• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Knights of the Old Republic - OCC


Karl Green said:
Well if you want to re-do anything you totally can (your attributes, focus, etc) I thought that you might either been a Jedi Negotiator or Healer type, whom had been raise from a young age as a Jedi… I will explain anything you would like...

Looks good. This should be a fun game. I've been doing some reading, and I've got a fairly good idea of the differences between Saga and regular d20 games I'm used to.

I'm not sure about the pilot skill, though, any other suggestions for skills?

As for spending some of that cash, given her focus on preserving life, Talesa would probably invest in a few of the Star Wars equivalent of handcuffs.
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Falkus said:
Looks good. This should be a fun game. I've been doing some reading, and I've got a fairly good idea of the differences between Saga and regular d20 games I'm used to.

I'm not sure about the pilot skill, though, any other suggestions for skills?

Knowledge (life sciences) would be approriate for someone with medical training. There are a few more things on their class list, but the only thing I remember off the top of my head is acrobatics.

Falkus said:
As for spending some of that cash, given her focus on preserving life, Talesa would probably invest in a few of the Star Wars equivalent of handcuffs.

Binder cuffs.

Karl Green

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Spoiler (well rules really) NOTES for both Talesa and Jarec…

Use the Force Skill allows you to do the following…
• Force Trance (DC10) full-round action, fully aware of surround. Each hour in trance you regain hit points equal to your level. If you remain for 4 hours you are fully rested (as if 8 hours of sleep). It is a Swift action to come out of the trance.
• Move Light Objects (DC10) as a Move action, objects up to 5kg within 6 squares (each square is about 1.5 meters). As an attack, Standard action vs. opponents Ref Defense, damage is 1d6
• Search Your Feelings (DC15) Full-round action, give you a basic idea if your action is favorable or not.
• Sense Force (DC automatic, plus)
• Sense Surroundings (DC15) as a Swift action, Use the Force check to ignore the affects of cover or concealment when making a Perception check to detect or observe objects. DC +5 if object under total cover.
• Telepathy (Will Defense if unwilling, willing DC10 + depending on how far away they are) as a Standard action can establish a telepathic link with another creature to exchange a single thought or emotion (“Danger”, “Help”, “Go”, etc)
You can take 10 on Use the Force but you cannot take 20

Spoiler NOTES for Talesa Nell

Force Powers Known: note that Force Powers can only be used once each per encounters, unless 1 of the following happens – (1) combat is over and you have about a minute to rest and you regain the use of all powers. (2) you roll a natural 20 on the Use the Force skill check, you regain all used Force Powers at the end of your turn. (3) you spend a Force Point as a Reaction and immediately regain the use of one of your powers of choice. (4) some unique ability or talent (none for you yet).
• Farseeing – Time: Full-Round, Target: One creature you have meet. Use the Force Check: if you beat their Will defense you sense if they are alive or dead and a vague sense of their immediate surroundings. If you succeed and spend a Force Point you gain a clear picture of where they are as well as others close by.
• Force Disarm – Time: Standard action. Target: One creature within 6 squares and within line of sight. Use the Force Check: vs. creatures Reflex defense +10 (if they are holding the object in two-hands you get a -5 to your roll), if you succeed you the item can drop to the drop or fly to yours hands so long as you have a free hand. If you succeed and spend a Force point you can damage the item.
• Force Stun – Time: Standard action. Target: One creature. Use the Force Check: vs. target’s Will Defense. If meet or beat it, -1 step along the conditional track. For every 5 you beat your targets Will defense by, they move an additional -1 down the conditional track. Special: if you succeed and spend a Force Point the target moves down another -1 on the conditional track.
• Mind Trick – Time: Standard action. Target: one intelligence creature (int 3+) within line of sight and 12 squares. Use the Force Check: if you equal or beat opponents Will Defense, you can chose a number of mind altering affects. Special: if you succeed you can spend a Force Point and improve the targets attitude towards you by 1 step, plus 1 step for every 5 points your skill check succeed by.
• Rebuke – Time: Reaction. Target: One force power directed at you. Use the Force Check: if you equal or exceed the roll of Use the Force against you the power is harmlessed redirect and you suffer no ill affects. If you succeed by 5 or more, you can chose to turn the power back at the creator, who suffers the affect (but if they also have Rebuke they can try and rebuke back, etc)
• Adept Negotiator – make a Persuasion skill roll vs. targets Will Defense (they are +5 if they are higher level then you). If you success, they move down -1 on their conditional track. Can be used on them multiple times. If they reach the end of their track they can not take any hostile actions against you or your allies
• Deflect – as a Reaction (no time) allows you to make a Use the Force skill roll vs. a ranged attack that succeeds in hitting you. Each addition time it is used in a round there is a cumulative -5 to your skill roll. Must be aware of the attack
• Force Persuasion – can Use the Force instead of Persausion skill and you are considered ‘Trained’
• Force Sensitivity – gained for free
• Force Training – you gain 1 + your Wisdom modifier (min 1) in Force Powers each time you take this feat
• Improved Defenses – you get + 1ot all your Defense scores
• Linguist – gain 1 + Intelligence modifier (min 1) in Languages
• Melee Defense – take up to a -5 to your melee attack score and add it to your Reflex Defense for melee combat
• Skill Focus (Use the Force*) – grants you +5 to the skill bonus of one skill
• Strong In the Force – when rolling Force Points you roll D8’s instead of D6’s (if you want to spend a Force Point to improve one D20 roll, you can spend it after you have rolled).
• Weapon Finesse – allows you to use your Dexterity bonus instead of Strength for melee attack rolls with light weapons and lightsabers
• Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber, simple weapons) – gained free for Jedi class
Skills [4]: 2 for your class and 2 for your intelligence. Skills are determined a bit weird – your roll for all Skills is ½ your level (round down) + the skills’ attribute. If you are trained with a skill you get +5 to your roll. If you take the Skill Focus Feat you get +5 to the skill roll (So your Use the Force is 3 + your Charisma Modifier +5 for Trained and +5 for Skill Focus)
• Initiative [DEX] (+9) used to determine your initiative in combat and also when someone tries to Deceive you to catch you flat-footed (aka Bluff from base D20)
• Knowledge [INT] [galactic lore] (+10) basic D20 knowledge skills
• Pilot [DEX] (+9) piloting ships skill
• Use the Force [CHA] (+16) explained above.

