son. If memory serves, I was about his age when I first read them.

[EDIT] Whoa! Looks like a new Dream Park novel came out in 2011?!
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New Publisher
Just finished superfreakonoics. Just started "Jhegaala"by Steven Brust. I just found out I am several books behind....

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