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Knightfall's World of Kulan Campaign Maps (Updated: July 2022)


World of Kulan DM
Just a note to let you all know that I've created a forum for my World of Kulan social group (see sig). I've had a few of my threads moved to that forum, but for now, this thread will remain here. - KF72
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World of Kulan DM
Island of Arek: Redux!

All right, I can't seem to stop changing things in this region. One major change is that I've removed Calrendria from the equation and have replaced it with the Ivory Ports detailed in The Pirate's Guide to Freeport.

I've also fleshed other parts of the island; although, it's not done yet.


The City of Ashen is one of the few free cities on the Island of Arek. It is not as big as Gateway, but it is an important port city in the north for those that prefer not to deal with the vile citizens of Agul. Ashen can be a wild place at night, however, so it is important to tread carefully, especially near the docks.

Gateway is the location for most of Enigma of the Arcanexus. The City of Gateway is one of the key cities on the Island of Arek and is a metropolis. Dark Portal Games posted a free PDF file detailing Gateway, which I still have. However, since my version of Gateway is very close to the equator, a lot of how the land is portrayed will be different. No knights in heavy platemail here.

Work in Progress

Ivory Ports
The Ivory Ports are a loose alliance of city-states on the southeast coast of Arek. These city-states are named Blackburn, Grenato, Pikebridge, Silverus, and Thalburg. The Ivory Ports are detailed in The Pirate's Guide to Freeport, a new sourcebook detailing Freeport. The Ivory Ports have been placed where I originally had Calrendia, a kingdom from Enigma of the Arcanexus adventure. Calrendria no long exists on World of Kulan. There just isn't enough information about that kingdom in Enigma of the Arcanexus.

Another region from the Arekoz campaign setting, this one is vitally important for Enigma of the Arcanexus. Not that I mind, the Empire of Mhul, as it's called in the book, is a great land of bad guys for the heroes to face. I've even thought of a way to tie Enigma of the Arcanexus to Freeport and the idea of the lost Empire of the Serpents. As with Gateway, the land lies in a warm tropical part of the world and will have to be modifed somewhat. All the better to make Mhul more to my liking.

Work in Progress

is both the name of this mountain kingdom and its capital. Tarrend is dominated by dwarves and elves but all the demihuman races are found in this land. Tarrend is often an ally of Gateway but this alliance is not formalized. In truth, Tarrend would like to annex Gateway in order to gain a measure of strength over Mhul.

is another land from the Enigma of the Arcanexusadventure. Like Calrendria, very little is detailed about this kingdom in that adventure; however, until I come up with something to replace it the kingdom will remain a part of the Island of Arek.

Arek Region.JPG
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World of Kulan DM

"The Empire of Swords." "The Sword Imperium." "The Sword Lands." "The Heart of the Imperiumi."

For longer then anyone can remember, the Ragik Peninsula has been the heart of evil on the continent. The Sword Gods, led by the Lord of Darkness, Hiisi, ruled over an empire sworn to spreading its dogma throughout the Lands of Harqual. The Imperiumi used its dark power to conquer more than half of Northern Harqual, an aggression that would span more than a millennium. This conflict with the followers of the North Gods would become known as the Mortals Wars (began -1,500 N.C. *).

NOTE: The conflict between the Sword Gods and North Gods during the same time period was called the Divinity War (began -1,250 N.C. *). In truth, the wars began as one war on Harqual, but the gods left for the Outer Planes when the devestation became too much for the mortal world to handle.

The Sword Emperors were the divine servants of the Sword Gods on the Material Plane. During the empire's Age of Inquistion, the line of Sword Emperors were demigods gifted with immortality by the Lord of Darkness. When the Divinity War ended and Hiisi was banished to Carceri (-252 N.C.), the power of the Sword Emperors was severly reduced. The Imperial House was soon rife with dissent and division. Assassinations became commonplace as the grasping members of the Imperiumi Family fought to claim the title of Emperor.

