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Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - OOC


Well, some of these ideas repeat archetypes or roles already covered. Let me know what you think of this one, though:

The Skötkonung family had always been at odds with the lords of Kjuriyo, but it became a serious problem when the animosity became a blood feud over a dispute about some goats. As a result of the unleashed hot tempers, a son of the daimyo died.

A thing was called, and it determined that the Skötkonung had to pay weregild or blood money, but the price asked was too high. Rather than seeing his family outlawed or killed, the Skötkonung patriarch offered himself in servitude to live the rest of his life as a slave, an agreement that satisfied the thing.

Or so everyone believed. Nominally the Skötkonungs are free; however, the whole family still serves the daimyo in secret. Their attitude as ancient enemies of them is a perfect tool to discover conspiracies and find out his enemies; hiding in plain sight, they’ve become the daimyo’s secret tool for dealing in secret with problems that can’t be solved in the open, and so far they’ve proved very useful.

Skötkonung Kjula is one of these secret agents. Posing as a wandering monk, he keeps his eyes and ears open for news that could interest his master, the only one he answers for. Though he’s still young, he’s dealt very effectively with one bothersome rival noble and there’s no doubt his services will be used again in the future.

Edit: Kjula would be a human rogue, multiclassed into monk. Here's the summary; let me know if there's any egregious build flaw. The outlaw's fluff do not quite match Kjula's occupation, but the powers are fit him quite well.

level 1
Human, Rogue
Build: Shadowy Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Cunning Sneak
Rogue: Rogue Weapon Talent
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
Background: Occupation - Infiltrator (+2 to Bluff)
Theme: Outlaw

Str 10, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 12.

Str 10, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 12.

AC: 16 Fort: 12 Reflex: 17 Will: 14
HP: 24 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

Perception +8, Stealth +9, Thievery +9, Acrobatics +9, Athletics +5, Streetwise +6, Bluff +8, Religion +4

Arcana -1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +1, Heal +3, History -1, Insight +3, Intimidate +1, Nature +3

Human: Backstabber
Level 1: Monastic Disciple

Bonus At-Will Power: Piercing Strike
Monastic Disciple: Centered Flurry of Blows
Rogue at-will 1: Deft Strike
Rogue at-will 1: Clever Strike
Rogue encounter 1: Shadow Strike
Rogue daily 1: Spinning Blade Leap
Outlaw starting feature: Surprise strike

Leather Armor, Dagger (2), Shuriken (5), Camouflaged Clothing, Blinding Bomb (level 3)
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First Post
That sounds pretty sweet. It'd also fill a sneaky niche that we're currently lacking.

Also, I might cry if Someone's not in here. The general RP coming from that end of the toobs is awesome and often hilarious.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Agreed. Someone is a fine player I say. Not had the chance to actually play with him, but I've seen him play. Well I'm now playing with him in a L4E game, but has just started.

Cor Azer

First Post
[MENTION=5656]Someone[/MENTION]: Well, you went through the trouble of building the character, I'll have to let you in. Besides, we don't want [MENTION=79628]twilsemail[/MENTION] to cry...


Excellent. I'm still tinkering with the character options, but the bare bones are pretty much what I posted before.

I'll also make a page for him in the l4w wiki, so I can access the character's details when I'm not at home.


First Post
I've been holding off a bit to let [MENTION=6676989]GROMkill[/MENTION] make his pitch for a concept, since he said he is a newer player. I'm willing to wait a bit longer to see how things turn out, but I'll put something together by tomorrow one way or another.

Leading concepts at this stage are ranged controller/striker (Hunter ranger) or melee defender (Fighter or Warden). Still have plenty of secondary concepts bouncing around in my head as well.

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