Spoiler NOTES for Jarec Noscondra

Force Powers Known: note that Force Powers can only be used once each per encounters, unless 1 of the following happens – (1) combat is over and you have about a minute to rest and you regain the use of all powers. (2) you roll a natural 20 on the Use the Force skill check, you regain all used Force Powers at the end of your turn. (3) you spend a Force Point as a Reaction and immediately regain the use of one of your powers of choice. (4) some unique ability or talent (none for you yet).
• Battle Strike – Time: Swift action. Target: You. Use the Force skill Check: DC15: Gain +1 force bonus on your next attack and deal 1d6 extra damage. DC20: as DC15 but deal 2d6 extra damage. DC25: as DC15 but deal 1d6 extra damage. Special: If you spend a Force Point you deal an additional 2d6 damage on your next attack roll when you use this power.
• Negate Energy – Time: Reaction (but you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed). Target: one attack directed at you that deals energy damage. Use the Force skill Check: If the check equals or exceeds the damage dealt by the energy weapon, the attack is negated and you take you damage. Special: if you succeed your skill you, you can spend a Force Point and regain a number of hit points equal to the damage of the negated attack, up to your maximum hit point score.
• Surge – Time: Swift action. Target: You. Use the Force skill Check: DC10: you gain +10 force bonus to jump checks and your speed increases by 2 squares until the start of your next turn. DC15: you gain +20 force bonus to jump checks and your speed increases by 4 squares until the start of your next turn. DC20: you gain +30 force bonus to jump checks and your speed increases by 6 squares until the start of your next turn. Special: you can spend a Force Point to gain an additional +10 to your Jump checks and 2 additional squares of movement.
Talents [3]:
• Deflect – as a Reaction (no time) allows you to make a Use the Force skill roll vs. a ranged attack that succeeds in hitting you. Each addition time it is used in a round there is a cumulative -5 to your skill roll. Must be aware of the attack
• Lightsaber Defense – grants you +1 to Reflex Defense when you have an activated Lightsaber in your hands
• Tough as Nails – allows you to use Second Wind twice in one day
Feats [7]:
• Armor Proficiency (light, medium) – free for solider class, can you the armor or class bonus to Ref defense.
• Dual Weapon Master I – allows you to wield two weapons and attack twice in one round. Each attack is at -5 to your attack roll with the weapons. Damage is the same for both weapons
• Cleave – as in the base D20, if you drop a foe you can attack an adjacent target that round
• Force Sensitivity – I forgot this one on your Character Sheet, gained it for free.
• Force Training – you gain 1 + your Wisdom modifier (min 1) in Force Powers each time you take this feat
• Power Attack – lower your base attack by up to -5 to gain a +5 to damage
• Skill Focus (Use the Force) – grants you +5 to one skill
• Skill Training (Use the Force) – grants you the Trained bonus (+5) and ability to use the skill fully (many skills have basic uses and advanced uses that you have to be trained with the skill in order to use it)
• Weapon Focus (lightsaber) – as base D20, grants you +1 attack bonus with one weapon. Also allows you to specialize with a lightsaber with a Talent if you want
• Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber, pistol, rifle, simple) – free for soldier class and 1 free when you multiclass to Jedi (lightsaber)
Skills [4]: 3 starting skills for being a soldier +1 for Human and +1 for skill training feat. Skills are determined a bit weird – your roll for all Skills is ½ your level (round down) + the skills’ attribute. If you are trained with a skill you get +5 to your roll. If you take the Skill Focus Feat you get +5 to the skill roll (So your Use the Force is 3 + your Charisma Modifier +5 for Trained and +5 for Skill Focus)
• Acrobatics [DEX] (+10) as base d20, used for Tumbling and Balance checks
• Initiative [DEX] (+10) used to determine your initiative in combat and also when someone tries to Deceive you to catch you flat-footed (aka Bluff from base D20)
• Jump [STR] (+11) how high or far you can jump
• Treat Injury [WIS] (+10) used to treat injured, not only to stabilize but to heal some hit points back and to remove conditional modifiers
• Use the Force [CHA] (+13) explained above

