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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Tuck sees Akos move out of the window, and he smiles his toothy grin. Not wanting to get close to the enemies near the door with only his trusted crossbow in hand, the kobold follows the Loremaster's example, but instead of landing on the ground outside, he uses the height of the window pane to climb upwards and onto the roof of the candleshop.

Using this vantage point, the urban ranger surveys the scene. He nods to Falen, who apparently had the same idea but found a different roof.

After taking in the fighting below, he looks if he can see the approach of the monster Sobla warned them about, but it's difficult to see with so many roofs, high and low.

Mutt follows his packmate to the window, then whines when he cannot follow the kobold to the roof. Instead, the dog moves outside between the people huddled together, and growls at anyone he thinks is a threat. There is no enemy near him, however.

OOC: Tuck climbs out the window and onto the roof. (Do I need to roll for that?) Then he watches the scene and tries to see the monster:
Spot check: 1D20+7 = [4]+7 = 11

Mutt moves outside (to the square below Custodio on the map), but cannot get to an enemy this round with a single move.

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Aust Thale

The magical tactical teleportation activation and wounds are taking their toll, and seeing the upper part of the magical centipede gave Falen the creepy-crawlies again. The magical stings of imaginary insects made him flinch. He gently drops the dagger of venom at his feet and flips his bow into his hands, deftly nocking an arrow and letting it fly toward the magical beast.


World of Kulan DM
The magical tactical teleportation activation and wounds are taking their toll, and seeing the upper part of the magical centipede gave Falen the creepy-crawlies again. The magical stings of imaginary insects made him flinch. He gently drops the dagger of venom at his feet and flips his bow into his hands, deftly nocking an arrow and letting it fly toward the magical beast.
Just as Falen takes his shot, the centipede, which had reared up when attacking Breva, disappears behind the roof of the building. Falen's arrow narrowly misses it as it moves back down to the ground.

Tuck sees Akos move out of the window, and he smiles his toothy grin. Not wanting to get close to the enemies near the door with only his trusted crossbow in hand, the kobold follows the Loremaster's example, but instead of landing on the ground outside, he uses the height of the window pane to climb upwards and tries to climb onto the roof of the candleshop.
Half way up the window, Tuck realizes this climb isn't as simple as he had hoped. He tries to reach out to the tree for leverage, but his grip slips. He falls off the building, but his quick reflexes keep him from fall on his face. He's not going to be able to climb up on the shops roof without his rope, or help.

The fog isn't helping either. It' quickly making everything slice with moisture.

JustinCase said:
Mutt follows his packmate to the window, then whines when the kobold tries to climb to the roof. Instead, the dog moves outside between the people huddled together, and growls at anyone he thinks is a threat. There is no enemy near him, however.
Mutt barks at Tuck when the kobold falls off the wall. But, the big dog holds his place and sniffs at the ground in the fog. He growls at the dead thug in front of Commander Oakfirst.

"Good dog," the commander says.


World of Kulan DM
The mercenary standing by the tree goes into a defensive stance. He brings his sword down against Zenpher and, this time, he avoids both the tree and the halfling Elite's shield. The fog doesn't seem to hinder his attack. Then, he slashes out at Vincenzo and manages to hit the Sectarian as well. However, the aid given to Vinny by Custodio negates any real damage.

The mercenary steps back away from the halfling Elite into the fog.

Zenpher uses it to his advantage. He gets up on his feet and moves out of the fighting. he doesn't even try to get his sword. He moves past Custodio and Mutt, who initially growls at the halfling, but Tuck says "friend" and the dog wags his tail. The halfling Elite stops by the tree and catches his breath.

"I haven't fought this hard in years," he says. "I'm a little rusty."

OOC: @ScottDeWar_jr is up next for Vincenzo.


World of Kulan DM
Vincenzo senses the end of his first haste spell, so he casts it a second time and makes sure to target himself and those closest to him. He also tries to target Big Tim, Tuck, and Commander Oakfirst.

He watches as Tuck tries to climb the wall of the candle shop and he tries to focus on him, but when the kobold urban ranger loses his grip, the Sectarian loses him in the fog. Big Tim is easier to target and the magic takes hold on the large knight. That's good. Tim should make short work of his foes.

Vinny also manages to pick out Commander Oakfirst in the fog. He almost loses sight of him, but the magic takes hold on the commander.

Mutt senses the magic on him and feels energized. He barks several times. He is now an even more bundle of fierce energy.

Custodio and Emelia nod to him as the Sectarian steps towards the Rising Swords mercenary.


World of Kulan DM
On the Side Street:
The Sectarian captain turns towards the fiendish vermin and mumbles arcane words that produce three force missiles that streak out towards the creature. They hit the fiendish foe, but its protection against magic negates the damage entirely.

