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[Koboldquest] Delivering the Calzone


Zort's next blow misses the rat in front of him. Two of the rats attack Miki, two at Lok-Nar and one at Target. Only one of them manages to get a bite in at Miki, inflicting minor damage (2 points) as it bites into his shin. Kadan extracts his spear and pokes at the rats but the blow is ineffectual. Lok-Nar smashes one of the rats into pulp, while Nah'l has no luck pinning the nimble rodents. Serk slashes at the rat that bit Miki and kills it. Taden's arrow flies and pierces the stomach of the other rat that had attacked Miki, while the eager Target chomps into the rat that dared attack it.

Combat over

In front of you are a bunch of rat corpses. All three doors in the room now lie open. The hail continues to come down furiously outside.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Lok-Nar looks at the guts hanging from their flail with satisfaction, and then goes to join the others in looking in the doors. The middle one by preferrence.*

Taden will call Target back over to him and then stay close to the majority of the other Kobolds, keeping his bow out and arrows ready just in case. He'll also keep an eye out behind them, nervous as always.


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"We should set a watch before we go back to sleep," mumbles Miki, yawning slightly. "This is no time to be exploring ruins."


Looking into the room the rats came from, Zort thinks he can make out the outline of a chest, just sitting in the center of the room.

The tunnel opposite the entrance just goes straight for a long way, while the one opposite where the rats came through appears to be a room of some sort, but whose contents you can't make out.

Target continues to munch on the rats, while Betsy turns in disgust. Abruptly the cow gets up, jittery, appearing ready to wander off...


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Zort moves cautiously into the room with the chest (Move Silently +8) sword still ready for action. Once he gets to the chest he will search it for traps. (Search +9)

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Irked, Lok-Nar pauses long enough to put a rope around the cow's neck and tie it to something like a large chunk of rock or some kind of protrusion from the wall. That done, they'll go back to see what Zort has found in the chest. Because things in chests are interesting. And shiny.*


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Miki hovers, impatient to get back to sleep, yet half afraid one of his hatchmates will stumble across something else that will attack... and besides there might be something nice in that chest !

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