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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

"Enough of this! Butcher, you're going down, NOW!"
The Purifier paladin is filled with righteous rage and he charges the monster calling upon all his considerable powers to smite evil. The grace of his god is guiding his weapon, ignoring feeble mortal spells protecting him. Unholy heritage may protect the beast, but the damage of his smite is holy light, augmented with his strength, righteousness and magic imbued into his sword.

The sword splits the air with a pure ringing tone, impacting The Butcher with an awesome blow that would fell a lesser foe.

"Sir Tymbek, finish it!"

Swift: holy surge activation
Full round:
Charge flank seeking smite: 1d20+14+2+2+4-2 = [20]+14+2+2+4-2 = 40; 2d6+5+4+8+2d6 = [6, 1]+5+4+8+[1,3] = 28
Crit confirm: 1d20+14+2+2+4-2 = [5]+14+2+2+4-2 = 25 :mad: I don't see any "auto-confirm vs evil" effect so this is probably NOT a critical hit
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World of Kulan DM
Big Tim swings his sword at the evil foe while the poison in his system burns away some of his health. He grits his teeth attacks with all his strength. The blade cuts a deep wound in The Butcher's torso.

"Good," The Butcher says.

Tim swings his greatsword again and cuts the dark man's side.

The Butcher shakes his head. "Do better, knight."

Tim brings Rizvan around and hits The Butcher square in the head. The Loyalist doesn't even flinch.

"Pathetic. Where is your rage?"

"Enough of this! Butcher, you're going down, NOW!"
The Purifier paladin is filled with righteous rage and he charges the monster calling upon all his considerable powers to smite evil. The grace of his god is guiding his weapon, ignoring feeble mortal spells protecting him. Unholy heritage may protect the beast, but the damage of his smite is holy light, augmented with his strength, righteousness and magic imbued into his sword.

The sword splits the air with a pure ringing tone, impacting The Butcher with an awesome blow.
The Butcher pivots and tries to block Breva's charge with his spear and gauntlet, but the young paladin breaker's through the Loyalist's defenses and drives his blade through The Butcher's chest. The blade bursts out of the back of the man. Blood sprays on Emelia and Big Tim.

"Paladin," The Butcher whispers. "I mark you for death with that blow."

Then, The Butcher falls to ground dead.

"Thank the gods!" Captain Camburn says. He is wheezing heavily.

The other guards raise a cheer, but then the beast roars again and all fall silent.

The captain sighs. He sits up and looks for his blade on the ground.

"We are not done yet!" Commander Oakfirst yells. "Gather yourselves! The Renegade unleashed that thing to demoralize the city! It is an alien being! We must destroy it!"

Inside the warehouse, Custodio hears his commander's call to arms and he knows The Butcher has fallen. "I must go help the wounded, Tuck. Find what you can but be careful."

The Vanquisher cleric goes back out onto the street to see what aid he can offer to the guards and the other Exemplars.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos hurries toward the rest of the group, thinking about what he heard about the monster. He doesn't know much more than is already said.

"Guards, check the fallen, gather what you can, they had healing and defensive potions!
Exemplars, come closer, I
can protect people from fire, but only a limited number, five in total. Tuck, keep Mutt away from the monster."

After everyone gathers he covers them in cooling breeze of a gentle brook in the meadow, cooling any effects of fire upon them.

He looks for a good position to shoot the beast and concludes that staying here where others can stand in front is the best he's going to get without climbing the wall. Entering candleshop or the warehouse is risky, in case The Loyalists return.

Round 1: knowledge about the beast (not knowledge devotion) - I don't remember if this is separate from feat roll
neurotic: D20 + 14#akosplanarknowledge → 17(3 + 14)#Akos planar knowledge

Round 2: discussion about protection (who needs what), neurotic: 2D8#akoshealingbelt → 6(1 +5)#Akos healing belt - heals himself

Round 3: protection from fire (we know that it breathes fire regardless of his own knowledge roll)
Tim, Akos, Vinccenzo, Tuck, Falen
Rockhorn, Breva, Custodio, both commanders and both animal companions are out of luck.
If any of you already have resistance, tell me

Round 4: look for good position to shoot from afar and cast shield of faith
@MetaVoid, Rockhorn is new and unless some of the core group is resistant to fire, I need more caster levels to protect everyone


World of Kulan DM
After the Butcher falls, there is a flurry of activity on the street and on the wall.

Inside the warehouse, Tuck makes a quick survey of all the potions and vials. Mutt rushes into the warehouse to find Tuck. He gets districted by the food on the table. The big dog jumps up onto the table and begins scarfing down the mercenary's last meal.

Vincenzo rushes into the candle shop to pick up a shield. Tim drinks his healing potion.

Captain Camburn gets to his feet with Burchard's help. "I'm getting to old for this," he says while pulling out a potion and drinking it. Breva heals some of the captain's wounds.

The guards are starting to look tired, but the commander rallies them to keep fighting. Zenpher gets down off the table; he and Maena are discussing tactics.

Custodio exits the warehouse and heals Burchard. "Tuck is looking over the various potions and other vials we found in the warehouse. They could be useful. Some of them have symbols on them, while others look like they could be vials of poison, or maybe acid. There are a lot."

"So, these bastards kept going into the warehouse to restock," Captain Camburn says. "No wonder they seemed tougher than normal. We must use every advantage we can. I have my fire cloak and energy ring against cold. but, I will need more healing. This was my only healing potion." he discards the used potion on the street. "We'll clean up later."