The half-orc Elite slashes out with his sword at the Loyalist soldier standing adjacent to him by the tree. The Elite manages to hit the foe and not the tree. The Loyalist doesn't make a sound as Unglar's longsword cuts into him.

"A good hit," he says loud enough to be heard through the fog.

The fiendish centipede shifts its focus from Breva to the Sectarian captain. It moves towards her and tries to bite her shoulder, but the seasoned wizard manages to evade the creature's pincers.

Big Tim hears the beast roar in the distance. It sounds much closer. Then, he feels the haste magic rush into him, and he knows that Vincenzo is still out there doing his part. He unleashes three sword strikes against The Butcher. The first is powerful blow that would have killed a lesser foe. The Butcher takes without making a sound. The man truly has no fear. The Loyalist Bastard ducks Tim's second sword strike.

Tim senses that the fiendish creature behind him has moved beyond his reach. He swings Rizvan at the Loyalist Soldier next to The Butcher, but he loses the man in the fog. He brings his sword around again against the Butcher but the strike is awkward and the fearless man easily avoids Tim's blade.

Behind him, Tim hear the Regular's crossbow go off and the centipede hiss in pain. It seems the guard managed to hit the summoned creature.

On the Wall:
The guard has held out as long as he can, but he knows he won't last much longer. If he's going to go down, he's going to go down fighting! He shifts to an offensive stance and stabs out with his short sword. He catches Rhumyr completely off guard and inflicts a small cut on the man's arm.

The traitor snarls and stable out with his own sword but the guard manages to avoid the blade.

Candle Street:
Commander Oakfirst takes a moment to survey what he can see. Hew knows there are two foes in front of him. He can barely see the outline of them in the fog. The commander's face turns grim. He is quickly becoming enraged. He takes a step towards his foes. He can see that the Loyalist is weilding a longspear. If Oakfirst had moved even an inch more, the thug would have been able to use the weapon against him. In front of him stands the mercenary. The man is using a defensive stance taught in the Kingdom of Tarminan.

The commander, quickly and without warning, unleashes hell using the magic provided by the Sectarian Exemplar.

He brings his bastard sword around in a vicious arc that cuts critical wound in the thug. The man is in the thrall of The Butcher, so he doesn't yell out or warn the Loyalist next to him. Oakfirst shifts his stance and continues the sword's arc into the mercenary and cuts a deep wound in the man's torso that leaves the Rising Sword staggered and bloody.

"No..." The man whimpers.

The commander shifts his stance again to take advantage of his momentum. He brings his sword up over his head and then bring the blade down on the thug once more. The blade doesn't cut as dep but the commander inflicts a tellnig wound on the man's shoulder. The man's eyes seem to turn towards Oakfirst. They are passive, but the commander senses something else. Almost a pleading.

It distracts the commander enough to ruin his next strike against the mercenary. The man is barely able to deflect the sword strike.

Oakfirst shifts his stance again and brings his handaxe around against the thug. The axe strikes the man across the man. The thug, Eltan, drops to the ground. He won't be getting up ever again.

"ENOUGH!" Commander Oakfirst yells through the fog. "You will all surrender now or I will make your deaths brutal and painful!"

"No surrender," the thug standing behind the mercenary says. His voice is monotone and full of menace. He drops his crossbow, turns silently towards Captain Oakfirst while drawing his dagger, steps towards the man, and drives the dagger into the captain's back.

Tim swings his blade at the man and cuts a deep wound, but he doesn't stop the thug from twisting the dagger. The captain cries out in pain as the poisoned blade finds a vital spot. "No surrender," the thug whispers in the captain's ear. "Not from us and not for you."

"NOOO!" Commander Oakfirst hears the captain cry out but can see what happened in the fog.

A second later, the beast in the distance roars again.

"We cannot surr-" The mercenary tries to say, but Emelia cuts the man off by cutting him down. She steps over him after he falls and lashes out with her blade at the Loyalist standing next to The Butcher. The man turns to block her attacks with his shield.

"Burchard, go deal with that damn cleric!" Oakfirst orders.

"Yes sir!"

The Elite rushes through the fog towards the doorway of the warehouse. He risks the poisoned blade of the thug, but manages to evade the Loyalist's slashing strike. He stops in front of the doorway. Medved heard him coming. He has his shield up and when the Elite strikes out, the mercenary cleric blocks the strike.

Medved surprises Burchard by drawing his longsword in a flash and striking once, twice. The first strike hits the doorframe, but the second slices into the Elite's arm.