Despite the inner turmoil, the Empire of Swords was still a strong force for evil. The Mortals Wars continued on throughout Harqual. The Blades of the Emperor, the empire's elite soldiers, refused to give up the territories that they had fought, bled, and died for. The Imperial heirarchy quickly learned to govern without the divine insights of the Emperors. There was still the clerics and blackguards of the remaining Sword Gods.

It was Mussin's clergy that seized control of the religious hierarchy (-250 N.C.); although, the servants of the Lord of Disease couldn't control every aspect of religion in the Sword Imperium. They worked hard to wipe out the followers of Hiisi, which drove the clerics of the Lord of Darkness underground. Many of the followers of the Dark Children also refused to bend a knee to Mussin's clergy even though their deities had fallen in the Divinity War. The followers of Vespin, for example, began to assassinate anyone who they believed were disloyal to the Dark Father.

As time passed, the Mortals War ended (-225 N.C. *) and the Black Wars began (-200 N.C. *). The difference between the two wars was that the Black Wars was a more uncontrolled conflict that raged across the entire continent, reshaping (and/or destroying) what the Sword Imperium had built. Warlords fought over city-states and nameless borders. Destruction became all that humanity could hope for as old enemies renewed old hatreds and old allies betrayed each other.

On the Ragik Peninsula, the various factions of the Imperial House tore apart what was left of the Old Sword Imperium. They divided the region into petty dictatorships and decadent sovereignties. The Sword Emperors became less powerful with each passing decade. In the worst of times, the Sword Lands existed without an emperor or any sort of rule of law. Those with any sort of power simply held on to it through force and mayhem. The Blades of the Emperors tried in vain to hold everything together.

The Black Wars ended in early 448 N.C.; however, the Ragik Peninsula never recovered. The ogre scions and their kin came for humanity the very next year as the First Ogre War took over the continent. Humanity barely hung on and in the Ragik Peninsula, millions died, as the elite sacrificed their followers in order to appease the ogre hordes. (The peninsula has the largest population of half-ogres on the planet as a result.) In 551 N.C., the First Ogre War ended and the region gained it first break from war since the Black Wars began. The poor and helpless either fled the region or banded together while the rich and greedy continued to bicker with each other.

This continued on until the Second Ogre War began (701 N.C.). The peninsula fell into uncontrolled chaos once more, which lasted a decade beyond the end of the war. (The Second Ogre War ended in 717 N.C.)

Then came The Transformation in the Year of the Return (749 N.C.). It was a change that would rock the Ragik Peninsula to its very core.

See next post...
* Years are rough estimates only.

Ragik Peninsula (west).jpg
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Tarsis is a neat little map, but I can see that you did it quite a while ago. You style has vastly improved since you made the Tarsis map.


World of Kulan DM

Before 749 N.C., the Ragik Peninsula was a region in turmoil, yet it was united in a cloak of darkness. Evil ruled the peninsula whether it was wild evil or ordered evil (or somewhere in between).

The Transformation
The Transformation. The event shook the Lands of Harqual. A magical fog/mist engulfed the continent from the Northlands to the Far South. The Transformation was a planar conjunction. It was a mystical rift between worlds. Its cause is still unknown.

What is known is that for an entire week the Lands of Harqual remained cloaked in a haze that hid chaos unleashed. Entire regions of the continent shifted. City-states and towns disappeared into the mists never to be seen again while others were transported to Harqual from other worlds. In some cases, people disappeared screaming but more often, they simply vanished in eerie silence.

Even the continent's geography changed. Entire tracts of land disappeared or transformed entirely. Entire sections of Northlands eastern coast changed overnight. In the southern lands, the Nebral Peninsula, often considered barren outside the forest known as the Merewood, has been energized since The Transformation. The land has come alive, often in frightening ways. Fey are appearing on that peninsula.

The number of changes that occurred have not been cataloged yet. However, one change stands out above the rest. The appearance of the Rilous Mountains (and the Dadran Forest) on the Ragik Peninsula.