Karl Green

First Post
Falkus said:
Looks good. This should be a fun game. I've been doing some reading, and I've got a fairly good idea of the differences between Saga and regular d20 games I'm used to.

I'm not sure about the pilot skill, though, any other suggestions for skills?

As for spending some of that cash, given her focus on preserving life, Talesa would probably invest in a few of the Star Wars equivalent of handcuffs.

Thats' cool... note that just as a FYI your Skill Choise is - Acrobaits (dex), Endurance (con), Initiative (dex), Knowledge (all, taken individually, int), Perception (wis), Pilot (dex), Use the Force (cha).

Perception would not do you much good, but the others are wide open for you


First Post

Did a small edit on Elan Xandar Renn.... Traded Strong in the Force for Force Boon. More useful for Jedi, it seems :)

Looking forward to starting the game




First Post
Karl Green said:
Thats' cool... note that just as a FYI your Skill Choise is - Acrobaits (dex), Endurance (con), Initiative (dex), Knowledge (all, taken individually, int), Perception (wis), Pilot (dex), Use the Force (cha).

Perception would not do you much good, but the others are wide open for you

It's probably also worth noting that for a Jedi negotiator or healer type, 1st level as Noble (at least) is a pretty good idea; it makes all the social skills (deception, gather information, persuasion) class skills, as well as treat injury and use computer. And as written, you've got the Linguist feat; nobles get it for free. And the noble talents are really better for interpersonal stuff than the Jedi Consular tree.


Thanks for the rules info, I'm definitely going to have to buy a copy of this game once my financial situation stabilizes. I can tell its good already.

What sort of knowledge skills are available?

It's probably also worth noting that for a Jedi negotiator or healer type, 1st level as Noble is a pretty good idea; it makes all the social skills (deception, gather information, persuasion) class skills, as well as treat injury and use computer. And as written, you've got the Linguist feat; nobles get it for free.

That sounds like a good idea. I think I might focus on healing for this character, the group doesn't seem to have a dedicated doctor.


First Post
Falkus said:
Thanks for the rules info, I'm definitely going to have to buy a copy of this game once my financial situation stabilizes. I can tell its good already.

What sort of knowledge skills are available?

bureaucracy: business procedures, legal systems and regulations, and organizaitonal structures
galactic lore: planets, homeworlds, sectors of space, galactic history, and the Force
life sciences: biology, botany, genetics, archaeology, xenobiology, medicine, and forsenics
physical sciences: astronomy, astrogation, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and engineering
social sciences: sociology, psychology, philosophy, theology, and criminology
tactics: techniques and strategies for disposing and manuevering forces in combat
technology: funciton and principle of technological devices, as well as knowledge of cutting edge theories and advancements

Voidrunner's Codex

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