Captain Camburn reels from the thug's posioned blade, but he manages to shrug off the poison, for now. He refocus and strikes out at both the thug and Imninon. He nearly drops his blade with the first strike, but the Purifier is with him, and he manages to hang onto the blade. He tightens his grip on the weapon and brings up against the Rising Sword. The blade cuts through the fog and through the man's chest and neck.

The mercenary falls to the ground, dead.

The captain brings the blade around against the thug once more, but the canny rogue ducks the captain's strike.

Breva considers the sorceress, should he stabilize her? But then hears the chittering of the bug behind him. And there is still combat going on. Young purifier charges back, striking the beast, holy light playing along its side.

Swift: activate holy surge
Charge: Breva power charge vs bug; holy surge damage: 1d20+14+2-2 = [17]+14+2-2 = 31; 2d6+5+4+2d6 = [1,1]+5+4+[3,3] = 17 - terribly bad damage :( - but it is holy :)


Is Breva sword something custom?
He has pricing of +1 sword 4320gp, and it says +1 holy surge (which is synergy property - requires holy first. Total cost of the property should be +3 - i.e. it should be priced as sword +4


World of Kulan DM
On the Side Street:
Breva considers the sorceress, should he stabilize her? But then hears the chittering of the bug behind him. And there is still combat going on. Young purifier charges back, striking the beast, holy light playing along its side.
Breva drives the blade into the gut of the fiending creature and it writhes in pain. The power of the holy surge rips a hole in the beast and sends back to the Hellions.

The Sectarian captain nods to the young knight. "I wish it was going to be that easy against that damn hydra. Well, half hydra, half star spawn."

On the Wall:
Petronille finally arrives at the top of the guard tower, and she is not alone. along the way, she rallied two tower guards to her side. She leads the way up the central staircase and bursts out onto the tower. She sees that the Regular is still alive. But he won't be for long. The man is badly wounded.

He and the traitor hear them coming. The man looks relieved. Rhumyr is fuming under his helm.

"Traitor!" Petronille rushes at the traitor with her longsword, but the man manages to barely avoid the sting of her blade.

The Elite guard behind her appears out of the stairwell with his bow drawn. He quickly and easily finds the right target and lets loose with an arrow that thumps deep into Rhumyr's shoulder.

Another guard, a tower wizard, emerges out of the stairwell and passes by the archer. She stands next to Petronille and shouts the arcane words to bring forth her magic. Two force missiles slam into Rhumyr before he can hope to counter against the Elites.

Rhumyr stumbles back from the Elites and before he falls unconscious, tips himself over the edge of the battlements. Akos watches at the man falls to the street. The impact kills the traitor.



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos moves toward the fallen guard, offers him small vial. "This will help with the poison. I will fortify you a bit."
Looking back toward the fighting he vacillates between helping the man further or dispelling the spells of the enemy. But seeing the man barely standing and unable to move quickly enough to actually use the anti-toxin, he lays healing hands on the man
"This will help you in the short term. Take Titanias summer light into yourself, reinvigorate and enjoy life to the fullest!"

Move: next to the guard, draw anti-toxin
Standard: Vernal touch - removes dazed, nauseated, fatigued and exhausted from the living

OOC: the idea being the man can take the potion himself and drink it. If he cannot, Akos would feed the potion to the man instead of vernal-touching him


World of Kulan DM
Candle Street:
Akos moves toward the fallen guard, offers him small vial. "This will help with the poison. I will fortify you a bit."
Looking back toward the fighting he vacillates between helping the man further or dispelling the spells of the enemy. But seeing the man barely standing and unable to move quickly enough to actually use the anti-toxin, he lays healing hands on the man
"This will help you in the short term. Take Titania's summer light into yourself, reinvigorate and enjoy life to the fullest!"
The guard nods. "Thank you, Loremaster." He takes the vial from Akos and drinks down the antitoxin. As Akos blesses him with Titania's light, the man feel quite invigorated. "I could fight all day!"

Then, the beast roars again.

The guard looks at Akos. "But, I don't know if I can fight that thing, whatever it is."

Custodio moves with purpose. He moves through the fog carefully to avoid the blade of the Loyalist soldier he knows is nearby. He finds his way to Burchard. He also sees the thug menacing the other Elite and the captain. He swings his warhammer and manages to get a glacing blow. He isn't surprised by the thug's lack of response. The man is in a trance.

"We have to take out that Butcher, fast!" He says just as the distant beast roars. "We don't have time for this crap!"

Burchard nods.

In the Shop:
Sobla moves back into the front room, dragging the washstand with her. She'll use it to block the door after she closes it. The stand is a bit heavier than it looks, and it takes a few seconds to fight the right way to pull it out of the back room.

She sighs and leans against it. "Adventuring is tough work." Then, she looks around and realizes that there isn't anyone to hear her quip.

End of Round 13

Voidrunner's Codex

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