Knights of the Old Republic - XBox or PC?

Dark Jezter

First Post
Greetings, all. A while back, I played the XBox version of Knights of the Old Republic and was completely and utterly blown away by it. With its great gameplay, an engaging plot, interesting characters, and ability to influence the storyline with your choices, it quickly became one of my favorite CRPGs of all time. As a console RPG, it easily beats the crap out of any Final Fantasy game, and when compared to PC RPGs I place it on the same level as Baldur's Gate II (which is one of my favorite games ever).

Following the release of Revenge of the Sith, my interest in the Star Wars universe was rekindled and I decided to play through the XBox version of KOTOR again using a copy borrowed from my cousin (I also purchased the XBox version of KOTOR 2 and played through it. KOTOR 2, while enjoyable, definately fell short of the original). After playing through KOTOR again I've decided that it's about time I owned my own copy, so should I get the game on PC or XBox? What are the differences between the two versions? Is the gameplay better on PC or console? How about the frame rates and load times?

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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
If you have Xbox Live there is one extra "space port" you can gain access too... This is something that the PC version already has access too.

Besides that it comes down to preference and the power of your PC.

I find gameplay on the PC much easier because of the mouse. Cycling through things on the X-BOX gets tedious.

But that's just my personal preference.


I played the first game on PC. I don't like the combat system. I tell a party member to shot an enemy, party memeber runs right next to the target then starts shooting.


I say PC. While I've only played the XBox version, there were some mild slowdowns in parts. As time goes on and you upgrade your PC, you can enjoy the extra performance. Plus, I don't know, I always tend to prefer PC versions of games when they are available. I agree, the mouse is an awesome gaming tool for games that are designed with it in mind. KOTR and KOTR2 work well on an XBox gamepad but clearly they are "mouse" games and benefit from one enormously.


First Post
The PC (and apparently X-Box live) version included Yavin Station.

The only thing there is a Rodian merchant who pays vastly more for everything than anywhere else, and sells some cool stuff. He even pays 156 credits per racing bond (instead of like 20 elsewhere), and you can win like 140 or so of them on Tatooine. He even sells a couple very powerful lightsaber crystals that fit in the MIDDLE slot and greatly enhance the power of the other crystals (only if you go between finishing the main worlds and going to the "Unknown Panet"). He also keeps getting attacked by thugs that carry some nice gear as well. Finally, he plays Pazaak, and if you beat him like 10 times you apparently get a big discount on everytinhg he sells.

Actually, I thought of another reason to prefer the PC version:

You can patch the pod racing game so you always win.

Yeah, I know, that's cheating. But my goal was to be able to finish the quests that depend upon pod racing, and my eye/hand coordination wasn't good enough to do it legitimately.

Oh -- and the Yavin Station gear is fantastic. So much good stuff there. Not just the lightsabre crystals, but also some swords, excellent armor, droid upgrades, and various implants that kick ass.

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