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Khyber Rising: Eberron w/D20 Apocalypse(The Mystery & Horror begins!)


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A dark cave reeking of saurian stench greets you when you finally awake. Its definitely not the Rambling Reptile tavern in the Q’barran town of Dhohn that you were at some….how many days ago?

You struggle to your feet, clad only in the suit you were born in. Your eyes adjust to the dim light & you realize that you are in a cell (as are many others). You grip the door of thte cell to test its strength----it opens easily…..

The world becomes clearer...and...you feel 'different', something isn't right---the torch light finally reveals that---

At present, I am only looking for character concepts.
Character idea creation guidelines:
It would be nice to have a variety of races/genders. LA races will be dealt with using exp penalty. Monster races are fine, just run 'em by me first. I'll even allow one drow IF the concept is 'cool' ;)
Best concepts will get first starting positions.
Party size 6+.
Ability array: 18, 17, 15, 14, 12, 10 prior to racial bonus/penalties
Character level: 3rd
Gold: Per character level though at present you have nothing:)
Mutation Points: 10
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Steve Gorak

Scorpionfolke said:


I'm interested. I was thinking of a Human barbarian warlock, if you accept the complete series. He would have been raised in a far away tribe which was exterminated by [insert custom campaign baddies]. Left to fend for himself, he would eventually have made contact with a fey power that he agreed to serve (hence the warlock).

Alternatively, I could give a dwarf fighter/rogue a shot. As a young dwarf, he left his clan to adventure because of his lack of desire to follow his father's footsteps as a locksmith.

I actually don't know anything about mutations so if you'll have me, I need some help there.




First Post
Hi Scorpionfolke,

I would like to play a forlorn Medusa archer.

Unlike most medusa, Anassa was not very interested in establishing herself in the 'family business*', wrestling for power, eating her sisters, and making her name great. Well, okay, she did want to be famous. And maybe a pretty trinket or three. Picking up her bow, she headed for Sharn (and incidently foiling a sister's plan to eat her), where she at least knew that she could live without being beheaded. While living there, she met up with (two of the other characters), who helped her figure out how to live among non-Medusa. It was rough going, but eventually she got to the point where she could leave her veil at home and not have her hair attempt to poison people who cut her off on the street.

An expedition to Q'barra made sense at the time, with a reward involved (and the arrival in Sharn of a sister who wanted to make sure that when Anassa left the 'family business', she did so permanently), so off they went, made money, and were happily imbibing at the Reptile when things went sour. Now her hair is pissed off, and the rest of her isn't feeling so hot either...

* think a female medusa mafia.

This character requires Savage Species for the Medusa monster class (10 levels, LA +4; unless you have another way of dealing with this).
The feat Narrow Gaze (found in that book) will be required when she gets her gaze attack at higher levels. For now I can pretend to have had the gaze, but lost it due to the strange circumstances she has found herself in).

Assuming the use of Savage Species:

Anassa, Medusa 3
female medusa (monstrous humanoid)
Lawful Neutral

6'0", 130 lbs, snake hair (changes color depending on mood), forked tongue, six fingers on each hand and foot, fair skin tanned by the sun, green eyes.

Str: 17 (+3)
Dex: 18 +2 racial = 20 (+5)
Con: 12 +2 racial=1 14 (+2)
Int: 14 + 2 racial = 16 (+3)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 15 +2 racial = 17 (+3)

Hit Points: 2d8 + Con (17)
BAB +2
Melee +5; snakes +5 melee (1d4+1 damage, poison (DC 13, 1 Str, 2 Str damage)
Ranged +7
AC: 16 (10 + 5 Dex, +1 natural)
Speed: 30 feet.

Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 feet, Scent

Feats: Blindfight (mutation), Point Blank Shot(medusa1), Rapid Shot(medusa1)
(She must take Narrow gaze at 4th level when she gets 3HD)

+8 Bluff (5) +3 Cha
+8 Craft (Bows) (5) +3 Int
+8 Disguise (5) +3 Cha
+3 Knowledge (dungeoneering) (0.5) +3 Int
+2 Listen (Wis) +0 Wis +2 mutation
+10 Move Silently (5) +5 Dex
+1 Profession (Mercenary) (1) +0 Wis
+5 Search (Int) +3 Int +2 mutation
+7 Spot (5) +0 Wis +2 mutation
+5 Use Magic Devide (2.0)(cc) +3 Cha

You can flood your bloodstream with extreme amounts of adrenaline to temporarily boost your Strength or Dexterity.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you can temporarily increase either your Strength or your Dexterity by 1d4+1 points. The increase lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier.

You gain an extra digit on each hand and foot. The extra fingers or toes, although fully functional, do not confer any special benefit, nor do they hinder you in any way.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

You gain a forked tongue like that of a snake. Your new tongue might be a different color and longer than your old one.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

Your are particularly (some might say unnaturally) sensitive to your surroundings.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: You gain a +2 mutation bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. You also gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.

