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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Start of Round 14
"I will be with you in a moment, knight, I must kill the captain first," The Butcher shifts his weight and tumbles away from Big Tim and Unglar. The large knight can only watch as the slippery man disappears into the fog.

The Butcher finds his way to the wall of the warehouse next to Captain Camburn and tries to drive his shortspear through the guard captain's back. Camburn barely sees the attack coming and manages to shift his weight just in time.

"Blast! Where did you come from?" The captain exclaims.

"I will kill you and demoralize your guards... and the heroes," The Butcher says calmly. "And even if I fall, the master's pet will be on them soon. They will fall to it. Then, all of Old City."

The Loyalist, who was standing next to The Butcher, feels the profane energy leave him. He steps north, just far enough, and feels the profanity surge through him once more. "Yes!" He lashes out at Unglar next to Tim and his blade cuts a deep wound in the Elite's chest.

Unglar staggers, but he does not fall.

The Loyalist looks at Tim. "Do your worst, Tall Knight," I give my life for The Butcher and my Master."

OOC: @Tellerian Hawke:
If you want Tim to reach The Butcher this round, he will have to defeat (move past) the Loyalist first. If you were to have him move (squeeze through), he would take (at least) two AoOs. One from the Loyalist and one from the thug. That's if he moves to the 10-ft area that includes the tree in front of the small house (costs three squares of movement). It is not big enough to be a hindrance to him stopping there.

If you try to have Tim move farther than that, The Butcher will also get an AoO.

You could have Tim take out the Loyalist first (as part of Tim's hasted full attack) and then make a 5-ft step (not worrying about the tree). That would allow Tim to hit both the thug and The Butcher, but his attack(s) vs. The Butcher would have a 50% chance due to the fog.

His initial attack(s) vs. the Loyalist (before the 5-ft step) will have a 20% miss chance. Tim's attack(s) vs. the thug will have a 50% miss chance (in his current position) and a 20% miss chance after he defeats the Loyalist and takes a 5-ft step.

EDIT: This all assumes that someone else doesn't kill the Loyalist in front of Tim first.

OOC: Whoops! Forgot to use Cleave!
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Candle Street:

The guard nods. "Thank you, Loremaster." He takes the vial from Akos and drinks down the antitoxin. As Akos blesses him with Titania's light, the man feel quite invigorated. "I could fight all day!"

Then, the beast roars again.

The guard looks at Akos. "But, I don't know if I can fight that thing, whatever it is."
"You don't fight the beast on its own terms. I am not your commander and you'll have to use your judgment and knowledge of these streets for this. Either get your crossbow, get up on the walls and go support your colleague that was wounded by the traitor. You two can shoot from the above if this unseelie fog lifts. OR. You can risk running through the streets, looking for any and all oil you can find and bring it back. If the beast that is coming not immune to fire, we can douse it and burn it. But you'd have to do it within minutes. If you're going up on the wall, take the green vial from my belt, it is basic healing potion, but should help the man on the wall."

ooc: idea being that the guard wastes his actions and not mine in pulling the potion :)

Akos looks across the fallen in the area.
"Or you can go and bind or finish off those traitors. But they may remain out of the fighting so not really a priority, but there is a small risk of them healing one another. And butchering them helpless doesn't sit well with me."
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Aust Thale

From his perch on the rooftop, Falen surveys what battlefield is still visible. The cleric and the Butcher are the center of the enemy numbers, at least until whatever loud (and likely destructive) beast arrives, which by the sound of things won’t be long.
Roars occur, uncomfortably close. Falen shakes off the magical stings and focused for a few seconds, long enough to loose an arrow toward the Butcher. It’s misses with distance to spare to the back of him, with a “thunk” in the wall of the warehouse, and bouncing off on to the ground behind him.
Bad shot.

He shouts toward Tym; “We need to get indoors!” And reaching down, he picks up the dagger.


World of Kulan DM
Outside the Fog Cloud:
"You don't fight the beast on its own terms. I am not your commander and you'll have to use your judgment and knowledge of these streets for this. Either get your crossbow, get up on the walls and go support your colleague that was wounded by the traitor. You two can shoot from the above if this unseelie fog lifts. OR. You can risk running through the streets, looking for any and all oil you can find and bring it back. If the beast that is coming not immune to fire, we can douse it and burn it. But you'd have to do it within minutes. If you're going up on the wall, take the green vial from my belt, it is basic healing potion, but should help the man on the wall."

ooc: idea being that the guard wastes his actions and not mine in pulling the potion :)
The guard looks towards the wall and nods his head. "I will take the potion up there. And I will try to rally more guards to the walls to with bows and crossbows."

Neurotic said:
Akos looks across the fallen in the area.
"Or you can go and bind or finish off those traitors. But they may remain out of the fighting so not really a priority, but there is a small risk of them healing one another. And butchering them helpless doesn't sit well with me."
"No, I would not advise that with Captain Camburn here. While he is a fierce fighter, when the battle is over, his instincts on how to treat prisoners fairly will take over. He will not look kindly upon anyone who kills a helpless foe... no matter how evil that foe has behaved during a fight."

