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Knights of the Old Republic: The Last of the Sith(Master Kanas' Group)

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Crash Group:

((Durindal's Force skills...Battlemind: A 25. So, +4 to attacks for the next minute(10 rounds) and costs 8VP. Enhance Dex: 15. A +2 Dex bonus for the same length of time and costs another 3VP. Drops Durindal to 39VP))

The figure did not fire another disk from its gauntlet. Instead, the arm was lowered and there was a quick flash of motion as the metal sword was switched into its main hand. As the weapon was raised up and he was obviously prepared to move straight for you(and it definitely looked sharp, even in the darkness) Durindal could feel the figure drawing the Force into him with such a strength that it was almost visible.

If he said any other words, they were only as unintelligable as the first, and just as dangerous sounding. It was no language either of you recognized, and not exactly a pleasant sounding one, either.

((Durindal's up and then Tate again. Note that he still has not moved from his original position, roughly 8m ahead of you.))

Jedi Group:

The door slid open with a hiss to reveal a small, half-circle shaped room with an open section of glasteel off towards the left side. From your current angle, you couldn't get a good look through it, but next to the window was what looked to be a series of consoles and a few chairs. It looked like a control room of sorts...albiet a small one.

But, as Bud'd had detected, the room was not empty. There were three, all human. Two of them were men, with one sitting at the far end of the room as the console and the other stood on the other side of the room where it rounded off and there looked to be a dataport there. The third, a young woman, also sat at one of the chairs at the consoles. Of the three, only she looked like a native to the planet. The other two had too heavy a build to be native to a world with such lower gravity than the galactic norm.

Upon the opening of the door, unsurprisingly, all three of them spun to look your direction with looks of surprise. Immediately, though, the looks of surprise faded into determined expressions that were at least slightly worrying to look at. The man in the back was going for a blaster pistol at his hip, the woman was reaching for one that was sitting next to her hand on the console...and the other man was reaching for a switch that very well might have been another alarm, as in the past few moments the first one you'd heard had faded away.

((Initiative. Aerek 21. Skyka 20. Aalun 22. Bud'd 10. Sith 3. Order is Aalun, Aerek, Skyka, Bud'd, then the Sith. Actions?))


First Post
Aerek stepped into the room, preparing to engage the man who was drawing his blaster.

"I'd suggest putting those toys away, and keeping your hands away from the consoles." Aerek said.

{Aerek should have Enhance Ability (Str) up}
If he can move and use Total Defense, he does, otherwise he moves and sets up to Fight Defensively, with full Combat Expertise and Deflect (attack & defense) up, but does not attack until someone in his party is attacked. That should put his defense at 30, 32 vs. blaster fire.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Skyka Tarkrak: Human/Female (Force Adept 1/ Jedi Guardian 6)

(Sentarrii) “I strongly recommend the same, traitor,” Skyka replied tartly as she pressed her advantage with the woman, the other two could be stupid enough to get themselves killed but she had answers that Skyka wanted, by igniting her lightsabers and closing the distance fast.

OOC: Skyka’s going, or at least try, to cut that blaster the woman is holding in two if it’s not dropped. She will also use deflect if need be and she had extended defelct.


First Post
Bud'd settles her blaster and aims for the control switch that the male human was reaching for in the hopes of killing the switch before he could activate any alarm or anything else for that matter.

(Forfits movement in the hopes that it'll give her a bonus to hit, then +9/+4, 3d8+2 dam)


First Post
"Stay your hands, each of you!" the gand says flatly as he ignites his lightsaber, aiming the blade at the man reaching for the alarm as he opens himself up to the force, ready to react to blaster bolts fired at him. His priority, however, is to make sure their presence doesn't become a station wide event. If the man continues to attempt to signal, the gand will strike at his hand.


I aim to misbehave
Durindal s'Tarren, Human Jedi Guardian

"Patience, Tate, let's try and resolve this diplomatically," Durindal said quietly to Tate, "Though he is drawing force . . . . feel free to blast him if he attacks again."

Durindal cycled through the languages he knew, trying various "We mean you no harm" 's

OOC: Combat expertise, +5 from attack to Defense, using lightsaber defense. Durindal will strike if attacked (ready action to attack if it appears the enemy will attack).

Lady Shatterstone

First Post
Tate keeps her blasters held at ready with her aim set on the dark figure. "You can bet I will." She replies in a hushed tone to Durindal. Tate keeps quiet while her jedi companion tries his hand at diplomacy.

Crash Group:

There was no response to Durindal's words...or at least, no vocal one. However, the figure did take that time to stop drawing on the the Force...and then charged straight for Durindal.

((Durindal's readied attack triggers first. His attack is an 11. That's a miss. The Force-user's attack against Durindal is an 18, also misses.))

Ready for the attack, Durindal was able to quickly swing his lightsaber across the path that the Force-user was coming at him from. While the attacker had little trouble sidestepping the strike, the sudden attack obviously through him off balance, as his own sword swing went high and well away from Durindal's body. Through the Force, Durindal could feel the rage that was strengthening this attacker...and it wasn't letting up, either.

((Durindal's up, then Tate.))

Jedi Group:

((Skyka's attack against the blaster in the woman's hand is a 30. That hits, and was almost a critical hit. The blaster pistol takes 20 damage. Its destroyed.

Bud'd's first shot at the alarm console is a 28. That hits and the console takes 17 damage. Another object goes boom.

The Sith woman draws a vibrodagger and attacks Skyka...attack is a 6. Misses. The Sith in the back of the room fires his blaster pistol at Bud'd...attack is a 15. Also misses. The last Sith at the console draws his blaster and fires at Aalun...attack is a 7. Yet another miss.))

Skyka was quick to move, her first lightsaber blade easily swinging up and cutting the blaster pistol that was in the Sith woman's hand into two. There was a shower of sparks from the weapon that caused her to jump back into the chair, nearly falling out of it in the process.

A second later, there was another shower of sparks. This one was from the console, though, as Bud'd's well aimed shot perfectly hit the alarm that one of the Sith had been reaching for.

Shock could be seen on all three of the Sith's faces, but they still attempted to react. In front of Skyka, the Sith woman had recovered from the sudden destruction of her blaster, quickly retrieving a small vibrodagger from her belt and jabbing out at Skyka with it. But it was a desperate move, and Skyka was easily able to sidestep the blade.

From the back of the room, the untouched Sith took aim at Bud'd, having seen her well aimed shot at the alarm, and let off a quick shot from his blaster bolt...that went high and hit the bulkhead on the other side of the room. The last of the Sith in the room, obviously still stunned from the destruction of the alarm, scrambled for his own blaster then took a quick shot at the first of the intruders that he caught sight of...which happened to be Aalun. Not that it mattered, as the shot was so wide that it was more likely to hit Master Kanas all the way outside than any of you.

((Actions for round 2?))


I aim to misbehave
Durindal s'Tarren, Human Jedi Guardian VP: 39/50, Def: 23

Durindal released an audible sigh as the stranger attacked again. Shaking his head as he avoided the strike, Durindal commented to Tate, "Alright, I tried . . . let's take him down."

Durindal embraced the force and attacked the stranger fully, though not with anger or aggression . . . disappointment moreso than anything else.

OOC: Full attack: +17/ +12 [+6 Base +5 (3 base +2 enhanced) Dex +1 Focus +1 Pers Wpn +4 Battlemind], Dmg 3d8+0, Crit 18-20/x2 , 5' adjust to assist Tate in flanking. Still using Lightsaber Defense.
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