You can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. You can also identify familiar odors the way humans do familiar sights.
MP Cost: 2.
Benefit: You gain the scent special ability. Anassa uses her togue for this.

The color of your hair snakes changes drastically, assuming a hue or texture that is both unnatural and atypical of your species. Your snakes might be a single color, splotched, or patterned in some freakishly unnatural way. Your snakes might gain dynamic pigments that change color based on outside stimuli, such as exposure to ultraviolet light.
MP Cost: 0.
Benefit: None.

Masterwork Composite shortbow Str 20
Masterwork Battleaxe
Masterwork Chain Shirt
Arrows (50)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Bed Roll
Dehydrated Rations (20)
Water Skin

Total Wealth: 2,700 gp
Gold Spent:
Gold Remaining:
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First Post
Steve Gorak said:

I'm interested. I was thinking of a Human barbarian warlock, if you accept the complete series. He would have been raised in a far away tribe which was exterminated by [insert custom campaign baddies]. Left to fend for himself, he would eventually have made contact with a fey power that he agreed to serve (hence the warlock).
Alternatively, I could give a dwarf fighter/rogue a shot. As a young dwarf, he left his clan to adventure because of his lack of desire to follow his father's footsteps as a locksmith.
I actually don't know anything about mutations so if you'll have me, I need some help there.

hey steve, I dont have a problem w/the warlock, though you will have to email me the info

dont worry about the mutations---wotc had the list of 'em that is in the Apocalypse D20 book & I will provide you w/the info as to what the mutations do


First Post
Erudite said:
Hi Scorpionfolke,

I would like to play a forlorn Medusa archer.

Unlike most medusa, Anassa was not very interested in establishing herself in any heirarchy, wrestling for power, and making her name great. Well, okay, she did want to be famous. Picking up her bow, she headed for Sharn, where she at least knew that she could live without being beheaded. While living there, she met up with (two of the other characters), who helped her figure out how to live among non-Medusa. It was rough going, but eventually she got to the point where she could leave her veil at home and not have her hair attempt to poison people who cut her off on the street.

An expedition to Q'barra made sense at the time, with a reward involved, so off they went, made money, and were happily imbibing at the Reptile when things went sour. Now her hair is pissed off, and the rest of her isn't feeling so hot either...

This character requires Savage Species for the Medusa monster class (10 levels, LA +4; unless you have another way of dealing with this).
The feat Narrow Gaze (found in that book) will be required when she gets her gaze attack at higher levels. For now I can pretend to have had the gaze, but lost it due to the strange circumstances she has found herself in).

I have no problem w/the Savage Species book :) ---I'll check it out tonight to see if theres anything i want to change ;)


First Post
Cool. I will make a few tweaks to the concept now and then, in the same post. It is not often that one has the opportunity to play a monstrous class, but then again, Eberron makes it much easier.


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Hmm, this looks intresting, an apocalypse touched campaign definately sounds like something I'm up for. For concept I was thinking something along the lines of a scorned pet of the Efreeti. Either Changeling or drow (depending on how "cool" my concept is :p )

He/she would have turned out a normal individual of his/her species had it not been for it's ancestors unsavory practice of mussing with Ferina manifest zones, unfortunately for them one held in particular regard by fire genie. With the usual grace of the ignorant his/her family attempted trade with the Efreeti and were wiped from Eberron for their impudence. When the dust had setteled there were a number of non-combatants, those children capable of survivng the intense heat and bright light were made into slaves of the Sultan.

Unexpectadly a few survived to become regular house slaves, and later to become ascetics, a quickly debunked fad in the amoral culture of the Efreeti. Forty years under the Sultans service taught the child to be deferential, cunning, and sociable; lastly, it taught him/her to use an opportunity when it came. Such happened when a neighbor noble took offense to the Sultans ever spreading grasp, and caused a civil war within a small portion of Fierna.

Using this opportunity to escape, the slave fled into an open manifest zone on the NE border of Valenar. The founding of a new monk order within it's borders proved espescially difficult within the tradition bound reaches the Elven nation, so ______ has decided to try his/her luck in the refugee towns of Q'Barra. Towards this end ______ is drinking in the Rambling Reptile looking for recruits when...

Multiclass Monk/Swashbuckler, either a drow or a changeling. I'm gonna need filled in on those mutations as well though.


First Post
Masleh said:
Hmm, this looks intresting, an apocalypse touched campaign definately sounds like something I'm up for. For concept I was thinking something along the lines of a scorned pet of the Efreeti. Either Changeling or drow (depending on how "cool" my concept is :p )

He/she would.........<snip> Towards this end ______ is drinking in the Rambling Reptile looking for recruits when...
Multiclass Monk/Swashbuckler, either a drow or a changeling. I'm gonna need filled in on those mutations as well though.

either sounds fine

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