OOC: On his turn, the guard will take the vial and then go retrieve his dropped crossbow from the street, and then he'll go to the gate and climb up to the wall. @Neurotic, note that the dead doppelganger (and it is very dead) is lying close to where Akos is standing. Its short sword is lying on the street next to it. It wears a chain shirt, has a dagger and a few pouches on its belt, and a nearly full quiver on its back. It's crossbow is discarded down the street.

On the Roof:
From his perch on the rooftop, Falen surveys what battlefield is still visible. The cleric and the Butcher are the center of the enemy numbers, at least until whatever loud (and likely destructive) beast arrives, which by the sound of things won’t be long.
Roars occur, uncomfortably close. Falen shakes off the magical stings and focused for a few seconds, long enough to loose an arrow toward the Butcher. It’s misses with distance to spare to the back of him, with a “thunk” in the wall of the warehouse, and bouncing off on to the ground behind him.
Bad shot.

He shouts toward Tym; “We need to get indoors!” And reaching down, he picks up the dagger.
Falen can see more of the large knight than most in the fog. The tall man is still shrouded in the cleric's spell, however. Tim doesn't respond to him. Either he didn't hear Falen or is more focused on the foes in front of him.

The half-hobgoblin unseen seer glances towards where the sound of the roars is coming from. The beast looks to have fought its way through the eastern gate that leads into the ward. He can't see it completely, as it reamins close to the ground. But, he can see the destruction it can cause. dozens of buildings are on fire and he can see people running away.

Then, he gets his first glance at it. It appears to have one head and half-a-dozen large tentacles, but then Falen watches as one of the tentacles reaches out and swallows a man who is trying to flee. It is as if the the end of the tentacle had opened up with a maw of sharp teeth and gobbled up the man.

The creature's appearance, even at a distance, is horrifying.

Zenpher moves towards the table and benches and picks up Commander Oakfirst's bow. He climbs up on the table to try to get a better look at the creature coming towards the battle. he nearly falls off when he sees it. He is soon shaking in fear. "How are we supposed to fight that thing!"

Akos can finally see the creature in the distance. It is massive. At least 20 feet long and when it rears up, the creature looks to be nearly as tall, but it hard to tell. Dozens of market stalls and small buildings are in the way. Akos knows the second he sees it that it is a creature of the Far Realm. The Renegade has unleashed an pseudonatural horror into the streets of Old City.

In the Fog:
Tuck discards the idea of climbing onto the roof. He instead creeps through the fog to find a spot where he can get a good angle on the Loyalists. As he moves, Mutt instinctively follows him and remains quiet.

The kobold urban ranger moves to the wall of the warehouse and peers through the fog... looking for a target. He aims his crossbow at a foe who is menacing Custodio and the other guards. He breathes and pulls the crossbow's trigger. There is a twang and the blot whizzes through the air and hits the thug right in the back. Tuck smiles.

The thug topples to the ground in front of the Vanquisher cleric. Custodio looks back through the fog, but he doesn't see Tuck.

Vincenzo comes up with a quick plan to get rid of some of the fog. Hopefully, it will help Tim and the guards make quick work of The Butcher and other remaining foes. He takes a tiny fan and exotic bird's feather from his spell pouch and incants a spell. He picks a spot close to him he can barely see and then brings the wind wall into focus. The blast of wind shoots out for 20 feet, then Vinny shifts it west 5 feet and then another 15 feet. He turns it west one last time before willing the end of the wind wall into existence along the side of the warehouse.

While the Sectarian can't see his handiwork in complete detail, he can tell the wind is causing the fog to swirl and dissipate where it is closest to the wall.

The spell immediately allows Tim to see clearly the Loyalist standing in front of him. He notes that the thug is lying on the ground with a crossbow bolt in his back. The wall causes a blast of air that sends loose clothing to fluttering and it buffets the tree next to Tim, which causes many of its leaves to blown off the tree and into the street.

The wind wall forms an uneven invisible "S", and it traps Captain Camburn on one side with The Butcher right next to him. The captain can see through the wall easily enough, but he knows enough about battle magic to know he won't be able to just step through to the other side.

"Well, isn't that convenient," the Butcher says as his form continues to shift under the effects of the blur spell on him.


World of Kulan DM
On the Side Street:
The Sectarian captain hears the beast roar again. She looks back at Maena. "Go find Commander Oakfirst! Tell him what we're going to up against! Hurry!"

The Regular nods and dashes off along the back wall of the candle shop. She doesn't look towards the oncoming creature. She doesn't stop running until she is 15 feet away from the Loremaster.

Ela de la Camoys moves with purpose towards Big Tim. She can just make the Tall Knight out in the swirling fog. She takes some silver powder from her spell pouch and quickly begins to draw a circle around Tim's feet. "Don't move! Give me a few seconds!" She incants the spell a glow erupts up from the circle to provide Tim and those within ten feet of him some protection against evil. Once she is done, she nods in satisfaction. "Now, go kill that bastard!"

"I've got this one!"
Unglar says boldly. "Time for some payback, you cur!"