The Transformation on the Ragik Peninsula
Before the Transformation, the southern half of the Ragik Peninsula was much like the northern half. A collection of dark forests, rugged hills, and temperamental city-states and domains. Toraa Bagul and The Soreney Domain were the region's powerhouses, such as they were. For over a thousand years, the citizens of these two lands were dominated by their northern neighbors. After the chaos of the Second Ogre War ended, however, the two Imperial provinces began to come into their own.

The ports of Soreney were infamous pirate havens; the ship captains that called those ports home preyed on the city-states of the Sword Gulf Region to the southeast (not shown on map). The city-states of Toraa Bagul, which had been fractured and forgotten by the rest of the peninsula, were trying desperately to unite under a single warlord. If the region had progressed the way it had been unfolding, life would be very different on the peninsula's southern shores.

The Transformation, thankfully, changed everything. Fate intervened.

After the mists lifted, a new mountain range appeared out of the haze. The Ragik Peninsula had always been a rugged place but true mountains were non-existent. The appearance of the Rilous Mountains was a shock for everyone in the region. Half of Toraa Bagul disappeared while almost all of Soreney's communities vanished or were buried under the mountains. The citizens living off the land were the luckiest; most of them were simply displaced into the hills surrounding the new mountain range.

Now, the appearance of the mountains (and the forest to the south) would have been a boon for those left except for the people who already lived there. The land that would become known as the Kingdom of Ahamudia was a country of men, elves, dwarves, and gnomes that had never heard of the Empire of Swords. Therefore, when the Blades of the Emperor came to claim this new territory, the Ahamudians fought back. The short but brutal war that followed saw the rise of Ahamudia, the fall of the Old Sword Lands, and a new alliance that brought about the formation of what is known as the Sword Protectorate on the northwestern coast of the Ragik Peninsula.

That's the simple explanation of what happened.

The detailed version of the events in the region that occurred after The Transformation would be a thread all its own...
Ragik Peninsula (east).jpg
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World of Kulan DM
Levels 1 and 2

Here are two old maps that I did in Campaign Mapper (*) a long time ago. *I'm pretty sure that's the porgram's name. It's been a while. :p

I never got a chance to use The Dungeon but I figured I'd share anyway. ;)

1) I forgot to put the compass on the levels (wouldn't have fit on level one anyway). North can thus be any way you want but the offical north is at the top.

2) On level one, stairs drop (or rise) 3 feet for every single square.
NOTE: The spiral stairs on level one go up and out of the dungeon (one-way stone door at the top, can't be opened from the outside.
On level two, stairs drop (or rise) 5 feet for every single square. The only time this isn't applicable is the stairs coming down from level 1. That is roughly a 100ft drop in height. These stairs are enclosed all the way to the bottom and the door at the bottom is a one-way door (the PCs will have to find the dungeon exit west of the start area).

3) Any raised area without walls around it is basically open to the rest of the cavern. Yes, I know that's probably obvious but you never know.

4) On level one, Each square is equal to 6ft x 6ft. On level two, Each square is equal to 10ft x 10ft.

5) Most ceilings (on level one and building on level two) are 8ft high. On level one, this is variable!

On level two, the cavern is roughly 150ft from the ceiling to the floor.

6) On level two, the two underground rivers spill over waterfalls into the cavern. Both are roughly 30ft off the cavern floor. There isn't anyway to reach them unless the PCs can fly. Where the rivers go is up to you. :)

7) Any PC that falls over the edge of any of the gorges on level two, will drop 300ft to the floor of level three. An anti-magic barrier exists between the levels so PCs CAN'T fly down to level three. The raised stone pillars (page 2) are magically suspended over their gorge. They end a few feet from the cavern floor!

8) Fixed one building so that it actually has a floor instead of a open gorge. Changed staircase going from level one to two, to spiral staircase.


  • Robert's Dungeon L1.pdf
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  • Robert's Dungeon L2.pdf
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  • Dungeon Index.pdf
    9.3 KB · Views: 344
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