"So many auras," Ela feels overwhelmed as she concentrates on her spell. "This will take a while. If you can keep it away from me, I might be able to find something useful."

Above the fight, a quick shadow shoots across the sky, white horse with wings comes about after overshooting and starts a quick downward spiral.
Rockhorn can see that the foes, that were fighting the guards and interesting heroes on the street below, have all fallen. He can see the strange beast clearly in the distance. It is a massive think with tentacles and a strange serpentine body. It reminds him of a hydra he once fought in the mountains with his fellow Rangers, although this creature seems quite different. And it seems to shoot fire... out of its tentacles.

The wild dwarf guides his dungeonbred pegasus down to the ground. The guards on the wall initially take aim at him, but the commander tells them to hold their fire.

"Rockhorn, I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow," Commander Oakfirst says. "Your timing is both good and bad. We can use your skills against that beast. Your report can wait until later."

The beast roars again.

Inside the candle shop, Vinny casts shieldbearer.

"What's going on?" Sobla asks.

"Stay here for now, but be ready to run." Vinny says. "Or, go find Tuck. He's in the warehouse across the street."

Akos hurries toward the rest of the group, thinking about what he heard about the monster. He doesn't know much more than is already said.

"Guards, check the fallen, gather what you can, they had healing and defensive potions!
The guards don't need much prodding to begin searching and stripping the fallen Loyalists and mercenaries of their potions. Maena and Zenpher also find a ring on the doppelganger.

"Magical?" Maena asks.

"Probably," Zenpher says. He looks towards Akos. "Loremaster, I think we found a magical ring. And, there is something else. A necklace of some kind!"

"The necklace looks evil," Maena adds.

"The thieves all seem to have magical rings and cloaks," Ela says to the commander and Akos. "More auras over there," she points towards where the Captain is standing. She moves away as quickly as she can without losing her spell. She moves to each fallen foe, one by one. She is using all her concentration for the task at hand. "So much magic."

Custodio moves to Beva's side and heals the young paladin's wounds, as Breva uses the rest of his healing energy on Falen.

The pegasus approaches the group and lands, and once close it is revealed to be barely the size of a donkey and the dwarf was a dwarf for his race, barely the size of a gnome. Astride his exotic mount, he still couldn't see humans eye to eye. Those knowing the race might recognize his disheveled appearance and tattoos on the face as marks of a wild dwarf, a sub race naturally smaller than their subterranean cousins. But if that was the case, he was a giant dwarf.

With a wild mane of unkempt hair cascading down his shoulders, Ranger Mosswood made his presence known in a manner befitting his uncivilized origins. As he approached his superior officer, a mischievous grin danced upon his weathered face, and his voice carried the lilt of the jungle in his casual greeting.
"Hey there, boss! Ranger Mosswood reporting for duty, ready to shake things up and show you city-folk how we do things in the wild."

His uniform, though impeccably worn, bore the telltale signs of a life spent navigating through dense foliage and grappling with beasts of untold ferocity. The air around him seemed to carry the scent of moss and earth, a tangible reminder of his deep-rooted connection to the natural world.

Before his superior officer could react to his unorthodox arrival, a not-so-distant rumble caught Rockhorn's keen ear. His eyes narrowed with a mix of excitement and concern as he glanced beyond the safety of the city walls.
"Sir, pardon the interruption, you already know you have a huge monster coming to your position, right? We've got ourselves a bit of a situation. Seems like it's hungry for trouble. And with the recent fight here, it might be prudent to send me to harass it and slow it down. I don't know what kind of octopus it is on land, but it fires jets of flame. So maybe cold or acid flasks might do for some aerial bombardment?

Report of the mountains can wait. Assuming we survive."

Looking at the group of big-folk surrounding him, he dips a lance held on high-bore saddle in greeting
"Hello, all, I'm Rockhorn and this is Spritewing. Who might you be in such colorful company?" he motions not so subtly toward half-breed giant and goblinoid. Pegasus turns its head and looks him reproachfully and says something quietly
"Remember we talked about being brash and insensitive?"
It then dips its head and raises its wings behind in a kind of a bow and says clearly

Rockhorn waves the comment away. "If you have something for me to drop on the beast, now is the time, it's close."
"Or a good long axe to chop off some heads!"

OOC: a bit of character drama, dwarves and giants and goblinoids share certain love :)
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tim's eyes grow wide with awe. He'd heard of Pegasi, but he'd never seen one up close; such a beautiful creature. Tim cannot resist the smile of wonder that creeps across his face as the creature draws near.

The Dwarf atop the creature was another story. He was probably handsome for his kind, Tim surmised, but he was a complete mess. His wild, disheveled hair was NOT combed, nor tied, nor braided. His clothes were wrinkled, and covered with little bits of grass and leaves; he looked as if he'd been chased hard through a dense forest. Tim thought that the Dwarf seemed friendly and likeable enough, in a wild, rough, uncivilized sort of way. However, Tim immediately made for himself a mental note, to give this poor lad the name of a good valet when this was all over.

Tim says, "Welcome to the fight, laddy. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Lieutenant Sir Tymbeck Valencia, Knight of the Kingdom of Vrocia. But you can call me Tim. I am an off-worlder, here by the chance of fate, but I shall serve Syvatagor, and uphold the law, and champion the cause of the just, for as long as I draw breath, even in the face of this foul beast, which is presently upon us. When lesser men flee the battle, it is the company of true warriors who remain."


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