The half-orc Elite slashes out with his blade. The Loyalist dodges it easily enough, but when Unglar shifts his weight and swings again, he catches the Loyalist off guard. The Elite's blade slashes across the man's chest and face. The Loyalist crumples to the street without making a sound.

Candle Street:
Oakfirst hears the beast's distant roars. No, not so distant now. He can't be facing it so wounded. He takes a healing potion from his belt and drinks it down. Almost all of his wounds and scraps are healed. "Much better."

Emelia rushes down the street into the wind to help Captain Camburn. She gets close enough to attack the Butcher, but the wind blows her hair into her face and she misses the dastardly Loyalist.

Burchard catches the mercenary cleric by surprise. Vincenzo's spell clears the fog away enough for the Elite to see the man. He slashes out with his blade and cuts two deep wounds in the wanted criminal known as Medved. The cleric is shocked for a moment... then he dashes away into the warehouse.

"Oh no you don't!" Burchard says. Ready to chase after the man.

He hears the mercenary call out an order to someone unseen. "Close the door. Lock it! Lock it!" And hears a door slam shut.

Captain Camburn goes into a defensive stance against the Butcher. He fights against the Loyalist and the wind blowing around him. He brings his sword around once, twice, three times. Only the first attack hits The Butcher and it barely does anything to the man.


World of Kulan DM
His way to The Butcher cleared, Tim steps forward and brings his greatsword around and slashes through the wind wall and cuts a wound in The Butcher's side. He shouts a sacred oath to Syvatagor and swings his hasted blade two more times before swing Rizvan around at the Loyalist. The Tall Knight manages to hit the Loyalist two more times... once with his blade and once with his shield.

"You will fall this day!"

"And I will rise tomorrow in the Sanctuary of Souls," The Butcher replies. "I may not remember this fight, but my Master will prepare me to face you again, knight. Again, and again, and again, until you fall. This I swear. For I am one of The Endless."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tim's brow furrows. This is obviously a reference to some sort of dark magic, the kind that might allow him to return from the grave, in some form of unnatural existence. But no matter, because in the words of Syvatagor's scripture, as the sun sets, darkness falls, and as the sun rises, it is the light which reigns, and both of these, darkness and daylight, depend upon the rising and setting of the same sun. Thus, it is the light which always remains, and darkness which is always fleeting.

Tim snorts, "Yes, indeed. One of the endless parade of fools, who choose to serve the darkness for cheap rewards, for which the price is dearly precious: your eternal soul. I pity you, Butcher, you are blind, and headed down the path of ruin."

Breva considers healing his wounds or blessing the entire assembly, but it can wait until the beast is an actual threat and the enemies are all down.
He runs around the house, sparing just a glance at the downed sorceress, confirming she's still out cold.

OOC: full run around the house, preparing to charge the butcher


World of Kulan DM
Breva considers healing his wounds or blessing the entire assembly, but it can wait until the beast is an actual threat and the enemies are all down.
He runs around the house, sparing just a glance at the downed sorceress, confirming she's still out cold.
As Breva passes the enchanter, he can tell she isn't getting up again unless someone heals her.

The young paladin stops 15 feet away from the Loyalist and prepares to charge the evil man.

On the Wall:
Petronille hands the wounded guard a healing potion she found on one of the dead guards in the tower. She had tried to stabilize the man, but he was long dead. Nearly half of the Regulars at the Golden Gateway turned on their fellow guards. The inside of both of the gate's towers turned into deadly battle zones. If Commander Oakfirst and his Elites hadn't shown up, the loyal guard would have lost the fight. There were Loyalists hidden, invisible, among the traitorous guards.

The loyal Regulars and few tower Elites had managed to turn the tide, but five died.

The Regular takes the potion and thanks her.

"Go check on him," she order the tower Elite.

The man nods and runs to the side of the fallen guard. The tower wizard takes out her magic missile wand. "I had to use most of this wand's charges. But it should have a few left."

The beast roars again.

The trio of guards look east towards the unnatural creature that has just ripped through the Elites and Regulars stationed at the Blade Gate. Petronille knows the commander had some his best Elites stationed at Wyndlasmere House. She wonders to herself if they all dead. The Renegade's portal stands near the Old Growers' Gate. If the creature came through there, then it likely attacked Wyndlasmere House before the Blade Gate.

"That thing is massive!" The tower wizard says in shock. She looks at her wand. "This isn't going to do anything to such a creature."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos closes in toward melee, almost resolved by now, but still mostly hidden from view. Still, wind wall helped and there are shadows in the swirling mist as the loyalist soldier charged inside. Praying he's targeting the right shadow, loremaster lets loose another blast of hot air and leaves, this one not pleasant at all. Leaving a trail of swirling mist, the leaves impact the soldier going toward Tim.

"Butcher! Your mission failed, I'm still here. And if you are defeated here, it will take time to get you back and equip you again. Retreat now!"

He hopes to draw the man out of the mists into the open where everybody can attack. He still worries about the cleric popping out somewhere, but he cannot see the caster anymore.

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