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Language skill with ranks [Forked from: Perform skills = Languages?]

Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
In this thread, Perform skills = Languages?, the notion of using Speak Language as a skill with ranks (ie, some way to represent varying degrees of proficiency) came up. Here's the system I've used to handle languages in game. I prefer something like this just because it works more like other skills (though not exactly). It's got quirks, it's not very play-tested, and it's not really complete. But there it is ;) YMMV

The basic premise is that normal conversation is DC 10. Everyone has 10 ranks in their native language(s), and fewer ranks in other languages. Most of the time, these rules fade into the background; as long as circumstances allow Take 10 or Take 20, communication is automatic. Language skill use really only gets highlighted when understanding is crucial to the outcome of a particular situation, and often in conjunction with other social skills.


: A character with the Literacy feat is assumed to read and write any language he knows to the degree he has ranks in those languages (ie, a PC with the Literacy feat and 5 ranks of Language (Goblin) applies those 5 ranks to reading and writing tasks, as well as speaking or listening tasks in the Goblin language)
(OPTION) The Literacy feat may be broken into several feats, each associated with a Language group. For example, in generic D&D, such a language group might be defined by the alphabets used to write the languages (eg, Elven, Aquan, Sylvan and Undercommon might be a language group because they are all written in the Elven script).

Ear for Languages

: A character can learn any number of languages, and gains a +5 bonus when making checks to learn alanguage by immersion, and makes those checks twice as often as normal.
Normal: A character can only learn a number of languages equal to his INT modifier.

Language (INT or WIS for speaking/listening; INT for reading/writing)

Ability modifier
Generally, a language skill is modified by INT, but a character may choose to modify the spoken aspect with WIS. Once this choice is made for a particular language for the character, it cannot be changed. Only the INT modifier is used for the written aspect of the language.

Starting and max ranks
- the Language skill does not obey the usual max limit of (level+3) ranks.
- A character starts with 10 ranks in his native language(s) (usu Common and racial languages). Ten ranks is considered "native" or "near native" fluency.
- A character starts with 4 ranks in his bonus languages (eg, those for high INT) and class languages (eg, Druidic).
- There's no absolute max ranks for a language, but particularly high ranks rarely gains any special benefit, except possibly for very difficult languages, or those of special importance in the setting.

Gaining ranks in a language
- A character may purchase a rank in a Language using skill points, as normal when levelling.
- A character automatically gains one rank in the class language (if any) of the class he gains a level in, up to a max of 10 ranks.
- The GM may also choose to give "free" ranks in a language whenever the character has spent a lot of time in a region where that language is used exclusively. (see "Learning Languages by Immersion", below.)

Language skill checks
- Whenever a *significant* act of communication (one with great consequences or made under difficult circumstance or with only one chance to succeed) occurs in-game, the character rolls a Language skill check versus a DC determined by the GM. (see "Determining Language DCs", below.)
- A character with no ranks in the language takes a -20 on his roll to read or listen; he may not attempt to speak or write in a language he has no ranks in.
- Various circumstance modifiers may apply to a Language skill check. See the following table for examples:
circumstance                                            skill check modifier

distracted (in battle, preoccupied, etc)                  -2
whispering                                                -2
shouting over a great distance                            -2 per 100 ft
guidebook (dictionary, phrasebook, etc)                   +2
interactive conversation (from Aid Another bonus (see))   +2
training in the topic (a Profession skill synergy)        +2
- "Who makes the roll?" Generally, the roll is made by the PC, to answer the question "Did he understand?" or "Did he make his point?" In an interactive situation (eg, a conversation), the roll can be made by whoever has the highest mental stat (INT or WIS), while the other participant contributes a +2 Aid Another bonus - but such rolls are rare, as they would most likely occur in ordinary circumstances when Take 10 or Take 20 is the default.

"Determining Language DCs"
The DC for a given Language skill check is based mainly on the complexity of the material. As with any skill check, a DC 10 task is considered "Average" and includes things like everyday conversation, newspaper articles, novels, plays, etc. Since characters start with 10 ranks in their native language, and since Take 10 or Take 20 is assumed most of the time, no skill check rolls ever have to be made. Also affecting the DC is the "accessibility" of the language, which mainly govern things like how old it is, or if the language is inherently difficult or the like.

In situations that are especially crucial, the GM may determine a DC for that case. Such cases might be those situations in which:
- success or failure is very important (eg, trying to sabotage truce talks; complimenting the Ambassador's wife; interpreting the instructions carved into a Gate; etc)
- time is limited, or there is only one chance to get it right (eg, eavesdropping on a couple of suspected bandits in a pub; warning the natives of the village that the dead will rise at moonrise, in a few minutes; jotting down an encoded battle plan for your newfound foreign allies; etc)
- the language check is part of a complex skill check (eg, forging a document in a foreign language; decoding an ancient treasure map; etc)

The following table shows some (campaign-specific) examples of DCs and various modifiers to those DCs:

complexity (examples)                                              DC

intuitive                                                           1
    ("look out!", "more beer please", "where's the toilet?",
      "drop your weapon!")

simple                                                              5
    (haggling, simple directions, travellers' communication,
      basic instructions)

average                                                            10
    (everyday conversation, love letter, newspaper,
      fairy tale, novel, a joke)

tough                                                              15
    (academic journal, philosphical discourse, "legalese",
      profound poetry, technical document, treaty)

challenging                                                        20
     (arcane lecture, occult manifesto)

language modifiers                                                DC modifier

"normal" languages (human or demi-human)                            +0
"difficult" languages (Draconic, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal)      +5
"mind-meltingly obscure" languages (Darkest Aklo)                  +10
archaic mode                                                        +2
ancient mode                                                        +5
explanatory diagrams or illustrations                               -2 or more

other circumstances                                               DC modifier

noise (eg, in a pub, etc)                                           +2
loud noise (eg, waterfall, battle, factory noise, storm)            +5 or more
badly stained text                                                  +2 or more
partial text (75%)                                                  +2
partial text (50%)                                                  +4
partial text (25%)                                                  +8

(OPTION) "Learning Languages by Immersion"
The GM may decide that PCs who spend extended periods of time in foreign lands can naturally pick up the local language without spending skill points. These mechanics provide a way for PCs to do that in a standardized way, without relying on GM fiat.

Periodically, a character can make a Learn Language check to see if he has advanced a rank in that language by immersion. This check is modified by the character's INT or WIS, whichever he chooses (or has already chosen) upon gaining his first rank. As a character knows the language better, it gets more difficult to gain ranks in it. Thus, the DC for "normal" languages is:

DC 12 + current ranks in that language

For "difficult" languages, add +5; for "mind-meltingly obscure" languages, add +10. For especially simple languages (if such exist in the setting - for example, a traders' pidgin) the DC may be lower.

The character makes these learn language checks leass and less frequently, according to the following table:
to gain rank#...         make a check every...

  1                             2 weeks
  2                             2 months
  3                             2 months
  4                             6 months
  5                             1 year
  6+                            2 years
A character can always simply spend a skill point at levelling time to gain an additional rank, as well. This represents receiving tutoring, classwork, book study, or the like.

Aid Another

In interactive communication (ie, a conversation), one party can apply the +2 Aid Another bonus to the Language skill check roll (assuming that party wants to succeed in understanding!) to represent clarifying questions and remarks.
This does not apply for written language checks; cases where circumstances don't allow questions (eg, being rushed, eavesdropping, etc); or when neither party is trying (eg, the boring prof lecturing to sleepy student).

Decipher Script (INT)

This is used mainly to attempt to understand texts that are difficult to read because they have been intentionally obfuscated in some way: peculiar handwriting, ornate scripts, pictograms, or codes and ciphers. It can also be used to identify an unknown language; possibly identify the age, author or basic purpose of an unknown text. Once the basic nature of a difficult text is understood, the reader can make a normal Language check to discern its full meaning.
circumstance                              DC modifier

messy handwriting, ornate script, etc       +2 or more
encoded (simple)                            +2
encoded (moderate)                          +5
encoded (difficult)                        +10
pictograms                                  +4
abstract ideograms                          +8

identify a...
   common language                          +0
   unusual language                         +3
   lost or alien language                   +6 or more
Sense Motive (WIS)

Instead of using a Language check with an unknown (ie, no ranks) language, a character may prefer to use a Sense Motive check. This can only be done for communications of "simple" complexity or lower. Using sense motive generally only yields the gist of a communication, but few (if any) details. It can, however, be used with certain creatures (of INT > 2) that cannot speak or have no language.


This spell grants the recipient a +25 bonus to all Language skill checks for speaking in and listening to any language.
It does not grant the ability to read or write any language not already known by the recipient of this spell. It does not grant the ability to communicate with a creature with no language.
It is otherwise identical to RAW.

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There is a 50 page pdf called Ars Lingua that pretty much did what you have in your post. You need to assign a bonus to the Comprehend Languages spell, they gave it +20.


I'm not sure this passes the real-world test. It's unusual, but far from impossible, for a human to be fluent in half a dozen languages, if they specialise their school and university education along those lines. I personally have met someone fully fluent and literate in six different languages. He was just about to enter university at the time.

Expert with 16 Intelligence gets 36 skill points at 1st level (plus 9 per additional level). He has 10 free points in his native language, plus 4 free points in each of 3 additional languages from his Intelligence. To reach fully fluent in six languages, he needs to spend an additional 38 skill points on languages (assuming he chose Speak Language as one of his expert character class skills).

I guess he must've had 18 Int, not just 16.

Merlin's Shadow

First Post
Midnight had some rules along these lines. I don't remember the details off the top of my head, but it was something like

  • 1 rank granted a pidgin understanding
  • 2 ranks gave a basic understanding
  • 3 ranks gave a solid grasp
  • 4 ranks was fully fluent
  • Literacy cost 1 rank
  • Having 2 ranks in a language automatically gave 1 rank in related languages
This is rough because it's from memory. I really liked how it worked out, though.

Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
I'm not sure this passes the real-world test. It's unusual, but far from impossible, for a human to be fluent in half a dozen languages, if they specialise their school and university education along those lines.
I definitely see your point: as is, perfectly possible real world people are not describable by the mechanics. The difficulty of modelling mental ability in game terms rears its ugly head yet again - and applied to something "mushy" like language, no less!

Really, i think there are lots of little hacks (albeit mainly unsatisfying ones) to get around these kinds of problems. Your friend entering university had done a lot of education as a youth, which is a huge advantage for language learning. So an in-game solution might be to consider any languages learned as a youth as "native" or "racial", subject to the character's background rather than an explicit mechanic. (Can we say "handwaving"? ;))

Alternatively, this might be fixed with a feat, for example the "Ear for Languages" feat above: instead of learning a language twice as fast during immersion, make it earn 2 ranks whenever a normal person would earn 1 rank? (Yeah, this is VERY contrived :eek: ) Then, even an Expert with only 12 INT could be fluent in 6 languages at level 1, with a few ranks left over to max out Profession (Interpreter) and pad Diplomacy and Sense Motive, as well. Believable? (And by 6th level he's fluent in maybe 8 languages, and by 20th, something like 12, I think? Still hardly demigod-like!)

Ultimately, though, I started down this path just because I'm interested in making a system that (1) is based on the standard "DC 10 = average" ideal; and (2) is basically invisible in the vast majority of cases that communication happens. A lot of approaches seem to address language proficiency suing a 4- or 5-rank system, but I guess I like the idea a 10-rank system for the sake of symmetry :cool:.

I'll look into people's suggestions here. Thanks for the info and guidance, all.


First Post
Midnight had some rules along these lines. I don't remember the details off the top of my head, but it was something like

  • 1 rank granted a pidgin understanding
  • 2 ranks gave a basic understanding
  • 3 ranks gave a solid grasp
  • 4 ranks was fully fluent
  • Literacy cost 1 rank
  • Having 2 ranks in a language automatically gave 1 rank in related languages
This is rough because it's from memory. I really liked how it worked out, though.

If I was inclined to go beyond the 1 rank per language approach, I would do something along these lines. In a game where skill points are as important as they are in 3e, spending upwards of 10 points for a language is rarely, if ever going to happen. With your system some points can be granted by the DM but really you are just creating more bookkeeping for the DM and players.

Voidrunner's Codex

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